
你可能喜欢若函数f(x)=㏒2 (x+1)且a&b&c&0,则f(a)/a,f(b)/b,f(c)/c的大小关系?_百度知道
若函数f(x)=㏒2 (x+1)且a&b&c&0,则f(a)/a,f(b)/b,f(c)/c的大小关系?
∵x-(x+1)ln(x+1)的导数为:-ln(x+1) 又x>0 ∴-ln(x+1)<0∴x-(x+1)ln(x+1)<0∴g'(x)<0
当前位置:&>&&>& > (理科)已知圆C:x2+y2=1和点Q(2,0),动点M到圆C的切线长与|MQ|的比等于常数λ(λ>0),求动点M的
已知a=5log2 3.4,b=5log4 3.6,c=(1/5)log3 0.3,比大小是否是a=5log以2为底数 3.4在上面 因为底数均大于1 增函数 分别将它们拿给1相比 可比出3.4>2 3.6<4 a>b 将1/5提上去 就是3/10开5次方 肯定比b小 故a>1 b<1 c<b 得 a> 已知圆C:x2+y2-4x-14y+45=0.(1)若M是圆C上任意一点,点Q(-2,3),求|MQ|的最大值与最小值.(2)求(1)将圆C:x2+y2-4x-14y+45=0可化为
则由|QC|?22≤|MQ|≤|QC|+ 如图,已知A(4,0)B(0,3)C(0,-1),连接AB,过点C的直线l与AB交于点P....(1) 显然,PB=PC时,P在BC的中垂线上。
BC的中垂线为y = (3-1)/2 = 1
AB的方程为x/4 + y/3 = 1(截距式)
二者联立,可得P的坐标为(8/3, 1)
(2) 直线l与X轴所夹的锐角a=45° 已知圆x^2+y^2+x-6y+m=0与直线x+2y-3=0相交于P、Q两点,O为坐标原点,若OP垂直于OQ,试求m的值。解:圆的方程x² +y² +x-6y+m=0可化为:(x+1/2)² +(y-3)² =37/4 -m
则设圆的圆心为C(-1/2,3),半径r=√(37/4 -m)
作线段PQ中点M,连结 已知直角坐标平面上点Q(2,0)和圆C:X2+Y2=1.动点M到圆的切线长与MQ的比值分别为1或2时,点M的轨迹方程设M的坐标是(x,y),
则:x^2+y^2-1=(x-2 已知M为圆C:x2+y2-4x-14y+45=0上任一点,且点Q(-2,3).(Ⅰ)若P(a,a+1)在圆C上,求线段PQ的长及(Ⅰ)由点P(a,a+1)在圆C上,
(Ⅱ)由C:x2+ 已知三角形ABC的三个顶点A(0,0)B(4,8)C(6,-4),向量AM等于-3向量BM,点N在边上AC上,且三角形ABC的面积是四边形MNCB面积的2倍,求直线MN的方程。过程详细点,谢谢AM=3MB,由定比分点公式(高一向量部分的内容),得到M坐标为(3,6)。ABC面积=2AMN面积,而AM=3MB,说明AN=2/3AC,N点坐标为(4,-8/3)MN的直线方程就可以求了 已知a=5S2∧3.4,b=5S4∧3.6,c=(1/5)S3∧0.3,比大小,及做此类题的方法首先我想先问一下:你是向我求助的吗?因为我经常收到求助的东东,也不知道是度娘自己撮合的还是确有其事。然后我说方法吧,比较对数的大小其实就让底数相同再比上面那个数 已知定点A(2,0),Q是曲线C:x2+y2=1上的动点,M为AQ的中点,当Q在曲线C上移动时,求动点M的轨迹方程.A(2,0),Q是曲线C:x2+y2=1上的动点,M为AQ的中点
动点 已知圆C:x2+y2+2x-4y+1=0,0为坐标原点,动点P在圆C外,过P作圆C的切线,设切点为M1
则l:y-3=k(x-1) 即kx-y+3-k=0
解得:k 当A=-3 B=-6 C=3.6 D=-2.5时,计算下列各式(1)ac+bd =(-3)*(3.6)+(-6)*(-2.5)=4.2
(2)a÷b-c÷d =(-3)÷(-6)-(3.6)÷(-2.5)=-0.94
(3)(a-b)÷d=(-3--6)÷(-2.5)=-1.2 已知圆C:x2+y2-4x-14y+45=0.(1)若M是圆(1)将圆C:x2+y2-4x-14y+45=0可化为
则由|QC|?22≤|MQ|≤|QC|+ 已知a=5log2 3.4,b=5log4 3.6,c=(1/5)log3 是否是a=5log以2为底数 3.4在上面 因为底数均大于1 增函数 分别将它们拿给1相比 可比出3.4>2 3.6<4 a>b 将1/5提上去 就是3/10开5次方 肯定比b小 故a>1 b<1 c<b 得 a> 如图,已知A(4,0)B(0,3)C(0,-1),连接(1) 显然,PB=PC时,P在BC的中垂线上。
BC的中垂线为y = (3-1)/2 = 1
AB的方程为x/4 + y/3 = 1(截距式)
二者联立,可得P的坐标为(8/3, 1)
(2) 直线l与X轴所夹的锐角a=45° 已知圆x^2+y^2+x-6y+m=0与直线x+2y-3=0相交解:圆的方程x² +y² +x-6y+m=0可化为:(x+1/2)² +(y-3)² =37/4 -m
则设圆的圆心为C(-1/2,3),半径r=√(37/4 -m)
作线段PQ中点M,连结 已知直角坐标平面上点Q(2,0)和圆C:X2+Y设M的坐标是(x,y),
则:x^2+y^2-1=(x-2 已知M为圆C:x2+y2-4x-14y+45=0上任一点,且(Ⅰ)由点P(a,a+1)在圆C上,
(Ⅱ)由C:x2+ 与直线x+y-2=0和曲线x^2+y^2-12x-12y+54=0都圆c:x^2+y^2-12x-12y+54=0,(x-6)^2+(y-6)^2=18
L 已知三角形ABC的三个顶点A(0,0)B(4,8)AM=3MB,由定比分点公式(高一向量部分的内容),得到M坐标为(3,6)。ABC面积=2AMN面积,而AM=3MB,说明AN=2/3AC,N点坐标为(4,-8/3)MN的直线方程就可以求了 已知定点A(2,0),Q是曲线C:x2+y2=1上的动点,A(2,0),Q是曲线C:x2+y2=1上的动点,M为AQ的中点
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Serum interferon‐inducible protein 10 levels predict hepatitis B s antigen seroclearance in patients with chronic hepatitis B
, Volume 43 (1)
Serum interferon-inducible protein 10 levels predict hepatitis Bs antigen seroclearance in patients with chronic hepatitis BG. L.-H. Wong*,+,?, H. L.-Y. Chan*,+,?, H.-Y. Chan*,+,?, C.-H. Tse*,+,?, A. M.-L. Chim*,+, A. O.-S. Lo*,+& V. W.-S. Wong*,+,?*Institute of Digestive Disease, TheChinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong.+Department of Medicine andTherapeutics, The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong, Hong Kong.?State Key Laboratory of DigestiveDisease, The Chinese University ofHong Kong, Hong Kong.Correspondence to:Dr V. W. S. Wong, Department ofMedicine and Therapeutics, TheChinese University of Hong Kong, 9/FPrince of Wales Hospital, 30-32 NganShing Street, Shatin, Hong Kong.E-mail: wongv@cuhk.edu.hkPublication dataSubmitted 6 August 2015First decision 8 September 2015Resubmitted 10 September 2015Accepted 6 October 2015EV Pub Online 3 November 2015This article was accepted for publicationafter full peer-review.SUMMARYBackgroundHepatitis