找一首歌,歌词高潮两句我爱你是one by one……

【资料图】  想知道有哪些很有感觉的英文歌吗?  1. Lark In The Clear Air-- Cara Dillon  这是一首很宁静的歌曲,cara dillon的声音也很静,不过歌声中又透出着静静的穿透力,让人听了有一种飘在半空中的感觉。  2. Should It Matter-Sissel Kyrkjebo  歌的音乐很普通,但歌手声音的张力表现得很不错,收放得游刃有余,值得推荐。  3. All Good Things-Nelly Furtado  一位来自挪威的歌手,音乐极具有电子,歌声轻柔、不羁。  4. Never Grow old-The Cranberries很有感觉的英文歌  小红莓合唱团相信不用我介绍大家也知道了吧,听的人很多,不过它的歌的确是经典。这首歌应该是在世界杯的时候听到的。就像歌的名字所写的那样“Never Grow old”。  5. dying in the sun-The Cranberries  这是小红莓合唱团的另一首歌,因为只选了20首歌,所以都是一个歌手只会选择一首,但还是给了这首歌例外。这是一首爱情歌曲,但歌中反复吟唱着那句“Like dying the sun,like dying in the sun”,让人感到无力和绝望,不知所措而又无力还击。  6. Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen-Konstanze  这首歌其实是一首德文歌曲,而不是英文歌曲,但最终还是没有舍得把它删掉,因为的确是太好听了。歌中全部用的是原声乐器,没有任何电音,所以听起来很动听。再加上女歌手Konstanze那清冽淡雅的歌声,第一次听的时候就被深深的吸引住了。  7. Moonlight shadow-卢巧音  大家应该都听过这首歌,不过大多听的都是由Groove Coverage唱的吧,节奏感很强。卢巧音翻唱的这首歌,本人觉得翻唱的很好,也更好听,很适合在夜晚的时候去听。  8. Thank You-dido  dido的歌应该很早的时候就去听了,她有很多好听的歌,最后还是选择了这首。这首歌还有另外的版本,是她和阿姆合唱的,歌名好像叫stan,因为加了阿姆的说唱,所以和这首比起来就没那么柔和,不过同样也很好听的。  9. Are You The One-Timo Tolkki  自己一段时间曾一直在听的歌,歌手sharon唱的很深情,声音清澈而温婉,可能不同的人听感觉都会不同的吧。岁月如今已远去,一切还停留在这歌声里......  10. Love to Be Loved by You-Marc Terenci  这是德国男歌手 Marc Terenzi 送给太太 Sarah Connor 的一首歌,这首歌是他在与Sarah Connor的婚礼上所演唱的,西班牙的海边,浪漫的场景,浪漫的婚礼,还有浪漫的新郎新娘,Terenzi 在海边大石上弹着钢琴,深情的唱起这首Love To Be Loved By You,Sarah留下了幸福的泪水!  11. As I Moved on-Blue Foundation  来自丹麦的歌手,音乐节奏感很不错,特别是在重低音方面,需要你的音响或耳塞效果很出色,才能听出来。阴郁迷离的氛围,收缩自如的刮碟技巧,一吹即散的低吟美声,时躁时缓的颓靡饶舌,这也许正是Blue Foundation的魅力所在。  12. Concerto pour deux voix-Clemence & Jean-Baptiste Maunier  这首歌是在看电影《放牛班的春天》所听到的,电影内容依稀不是记得很清楚了,但这首歌却一直映象很深。整首歌听不到两位小歌手的一句歌词,而是一直在哼唱,但无需用歌词的修饰,才更能表现出他们如天籁般的歌喉。当听的时候,有的时候会觉得忧伤,有的时候又很激动,很令人回味。  13. Love In December-Club 8  特别是在一个人安静的时候去听。《love in December》也不仅仅是符号那么简单,更多的都成为了记忆深处某种情节的寄托。就像自己会喜欢阳光充沛的早晨,同样也会喜欢满天繁星的晚上。  14. down by the salley gardens-藤田惠美  很喜欢风笛这种乐器,悠扬的笛声往往可以把你带到另一个世界,在班德瑞的纯音乐中常常也会用到它。  15. THE SUBMARINES-VOTE  这是来自波士顿的一个夫妻组合,歌曲简简单单,但听起来却很舒服,很能触到心灵,像一阵微微的风。静静的去听,你一定会喜欢上它的。  16. That Place in Your Heart-Ronan Hardiman  在看天下足球的时候曾听到过的一首歌。简洁的伴奏,更突出了Ronan Hardiman天使般美妙的声线,温柔的声音却是在向大家提出一个千百年来的问题:“Why can"t we live as one”?这是渴望和平的人们在如今战火纷飞的世道对大同世界的一种向往。  17. drin-peerless  这首应该是所有20首歌当中最动感的一首歌了吧。歌的开头和结尾的童声很好听,节奏也很轻快。  18. I WILL SURVIVE  这是一首的士高舞曲,歌曲很激昂,听起来很让人奋进,所以在德国世界杯的时候,现场常常也会响起这首歌。其实这首歌是1978年美国黑人女歌手Gloria Gaynor主唱的。1978年春天Gloria Gaynor在欧洲登台时不小心跌落舞台,使得Gloria Gaynor脊髓受损并卧病在床达9个月之久,加上康复期间母亲又去世,这许多的打击几乎让她崩溃。出院后,她写下这首证明自己战胜了怯懦,就如同歌词所写到的I`ve Got All My Life To Live ,I Will Survive一样。当你在跳迪的时候如果听到这个歌,你该知道或许它比你的年纪还大。  19. Cry on my Shoulder  在网上看帖子的时候,常常会有人说听到这首歌的时候都会情不自禁的流下眼泪。的确,这首歌听起来很有感觉,歌词写得也很不错。个人感觉应该女生喜欢听的比较多一点。  20.chocolate ice-卫兰  之前对她一直不是很了解,不过很喜欢听她的这首歌,后来还是上网查了一些她的相关资料。她的声音就像流动的湖水,轻柔和缓,舒展得又让人有快要融化的感觉。  1.《running》  来自no doubt,对这个乐队所知甚少,只知道是美国的,风格算摇滚吧。印象里这首歌在两年前挺流行,电台里常常放,其实我最喜欢的就是类似这种风格的歌,让人感觉很舒服。  2.《Angel》  常听英文歌的朋友决不会对这首歌陌生,这首歌是由加拿大女歌手莎拉·麦克拉克兰创作的唯美而又略带忧伤的歌曲,是1997年电影《天使之城》的主题歌,原唱就很著名了,后来又被大名鼎鼎的westlife翻唱。而推荐的这首歌是来自一个三男三女的童声组合Angelis,据说主唱只有11岁。westlife的演唱是沙哑的,而Angelis的演唱是清澈的,会让人联想起教堂里的圣歌。  3.《No Promises》  这是英国超级男声Shayne Ward的第二支单曲“No Promises”,“No Promises”是一首叙事抒情曲,歌曲中高音的部分很好地体现了Shayne Ward美妙的声腺。这首歌在为期25天的X-Factor英国巡演中成为必唱压轴曲目,并大受观众欢迎,单曲也拿下了英国金榜亚军的成绩。  4.