
旋转木马 凯利儿歌 第20集
老人景区内私自爬树摘杨梅坠亡 家属称树太好爬向景区索赔60万
旧玩具要爱惜 凯利儿歌 第4集
小小年纪不学好!实拍5名小孩强拆贩卖机 偷走全部水猜拳分赃
西游释厄传 大鹏王最怕的就是升龙了 以后可以试试
别害羞 凯利儿歌 第8集
西游释厄传 老猪是真的好笨呦 第一个boss就挨打了
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【101】The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate antique’s NO.1 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate 补充介绍一下 Friends 的官方站点,Url 是 http://www.nbc.com/friends, 如果有什么 纠纷,相信那里是最权威的地方查阅了,另外,在世博英语 http://www.360abc.com 发现了 一个用 Friends 学习英语的系列,大家也可以去那里看看。 记得刚开始看时, 有个问题总是让我困惑, 即为什么每一集 (episode) 的名字都叫做&The One ****&,后来总算搞清楚了,原来它是 the one with... 或者 the one where,或者 the one which...的意思,有时候甚至简写成 TOW,呵呵,怎么样,明白了么?OK,让我们进入正题。 第一集是试播(Pilot) ,主要情节如下,瑞秋在教堂抛弃未婚夫巴利、逃婚到莫妮卡处。 莫妮卡和调酒师(Wine Guy)保罗约会,此君伪装成离婚后一蹶不振的苦命人,靠博取同情来 骗女人上床。罗斯婚姻失败,因为他的老婆被证实居然是同性恋,所以情绪低落。乔伊安慰 他说,女性的种类与 Ice Cream 一样多,离婚未尝不是好事。大家一同看西班牙肥皂剧并信 口瞎猜剧情。罗斯自高中起即爱慕瑞秋,此刻死灰复燃,提议和她约会,瑞秋答应了。 这一集绝对是整个 Friedns 的基石, 所谓 pilot 就是如果播的不好, 立马 cancel 的那种, 所以无论剧情语言还有表演都非常精彩,这一集里面六个人都露面了,我立马就喜欢上了一 脸坏笑的&幼兽&Joey(嘿嘿,一看就是我这种类型嘛),憨憨厚厚的 Ross, 未经世事的 Rach, 直爽坦白的&商贩&Chandler,成熟而又略带神经质的 Monica,以及童趣无邪的 Phoebe…. 以下是我觉得有意思的一些词句,一一讲解。 1. Chandler :So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?这是 Chandler 挖 苦 Paul 的话,意思是:他有驼背么?有假发的驼子? 2. Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck..这段话是不是很熟 悉呀?对, 《大话西游》里面一开始孙猴子发狠就是这样子讲的哦,不知道是谁抄袭谁,意思 不用我解释了吧,这里 Ross 用来形容妻子 Carol 是 Lesbian 并同他离婚后的心情。 3. Ross:Why does everyone keep fixating on that?这句话很实用,意思是为什么你 们总是提起那件事呢?因为 Joey 又提到了 Ross 妻子 Carol 是 lesbian 的事儿, Ross 非常恼 火,于是冒出这样一句,我们平常生活中也可以用一下。Remember:fixate on sth. 4. Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones! &Strip joint&是 脱衣舞场的意思,Joey 意思是 Ross 现在虽然很受伤,但是正好恢复单身,可以去脱衣舞场 去, &have some hormones&直译就是你要有一些男性荷尔蒙呀,翻译过来就是你该去(脱衣 舞场)找乐子去。 5. Rachel: I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. 这句话里面有三个词组需要解释,第一个是 turn on,也就是打开的 意思,比如 turn on the radio,这里是指让某人更兴奋激动的意思,想一想,平时在路上走, 这时候有个 sexy 美女路过,你就可以说:wow,the gal really turns me on.第二个是 freak out,这个词组很重要,几乎在每集都能听到,频率高的吓人,看来口语中很实用,在论坛上 我看到以下几种解释,觉得不错,a.have an extreme reaction to sth b.act abnormally (under the influence of drugs) c.make sb feel extreme plaesure or unease,也就是 表达焦躁害怕不安等情绪的意思。第三个词组是 Gravy Boat,这是一个调味汁瓶酱油瓶,常 常下面还垫着一个小碟子,非常精美的,所以 Rach 才说它给她带来的兴奋比 Barry 还大。 6. Joey: You got screwed.这句话值得记住,意思是你受骗了。 7. Paul: No, it's, it's more of a fifth date kinda revelation.这句语法结构不 知道怎么分析,意思就是,这该是第五次约会时候才说的事儿。这一招要学会,我发现这个 酒保的确很会泡妞。 8. Ross: I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than 'to get you into bed'.这里有一个词语需要强调一下, sophisticated,在中文里面是世故的意思, 即 其实在英文里面,这个单词是褒义词,说明人非常成熟有魅力。 9. Monica: It sucks.这句话很常用,意思是&很残酷&。 10. Ross: Okay. (They split it.) You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. 这里又有一个经典的词组,have a crush on sb.对某人一见钟情,Ross 在这里加上了 major,意思是非常喜欢的意思,呵呵, 赶紧学会了去对喜欢的人讲吧。 终于写完 101 的了,虽然写的不好,可还是花了几个钟头,真累阿! -------------- 关于上述笔记的讨论(enrollee) 4. &have some hormones&我理解的意思是:to be manly,有点骨气,等等。翻译的字 幕里说“别觉得丢人,你单身,有性需求” ,觉得与 joey 说话时的口气不符。 5. turn sb on: 往往有 make sb sexually excited 的意思,不是一般的兴奋。 记得就 在本论坛里,好象有人提起过。 6. get screwed: 是受骗了的意思,但强调钱财方面,即“被别人以不正当的手段骗取 钱财” 。 9. it sucks = it is very bad. 根据上下文这儿可译成: (尽管)这个世界很恶心。 10. if you are a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them. 这儿 ROSS 说他是 a crush on RACH, 意思是他“曾暗恋过”RACH, 往往有一种事过境迁后的自嘲味道在里面, 说“一见钟情”是不太准确的。如果你现在对你 喜欢的人说“i have a crush on you” ,嘿嘿,说不定他/她会理解成: “噢,原来你曾经一 度呆傻般地迷恋上俺,不过现在已经不把俺当回事了。 ” 1. while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something... on a roll:顺便,一次连着做什么事情。 我有不同的意见,on a roll 的准确意思是做事情很成功的意思,这里是 joey 在说 rach 所做的 coffee。 2. I was laughed out of twelve interviews today. 这里 laughed out of laughed out of : 是 Rachel 面试表现太差,太出糗,被轰笑出了面试官的办公室。 --------- enrollee’s 刚才一边看 juliaqiu 整理的 antique 的 101 笔记, 一边就开始吹毛求疵地跟贴。 跟了几 个后又觉得自己的行为不好,应该鼓励这种分享行为,所以赶紧看看 101 的剧本,补充几个 自己体会,欢迎大家批判。 1. Joey: Listen, while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something... (Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot.) Although actually I'm really not that hungry... on a roll: undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success (手风较顺) 另外这个 western omelet(西式煎蛋)很棒,是用火腿片、切碎的青椒、洋葱片撒在摊 开的蛋上,用平底锅放在小火上烤出来的,我还喜欢在蛋里撒些 cheese 丝儿,哈哈,不能说 了,我开始滴口水了。 2.Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh... Monica: What?..... What, you wanna spell it out with noodles? walk out on someone: 将 someone 抛弃 spell it out: explain it 3.Paul: No, I'm telling you last night was like umm, all my birthdays, both graduations, plus the barn raising scene in Witness. barn raising: 村里的一种庆典,当一家人要建个新农屋时,邻居们也一起过来帮忙凑 热闹,场面很喜庆。 4.Monica: Well, that's it (To Ross) You gonna crash on the couch? Ross: No. No, I gotta go home sometime. crash: 动词,临时在哪儿凑合一觉。 5.Monica: (entering, to herself) Oh good, Lenny and Squigy are here. All: Morning. Good morning. Lenny and Squigy: 连续剧 Laverne and Shirley 里的两个角色,但没看过这片子,所 以这两个角色有什么特别的地方也不清楚,不知哪位能解释一下。 5.‘Lenny and Squigy: 连续剧 Laverne and Shirley 里的两个角色,但没看过这片子, 所以这两个角色有什么特别的地方也不清楚,只知道她们是很好的朋友,室友,工友(在一 家酿酒厂做封瓶盖的工作). 6.Joey: (sitting on the arm of the couch)Of course it was a line! Monica: Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that? line: 谎言。老美最讨厌的就是 liar。 line 有“台词”的意思,在加上这句话是 joey 说的,他是个演员,所以我认为这里的 line 是台词的意思,而不是谎言。 @_@,谢谢细心的 ttjzh。I am with you there! Friends 的编剧文字功底醇厚,用词也常常叫人拍案叫绝。这里的 line 就是一例。不仅 复合 joey 的“actor”身份,词本身用在这里也是恰到好处。 