棒球网球单打场地边线长的边线长度为()米。 A100m B95m C90m D85m

Franz Reis Novak 1
Jo&o Apr&gio Guerra de Almeida 1
Manoel J. S. Santos 2
Bodo Wanke 2
Qual seria
a fonte de fungos miceliais encontrados em leite humano ordenhado?
the source of mycelial fungi in expressed human milk?
1 Banco de Leite Humano, Departamento
de Assist&ncia, Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Funda&&o
Oswaldo Cruz. Av. Rui Barbosa 716, Rio de Janeiro, RJ , Brasil.
2 Laborat&rio de Micologia,
Centro de Pesquisa Hospital Evandro Chagas, Funda&&o Oswaldo
Cruz. Av. Brasil 4365, Rio de Janeiro, RJ , Brasil.
The authors characterized the genera of mycelial
fungi found in samples of expressed human milk received through home collection
by the Human Milk Bank of the Instituto Fernandes Figueira in Rio de Janeiro.
A total of 821 samples of expressed human milk were taken randomly from
bottles collected at home by the milk donors themselves and were investigated
for molds, yeasts, and mesophilic microorganisms. The analyses showed
the occurrence of molds and yeasts in 43 (5.2%) of the samples, with counts
reaching 103CFU/ml. Some 48 strains of mycelial fungi were identified
by standard laboratory techniques, including: Aspergillus Niger group
(6.3%), Aspergillus sp. (4.2%), Paecilomyces sp. (12.6%), Penicillium
sp. (60.4%), Rhizopus sp. (2.0%), and Syncephalastrum sp. (14.5%). The
authors discuss the importance of donor hands' asepsis prior to collecting
human milk.
Human M Milk B M A
Caracterizou-se os g&neros de fungos miceliais
encontrados em amostras de leite humano ordenhado, recebidas a partir
de coleta domiciliar, pelo Banco de Leite Humano do Instituto Fernandes
Figueira. Foram analisadas 821 amostras de leite humano ordenhado, obtidas
ao acaso, a partir de frascos coletados nos domic&lios pelas pr&prias
doadoras, e realizadas pesquisas de bolores e leveduras e microrganismos
mes&filos. As an&lises revelaram a ocorr&ncia de bolores
e leveduras em 43 (5,2%) das amostras, com contagens atingindo a ordem
de 103UFC/ml, tendo sido isoladas 48 cepas de fungos miceliais,
que foram identificadas por t&cnicas padr&o de laborat&rio,
como as seguintes: Aspergillus Grupo
Niger (6,3%), Aspergillus sp. (4,2%), Paecilomyces sp. (12,6%),
Penicillium sp. (60,4%), Rhizopus sp. (2,0%) e Syncephalastrum
sp. (14,5%). Discute-se a import&ncia do controle da assepsia das
m&os das doadoras, antes da coleta do leite humano.
Leite H Bancos de L M
Banco de Leite Humano (BLH) & um centro especializado
respons&vel pela promo&&o do incentivo ao aleitamento materno
e execu&&o das atividades de coleta, processamento e controle
de qualidade de colostro, leite de transi&&o e leite maduro, para
posterior distribui&&o, sob prescri&&o de m&dico
ou de nutricionista, a crian&as que dele necessitam como fator de sobreviv&ncia
(MS, 1998).
	O Brasil tem hoje a maior rede de BLH do mundo. S&o
140 unidades, espalhadas em 22 estados, que beneficiaram mais de 80 mil crian&as
prematuras e de baixo peso, tendo sido coletados mais de 90 mil litros de leite
humano, com aproximadamente 60.000 doadoras cadastradas s& no ano passado
(MS, 2000).
	O leite humano ordenhado (LHO) obtido de doadoras
sadias, submetidas a rigoroso controle de higiene, & livre de microrganismos
patog&nicos (Almeida, 1986). As evid&ncias cient&ficas comprovaram
a efic&cia e seguran&a da pasteuriza&&o do leite
humano como processo de inativa&&o de agentes patog&nicos
(Baum, 1982; Wright & Feeney, 1998).
	Aflatoxinas, um grupo espec&fico de micotoxinas,
s&o metab&litos t&xicos produzidos por fungos miceliais,
que no Brasil, est&o associados freq&entemente & contamina&&o
do amendoim, algod&o, feij&o e milho, merecem aten&&o
especial por sua natureza carcinog&nica (Baldiserra et al., 1993).