《Dying in the sun》  冒着被骂得危险再把这首歌翻出来,只因为自己太喜欢小红莓乐队了,他们是少数几支能让我疯狂喜爱的乐队之一,本打算今天弄一个小红莓的专辑,但是搜了一下发现以前有人做过了,只好算了,选了几首比较柔情的放在这张专辑里,这首算是喜欢的人最多的吧。  5.《behind blue eyes》  limp bizkit翻唱The Who的歌,喜欢这样的旋律,忧郁的让人心动,最适合一个人独处时听,听起来很有感觉,里面的吉他声很好听,歌词也很有意境。歌曲还曾被选作为电影《Gothika》的片尾曲。  6.《30 minutes》  俄国组合tatu的一首歌,以前介绍过她们的《all the things she said》,这首《30 Minutes》出自专辑《200km/H In The Wrong Lane》,这也是她们的第一张专辑。全曲曲调忧伤而凄美,很适合情绪低落的时候反复聆听,尤其是开头的那段呓语和笑声,非常空灵。  7.《never grow old》  小红莓的歌,为献给意大利球星巴乔的,天下足球里用过,应该也是大家比较熟的歌了,单纯的能够让人感动。  8.《joe》  这是小红莓主唱献给她祖父的歌,一首很著名的柔情摇滚,当女主唱深情的呼唤joe joe(祖父的名字),我真的非常感动,我是一个缺乏祖父爱的人,因为从我懂事,我就发现我的爷爷已经神智不清的瘫痪在床,然而我对他却有一种说不清的感觉,现在他已经去世了,很想念他....  “音乐起时悠扬清脆的曼陀铃缓缓流淌,象一股清澈的甘泉直入心底,紧随其后的Dolores另类却不失甜美的嗓音,在双音轨录音技术的处理后的独特合音效果,宛如一段灵魂的对话,整首音乐清澈干净,无懈可击。”  9.《bad day》  昨天中央台的music radio还在放这首歌,来自加拿大歌手Daniel Powter的首支单曲“Bad Day”曾连续十周占据瑞士单曲榜冠军,如旋风般地在法国电台创下点播的奇迹,将近两个月蝉联榜首,更在法国当地造成一般DP(Daniel Powter)热潮。另外他的另一首《free loop》也很好听。  10.《Love To Be Loved》  研究一下这首歌的歌词吧,真的很感人,这首歌需要静下心来细细的感受,尤其是高潮的部分,有一种想一起呐喊的感觉,很棒!  11.《Ode To My Family》  又是小红莓的歌,《颂赞我的家人》,这也是他们最经典的歌曲之一,很喜欢主唱的嗓音,其实直到听过小红莓之后,我才知道之前我一直很喜欢的王菲一直在模仿小红莓的主唱,那时觉得自己好落伍,唉~~  另外这首歌一开始有一段“do do lu do”听的时候不要把歌选错了  12.《Californication》  加州淘金之梦,作者叫做Red Hot Chili Peppers(红辣椒)。  “由歌手Anthony Kiedis和贝司手Flea (原名Michael Balzary)带领的Red Hot Chili Peppers的四人乐队不仅在乐队成员之间的个性上有着差异,而且他们所创作的音乐也是多原化的,有人称他们创作的音乐是个“混血儿”,因为他们会将punk、funk、rap、metal等多种音乐风格融合在一起。尽管在他们80年代在洛山机刚刚出道的时候,这种混合的方式有一点超前,但没过多久,这种方式就开始在整个音乐圈子中流传开来,所以乐队也当之无愧的成为了“先行者”。”
Posted 2023-01-14歌名
2、生活百态 想问一首英文歌 女生唱的 听轻快的一首歌 歌词里面有两句 大概是 醒来阿姨把的哥狠拍 爱玩
有一首英文歌,不知道歌名。求助啊Schnuffel - Ich hab dich lieb听听是这首麽?:v.youku./v_show/id_XNDc3NDk1MDg=.不过不是英文的Banaroo - Space Cowboy这首,可是不是很可爱的声音:tudou./programs/view/7YI3w8ZzS_Y/Cassandra - Doobi Doobi Doo这几首都比较符合:tudou./programs/view/138LMChmWuo/有一首英文歌不知道歌名!你看看是不是Travis 的 Sing下载::husw./download/music/jueshi/Travis-Sing.mp3歌词:Baby, you\'ve been going so crazyLately, nothing seems to be going rightSolo, why do you have to get so lowYou\'re so?You\'ve been waiting in the sun too longBut if you sing, singsing, sing, sing, singFor the love you bring won\'t mean a thingUnless you sing, sing, sing, singColder, crying on your shoulderHold her, and tell her everythings gonna be fineSurely, you\'ve been going to earlyHurry, cause no one\'s gonna be spedBut if you sing, singsing, sing, sing, singFor the love you bring won\'t mean a thingUnless you sing, sing, sing, singBaby, there\'s something going on todayBut I say nothing, nothing, nothing,Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothingBut if you sing, singsing, sing, sing, singFor the love you bring won\'t mean a thingUnless you sing, sing, sing, singBut if you sing, singsing, sing, sing, singFor the love you bring won\'t mean a thingUnless you sing, sing, sing, sing是I believe i can fly吧歌词:I used to think that I could not go wrongAnd life was nothing but that an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveI am leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, there is nothing to itI believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyOh I believe I can flySee I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes inside us, it can seem so longThere are miracles in life I must achieveBut first I know it starts inside of meCould I believe in it?If I can see it, then I can be itIf I just believe it, there is nothing to itI believe I can fly......