Line 一词也可作为俚语解释,字意为: “one's usual way of talking, esp when being persuasive or self-aggrandizing”,这不正是&the wine guy& Paul 的狐狸真面目(as ross said, to get women to go to bed by acting patheticly)? lavanew 的回答: 关于 of course it's a line 的补充 A line is a phrase tend to say to several people. It's a phrase designed to get what they want. Sometimes people have a line they use to get girls and it's called a &pick-up line.& people also have lines they might use if they are businessmen and want you to buy something. it's not always a lie but it's almost always some exaggeration. sudan1974 的回答: About LINE 今天读 Erich Segal 的小说 Man, Woman and Child 外研社’88 年版时,在 119 页遇到 这个词在相同情形下的用法。 In a restaurant Gavin: … And I hope you’ll accept my invitation for nightcap, without any superfluous qualms. Sheila: No, really, I can’t. My friends are expecting me. Gavin: The Hotel is midway between there and here. His Hotel. What a line! Did he ever actually succeed with it? Of course he did. …… (Sheila) 注释为:What a line! 手法真不高明!line 指为达到某种目的而采取的手段或花言巧 语。 可以参考。 ---------- 东吴大学语言中心&电影讲义& friends 101 详解 http://www.scu.edu.tw/language/3self-access/dl_movie/MVH_Friends-1_1.pdf ------- 1.this is a Dear Diary moment 西方人写日记一开头总爱写 Dear Diary,...... Dear Diary moment 也许是讲这个时刻不同寻常,有重要意义,值得写进日记的意思吧 这是一个值得纪念的日子/时刻”的意思。 2.Mento 是什么 其实这里的 Mento 是指 Mentos(曼妥斯)这种糖,这句话意思是 Chandler 和 Joey 与女孩 的关系从来没超过嚼一颗 Mentos 的时间. 在&我与老友一起傻笑&一书中有提到 Here Chandler made a comparison of the longevity of his and Joey's relationship to the lasting of Mento,emphasizing the shortness of their relationship with other girls,which acts kinda as a comfort to Ross. 3.drifted apart-- 感情疏远 4.stirp joint,脱衣舞酒吧,joint=place 通常指不那么高雅的地方 5.Sounds like a date to me 听起来就同我的约会一样 6.De-caff 是不含咖啡因的咖啡。 当时 rach 进来的时候很激动,mon 就让咖啡店的小姐给她一杯这样的咖啡,免得她更激 动。 7.sobbing 哭泣 8.Lincoln High 指 Lincoln High School. 能活着离开学校当然是 surviors 了 9.or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids 再过一会儿就会有四个被淋湿的伴娘来找 Rachel. Monica 拿这个来开玩笑。 10.Turn out 就是事情结果是什么什么 11.Have some hormones!可以理解为“你要有点男人的样子! ” 12.turn on 在美国如果不是指打开什么东西时,一般都指引起人的性兴奋。他们讲这些 很随便,所以经常出现。 13.freak out 很常用,就是吓坏了 14.You can see where he'd have trouble. Apparently, we can tell that Rach's dad made fun of Rach's metaphor by saying &buy her a hat&, and pretended that he didn't know what Rach was talking about. But what's even worse is that Rach didn't get her dad's little trick either.So she yelled at the phone that &It's a metaphor,Daddy!&. Once she realized how rude and unladily she was just now, her eyes met with Ross's, which made Ross rather embarrassing. So he ended up saying that &You can see where he'd have trouble.& That means &you can see misunderstanding your metaphor is where he'd have trouble to communicate with you smoothly. 15.Buzz him in buzz 就是按楼洞防盗门时发出的声音,这样用法又简单,又形象 16.Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica. Monica has no idea why Rachel said that. But she can't just abandon Rach at this critical time, so when her friends turned to her for a verification, she can't think of nothing to say except that: &Well, it seems to Rachel that I have already agreed on the whole moving in thing( that is established an agreement on her moving in), although I have nothing to do with it!!(Don't look at me in this weird way, guys!)& 17.hang out here,呆在这 朋友之间相处,象 FRIENDS 他们一起喝咖啡,在 MON 家聊天之类的,都是 hang out 像这样的词组就是所谓的,外国人不认为是俚语的俚语,它们非常通俗,老外每天都在 说,而我们在字典上却查不到确切含义,因此,看 FRIENDS 是很有帮助的。 18.it' been kinda a long day,完成时态,因为 RACH 又逃婚,有被老爸骂,这一天过 得很痛苦,所以也就很漫长。 19.Billy,Don't Be A Hero 是一首70年代的老歌,描写的是越战中,一个女孩希望自 己的 fiance Billy 平安归来,don't be a hero in the war,但最后 Billy 还是在战争中失 去了他年青的生命. 20.shoe 就是鞋子的意思。下文 &it's a metaphor&,是个比喻!Rachel 喜欢购物嘛, 所以把服饰比喻成人的理想,别人告诉 rachel 要成为一只鞋,rachel 自己想做个&purse& 以鞋喻人生,职业、前途或者某一类人。老爸老妈希望 Rachel 成为某一种人,Rachel 自 己却另有想法。只不过 Rachel 想不到用什么比喻,所以用自己最喜欢的服饰作比喻。Rachel 喜欢逛街购物嘛.Shoe 和 Purse 都是 ladies 的最爱 shoe 是指要成双配对的生活,因为 shoes 是 2 只一起的,一只 shoe 永远需要另外一只 purse 就是独立的,自己可以生存的, 不需要配对的 21.Oh...see... but Joanne loved Chachi! That's the difference! What Rachel said is funny is because Rachel here was sarcastic about her running away from altar.She was deeply moved by the true love between Joanne and Chachi which leads to a successful holy matrimony,while she and Barry had almost everything but love and that results in her disappointment in their matrimony.So she felt right to have escaped from a doomed marrige with a person she would never love. 22.I'm in Las Vegas... I'm Liza MinelliLiza Minelli--- A famous singer used to be a duet-mate of Pavarotti. 23.Chandler: If can invade Poland, there isn't anything I can't do. Rachel previously said if she could make coffee on her own,there wasn't anything she couldn't do. Chandler is a person of sarcasm,he just quoted what Rachel said to be ironic. Moreover,Hitler invaded Poland with the intent of conquering the whole world.The metaphor used here makes the line much funnier. 24. gravy boat An elongated, boat-shaped pitcher used to serve gravy. A gravy boat usually sits on a matching plate, which is used to catch gravy drips. Sometimes the plate is permanently attached to the pitcher. A matching ladle often accompanies a gravy boat. Also called sauce boat. 中文字典上解释为船行卤肉盘 25. sweet'n'low 低脂糖 26.Rachel 逃婚之后就不得不面对后果了(face the music), 她的老爸很生气,在电话 里威胁说要经济制裁她,Rachel 一时嘴硬说:&Well, maybe I don't need your money.& 等 她老爸真的把电话挂了之后,她又忙不迭地对着电话叫道:&Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!& 事已至此她只能借住在 Monica 的家里了。 【世博视角】 在这些事发生之前,Rachel 可是一直靠在她那有钱的老爸身上的,所以 Monica 才说: ” 哎,这可能是件好事呢,你想啊,这样你就能独立生活了。 be for the best 是一个极其 ” 口语化的表达法,表示某件事情可能并不像看上去那么糟,也颇有点良药虽苦,其利于病的 意思,比如:I know it's hard for you to leave him, but it's for the best. 