	Como os bolores ocorrem em grande escala na natureza,
a sua presen&a no LHO pode servir como ind&cio de contamina&&o
advinda do meio externo. A presen&a desse grupo de microrganismos em
leite, traz consigo, al&m do problema da deteriora&&o,
a possibilidade da produ&&o de micotoxinas (MS, 2000).
As amostras foram obtidas de forma aleat&ria, a
partir de frascos recebidos como doa&&o pelo BLH do Instituto
Fernandes Figueira (IFF) da Funda&&o Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), e
coletados nos domic&lios pelas pr&prias doadoras, no per&odo
e de outubro de 1998 a janeiro de 2000. As doadoras foram orientadas a observar
o protocolo higi&nico-sanit&rio (MS, 1998). No BLH-IFF os frascos
foram descongelados e al&quotas retiradas para an&lise de bolores/leveduras
e mes&filos (Marvin, 1976), que foram realizadas no Laborat&rio
de Controle de Alimentos do IFF e a identifica&&o das cepas de
fungos miceliais, no Laborat&rio de Micologia do Centro de Pesquisa Hospital
Evandro Chagas (CPqHEC), ambos da FIOCRUZ.
	A identifica&&o foi realizada a partir
das col&nias obtidas no isolamento em agar Sabouraud e mantido &
temperatura ambiente. As morfologias foram comparadas com as descritas em publica&&o
especilizada (De Hoog & Guarro, 1995).
	O estudo de correla&&o entre as contagens
de bolores e leveduras e mes&filos, foi realizada empregando-se o programa
System Analysis Statisitical (SAS).
Das 821 amostras de LHO analisadas, 43 (5,2%) apresentaram
contamina&&o com fungos miceliais e deram origem a 48 cepas, uma
vez que tr&s amostras demonstraram duas cepas e uma amostra tr&s
cepas com aspectos macrosc&picos diferentes. Os resultados revelaram
a presen&a de bolores e leveduras com contagens atingindo a ordem de
at& 103UFC/ml, sendo identificados os seguintes microrganismos:
Aspergillus Grupo Niger (6,3%), Aspergillus sp. (4,2%), Paecilomyces
sp. (12,6%), Penicillium sp. (60,4%), Rhizopus sp. (2,0%)
e Syncephalastrum sp. (14,5%).
Durante a tentativa para se determinar a fonte dos fungos
miceliais encontrados nas amostras de LHO, imaginou-se que os esporos de fungos
existentes nos alimentos manipulados pelas doadoras poderiam ser a fonte de
tais microrganismos para o LHO, pois, os fungos encontrados no presente trabalho
eram semelhantes aos detectados por outros pesquisadores ao trabalharem com
outros alimentos (Alexandre et al., 1996; Paula et al., 1988).
	A presen&a dos mesmos fungos miceliais encontrados
em alimentos no LHO, sugere que as condi&&es higi&nico-sant&rias
no momento da obten&&o, n&o foram aquelas preconizadas,
demonstrando a import&ncia do controle da assepsia das m&os das
doadoras, que eventualmente estejam manipulando alimentos antes da coleta de
	Se considerarmos que 5,2% das amostras apresentavam
fungos miceliais, podemos afirmar que a maior parte das doadoras entendeu e
praticou as orienta&&es transmitidas pelos profissionais do BLH.
	Se considerarmos ainda, que LHO ser& pasteurizado
e que os fungos miceliais, que s&o sens&veis a esse procedimento,
desaparecer&o ap&s o mesmo, o problema estaria terminado, mas
quando se trata do repasse do LHO in natura para beb&s prematuros,
os efeitos dessas contamina&&es precisam ser estudados.