中文:曾经自以为看破红尘,人生俗曲不值一文。如今方知真爱真谛,那永恒的臂膀可靠可依。只要敢梦想,我就能成功。只要信心坚,沧海也能填。我相信我能飞!我相信我能/够到天空!日日夜夜我始终渴望,张开翅膀自由飞翔。我相信我能冲上云霄,任我飞奔那门已开敞。我相信我能飞!我相信我能飞哦,我相信我能飞!曾经我眼看就要崩溃,有时候孤寂也能让人疯狂。这一生有奇蹟等我开创,但我知道一切都始於我心中梦想。我能否坚定信仰?只要敢梦想,我就能成功。只要信心坚,沧海也能填。我相信我能飞……拜托,至少给个连结吧有一首英文歌 但是不知道歌名 也不知道歌词 只有网址 求助God Is A Girl - Groove Coverage有一首英文歌不知道歌名和歌手。。。急!lenka唱的?求助一首英文歌 不知道歌名 (内附地址)Where I Stand有一首歌不知道歌名是英文歌曲if you e to me 原子猫的求两首英文歌知道歌词 不知道歌名 求助1 詹妮弗·洛佩兹的 live it up2 andrew rayel的 goodbye有一首一首英文歌,歌名不知道啊……能再详细点吗》?比如华语还是欧美 什麽曲风的?生活百态 想问一首英文歌 女生唱的 听轻快的一首歌 歌词里面有两句 大概是 醒来阿姨把的哥狠拍 爱玩
想问一首英文歌 女生唱的 听轻快的一首歌 歌词里面有两句 大概是 醒来阿姨把的哥狠拍 爱玩您好:不清楚,但是好听的英文歌好多呢~~~本人学英语的推荐这些吧希望你能喜欢。听歌学英语软件,里边全是经典的英文歌曲,列表中搜索歌曲就可以,还有英文歌曲的伴奏和翻译,若是有搜索不到的歌曲可以联系主播,每首歌主播都解说过,里边的英文歌曲全部非常经典,找好歌去听歌学英语。1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);5、Apologize--Timbaland;6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的);8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉;9、I Didn\'t Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。);10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;12、Mad--尼欧;13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);16、The Salater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别);17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力);20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);21、Just One Last Dance--Sarah Connor(这个经典的不用说吧,);22、Angle--Sarah Mclachlan(天籁之音~~);23、Living To Love You--Sarah Connor(歌词催人泪下,我最喜欢的慢歌之一);24、Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You--Glenn Mediros(被方大同翻唱过,那肯定好听拉);25、I Look To You--Whitney Houston;26、I Got You--丽安娜.刘易斯;27、Love To Be Loved By You--马克.特伦茨(歌词和曲调非常感人!);28、Butterfly Fly Away--Miley Cyrus(《乖乖女是大明星》的插曲,讲的父亲对女儿的爱的故事,曲风清新);29、Eversleeping--Xandria(不会让你失望的慢歌);30、Wonderful Tonight--Baby Face(也是被方大同翻唱的歌);31、Still Crazy In Love--Sarah Connor;32、We Can Work It Out --Sweetbox;33、Sexy Love--Ne Yo;34、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls;35、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover(后面的才是歌名,曲调有点小特别~);36、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon(首推这首,温馨极了,好听极了。有点像m2m的声音。) ;37、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;38、Beautiful Boy--Celine Dion(歌手不用介绍.....);39、A Place Nearby与Unfivable Sinner--Lene Marlin(挪威创作才女,) ;40、Scarborough Fair(毕业生):(《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲。本人还是喜欢布莱曼她唱的。 );41、classicriver:(第一次听这曲子的时候是在初秋的深夜,偶然听到了它,刹时间时间和空间好象都凝固了一样!听着它,感觉深藏心底的那份无尽地孤独被慢慢地勾起, 曾经的回忆, 失去的快乐,刻骨的伤心,和短暂拥有,都在那一刻漂浮了起来,占据了身边的所有的空间. 它让我感觉到了这世间最珍贵的是亲情,爱情.金钱算得了什么呢). <classicriver>很多人都听过的旋律.这样的经典歌曲是无价之宝.相信当你知道这歌曲之后,如果突然失去它,你会觉得好孤独,无助... 这样的音乐是无价之宝~);42、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce(可以做铃声!开头就已经把气氛带起来了~);43、Love You Lately--Daniel Powter;44、I Hate Love--Claude Kelly;45、Amarantine--Enya(节奏非常棒的一首天籁,经典慢歌~);46、Better In Time--Leona Lewis;47、Crush--David Archuleta;48、You Raise Me Up--Westlife;49、Realize--Colbie Caillat(科比.凯拉,几乎她的每一首歌都是那么的特别和好听。非常喜欢的歌手之一);50、I See You--Leona Lewis(就是《阿凡达》的主题曲,看过电影再听这个歌,我们能听到的,就不止是幻想与憧憬了,还有爱和感动..);51、Day Too Soon--Sia(也是个所有歌几乎都不错的歌手。);52、Doesn\'t Mean Anything--Alicia Keys(个人钟爱的一首歌!