接着号称情圣的 Joey 也跑来向 Rachel 表示: 如果你需要什么尽管来找我好了。 实 &嗨, & 际上 Joey 和另一个&老友& Chandler 就住在 Monica 的对门:Me and Chandler live right across the hall. 按语法讲,Joey 应该说 Chandler and I…但在口语中用 me 也是可以接 受的,而且 Joey 为了突出自己而把 Me 放到了 Chandler 前面,然后还很暧昧地加了一句&他 经常不在家 (And he’s away lot)&。 Monica 很了解 Joey, 教训他说:&你别挑逗她了 (stop hitting on her),今天可是她 的结婚之日。& 在上一篇当中我们也讲到过 hit 这个字,它可以用来表示 realize, 而这里 的 hit on someone 的意思是&和某人调情,或挑逗某人&, 相当于 flirt with someone, 其 它类似的表达法还有:to make a pass at someone 和 to come on to someone, 例如: &Did you see the way Brian came on to Sally at the office party?& &Oh, Brian has made a pass at every girl in the office.& &I know, but he hit on Sally particularly hard.& 到底是情圣啊! 最后 Joey 脸不红心不跳地回了一句:&怎么啦?难道还有什么明文规定 不成?(What, like there's a rule or something?) 。&Hit on sb. /come on to sb./pass at sb./crash on sb.与 flirt with sb.是有区别 的。前者指的是对某人有意思,有好感(情感上或“生理”上) ,不一定(只是不一定要付诸 行动,即“被某人所吸引” ,而后者则应包括付诸行动,比如我们常说的“上前搭讪,引人注 意,挑逗,调情” 。当然具体到实际生活中两种情况有可能交叉,比如上文中翻译的“你别挑 逗她了 ”就包含了这两种意思,非常准确。 另外 What, like there's a rule or something?似乎该理解为:难道有什么规定(在 这种情况下禁止我追求她)么? have the hots for someone be stuck on someone have one's cap set for someone fall for 27.this man says &hello&, I will kill myself Ross 因为情绪低落故沉默少语,现在说出个“hi&,表情极为痛苦,还不如不说。Joey 的意思即是“我真想自杀。 ”他用此话来表达自己的一种情绪。 Ross 说 Hello 的语调垂头丧气得好像 It's the end of the world.让人郁闷得不行,所 以 Joey 调侃说 This man says& hello&,I would kill myself. I guess this section of conversation is open to various interpretations,as long as it makes you laugh,that's all,don't take it too seriously! --------- 1.Rachel:Ohh,I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue…… 这句的意思是“我希望这件事不是个问题” hoping 就是希望, kinda 是 kind of 的 , 缩写, 就是有一点的意思, 在很多话比如你问的这一举里面是添加一点谦虚语气的说法, 有点那种 “给我留些面子” 的意思, 要多于到就会理解, 另外, 比如简单的意思: he's kinds cool. 他有点酷 2.Joey:Here's a little tip,she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red. 我给你一点小建议,她真得喜欢有人在她的脖子上面一个地方反复反复再反复的擦直到 有一点红。tip 是建议, 还可以用 suggestion, hint 等, suggestion 正式, hint 跟 tip 都比较随意, tip 还有小费的意思, 名词和动词 tip me some tip 就是说我回答你的问题你 可以给我一点消费, tip 最基本的意思就是什么东西的尖儿了, finger tip 指尖 3.Ross:This was Cs favorite beer,She always drank it out of the can,I should have known. out of 是说从易拉罐里喝吧,没什么特别的 4.Pual:Ooh,steer chear of you.那可不能惹你呀 5.Chandler:stay out of my freezer! horny 是有性欲了, 所以 chandler 不让 ross 靠近他的冰箱. 呵呵,明白了吧,不好意思 说下去了。冰箱有食物,冰箱还能降温。 6.Rachel:I can see that.You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth. 因为 monica 笑个不停,和不上嘴,rachel 就说她好像嘴里有一个衣架把嘴撑住了, hanger 是衣架 7.Ross:I just grabbed a spoon.因为 joey 把女人比喻成冰激凌嘛,他让 ross 拿起勺子 去尝冰激淋,就是比喻他去找新目标了 8.go for 选择 9.Change 换衣服 10.Ross: You know what the scariest part is? What if there's only one woman for everybody, y'know? I mean what if you get one woman- and that's it? Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman- for her... 你们知道最可怕的是什么?要是每个人只能有一个女人?我是说,要是你找到一个女人 (做另一半)-然后就不能在找了?不幸的是,我这件事里,那个一个女人是给“她”准备 的.. 11.when you were what 8 ?是 8 岁的意思?? 13. regional work 他指范围比较小的表演,也不会上电视什么的 14. Are you in trouble 又有很棒的 sex,又有 feelings,必然心情异常激动,所以 rach 说:你还能挺住吗? 15. I think we are getting a little ahead of selves here 我想我们现在讨论这个 (婚纱的问题)有点太早了 16. what for 和 for what 都可以吧,口语上不用讲就太多语法 17.I'm pushing my Aunt Roz through Parrot Jungle 就是字面上的意思,上文不是说 Frannie 刚去了 Florida 吗,可以理解为“你真讨厌, 当我死命的把 Aunt Roz 推出鹦鹉丛林的时候,你却在和别人 having sex! ” 18.There's an image。 butt 是屁股,ross 讽刺 joey,说他比喻的形象 19. Lamauge gravy boat lamauge 应该是牌子或生产地 20.the pilot:美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度, 以此 来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集 the uncut version 就是未删节版 21.I take credit for Paul. 我给 Paul 打保票 22.there was no snap in his turtle for two years. The &snap in his turtle& refers to sexual performance, it's kind of a &clean& way of saying a vulgar idea (also known as a euphemism). A man who has no snap in hi or, unable to have an erection. I do have an idea on how it was created. &Snap,& of course, has many meanings, but most of them have to do with making a quick, sudden movement (or sound), often of a closing or biting nature. In North America, there is an animal known as a &snapping turtle,& which is a type of turtle that is known to bite (or &snap&) humans and other animals. From what I have heard, if one of those things bites you, it hurts a lot. Now, if one of these turtles can't snap, then there's not so much to fear--if they can't bite you, they can't hurt you. A snapping turtle with no (abilty to) snap, then, is powerless, and from there the slang was created. The word &impotent,& aside from its sexual definition, also means &without power.& In the case of &Friends,& they decided to use the word &turtle& in this way, and so a turtle without &snap& is understood by Franny and Monica to mean a man without (sexual) power or capability. 23.Stop cleansing my aura aura :a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source, ex: &the place had an aura of mystery& 当时的场景是 Ross 进来跟大家诉说他的不幸婚姻,倒了霉运的他周身象是鬼神附身一 般。 Phoebe 这人第一喜欢帮助人, 第二她总是神叨叨的, 大家还记得有一集里她看到一只猫, 就说是她死去的妈吗?于是 Phoebe 想帮 Ross 把霉运赶走, Ross 自然是反对封建迷信的, PhD 就对 Phoebe 说,意思是你别烦我了,省省吧。 【102】The One With The Sonogram At The End antique’s No.2 The One With the Sonogram at the End 上集说道 Rach 和 Ross 分别经历了感情镇痛,这一集开始,Ross 得知前妻 Carol 有了身 孕,被迫同 Carol 的同志伴侣 Susan 一起,陪 Carol 参加助产训练班。Ross 和 Monica 的父 母来吃饭, 由于 Monica 从小就在家里不如 Ross 优秀, 所以再次感到巨大压力, 只好抖出 Ross 和 Carol 的事情。Ross 和 Rachel 同病相怜,Rachel 把戒指还给 Barry, 结果发现,Barry 不 仅没有寻死觅活,反而过的很开心,原来他已经和 Rachel 的伴娘 Mindy 好上了。