M. L., 1996. Hongos filamentosos contaminantes de superficie de diferentes frutas
deshidratadas de venta libre en Santiago de Chile. Revista Chilena de Infectolog&a,
&&&&&&&&[  ]
ALMEIDA, J. A. G., 1986. Qualidade do Leite Humano Coletado
e Processado em Bancos de Leite. Disserta&&o de Mestrado,
Vi&osa: Universidade Federal de Vi&osa.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
P. H.; ALMEIDA, C. A. A. & SCHIMIDT, C., 1993. Aflatoxin, ochratoxin A and
zearalenone in animal feedstuffs in south Brazil. Part II. Revista do Instituto
Adolfo Lutz, 53:5-10.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
BAUM, J. D., 1982. Donor breast milk. Acta Paediatrica
Scandinavica, 299(Sup.):51-57.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
DE HOOG, G. S. & GUARRO, J., 1995. Atlas of Clinical
Fungi. Baarn: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures/Reus: Universitat Rovira
i Virgili.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
MARVIN, L. S., 1976. Compendium of Methods for the Microbioloical
Examination of Foods. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
MS (Minist&rio da Sa&de), 1998. Normas
Gerais para Bancos de Leite Humano. 2a Ed. Bras&lia:
&&&&&&&&[  ]
MS (Minist&rio da Sa&de), 2000. Informe
Sa&de. Ano 4. N&mero 69. Bras&lia: MS.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
S. A., 1988. Ocorr&ncia de fungos em manteigas oferecidas ao consumo p&blico
no Munic&pio de S&o Paulo. Revista de Microbiologia, 19:317-320.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
WRIGHT, K. C. & FEENEY, A. M., 1998. The bacteriological
screening of donated human milk: Laboratory experience of British Paediatric
Association's published guidelines. Journal of Infection, 36:23-27.
&&&&&&&&[  ]
Recebido em 7 de abril de 2001
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如图所示,400米的标准跑道,直道部分AB、CD长度均为100m,弯道部分BC、DA是圆弧,长度也为100m.假设A点为200m赛跑的起点,经B点到终点C.求:(1)200m赛跑的路程和位移; (2)跑至弯道BC中点P时的路程和位移.
(1)200m赛跑的路程的为200m,100m长的弯道部分BC、DA是圆弧,对应的半径r=m,因此200m赛跑的位移x=2+AB2=2+(200π)2m=m;(2)跑至弯道BC中点P时的路程为s=100+50=150m;同理,其位移x′=2+(100+100π)2=2+2π+2m;答:(1)200m赛跑的路程200m和位移m; (2)跑至弯道BC中点P时的路程150m和位移2+2π+2m.
cbulogin.center.et2Server is OKPrint version ISSN
Rem: Rev. Esc. Minas vol.63 no.3 Ouro Preto July/Sept. 2010
Parametric adjustment of a junction triangle in terms of the precise construction of haulage drives in underground mines
Nivelamento indireito do tri&ngulo de conex&o em fun&&o de escolha de vias optimais de transporte em minas subterr&neas
Aleksandar GanicI; Ivica RistovicII; Dragan DjordjevicIII; Milivoj VulicIV
IAssociate Professor University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology. E-mail:
IIAssociate Professor University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology. E-mail:
IIIProfessor University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology. E-mail:
IVAssociate Professor University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. E-mail:
In total costs of ore mining, haulage participates with 30-60%; the total number of workers engaged in the transportation exceeds 35%, while the participation of transportation in the total power consumption amounts to over 40%. All these values indicate that transportation is one of the most signifi cant challenges in the underground mining of ore deposits and that haulage analysis is very important both in selecting the haulage type and its design, utilization and maintenance. In addition to various technical mining parameters, together with mining and geological conditions, haulage effi ciency depends on the selection of optimal haulage drives, which can be achieved by accurately connecting the underground mine workings with mine network points on the surface of a site. The selection of the best mine haulage routes is one the most critical tasks in mine surveying. This paper shows how to adjust a junction triangle on a working level using the parametric adjustment method.
Mine surveying, underground mine haulage, junction triangle, parametric adjustment.
Nos custos totais de explora&&o de mat&rias-primas minerais, o transporte
participa com 30-60%, o n&mero total de empregados no transporte excede
35%, enquanto o consumo total de energia para o transporte na mina & acima de
40%. Todos esses valores mostram que o transporte representa um dos processos
tecnol&gicos mais importantes na explora&&o subterr&nea de mat&rias-primas
minerais e que a quest&o de transporte & muito importante, como na escolha do
tipo de sistema de transporta&&o, como tamb&m na sua proje&&o, explora&&o e
manuten&&o. A efi ci&ncia do transporte, al&m de muitos par&metros t&cnicos e
tecnol&gicos de explora&&o, como tamb&m de condi&&es mineiro-geol&gicas,
depende, tamb&m, da escolha de vias de transporte optimais, que, se conseguem
atrav&s de conex&o exata de locais subterr&neos de minas com pontos da rede
mineira na superf&cie do terreno. A escolha de vias optimais de transporte mineiro
representa uma das tarefas mais importantes nas medi&&es mineiras. Essa obra
mostra a maneira de nivelamento indireito do tri&ngulo de conex&o em fossa
atrav&s de m&todo de nivelamento indireito.