非常非常好听!);53、It\'s Amazing--Jem(节奏非常好!><,不会后悔的歌哦~);54、Lovebug--Jonas Brothers(高潮非常明快,清新,非常舒服的一首小情歌~喜欢啊~);55、When You\'re Mad--Ne-Yo(尼欧的歌总是那么那么好听,不管是RAP风还是R&B,都非常棒!);56、One Fine Wire--Colbie Caillat(高潮曲调的设计有点小俏皮。);57、Vidas Paralelas--Ximena Sarinana(一首法语歌,节奏明快。个人觉得偶尔听听法语歌也是满有趣的。笑~);58、Wait Til You Here From You--Sarah Connor(开头的独白,那种声音令人放松,接着的曲调非常的好听!推荐!);59、Sitting Down Here--琳恩玛莲(开头就足以让你喜欢的调调~高潮适合作铃声。);60、A Place Nearby--琳恩玛莲(全曲以纯明的钢琴和鼓点贯穿。曲调单纯,听了叫人放松。);61、When You Believe--Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston(两个天后的合音,完美中的完美啊!巨好听!);62、Dilemma--Kelly Rowland(非常非常好听!高潮部分非常非常适合做铃声!女生手机必备!);63、No Air--约尔丁斯巴克斯(开头足以定风格,可以作铃声);64、The Best Day--Taylar Swift;65、Viva La Vida--Coldplay;66、Wait For You--Elliott Yamin(非常非常非常好听的!曾经就听过,昨天才终于被我找到~);67、Time For Miracles--Harald Kloser;68、When I\'m With You--西城男孩(又一首经典旧歌。真的是,开场就征服了我,);69、A Todo Color--魏如萱(西班牙语,有点甜美的意味。);70、I Ain\'t Tryin\'--KeAnthong;71、Buttons--Sia(曲调小特别~)72、Little Bit Better--玛丽亚.亚瑞唐多(听这首歌的开头,心里就留下一句话:这歌怎么这么好听啊,笑~);73、Trip Around The World--Alexz Johnson(可作铃声,女生版清新说唱风,带给你不一样的感觉。);74、Gonna Get It--Alexz Johnson(开头的尖叫够震撼,够特别,可作铃声);75、Can Anybody Hear Me--Meredith Andrews(嗓音听起来很舒服,比较喜欢高潮以外的部分。);76、Eh Eh(Nothing Eale I Can Say--Lady GaGa(GaGa的新歌,开头很特别,可作铃声。感觉风格有点像玛利亚.凯莉~);77、Before The Down--Jennifer Rush(有点怀旧的感觉。);78、As Long As It Takes--Meredith Andrews(很纯的嗓音);79、Stupid In Love--Rihanna(开头的鼓点不错,R的嗓音特别吸引人,但个人还是更喜欢她的快歌);80、Give You Hell--The All-American Rejects(可爱的背景音乐,很欢快的节奏,不过歌手是男的哟~);81、Wele To My Life--Simple Plan(这首要个人慢慢去体味,可能第一遍会觉得一般般,但其实后来会觉得蛮有味道的。)我几乎不听中文歌,所以有很多英文歌都很好听啊。望采纳~~祝好~~~~一首英文歌,女生唱的,比较轻快的,歌词大概是 Do you know we\'re going to.你去百度歌词搜索一下就知道了想找一首英文歌,里面有NO ONE歌词的,是一首轻快的歌!WTP - 歌词 下载歌词 打印歌手:艾米纳姆(Eminem)专辑: Recovery公司: Polydor(环球唱片)Yeah! Oh! Get Up! I said get up! Let\'s go!Better watch out now here we eAnd we ain\'t spin\' until we see the morning sunSo give us room to do our thingCuz we ain\'t e to hurt no oneSo everybody e on get up on the floorRight now and grab someoneNow first of all I\'m the bossI just wanna get that acrossMan even my Dentist tastes when I flossPull up to the in a Pinto likes it\'s a PorscheGarbage bag on one of the windowsSpray-painted doors with the flames on \'emMichigan plates and my name\'s on \'emBaby, Shady\'s here e on get him if you dames want \'emBut he ain\'t stupid so quit tryin\' to run them games on himHe\'s immune to Cupid, why you tryin\' to put your claims on himCuz you won\'t do to me what you did to the last manNow climb in back try not to kick over the gas canThere\'s a half a gallon in it that could be our last chanceWe have of just getting home now could I get that lap danceShe\'s got a tattoo of me right up above her ass, manIn the streets of Warren Michigan we call \'em tramp stampsThat means she belongs to me time to put the damn clampsDown and show this hussy who\'s the man now get up, danceNow you can do this on your ownBut everyone knows that no one likes to be aloneSo get on the floor and grab somebodyAin\'t nothing but a white trash partySo let\'s have us a little bash and if anyone asksIf there ain\'t no one but us trashYou dunno you better akse somebodyCuz we\'re having a white trash partyPull a fifth