这一集里面 我选了十多个句子简单讲解下。(PS:上次写了一之后,很多坛子上的朋友提出了很多意见, 大部分我都虚心接受了,在修订版中,我会都改正过来。我的英语估计也就四级水平,所以 所写的只能是抛砖引玉。其实这里很多英语高手,希望大家能一起 Continue...如果可能的 话,我想联系一下朋友,看看是否可能结集出版。) 1.Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. 几个好朋友在一 起聊性的话题,Monica 说男人不懂接吻的重要性,Joey 根本不屑一顾,于是 Rachel 说了这 样一句话,意思是:初吻可以让你明白一切。呵呵,是不是想起自己的初吻了? 2.Chandler: Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. Chandler 也发表了自己的观点, 他说接吻很大程度上像是序幕 (an opening act),像是你听 Pink Floyd 的音乐会之前不得不忍受的笑星们的表演一样。Pink Floyd 是 美国一支很著名的乐队。能听出 Chandler 的潜台词吧? 3.Marsha: Well, she has issues. Issues 在这里是烦恼、问题的意思,以后碰到别 人好像闷闷不乐的时候,你就可以上前来上一句 Do you have any issues? 4.Carol: Marty's still totally paranoid.Carol 去 Museum 里找 Ross,Ross 非常尴 尬,于是没话找话问 Carol 的家人怎么看待她是 Lesbian 的事儿,于是 Carol 告诉他,马堤 仍然神经兮兮的。Paranoid 这个单词是类似妄想狂的意思,有点 histerical 的意思。 5.Rachel: Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back to him... 'Hi Barry! Remember me? I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family!' Oh God and now I'm gonna have to return the ring, without the ring, which makes it so much harder...这里“stomp on one’s heart”stomp 是用脚踏的意思,可以想象用脚踏在心上是什么意思了吧,对,就是让人心碎的意思。 6.Chandler: Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?“kinda” 在片中出现的次数非常频繁, 也是口语中非常实用的词语, 意思是有一点儿, 相当于 kind of. 这句话的意思比较令人费解,结合场景,这里应该是 Chandler 挖苦 Monica 不该早些把枕头 提前完全搞好。In perspective 这里是提前的意思。 7.Monica: I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish, but, were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/lesbian thing? Because I think it might take some of the heat off me.Ross 和 Monica 的父母来看望他们,由于从小父母就喜欢 Ross(因 为 Ross 成绩优异,为人老实,而 Monica 性格独立,而且那时候还很胖 chubby),所以在吃 饭的时候老是无意识的讽刺 Monica,于是 Monica 想让 Ross 提提自己老婆是 Lesbian 而且有 了孩子的事儿转移注意力。Take some of the heat off sb,这里是帮 Monica 减轻压力的意 思。 8.Mrs. Geller: Well, at least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar...&at the altar&应该理解为“在婚礼上,在举行婚礼时” ,altar 这里就可以理解为”教堂“,所 以这句话的意思,我认为应该是: (虽然 Rachel 的父母为筹备婚礼花了不少钱,而 Rachel 又逃婚) ,但是至少 Rachel 还有机会在举行婚礼之际离开那个男人, (言下之意,Monica 到 现在连个结婚还都没有) 。 9.Mr. Geller: Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, with his museum, and his papers getting published. Other people are satisfied with staying where they are- I'm telling you, these are the people who never get cancer. “shoot for”是争取、得到或完成的意思。老爸盖勒也似乎对女儿不太友好,他一方面赞扬 Ross,一方面不忘贬低 Monica,说她满足于现状不思进取,说她这样的人绝对不会得癌症… 10. Ross: Well, you may wanna steer clear of the word 'dumped'. Chances are he's gonna be this, this broken shell of a man, y'know, so you should try not to look too terrific, I know it'll be hard. Or, y'know, uh, hey!, I'll go down there, and I'll give Barry back his ring, and you can go with Carol and Susan to the OB/GYN... “wanna” =want to,口语中常这样子简化,类似得还有”gonna”,就是 going to 得意思。Steer 是驾 驶掌舵的意思, “steer clear of the word”意思就是好好驾驭这个词的意思,暗示 Rach 不要随便乱用“dumped” ,因为他作为一个男人自尊可能会受伤害,所以虽然这样做很难,但 是还是不要显得太神采飞扬。 “terrific”口语中多半用来表示赞赏,虽然它的本意是“令人 恐慌的,糟糕的” 。 11. Ross: How could I forget? 我觉得这句话应该熟记,这样你就可以咬牙切齿的对 某个人,某件事说“how could I forget?” ,我怎么能忘记呢?打死我也不会忘记的。可以 想见 Ross 当时的神态了吧,真有种欲杀 Susan 而后快的感觉。 12. Ross: 'S'funny, um, uh, we agreed we'd spend the rest of our lives together. Things change, roll with the punches. I believe Julia's on the table..?“roll with the punches”punch 除了打孔机的意思之外,还有打击的意思,这里应该是说,让这些打击 减轻一些吧(Roll 就是滚的意思,那当然是减轻了)“on the table”是“在桌面上,公开 。 的”意思,Ross 认为如果他和 Carol 的孩子是女儿的话,应该光明堂皇的叫做 Julia。 13.Chandler: I dunno, but.. I think it's about to attack the Enterprise. “dunno” 是 don’t know 的缩写,Chandler 和 Joey 被逼着看 sonogram 的录像带,可是看得一头雾水, Chandler 居然说似乎是胎儿要进攻了。 “哥伦比亚”号是美国第一艘航天飞机,就是几个月前掉下来的那艘,也是美国曾有的 五艘航天飞机之一 (但是现在就剩三艘了,1986 年“挑战者”爆炸) &企业号&(ENTERPRISE)是电影《星际迷航》系列里的那艘母舰,并是真实的历史原型 “告别过去,展望未来,银河系中最著名的星际飞船企业号将执行它的第一次任务。 系 列剧《星际航行》 (Star Trek)的第五个系列《企业号》将于周三晚首播,届时将有长达 2 小时的 UPN 试播节目。忠实的《星际航行》迷们可以会大吃一惊,以前 4 部电视剧系列剧和 9 部电影(马上就会成为 10 部)中那些诚实、正义而又理智的星际舰队成员都不见了踪影。 为了吸引更多的观众,整个演员阵容几乎被重新组建。 这个新的系列剧的时间设定在未来 150 年人类的星际航行刚刚起步时,要到此后 100 年 James T. Kirk 船长才会领导企业号。 ” 所以,噱头的精髓已领悟到了,至于片中翻译成什么就无伤大雅了,只要孩子像什么与 之对应就行了。 CVN65 the Enterprise us navy aircraft carrier 美国海军的“企业”号才是历史原 型哦... --------- 1. Ross: Does she. Marsha: He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet! Q:他在外头用棍子痛击其他女人的脑袋,而她却坐在家里想方设法地让野象闻到地毯的 味道。这话什么意思?有点让人莫名其妙。好像是想说两口子不合拍,但是感觉这样理解理 由也不是很充分,为什么打的是 other women,而不是 other men。茫然…… 这里该是 Masha 和 Ross 调侃的一段话,没有什么特殊含义,可是 Ross 却非常较劲儿, 居然真的和 Masha 讨论起来究竟那些 Mannequin 所代表的原始人的烦恼起来,还说他们应该 真正担心的是冰河世纪的到来......真不接风情, 还好这时候 Carol 来了, 解了 Masha 的围。 2. Phoebe: She's already fluffed that pillow... Monica, you know, you've already fluffed that- (Monica glares at her.) -but, it's fine! Monica: Look , I'm sorry, guys, I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition than they already have. Q:ammunition 在这里指什么? A:ammunition 的本意是“军火、弹药” ,这里 Monica 给 Phoebe 解释为什么她会这么在 意枕头是否“松” ,因为她不想让她那个挑剔的母亲又有更多口实来说她。 (虽然后面她母亲 还是没有放过这么一个小小的细节) 3.Phoebe: Monica- Hi! Um, Monica, you're scaring me. I mean, you're like, you're like all chaotic and twirly. And not-not in a good way. Q:chaotic and twirly 是表示举止反常的意思吧。 A:Phoe 对正在弄枕头的 mon 说的“chaotic and twirly”其实是老美要来形容人“慌慌 张张的……”的意思。 (chaotic 混乱的 、twirly 团团转的) 4.Chandler: Ugly Naked Guy got a Thighmaster! Q:Thighmaster 是什么?这句话什么意思? A:Chandler 突然发现他们六个人一直关心的裸男竟然买了一个健腿器, 所以很惊讶的说 了这句话。那个裸男一直没有露脸过,但是却一直贯穿在这个电视中,常常会因为他的一些 事情让这六个人大发感慨。 Thigh Master 5.ob/gyn 的正确意思 Main Entry: OB-GYN Function: abbreviation:obstetrician gynecologist, obstetrics gynecology 6.chandler 说 monica:You don't get a lot of 'doy' these days 这是什么意思啊?'doy 指什么? first people used to say &duh& which is a sound that indicated stupidity, but for a little while, it turned into &doy& which has the same meaning. it just SOUNDS stupid. 