Palavras-chave: Medi&&es mineiras, transporte, conex&o, tri&ngulo de conex&o,
nivelamento indireito.
1. Introduction
Combined haulage systems (railway transport - hoisting shaft) are the most applied systems in underground mines, both in Serbia and in the nearby countries. Connecting the underground mining workings is an important part of haulage design due to the fact that all the subsequent works follow the connection results, and therefore their accuracy depends largely on the accuracy of the connecting procedure (Ristovic, 2006). One of the most applied connection methods through a vertical shaft is the Weisbach or "junction triangle method" (). The usual adjustment procedure for junction triangles is based on the conditional adjustment method.
The objective of the connecting procedure is to connect the stopes and the underground workings of a mine, or the related working level of a mine, with the site surface. More accurately, the connecting procedure determines the horizontal coordinates of the working level of the mine within the same reference system of the surface topography.
The connection through mine workings can be carried out regardless of its position in space, but the most difficult and the most complex connecting procedure is the one established through vertical workings (Vižintin et al., 2008). In such a case, two plumb lines are projected through the mine's main shaft to represent a straight, vertical line. Therefore, the X and Y coordinates of the plumb lines in the surface will be the same as of the underground working level of the mine. By creating various geometrical figures and by measuring angular and length values, on the basis of known coordinates of the plumb lines, the coordinates of the first point and the direction angle of the first side of a future underground theodolite traverse are calculated, which is the objective of connecting.
2. Connecting by the junction triangle method
In connecting main mine galleries through one vertical shaft, the Weisbach method is mostly used, which is also known as the Junction triangle method. Vertical plumb lines in the shaft with the given point beside the shaft on the surface of the site, and with an unknown point on the mine level form two linked triangles having one common side - the side between the plumb lines. In these triangles, all of the three sides and the angle against the side between the plumb lines are measured, and it is a common practice that, due to a lower impact of errors of length measuring, the triangles are oblique (α &20?; β &160?) (Borshch-Komponiets et al., 1989). When dealing with oblique triangles like the latter, the unknown angles α and β are calculated by applying the Sinus theorem. Four values are measured in each triangle, i.e. one more measurement per each triangle is available, which enables the measurement results to be included in the process of strict adjustment. However, most technical journals tend to emphasize the adjustment of nonoblong junction triangles. The reason for the "non-adjustment" of oblong junction triangles is because the measurements carried out therein are more accurate, and therefore there are no significant differences between the approximate and adjusted coordinates of the points on the working mine level. Hence, the adjustment process becomes more complex, and more comprehensive, requiring longer measurements which may increase the possibility of errors. However, if these were compelling arguments once, now such a concept is completely surpassed (Ganic & Djordjevic, 1999).
The adjustment of junction triangles is currently carried out via the conditional adjustment method, where, because of one redundant measurement per triangle, there is one conditional equation for each triangle, both on the site surface and on the working mine level. However, professional papers have never presented this possibility and the application of the parametric adjustment of a junction triangle on a working mine level. Parametric and conditional adjustment are based on the total least-squares method (Golub & Van Loan, 1996). For this reason, these two ways of calculation will give the same final results (Blaha, 1984). Nevertheless, due to its advantages, the parametric adjustments is applied more frequently than the conditional adjustment.
3. Parametric adjustment of a junction triangle
The parametric adjustment has been applied to a junction triangle taking into account measurements on a working mine level, as follows:
• 3 measured horizontal directions from an unknown point 1 (α1, α2, α3).
• 3 measured horizontal lengths from point 1 towards an unknown point 2 on the working mine level (d1) and towards plumb lines (d2, d3). The length between the plumb lines on the working mine level is measured for the purpose of the known measurement accuracy control (|cm- cr| & 3mm), but it is not included in the adjustment process.