of Bacardi from outta my underwearAnd walk around the party without a careLike a body without a headLookin\' like a zombie from Night of the Livin\' DeadAnd tomorrow probably still be too high to get outta bedTil I feel like I been hit wit the sharp part\'a the hammerMixin\' Hennessey and Fanta with Pepto and MylantaI shoot to kill like I\'m hollerin\' "Die Santa!"Miss the tree and hit Rudolph and o innocent bystandersSo quit tryin\' ta play the wall like you pawlin\'Get on the floor when the beat drops and s stallin\'They call me the Stephon Marbury of rap, darlin\'Cuz as soon as they throw on some R-Kelly I start ballin\'Makin\' it rain for them ladies in the mini\'sBut I\'m not throwin\' ones, fives, tens, or even entiesI\'m throwin\' quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies up at skinnies manI do this for them bunnies up at Denny\'sFrom the north, east and west, but whenIt es to them trailers in them South ParksMuffle it, cuz homie that hood\'s tighter then Kimmy\'sSo ladies if your belly button\'s not an innie then I\'m outieNow hop in my minivan, let\'s get rowdy e onNow you can do this on your ownBut everyone knows that no one likes to be aloneSo get on the floor and grab somebodyAin\'t nothing but a white trash partySo let\'s have us a little bash and if anyone asksIf there ain\'t no one but us trashYou dunno you better akse somebodyCuz we\'re having a white trash partyNow whether you\'re black, white or purpleIf you\'re misunderstoodBut you don\'t give a fuckYou weren\'t doin\' shit that you shouldLong as you know you\'re up to evilAnd you\'re no damn goodGet on the floor, man, and rep your \'hoodNow honey, don\'t let them pricks tripWe should make a quick dipAnd go do some donuts in the hospital parkin\' lotCuz girl I got a sick whipKick the back window outta my GremlinPut o milk crates in the trunk Rip out the stick shift andMake a five seater I\'ll be damned if I feed a chickIt ain\'t like me to split a piece \'a dry pitaI\'ll be the SL to the IM to the SHADYAnd I don\'t need a tank to be a wife beaterI\'ll rip a tree out the groundAnd flip it upside down Fore I turn over a new leaf, clownI\'ll tell ya now I\'m so raw I still need to un-thawYou feel me, yall?I shut the down by drinking no moreBut baby, a body like that\'s against the lawYou the baddest little chain with the blades I ever sawColeslaw containers, empty straw wrappers and allYou got more junk in your trunk than I do in my car now get upNow you can do this on your ownBut everyone knows that no one likes to be aloneSo get on the floor and grab somebodyAin\'t nothing but a white trash partySo let\'s have us a little bash and if anyone asksIf there ain\'t no one but us trashYou dunno you better akse somebodyCuz we\'re having a white trash partyWhite trash partyNo One Is There歌手:尼可(Nico)专辑: The Marble Index公司: Elektra Records(华纳唱片)Across from behind my window screenDemon is dancing down the scene in a crucial parodyDemon is dancing down the sceneHe is calling and throwingHis arms up in the air and no one is thereAll of them are missing as the gameComes to a start no one is thereSome are calling some are sadSome are calling him mad no one is thereAcross from