7.the &comedian& argument Chandler: The problem is, though, after the concert's over, no matter how great the show was, you girls are always looking for the comedian again, y'know? I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic... basically just trying to stay awake. Rachel: Yeah, well, word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone. 各位帮帮忙,这两句我怎么也弄不明白有什么搞笑的地方?? 1.chan 用类比,show 对应 sex,comedian 对应 first kiss, fighting traffic 我想是指男人面对女人总要找 more feelings of first kiss than sex, basically just trying to stay awake 我想是指男人通常就会搞得很没心情 rach 用 comedian 对应 first kiss,listening to that album 对应 sex 2.我想这是 chandler 的 Joke Package 的一部分吧. Just imagine this: When the show is over, the man drives his girlfriend home. On the way home, while the man is fighting with the heavy traffic, the woman is nagging crazily about the whole comedian thing like forever. The man doesn't see why his girl is so attacted to the geek comedian, and he is totally freaked out and feels like being tortured by her girlfriend. Like Chandler stated later in 50*, he can't screw up their relationship by telling the truth, like yelling at his girl &Would you just stop nagging, Mom(Mon), Gees. & He can do nothing but try to stay awake or learn how to sleep with his eyes open, otherwise he's gonna be in a very dangerous situation with his girl. The same thing could probably happen after the 2 lovers made out. It seems like a rule for guys in Friends to discuss all the stuff related to &it& after making love , which is especially obvious in 301TOW the Leia. In that eppy, Rachel sold Ross out by revealing his little sexual fantacy to Phoebe. So, I guess the by saying &in a car or fighting traffic& things, chandler indicates 2 lovers chat or &discuss&about sex, just like people like to talk about a show right after it is over. Unfortunately lovers have pretty good chances to be at odds with each other on this kind of occasion . 3.here, &comedian& means &kiss&(not &first kiss&, rachel says &everything you need to know is in the first kiss&, just because she think that &from the first kiss you can read his/her real feeling about you, so first kiss is important&), &concert& means &sex&. When having sex, girls like something gentle and romantic like kiss, like move fingers on lovers' body(the stand-up comedian), while what boys really want is(mostly) just in-and-out, the physical excitement and the climax(that's Pink Floyd's live show, that's why we bought the ticket, hahahaha....). And after the sex, girls tends to hug and kiss and keep on enjoying the romance(looking for the comedian again), but boys..... u know, satisified and exhausted(we r in the car, we r fighting traffic), we always prefer falling in sleep. But not to piss off our sweetheart, boys have to hug back and kiss back and tell her 'I love you'......basically just trying to stay awake. Well, Rachel's answer is really funny, each time i just can't help laughing, hahahaha..... She says &word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone&, that is, &You better kiss her after the sex, Otherwise next time nobody wants to have sex with you except yourself (you can only satisfy yourself by wank)& 确实是很 Blue, 不过我觉得 Friends 最吸引人的地方之一就是以一种很随意戏谑的态度 讨论性的问题,很轻松很愉快(而且我觉得还算比较健康了)。我也问过一些美国朋友,现实 生活中他们也不会象那帮家伙那样谈性的问题跟吃点心一样随意的, 毕竟这是很隐私的问题。 --------- 1、issues 大部分的时候都可以解释为“问题” ,但在不同的语境里面翻译会有少许的不 同,在这里可以理解成“她有点困扰(的事情)” 。 2、 “He's out ”在这里表状态,表示“他在外面……” ,后面“banging other women over the head with a club”是他在外面所干的事。一般口语中常常会忽略语法,所以如果死抠 语法,会发现很多不合语法的地方的。整句翻译“他在外头乱搞女人,而她却待家里设法去 除地毯上乳齿象的味道” 。 这里 CLUB 不是一般俱乐部的意思,这里的 CLUB 是打击的意思 3、speaking of issues 直译为“谈到问题,……”就可以了,这是马莎要引起下一句 所用的一个小转折而已。 4、I gave you one job“我只给了你一件事干!”潜台词是“你却把它搞砸了! ! ” 5、Do that for another two hours, you might be where I am right about now.“你 (的表情)再保持这样两小时,就会变成我现在这样。 ” 6、Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon“这样的话,枕 头的事就可先放在一旁?是不是,mon?” CHAN 式的幽默,用来讽刺 MON 太紧张房间是否整 洁的玩笑。 7、fit into 有适应、协调的意思,这句翻译为“你打算怎么处理(面对)整件事?” 8、up to me!――由我决定! 9、sonogram 指“B 超图”的意思。 10.Monica: I hate men! I hate men! Phoebe: Oh no, don't hate, you don't want to put that out into the universe. pheobe is new age, so she's really aware of the universe and how things relate to it. and she just means that you don't want to put hatred out into the world. and she was being a little over-dramatic about it. 11.Chances are he's gonna be this,this broken shell of a man.&“现在他可能痛 不欲生” 12.stomped on your heart 是把你的心踩碎了 13.shoot for stars 是比喻,像星星发射市发射的很远,就是目标很高,大体是这样 14.pro 是专业的, =professional. Mathew plays tennis like a pro. mathew 打网球 很专业(像一个专业的网球 player) 15.maid of honor 伴娘, best man 伴郎 16.borders on 就是快要根什么什么联系起来了,就是说快变成什么了.Carol 说,那几乎 是虐待儿童了 17.cheap shot shot 是指她尝试做的那件事情, 比如 give it a shot 就是 give it a try 那种做法有 点贱, 贱就是便宜, 便宜就是 cheap 18.&you've got me! 你难到我了&. 19.Phigh-powered,driven career type 指那种热衷于工作的人; 20.on the table 这里指在讨论的范围之内,这里他们讨论的是 Baby 的 name,Ross 觉 得 Julia 不错 21.I,m an orthodontist 就是做牙齿矫形、正畸的医生 22.roll with the punches 世事难料,兵来将挡 23.plugs 植发;They haven't quite taken yet。还没牢固呢;lenses 隐形眼睛 24.Ross:“Well, y'know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing, they take their time, they get the job done.” ross 意思是无论发生什么事,他父母最后都能把问题绕到 monica 身上 【103】The One With The Thumb antique’s NO.3 The One With the Thumb 前两回合(101、102)已经基本上把 Friends 的主要人物和性格特点展现出来了,从 103 开始,观众的重点可以放在情节的铺开上,这部情景剧每一集都有一个或者多个故事,但又 都同前面的故事相衔接,因此既可以独立成章,又保持了连贯性,这也是能够经久不衰的原 因之一吧。 