The given adjustment data are the coordinates of the plumb lines P1 and P2, calculated on the basis of the measurements on the surface of the site. It is also necessary to determine the approximate coordinates of the unknown points 1 and 2 on the working mine level.
In the parametric adjustment of working mine level measurements, there are six measured values available, and five unknown values, namely: Y and X coordinates of the points 1 and 2 and the definite angle for the orientation of the observed horizontal directions from point 1 (Hu & Tang, 2001).
In the parametric adjustment, it is necessary to establish functional connections among measured values and unknown variables, based on which residual equations are created (Aleksic, 1990; Strang & Borre, 1997, Fan & Yao, 2005). The residual equations are then converted into standard equations, which are solved in increments, resulting in this case on the coordinates of the unknown points 1 and 2 on the working mine level.
3.1 Residual equations for the measured horizontal directions
The functional relation for the measured horizontal directions is as follows:
αsi - Measured horizontal directions from the station S towards the points 1, 2,... i.
ν αsi - Residuals of the corresponding horizontal directions.
νsi - Direction angles from the point S towards the points 1, 2,... i.
zs - Angle for the orientation of horizontal directions measured from the station S.
If the unknown direction angles and the orientation angle are expressed through approximate values and corresponding increments such as:
Then, the approximate values of the unknowns are calculated according to the following equations:
Equation (1) can also be expressed as:
By linearization of (6), we obtain:
That is, the fi nal residual equations are in the form of:
Where the coeffi cients are:
And the free elements are:
The final set of equations (8) refers to horizontal directions perceived between two unknown points. For directions perceived from an unknown point towards the given points, the increments are as follows:
δ Xi= 0; δYi= 0
So the residual equations are:
3.2 Residual equations for measured horizontal lengths
The functional relation for measured horizontal lengths is as follows:
dsi- Measured horizontal lengths between the point S and points 1, 2,... i;
νdsi- Residuals of correspondin
- Adjusted values of horizontal lengths.
If in equation (10), the most probable length values are replaced by approximate values and their corresponding increments, this equation becomes:
Whereby the approximate lengths are calculated on the basis of approximate coordinates of the points, according to the equation:
Therefore, equation (11), becomes:
By linearization of the equation (13):
We obtain the final residual equations for the measured horizontal lengths:
Where the coefficients are:
And the free elements are:
The same applies to final residual equations for equation
(15) refers to the measured lengths between an unknown point and the given ones
and the fi nal residual equations are in the following form:
3.3 Final residual equations for the parametric adjustment of a junction triangle in a working mine level
Taking into account
and the equations (8), (9), (15) and (16), the residual equations in the parametric adjustment of measurements in a junction triangle on a working mine level are as follows:
In accordance with the final set of residual equations (17), the coefficient matrix of error equations, the free element vector, and the weight matrix, based on standard deviations to the measured directions and lengths are created. Then, the parametric adjustment is carried out according to the known equations, whereby both the coordinates and their increments of the unknown points on the working mine level are obtained according to the equations:
This solution properly addresses the issue of the parametric adjustment of a junction triangle on the working mine level.
4. Connecting a haulage gallery in the coal mine Soko by applying the parametric adjustment of a junction triangle
Soko's Brown Coal Mine has one haulage shaft and one ventilation shaft, both 160 m deep. Mine development has been carried out through a series of slopes and horizontal galleries. The haulage shaft was subsequently deepened for another 100m, taking its total depth to 260m. New drives were also constructed (GTN-1 and GTN2) to enable access to the Eastern limb of the Central field. The mining method in the Soko Mine is a variant of the room-and-pillar method, with the construction of level drives alongside the seam, with roof coal slicing in retreat. Production is carried out simultaneously through two level drives.
show geological cross sections through the main underground workings of the Central Field Eastern Limb, in Soko's Brown Coal Mine.
The solution of opening the Eastern Limb of the Central Field is based on the division of a mineable deposit into two levels. The first level is located at elevation -44m to provide working access to the Western and Central fields above such elevation. The second level is projected at elevation -150m in order to provide access to the Central field between the first and the second levels. The opening of the -44m level was envisaged to be carried out in two stages. The first stage includes the construction of the main access from the surface to the bottom of the haulage shaft as well as ventilation, haulage and other operating conditions necessary for the continuation of works. The general layout of the working drives of such arrangement is shown in .