behind your window screenDemon is dancing down the sceneIn a crucial parodyDemon is dancing down the sceneHe is calling and throwingHis arms up in the air no one is thereAll of them are missingAs the game es to a startNo one is thereAnd no sound has them declaredTo be missing(to be missing)To be missing(to be missing)To be missing(to be missing)No One Can Do It Better歌手:德瑞博士(Dr Dre) 艾斯 库伯(Ice Cube)专辑: The NWA Legacy Vol. 1: 1988-1998 CD2公司:百代唱片(EMI MUSIC)No one can do it betterNo one no one can do it betterNo one can do it betterEven yeal the boysThis is to listen to so ask not a questionNot to be taken as a simple suggestionBut a warning to whom it may concernIf knowledge is the key then I think it\'s time you learnFor there is not the problemSo leaders are acknowledged I don\'t follow themI turn into another degreeAnd find the do to the c and growing like a tree andCausing much destruction cause I\'m crushingComplimented much yeah but never blushingHard like a criminal and I\'m subliminalIn my own right I\'m dope cause it\'s originalFunky unmistakibly soWhen the vocals are done then you knowIt\'s all a matter of setting a dateFor america\'s most plete artist but waitMake sure that you keep the facts in mindDon\'t mess with the great cause the doc is like a nineWith a voice telling you the bullet\'s directionI\'m talking murder but that\'s another sectionI need to explain by keeping my posureThere\'s no jerking a sucker when he knows yourNothing but a villian and you\'ll kill himSo he\'s in fear but there ain\'t no need in spillingYour guts to a nut no I am not your equalMeaning your equivalent I\'m all like heaven sentI got it together so clever no one could severRemember this foreverNo one can do it betterNo one no one can do it betterNo one no one no one can do it betterKnowledge is the key and hard work is the feeFor me to be the great at the start and remain to beA threat til the opposition is warnedAs long as a song cause I was bornWith instincts to kill a grave mentalityOver the edge and you say you want to battle meAt your own risk approach and be hostedAnd in the end you may win or be roastedBut seeing that it\'s part of a game you think if you hangClose to the one and you\'ll claim but that\'s lameAnd I\'m damn another loserWithout an apology so next time I\'m a use aLittle more force to get the message acrossIt\'s the doc on the bossCreating demonstrate some realate to easy listeningBut here\'s a christening of what you\'ve been missingAn exhibition a hip hop introductionSmooth lyrical gab and I do the conductingDrop it on a rhytm suckers face itBut new to the masses it\'s like I\'m starting classesBetter bet I understand the directionThat I\'m going in fact when I\'m flowingThe news is a constant change from one minute to the nextI\'m different cause I always show flexAnd it\'s essential that\'s why I got it togetherTo the letter andNo one can do it betterNo one no one can do it betterNo one no one no one can do it betterI need to make it understood the doc is not a hoodNot at all even though I carry a weapon when I\'m steppingI\'m not a murderer not in the sense that you\'re a customerI buy in the system with suckers smoothly bust