这集的主要情节如下:Ross 终于发现真相:童年时的爱犬 Chichi (天啦,不是我们这个 论坛 cici 的兄妹吧?)死掉了、 而不是被送往农场养老, 当年被父母善意的欺骗了。 Chandler 戒烟失败,众人皆不满,于是他巧妙的将矛头指向各人的缺点,籍此转移了注意力。Phoebe 从银行得到一笔飞来横财,她去投诉,反而阴差阳错获得更多赔偿;她将钱悉数送人,对方报 以一罐苏打水――开罐饮用时发现了一根拇指在里头,饮料公司赔偿给她更多美刀。Monica 的新男友 Alan 大受其余五人爱戴,但 Monica 最终还是决定和他分手,不料 Alan 如释重负, 原来他早就受不了 Monica 的五个朋友了。 1. Phoebe: Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said 'We should do this again!' Phoebe 同一个男人出去约会回来告诉大家, 那个男人怎么和她说的。 should do this “We again” ,表面上好像是以后我们还应该再继续约会,其实这是 dating language,往往都是 反着说的,近年来网路上有很多类似的帖子,大家可以找来看看,很搞笑的。Phoebe 说完之 后,大家都明白了,只有可爱的 Rach 傻乎乎的不明所以,还在那里夸好,于是大家只好半是 卖弄半是教她的举了其他一些例子。比如“It's not you'”就是“It is you”“You're such , a nice guy”意思是 “I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you”等等。恋爱中的人们想必能够理解这些吧,是不是经常听到女娃娃讲“I hate u”? 2.Joey: Yeah. Cushions the blow. 可怜的 Rach 问是不是只有她是颗嫩草, 善解人意的 Joey 来了这么一句, 意思是 take it easy.想想看吧,cushion 是垫子的意思,用垫子承接打击,当然是放轻松点的意思咯。这可 以作为固定用法记下来。 3.Monica: I mean, why should I let them meet him? I mean, I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they're all over him. I mean, they're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd.Paula: Listen. As someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef, I'll tell you: that is not such a terrible thing. I mean, they're your friends, they're just looking out after you. Coyote 是一种产于北美大草原的小狼,可以和 hyena 一起记忆。Pick off the weak members of the herd,摘取、挑选弱处下手的意思。在 Paula 的回答中,她先摆了一下自己 的老资格“As someone who’s seen more than her fair share of bad beef” (意即作为 一个见了过多臭牛排的厨师来说, 别忘了, 她和 Monica 都是厨师这重身份, 这里她用 bad beef 比喻那些不怎么样的男人) ,然后告诫 Monica 这没什么大不了的,不是什么糟糕的事情,毕 竟他们是你的朋友,在你身后帮你留神着呢。 4.Paula: Well, you do realise the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy..odds 这里的意思是可能的机会、几率,相当于 Chance。 记住一个词组 odds and ends,是零碎的东西的意思,经常能看到报纸或者杂志用这个词组 作为一个栏目名称。整句话翻译过来就是:如果他们永远不能见到那个家伙,你会发现(他 们完全接受他的)机会几乎没有。Slim 的变形 slimmer 这里表示非常渺茫的意思。 5.Monica: (to Alan) Thanks. I'll call you tomorrow. (Alan exits, to all) Okay. Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? 这 段话很多人讨论过,主要集中在 Alan-bashing 上,其实之前 Monica 已经是下了很大的决心 要带 Alan 同大家见面,心里已经做好了被挖苦的准备了(之前的 wine guy,还有那个说话漏 风的家伙等等一定让她被讽刺的很不爽) 不过这次大家总算给足了面子, , 包括为了抽烟而宁 愿在走廊淋的浑身湿透的 Chandler(dripping wet),Monica 一定觉得怪怪的,所以才会等 Alan 一走就面向大家:好了,现在开始 Alan 的批判会吧! (Alan-bashing 是个有趣的组合, 我们也可以用的,比如看到 Antique 欺负谁了,也可以来个 antique-bashing 嘛。 “take the first shot”也值得记下,各种场合都可以用, “谁先来?” ,呵呵,Antique 的笔记那么臭, 开批判会啦,who’s gonna take the first shot? 6. Ross: ...So I think Alan will become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured. “yardstick” 本身是一种丈量工具,即 “码尺、准绳” , 其引申之意也就是 “衡量…的标准或尺度”,后面跟介词 of 或 against, 比如:Is diploma the only yardstick of knowledge? Ross 等几个拼命吹嘘 Alan,也不知道是真的喜欢还是 投 Monica 所好,总之 Monica 乐坏了。 7. Chandler: So I have a flaw! Big deal! Like Joey's constant knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? And Ross, with his over-pronouncing every single word? And Monica, with that snort when she laughs? I mean, what the hell is that thing? ...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this? Flaw 这里是 fault、drawback 或 shortcoming 的意思,吹牛的时候你可以说 Antique is so perfect,he has no flaw….,big deal 单独用在某句话中多半表示反语或者反问,用的更常见的是 no big deal.意思是没什么 大不了的。 想想真替 chandler 鸣冤, 中国还有很多男人不抽烟被斥为没有男人味道呢, 呵呵, 果然他心里不平衡了, 开始数落起其它几个老友的 flaw 来 比如 Joey 没事就喜欢把指关节摁 得 直响 (knuckle-cracking) 、 Ross 说起话 来每个 字的发音 都那么铿 锵有 力(with his over-pronouncing every single word)、Monica 笑起来会打隔(with that snort when she laughs),呵呵, 这招就叫围魏救赵。 果然在他的挑拨离间计下, 其他几个马上 degenerate into bickering,陷入了一场口水战中去了。 8. Monica: Can you believe it? ...Y'know what? I just don't feel the thing. I mean, they feel the thing, I don't feel the thing. Paula: Honey.. you should always feel the thing. Listen, if that's how you feel about the guy, Monica, dump him! 这 里一共出现了四个“feel the thing” ,第一个和第三个指的是男女之间那种来电的感觉,第 二个是好感的意思,第四个则意味深长,同 sex 有关,看看 Paula 诡异的表情就知道这里指 的是男人那话儿,ft,西方人那套真看不惯。 9.Chandler: Hey, y'know, I have had it with you guys and your cancer and your emphysema and your heart disease. The bottom line is, smoking is cool, and you know it. “I have had it”是个常用句式,意思是我已经受够了。这里 Chandler 丝毫不为 Ross 和 Joey 苦口婆心的劝说所动,仍在那里继续逍遥似神仙,哪管什么 cancer、emphysema(肺 气肿) 、heart disease。Bottom line 是底线的意思,如果某人惹恼了你,你可以来一句, you have reach my bottom line. 10. Alan: Yeah, I'm sorry too. But, I gotta tell you, I am a little relieved. Monica 满以为 Alan 会为他们的分手而非常伤心失望,没想到 Alan 居然说他觉得 relieved(放了心、缓了口气) ,原来 Alan 内心早觉得那五个损友太缠人了,想象他一个人 在球场上狂奔的样子,也真有点同情他。呵呵,追女娃娃真不容易啊,过了女娃娃这关,肯 定还有父母那关,就算过了父母那关,居然还有朋友们的那一关,呜呼……负重前行吧。 ----------- 1. Paula:As someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef 听着,作为一个见了过多坏的牛排的厨师,我要告诉你:这不是坏事。这和中文里有人 依仗自己经验丰富,开始给他人忠告时所说的――我过的桥比你走的路还长,吃的盐比你吃 的饭还多。这事儿我见得多了,听我的没错。―差不多,就是表明自己下面的话具有可信度, 表明自己有足够的经验来处理你所面对的困难。 所以这里应该是说 “我已阅坏牛肉无数” “这 种事情我见多了”的意思 2. Monica:Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? 大家开始来炮轰 alan 吧,谁先上。 monica 认为大家还是不会喜欢她的男友,所以她主动让大家开始挑男友毛病。 3.Ross:The way he makes me feel about myself. 他让我找回了自我,或意译为,和 他在一起,让我重拾自信。 4.Phoebe I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker! hitch-hiker 是搭顺风车的人。这里 Phoebs 是说这个罐里飘着的大拇 指就像 hitch-hiker 的那根大拇指。 你知道, 他们的标致性动作就是在招手要车时竖起 thumb。 5. degenerate into bickering 最后沦为一阵口水大战。 6.I just don't feel the thing 有特别的含义,是一句与 sex 有关的双关语。