B s antigen (HBsAg) seroclearance is regarded as the optimalvirological end-point.AimTo investigate the dynamic changes in serum cytokine levels around thetime of HBsAg seroclearance.MethodsThis was a case–control study. Consecutive patients with chronic hepatitisB (CHB) who lost HBsAg were matched with those remained positive forHBsAg with same age, gender, HBeAg status and presence of cirrhosis in1:2 ratio. Relevant serum cytokines [interleukin (IL)-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12, IL-15, IL-21 interferon-c, tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and inter-feron-inducible protein 10 (IP-10)] were assayed at the time (Year 0) and3 years before (Year ?3) HBsAg seroclearance.ResultsSeventy-one and 142 CHB patients who did and did not achieve HBsAg sero-clearance were included. Mean age was 48 AE 11
76% were male, 20%had positive HBeAg, 99 (46%) patients received anti-viral therapy, and meanbaseline HBV DNA was 3.78 AE 2.28 log IU/mL vs. 4.36 AE 2.13 log IU/mLrespectively (P = 0.05). In those who achieved HBsAg seroclearance, serumIL-15 and GM-CSF levels decreased significantly from Year ?3 to Year 0(P = 0.017 and 0.05 respectively). When compared to controls, only serumIP-10 level was significantly lower at Year 0 than at Year ?3 in patients withHBsAg seroclearance. Lower serum IP-10 level at Year 0 was the only factorassociated with HBsAg seroclearance. There was no correlation betweenserum IP-10 and HBsAg levels around the time of HBsAg seroclearance.ConclusionLower serum IP-10 level at Year 0 was the only factor associated withHBsAg seroclearance.Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2016; 43: 145–153? 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 145doi:10.1111/apt.13447Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
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Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Summary Background Hepatitis B s antigen (HBsAg) seroclearance is regarded as the optimal virological end‐point. Aim To investigate the dynamic changes in serum cytokine levels around the time of HBsAg seroclearance. Methods This was a case&control study. Consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) who lost HBsAg were matched with those remained positive for HBsAg with same age, gender, HBeAg status and presence of cirrhosis in 1:2 ratio. Relevant serum cytokines (interleukin (IL)‐2, IL‐3, IL‐4, IL‐7, IL‐9, IL‐10, IL‐12, IL‐15, IL‐21 interferon‐&, tumour necrosis factor‐& (TNF‐&), granulocyte macrophage colony‐stimulating factor (GM‐CSF) and interferon‐inducible protein 10 (IP‐10)) were assayed at the time (Year 0) and 3 years before (Year &3) HBsAg seroclearance. Results Seventy‐one and 142 CHB patients who did and did not achieve HBsAg seroclearance were included. Mean age was 48 & 11 76% were male, 20% had positive HBeAg, 99 (46%) patients received anti‐viral therapy, and mean baseline HBV DNA was 3.78 & 2.28 log IU/mL vs. 4.36 & 2.13 log IU/mL respectively (P = 0.05). In those who achieved HBsAg seroclearance, serum IL‐15 and GM‐CSF levels decreased significantly from Year &3 to Year 0 (P = 0.017 and 0.05 respectively). When compared to controls, only serum IP‐10 level was significantly lower at Year 0 than at Year &3 in patients with HBsAg seroclearance. Lower serum IP‐10 level at Year 0 was the only factor associated with HBsAg seroclearance. There was no correlation between serum IP‐10 and HBsAg levels around the time of HBsAg seroclearance. Conclusion Lower serum IP‐10 level at Year 0 was the only factor associated with HBsAg seroclearance.
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
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