themOpposition is taken and that\'s a quote from the docAnd the doctor cause this ain\'t no jokeSo if you smile here\'s the outeYour teeth are gone your mouth is numbDon\'t get involved unless you\'re willingTo risk murder by mic when they\'re illingYou gotta be weary watch for caution yo be warnedBy dre and out the project bornCapable in any and everyCause yo I get heavy when introduced to a medlySuch is the case before the bass started wompingI had to hook it up with the boys from ptonSearched and found the sound and aeptedThe job of making la well respectedOf course with the help of the gang that\'s RuthlessPeace to the homies as I do what I mean andMC Ren is in the house ice cube is definitely in the houseDJ yella teach yella cold with the hoesAnd eazy e is stupid chilling cause he knows yoNo matter who\'s badder I\'ll be the dopest foreverBy kicking lyrics so clever thatNo one can do it betterNo one no one can do it betterNo one no one no one can do it betterNo one no one no one can do it betterNo one no one no one can do it betterTime is dedicated to say peace to the homeboysMy homie laylaw mc ren ice cube eazy eDJ yella fresh k mc smooth my homie t lowAnd of course without a doubt the one and onlyMy DJ dr dre most definitely in the housePeace to those homies and I\'m outta here希望是这首吧求一首英文歌 歌名大概是holdon的音 很轻快的女生唱的......我忽然想起来了你说的是Miley Cyrus - Hoedown Throwdown哪首歌词里面有zeizeizeizeizei 一首英文歌来的,女生唱的.schnuffel --chenparty 你看看是这个?轻快的一首英文歌 歌词里有句nobalinobody ?:mp3.baidu./m?f=3&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=wondergirls+nobody&lm=-1&oq=wondergirls&rsp=0MV:v.youku./v_show/id_XOTI5NDcyODQ=.一首轻快的英文歌是女的唱的 歌词里有car peolpeCarcrashes--standfast:demo.1000v./jl/music/track2.mp3Car crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople running (running)Fantasy or realityAnalysis and theoriesWhat does matter really?Tell me what to believeWon\'t you bring me orderTell me what to achieveBaby, so I can move forwardTell me what to beCar crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople runnin\', runCredit cards in place of distressGo live your life on the Inte.That\'s what this isConspiracies and mysteriesScience-fiction make-believeMy kind\'s miseryTell me what to believeWon\'t you bring me orderTell me what to achieveBaby, so I can move forwardTell me what to beCar crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople runnin\', runThe sun goes up while I go downMy values all turned inside outBut I shall seek and I will findA sun behind those misty cloudsWe weren\'t meant to give upTell me what to believeWon\'t you bring me orderTell me what to achieveBaby, so I can move forwardTell me what to beCar crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople runnin\', runTell me what to believeWon\'t you bring me orderTell me what to achieveBaby, so I can move forwardTell me what to beCar crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople runnin\', runCar crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople runnin\' (running)(All these car crashes in my head)Fantasy or realityAnalysis and theories(All these car crashes)What does matter really?