Monica 说 I just don't feel the thing 时,the thing 是指她对 Alan 没有什么特殊的感觉,也就 是说不来电,而当厨师 Paula 回答 Monica 说 You should always &feel& &the thing&时, &the thing& 指的是男人“那话儿” ,她是在说女生决定爱不爱一个男生之前一定先得“验验 货” 。 7.Pop-Tart 上面有果酱或果陷的小圆饼 8.giant karmic debt 她觉得那是一种“报应”?说“报应”会不会太重了?反正就是 那个意思~~ 就是指因果报应,业债,老外也有讲这个的 9.all over him 这里 all over him 的意思是,不喜欢,全身挑毛病 这种词一定要看上下文,在 they all find out 那集,chan 对 mon 说 pheo is all over him ,这里就有引诱,往身上贴的意思,委婉的说是喜欢,) : all over sb. 意思是非常喜欢...,着迷,因为喜欢得不得了,所以恨不得扑上去贴着 I'm all over you.我δ惴浅5刂. All over you 就是fδ惴浅5刂, @有另一N表示方法, 叫 I have a crush on you. @二句都是表_很喜g某人的意思. All over somebody 有一很常用的用法, 我把他翻成 &三N& 比如f你去舞d跳舞, 看到有一δ信饺c都N在一起了, 你就可以跟你的同伴f, Hey, look, the guy is dancing all over the girl. I'm over you.我跟你之g完了. 一字之差但是意思完全不同喔. 你要是f I'm over you, 就是f我跟你之g完了, 我不 想再和你有任何的瓜葛. @和 I'm all over you 是完全不一拥. 10.satan's minions at work again satan's minions pheo 说自己得了五百块, 可是她并不高兴, 所以 chan 就讥讽地说, 又是 satan's minions 来干坏事啦! 11.a gallon of alan 只是 Chandler 用来表达对 alan 喜欢程度的一个笑话罢,好像“日 有三省”中的&三& 一样,并非实指多少次,而是暗指“数量多,程度深” 。 12.sometimes y bag lady 问 phoebe 把元音都挑出来没?(她不吃有元音字母的汤) Phoebe 就顺着她的话说 “我按你的做了, 不过 Y 还留在里面, 你知道有时候 (sometimespeople Y wanna know WHY) !呵呵,phoebe 也不知道这个老太太为什么不吃原因所以逮个机会调侃一 下她。 13.The hair comes out, and the gloves come on gloves (come on)是从一句俗语来的,其实就相当于 hurt somebody。我估计是从拳击那 边引过来的,as in boxing gloves。 本来 rachel 是站在 phoebe 一条战线上的(she thinks phoebe's chewing hair is endearing) ,没想到 pheobe“恩将仇报”的讽刺了她一回,Rachel 觉得被出卖了,所以说 phoebe has the gloves on. 说有时候你还会听到类似的说法: “not lay a glove(fingure or hand) on” which means , leave unhurt. 14.Or, or, y'know, um, 'I think we should see other people' means 'Ha, ha, I already am'. “我想我们该约会其他人” “哈哈,我已经在约会别人啦”15.Cushions the blow cushion 就是缓和气氛,找话说来应付 16.loosely translated 泛泛地解释 17.Hassidic jewellers。Hassidic adj.members of a strict Jewish sect 18.deja vu n. 似曾相识的感觉;幻觉记忆 (French expression adopted in English) a feeling that you are seeing something you have 'already seen' before ... in a past life, dream, etc... 19.But you'll have to live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die live with 可理解为承受,knowledge 就是指 you sent an honest man to die 这个事 实 20.Phoebe:Yeah-no-I'm jut-it's,I haven't worked-It's my bank. I haven't worked 的后半句应该是 it out,她心情很乱,不知道怎么说才好,才语无 伦次 21.I've heard schho much about all you guyschh! monica 之前在 perk 里谈到她前一个男友总被他们嘲笑,原因就是那个男的说话舌头不 直,chan 还学他说: “We love Schhteve! Schhteve was schhexy!”这次 alan 见面也开玩 笑学着说“schho much ” ,所以大家都笑了。 22.Hassidie jewellers(犹太珠宝商)是他们比赛的对手,showed a thing or two about softball,给他们露了一两招 23.I stepped in gum. ...What is up with the universe? 表示极不满就会用到 hell,文明点就是 on earth,再粗俗点就是 F word。 What is up with ...是怎么了,因为 stepped in gum 跟她前面说的没什么关系,莫名 其妙,所以才好笑 24.the way they were“原来的样子” 25.Yeah.He could row like a viking 就是划起船来像个海盗,意思是他很有型 26.I don't care“我不在乎” 【104】The One With George Stephanopoulos antique’s NO.4 The One With George Stephanopoulos 这一集主要情节如下:10 月 20 号是 Ross 和前妻 Carol 初次云雨的纪念日,如今却形影 相吊,Ross 心烦意乱,遂跟随 Chandler 和 Joey 去看曲棍球(hockey)比赛,不料遭球击中。 在医院里, Ross 透露说 Carol 是同他有过亲密关系的唯一女性。 Chandler 和 Joey 同感不屑。 Rachel 的昔日闺中密友来访,她们不是事业有成就是嫁夫生子,见旁人春风得意,Rachel 不 禁有些怨天尤人。 Phoebe 头天晚上没睡好, 于是和 Monica、 Rach 三人办了一场睡衣 (Pajamas) 派对,Phoebe 本想用魔豆的故事安慰 Rachel,却让三人都想到自己的人生没有明确的目标, 情绪低迷;后来因为送错的披萨,她们发现了在街对面的迷人的史特喷那彼拉斯先生,顿时 欢天喜地,在走廊上偷窥起来。 1.Phoebe: Okay, okay. If I were omnipotent for a day, I would want, um, world peace, no more hunger, good things for the rain-forest...And bigger boobs! 几个老 友一起聊天,Phoebe 说如果她能做一天无所不能的上帝,她就会希望世界和平、没有饥饿、 不会滥伐森林以及有大的 boobs。Phoebe 心地很善良,从上一集她把意外之财送给无家可归 的流浪人就可窥见一斑,所以她的愿望都是关于人类发展生存的,当然咯,她也没忘说需要 大的 boobs,呵呵,想必是小小的恶作剧,挖苦一下 Monica 吧。Boob 常见的意思是蠢材、笨 蛋,不过在俚语中也有胸脯、乳房的意思。这之后更精彩的是 Joey,他也没听清楚别人到底 讨论什么,就来了一句,说如果是他的话,不如死掉算了,大家莫名其妙,还好 Ross 最了解 他。原来,Joey 听成如果他阳痿(impotent)了……,呵呵,搞笑吧,看来这部电视剧中很 多有关 Sex 的笑话哦。 2. Ross: Today's the day Carol and I first.. consummated our physical relationship. (Joey is puzzled.) Sex. ..You know what, I-I'd better pass on the game. I think I'm just gonna go home and think about my ex-wife and her lesbian lover.这话也只有考 古 学 家 ( paleontologist ) 的 Ross 能 说 得 出 来 了 , 居 然 会 用 consummate physical relationship 来形容他和 Carol 的第一次。 另外一个词组是 pass on sth,相当于 let sth pass, 它还有去世(相当于 pass away)和传递的意思,有时候我们也可以说 pass on my best wish to sb,请代为转达我最美好的祝愿。 3. Ross: Alright, alright, maybe it'll take my mind off it. Do you promise to buy me a big thumb finger? 这里的 big thumb finger 可能有些费解, 不过联系上集中 Phoebe 喝汽水喝出 7000 美刀,就可明白了。整句意思是 Ross 最后同意去看曲棍球比赛,因为可能 可以让他不去想和 Carol 一起的事情,不过要 chandler 请喝汽水。 4.Rachel: God, isn't this exciting? I earned this. I wiped tables for it, I steamed milk for it, and it was totally―(opens envelope)―not worth it. Who's FICA? Why's he getting all my money? I mean, what- Chandler, look at that.Rach 非常兴奋,因为 终于发工资了,对于一个以前一直在父母温床下生活的人来说,抹桌子、热牛奶还真不容易 (虽然总是把别人要的东西搞错) ,她乐坏了,可是马上发现她的钱都被 FICA 拿走了,FICA 是 Federal Insurance Contributions Act 的缩写,是联邦社会保险捐款法的意思。 5. Chandler: Excuse me, look, we've been here for over an hour, and a lot of people less sick than my friend have gone in. I mean, that guy with the toe thing? Who's he sleeping with? (She slides the gladd panel over and Chandler talks through it in a loud voice.) Oh, c'mon Dora, don't be mad... I know we both said some things we didn't mean, but that doesn't mean we still don't love each other. (To the waiting room.) Y'know, I feel like I've lost her.. (She slides the panel back, he turns, and it takes him by surprise.) Ba-!三个好友一起去看冰球赛,结果 Ross 光荣负伤,于是紧 急送到医院,不料那个值班员正在煲电话粥,态度不好,Chandler 好言好语却毫无效果,于 是发了点小脾气,没料到吃了闭门羹,所以他阴阳怪气的来了一段台词…. 