The connection of the working drives shown in
has been carried out using the junction triangle method. Two plumb-bobs, with horizontal coordinates defined by the intersections, were suspended from the surface down to one of the haulage drives. The following measurements were taken within the haulage drive:
• Three sets of angular measurements by theodolite Wild T2.
• Ten repetitions of length measurements by a precise steel band.
The proposed procedure for the parametric adjustment of the junction triangle is:
• Coordinates of the plumb lines P1 and P2 obtained on the basis of the measurements on the surface:
• Approximate coordinates of the points 1 and 2 in the haulage drive:
Y= 667.2730m
X =812.2250m
Y = 683.1160m
X = 821.2970m
Results of measurements of horizontal directions and lengths in the haulage drive ().
Standard deviations to the measured values:
σα = 5"
σd= 0.5mm
Based on the parametric adjustment procedure, coefficients and free elements of the final residual equations are calculated according to equations (8) and (15) ().
Therefore according to the set of equations (17), the coefficient matrix of the residual equations will be:
Free element vector: f T = [0 -5.02 -4.38 +0.56 +2.43 -0.58]
As well as the weight matrix: Pdijag = [ 1 1 1 100 100 100]
By applying the corresponding matrix operations, an inverse coefficient matrix of standard equations is obtained:
Where: N = AT . P.A
As well as the free element vector:
nT = (AT. P. f)T = [+301.58 -9.2 +48.2401]
Based on the coefficient matrix and free element vector, the increment vector is obtained:
xT = - (N-1. n)T = [+0.146mm -0.915mm +6.976" +0.406mm -1.705mm]
The most probable values of the coordinates of unknown points in the haulage drive obtained by the parametric adjustment will be:
Y1= 667.2730m - 0.9mm = 667.2721m
X1= 812.2250m + 0.1mm = 812.2251m
Y2= 683.1160m - 1.7mm = 683.1143m
X2= 821.2970m + 0.4mm = 821.2974m
The transposed residual vector for the measurement results will be:
νT = [ 0 -0,21" +0,21" 0 +1,50mm -1,50mm]
And the most probable values of the measured values in the haulage drive will be in .
The standard deviations to the coordinates of the unknown points in the haulage drive are:
σy1 = 1.50mm
σy2= 4.17mm
For the purposes of control, a conditional adjustment of the junction triangle was also carried out, with the same parameters (= 2.2273m) and the following adjusted values:
Angle between plumb lines γ = 1?08'52.3" (the difference between the value obtained by the parametric adjustment and the conditional one is Δ = |0.3"|).
Side distance between the plumb line P1 and the point 1 in the haulage drive d2=6.9199m ( Δ = |0.5mm|).
Side distance between the plumb line P2 and the point 1 in the haulage drive d3 =4.6464m ( Δ= |0.4mm|).
The coordinates of points 1 and 2 in the haulage drive are calculated in the draft of traverse, on the basis of conditionally adjusted measurements as follows:
Y1 = 667.2716m
Y2= 683.1140m
And, as it was expected, these coordinates differ only slightly from the coordinates obtained by the parametric adjustment.
5. Conclusion
The parametric adjustment is a strict adjustment method based on the leastsquares method. As such, the parametric adjustment, if well performed, will give the same results as any other adjustment based on the least-square method. In comparison with other strict adjustment methods, the parametric adjustment has several advantages of which the most important are: direct calculation of unknown coordinates and an indirect assessment of the accuracy of the measurements performed and the coordinate calculations.
There are a number of commercial geodetic softwares in the market which are also applied in underground mines in performing different tasks. The fact is that all softwares will give the same final results, if they are based on adjustment according to the least-squares method. However, end users are not familiar with the algorithm according to which the software is realized, that is, the unknown is the applied adjustment method according to which calculations are made.
The procedure shown in the paper enables a simple, but efficient verification method for commercial softwares and their determining method, if the calculations were made according to the least-squares method and if the obtained results are the most probable values of unknown variables. The verification of the procedure was made by comparing results obtained by the conditional adjustment method, on the example of the haulage drive connection in the coal mine Soko.
Thus the experts can, in practice, organize a measurement program in a si that is, they can achieve better results and a more efficient work, and thereby ensure lower operating costs for the company.
6. Bibliographic references
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&&&&&&&&[  ]
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Artigo recebido em 08/06/2009 e aprovado em 19/11/2009.
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