(All these car crashes)(Tell me what to believe)Tell me what to believeWon\'t you bring me orderTell me what to achieveBaby, so I can move forwardTell me what to beCar crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople runnin\', runTell me what to believeWon\'t you bring me orderTell me what to achieveBaby, so I can move forwardTell me what to beCar crashes, TV showsA drunkard on the side of the roadPeople runnin\', run是这个么?有一首歌 英文的 女生唱的 很轻快的 有 HAPP BOY happ girl 这两句歌词Aqua -- HAPPY BOYS&HAPPY GIRLS歌词Be happy.Come on let\'s go get it on!Be happy. Be happy.Come onlet′s go get it on!Be happy. Everybody let′s go have some fun.I don\'twant to waste my time on simple little thingsI\'d rather stay here all thenight with happy boys who sings.Come on let\'s go get it on, everybody let′sgo have some fun.I\'ve got a feeling you could use a little smile, hoping youcould stay there for just a little while.Making a lot of noise up there,throw your hands up in the air.I don\'t want to waste my time on simplelittle things.I\'d rather stay here all the night with everyone whosings.Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll be we are the happy boys andgirlsHappy boys and happy girls, we\'ll be.So happy, yeah!, so, so happy,yeah!Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll be.we are the happy boys andgirlsHappy boys and happy girls, we\'ll beoh yeah, so happy...Trywith an eagle it will make you look so niceAnd if you start to warm, youcan further break the ice.Come on let\'s go get it on, everybody let\'s gohave some fun.I′ve got a feeling you could use a little smile hoping youcould stay there for just a little while.Making a lot of noise up there,throw your hands up in the air.I don\'t want to waste my time on simplelittle thingsI\'d rather stay here all the night with everyone who sings.Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll bewe are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, we\'ll beSo happy, yeah!, so, so happy,yeah!Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll bewe are the happy boys andgirls Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll beoh yeah, so happy...Youngand old. Be happy. Everyone. Be happy.I\'m sure you could. Be happy.Cause happy boys and happy girls is around the world.Be happy. Come onlet\'s go get it on! Be happy.Everybody let\'s go have some fun.Behappy. Come on let\'s go get it on!Be happy. Everybody let\'s go have somefun.Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll be we are the happy boys and girls.Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll be So happy, yeah!, so, so happy, yeah!Happy boys and happy girls, we\'ll be we are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, we\'ll be oh yeah, so happy...Come on let\'sgo get it on! Be happy.Everybody let\'s go have some fun.Be happy. Comeon let\'s go get it on!Be happy. So happy... 这个歌的同名曲阿雅翻唱过中文版。演唱的Aqua是个组合,女主唱好像和其中男键盘,不是秃头那个RAPER的结婚了。她们还唱过很多有名的歌,之前赵薇的《爱情大魔咒》也是翻唱他们的。有一首英文歌,歌词里面有 you can see(say) wanna do等歌词,是一首很轻快的男歌,寻歌名2AM - NO.1:v.youku./v_show/id_XMTkzNjgxMTI0.一首轻快的英文歌 歌词里有SEE U SEE MEsay you say me 经典老歌:songtaste./song/124133/
张艺兴honey歌词中文翻译(抖音娜娜 come on是什么歌 欧阳娜娜和张艺兴合唱哪首歌)
没有 哪有(有没有哪一首歌,对你来说很特别)


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