
······有没有好心人帮我改下论文语法 英语专业的 很急 谢谢了_百度知道
有没有好心人帮我改下论文语法 英语专业的 很急 谢谢了
给多少 分呢?我Q
英语专业的 今年刚刚毕业
首先论文得有论题,例如浅谈读书节的传统文化、谈读书节活动的意义等.确定好论题后,文章加以论证主题就可以了,首先先综述一下我国读书节的由来和起源,然后再写一下我国读书节举办的现状,而后再从几个方面论证下读书节活动的重要性和意义,最后结尾谈谈自己的看法就好了.&& 查看话题
最近投稿一篇小文章,去biotechnology letters的,投稿3天,主编来信,提出以下修稿意见:
& && && &各位大虾帮我看看具体是什么意思,不甚感激:
& && && &Revisions needed before review
The Editor in Chief has briefly read your paper and would offer the following preliminary comments for you to revise it and bring it up to the standard needed before it could be sent to one of our reviewers for assessment.&&If you can carry out a diligent revision of your paper and follow the advice given, we should be able to have your work assessed for its suitability for publication in this Journal.
The format of your paper is incorrect.&&It should be in portrait style and not landscape.&&Please see Instructions to Authors.
Your paper will also need to be revised in accordance with the advice we give in our Instructions to Authors and in our Guidance Notes - both of which can easily be downloaded from our website. It will also be of considerable assistance to you if you consult some recently published papers in this journal to see the preferred style of writing and presentation. Please therefore familiarize yourself with the Journal and the style of papers that we publish before revising your paper. Figure 1 and Table 1 are giving preliminary data and should only be given as a supplementary material.
The writing of your paper will need improvement to allow the easy reading of your work.&&It will therefore be of considerable help to the reviewers of your paper if you have it thoroughly checked for spelling, grammatical and typographical errors before it is resubmitted.&&If you are having problems in writing English to the standard required we would strongly advise you to use the services of a professional paper writing agency for this task.&&The costs of using such an agency may be allowable against your research grant.&&The publishers of Biotechnology Letters are now able to offer a language editing service, Edanz, at a discounted price. This can be accessed via Editorial Manager by going to the Author Main Menu and mouse clicking on to Manuscript Services.
Also, you should consider whether your results are going to be novel and of sufficient biotechnological interest to readers of this journal. You can check this by seeing if Biotechnology Letters has previously published papers in the field of your research.
Please remember that we are a rapid-publication journal and specialize in publishing short and concisely written papers that communicate new and interesting results that deserve immediate publication.&&It is very important therefore that your key results contain useful and interesting information and that the writing and presentation are correct so that we can then evaluate your work as quickly as possible.
You also need to note that it is now the policy of this Journal to allow only one further submission of any paper that has been incorrectly prepared on its first submission. Please therefore take the greatest care with the revisions of your paper before it is resubmitted. We can only proceed to review your paper if it is correctly prepared.&&If you are doubtful about any matter then please contact the Editorial Office for advice – we are always pleased to help.
When completing the Checklist when you are resubmitting your paper, please do NOT tick the boxes until you have carried out the instructions indicated. Failure to present your paper correctly will delay our ability to send your paper to reviewers.
这相当于期刊的一个technical check,一个审稿之前的技术审查过程,很显然,你的稿件里面出现了很多问题,包括语言不易读、格式等都有问题,所以你的技术审核没有通过。因此稿件被退回,希望可以按照期刊的投稿要求,让文章中所有的格式都符合期刊的标准,这样子你的稿件才会继续进行后面的审稿等过程。
希望对你有帮助。 按照Instructions to Authors改吧,一些格式不合要求啊,图表,语言,改完再投啊
祝你好运 : Originally posted by ZBBcrazy at
这相当于期刊的一个technical check,一个审稿之前的技术审查过程,很显然,你的稿件里面出现了很多问题,包括语言不易读、格式等都有问题,所以你的技术审核没有通过。因此稿件被退回,希望可以按照期刊的投稿要求 ... 哦,哎,我文章都送外修过的啊 按照Checklist 改吧,这个期刊对格式要求很严。好运!:hand: : Originally posted by
哦,哎,我文章都送外修过的啊... 送外审不能代表最后就可以中,也不能代表你文章一点问题都没有的。人家既然说了你的文章的语言和格式问题,你如果这篇文章想中的话还是要认真对待的,好好修改。不然估计结果不会很好。 : Originally posted by ZBBcrazy at
送外审不能代表最后就可以中,也不能代表你文章一点问题都没有的。人家既然说了你的文章的语言和格式问题,你如果这篇文章想中的话还是要认真对待的,好好修改。不然估计结果不会很好。... 谢谢啊 : Originally posted by mjt2007 at
按照Checklist 改吧,这个期刊对格式要求很严。好运!:hand: 你投过这个? 明显没好好看作者指南
先花半天时间把人家格式什么的研究一下,起码是对杂志,对你自己论文的尊重 我去。。。我上周收到的邮件中编辑给我写的和你的大同小异诶。。。同一个杂志的说。。。要修改的内容都差不多,而且我的稿子写完后还找了个native American 给我看了看 改了下,自己觉得应该没有语法什么的错误,但是邮件中还是这么说。。。所以我觉得这份邮件应该是编辑给每个非主编特别欣赏的投稿人都发了的。。。因为这个杂志是快速出版,所以应该要作者自己改的成分多一些,所以这样的要求也要多一些吧。。。 : Originally posted by n_n1026 at
我去。。。我上周收到的邮件中编辑给我写的和你的大同小异诶。。。同一个杂志的说。。。要修改的内容都差不多,而且我的稿子写完后还找了个native American 给我看了看 改了下,自己觉得应该没有语法什么的错误,但 ... 啊?是吗?我的昨天刚刚有投出去,希望好运吧,彼此,我当时是送到欧洲去修的,哎,可能人家觉得还是不行 : Originally posted by
啊?是吗?我的昨天刚刚有投出去,希望好运吧,彼此,我当时是送到欧洲去修的,哎,可能人家觉得还是不行... 你的改了多长时间?他给我的是一个半月时间,而且还说他们的新规定什么&&只能resubmit一次,,,好恐怖啊,,, : Originally posted by
啊?是吗?我的昨天刚刚有投出去,希望好运吧,彼此,我当时是送到欧洲去修的,哎,可能人家觉得还是不行... 你好,想问下你重新投 resubmit&&的时候有写cover letter 么? 按照这个期刊的投稿指南认真修改,他们对格式要求很严,祝好运!


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