6. Ross: I remember the moonlight coming through the window- and her face had the most incredible glow.温柔的月光透过窗户照在她的脸上,显得神采奕奕、容光焕发。 真是情人眼里出西施啊。 7. Kid: I found it. Finders keepers, losers weepers. (Ross looks at Chandler for help.) 小时候大家都玩过的赖皮童谣,东西掉了,谁拣到的就是谁的。 8. Ross: (to the kid) Oh yeah? Well, I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever―(to Chandler)―can't do it. (to the kid) Listen, uh- gimme back my puck.Ross 用重创换 来的 puck 居然被小孩拿去了,还阵阵有词的说谁拣到就归谁,Chandler 怂恿他也来一段儿 童谣,他鼓足勇气说了一半,终究还是捺不下面子。 “I’m rubber,you’re glue,whatever (you say bounces off me and stick to you)”在 Friends 中出现了好几次,这里显然也是 小孩子们拌嘴皮子时候用的。意思是我是橡皮你是胶水,你说的所有坏话都会反弹回去粘在 你身上,引申过来也就是:你说我坏话实际就是骂你自己。 puck 除了冰球的意思之外,还有恶作剧的小精灵的意思(来自一个英格兰民间传说) 。 ------- 1. &The glass is half empty.& 有这样的一种比喻“如果有一个只装了一半水的水杯,乐观者认为‘水杯有一半是满得’ 悲观者则认为‘有一半是空的’,这就是“pessimist”和“The glass is half empty.”关 ” 系的由来。 CHAN 说的“Mr. &The glass is half empty.&”确实等于 pessimist(悲观主义者)的 意思,当 ROSS 说“我猜你们是因为多出来一张票而不知道叫谁一起去,所以才叫我的” ,现 在爱搞笑的 CHAN 又开始发挥他的幽默去企图否认 ROSS 的看法,于是狡辩到: “哈哈,你以为 我们像这么悲观的人吗?(潜台词是:你以为我们真的是惨到找不到其他的人一起去才找你 吗?) ”呵呵,其实 CHAN 的幽默对中国人来说,有时候理解起来会有点费劲~~意会吧! 2.《Jack and Magicbeans》的故事啦,我想应该是那个“种了一颗越长越高的豆苗,然 后 JACK 就顺着豆苗爬到天上去了…………”的故事吧,anyway,古怪的 Phoe 其实用了个不 是很贴切的故事去比喻 Rach 现在的情况(不过 Phoe 就是这样子的啦~) ,简单来说,就是 Rach 用 Jack 放弃了一头牛来比喻她自己放弃了 Barry 这个正牙牙医(因为在美国,牙医和 律师都是收入很高且受人尊重的职业) ,但她自己又不爱 Barry,所以 Phoe 又傻乎乎的冒出 一句“ (但不同的是) ,Jack 爱他的牛呀! ”我想编剧这样安排是想有一点表现 Phoe 性格的效 果啦,所以,还是那句…………意会啦! 3.You have no idea how loud they are! Pheebs 这样说就是为了表达“her grandmother and her bf are having sex ” ,其实 也是编剧比较搞笑的一个地方,意思是“我奶奶和她的新男朋友都是那种在床上十分 insecure 没有安全感(也就是没自信)的人,加上他们都是聋子,所以他们需要不断的去求 证对方对此 (sex) 是否享受, 你根本无法想象他们有多吵……” BTW, 老美十分在乎他们 have sex 之后对方的感觉,在《friends》中多处会提到,这里就不多说啦,呵呵。 4.check it out,就是&看那!& 5. big thumb finger,我怎么记得是 big form finger,是一个在球场里买的一个很大的 泡沫作的手掌,可以套在手臂上挥舞,104 的球场镜头里应该看的到. New York Ranger 纽约的冰球队“游奇兵” 3.Wild Kingdom 是一个介绍野生动物的节目,就像我们的动物世界 4.operation 做手术玩具,可以在玩具人身上“动刀” prep the guy。Phoebe 说没有镊子,无法手术,但她们可以 prep the guy。我们知道做 某些手术是需要“备皮”的, prep the guy 可能就是备皮的意思 5. Floopy: It doesnt mean anything. Its just a word *they* chose to describe that messed up feeling where nothing is solid and nothing is sure (instead it's changeable) floopy makes people think of rubber or a wet fish flopping around. 事事没有把握, 不确定的感觉。 it's all gonna come together。come together 意思是步上轨道,一切就绪的意思。 很常用的词 6.fat free 就是无脂肪的,就像无糖叫 sugar-free,这里的 free 不是指免费,是指&无 &(电影 back to the future 里还拿这个当笑料,主人公从 80 年代到了 50 年代到小店要一瓶 无糖百事--pepsi free,店员就不懂说&u need to pay for it&),extra cheese 就是 double cheese,老美喜欢吃奶酪,常规的 pizza 上的一层奶酪觉得不够爽,所以定的时候要求再加一 层,当然这个要加钱的. 7.power 作形容词,指&强有力的&,她门可能特喜欢那个叫 stephonapolis(拼不来)的政 客,所以他的什么东西都是 power 的,至于 towel 不是 tower. 8.Emergency Room,急症室 9.that gug with the toe thing 脚趾受伤的人;chandler 的这个笑话,如果放在中国就 是&他是不是开了后门&,只是他指的这个后门不是通关系或者送钱,而是直接贡献身体.当然 因为这个脚趾受伤的是个男人(guy),所以就显的好笑,因为一般只有女人贡献身体才有用. 10.light is still off 我们说关灯,他们是说&关光&的. 11.这个好像还是指那个 stephonapolis.说他是&闷骚&型的,要先把他挑逗起来,一旦挑 逗起来,他就变得像动物一样狂野了,意会把..ps,那个 peppy 我也不知道. preppy animal。PREPPY 就是大学新生的意思,是 SLANG,这里 MON 就是形容 GEORGE 的. 12.phoebe 是素食者,monica 作弄她,说是给她作了个全素的 pie,其实里面有鹅肉。 Phoebe 是素食主义者,Monica 曾经谎称给她做了个“蔬菜 pate”,其实里面掺了鹅肉。这对 Phoebe 来说是个很大的打击。就好像有人请穆斯林一起吃肉,而且是牛肉,结果他们实际上 给回民吃的是猪肉,这对他们来说是种亵渎 13.predicament room 个人感觉在第一季导演老让 CHAN 说写特别文邹邹的话来搞笑所以 很多问题都是第一季的,这里就是说医院里有各种病房,ROOM 你不理我们我们就去尴尬病 房? 14.What is FICA? FICA=Federal Insurance Contributions Act The FICA tax, also known as the Social Security tax, is paid equally by the employer and employee. This tax is composed of two elements: 1. OASDI -- The old age, survivor and disability portion of the tax is paid on wages up to the maximum covered wage base for the year. 2. HI -- The hospital insurance or Medicare portion of the tax is paid on all wages, without limit. 15.George Stephanopoulos 是克林顿的竞选顾问,而 George Snuffalopagus 是芝麻街 当红主角 Big Bird 自己脑子里构造出来的朋友。所以,才会有 Mon, Phoebe 和 Rachel 的这 段对话。 16.You got way too much free time. way too 就是太怎么怎么样。WAY 表示程度。u r way too young to see that 17.I don't even have a 'pl'. 相当于“计划?八字还没一撇呐! 18.duplex 双胞胎 19.Leetch spots Messier in the crease - there's the pass! Leetch 看见 Messier 在 the crease (球门区) 范围内, spot 是动词表看见的意思。 Brian Leetch, Mark Messier 是美国国家冰球联盟(National Hockey League)New York Ranger 的明星球员。 【105】The One With the East German Laundry Detergent antique’s NO.5 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent 这一集主要情节如下:又快到周末了,Chandler 和 Phoebe 决定和自己的情人――分别 是 Janice 和 Tony 分手, Central Perk, 在 Phoebe 轻车熟路地说了再见; Janice 给 Chandler 买了一双卡通袜,而且本来心情也不好,所以 Chandler 怎么也开不了口。Joey 想拆散前女 友 Angena 和其现男友 Bob, 决定带上 Monica 约两人出来,他对 Monica 隐瞒真相, 只说 Angena 和 Bob 是兄妹。Ross 约好和 Rachel、Monica 同去自助洗衣店,而 Monica 因为被 Joey 骗走 而缺席, 只剩下他们两人来到洗衣房, 从未洗过衣服的 Rachel 将所有的白色衣物全漂成了粉 红色,Rachel 为首次洗衣而兴奋不已,向 Ross 献香吻一个,傻 Ross 却兴奋地把头撞伤了。 1. Ross: Not that big a deal? It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam, a bra right out the sleeve. All right, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close. Am I right? Rachel: Come on! You guys can pee standing up. Chandler: We can? All right, I'm tryin' that. Joey: Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me. Phoebe: Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care. 老友们关系实在太融洽了,在一起侃大山什么都敢掏心,这一次聊天不知怎么就撤到了 互相揭男人女人的短上来了, Ross 先开头, 他觉得女人们能像变戏法一样地把 bra 从衣服的 袖子里拿出来真是太神奇了, maneuver 这个词源自法语,本意是“体力劳动” ,在英语中作 名词时是“策略、巧计、花招”的意思,在这里表示一种很巧妙的动作或手法。另外再看一 下 bamm,这是一个象声词,一声枪响就可以用 bam 来形容,但它经常被用来表示 “突然、 一下子”的意思。 Rachel 听了 Ross 的话后也不以为然, 她说:“得了, 你们男人还能站着撒尿呢 (Come on! You guys can pee standing up.)” pee 是个非常口语化的词,用医学术语来表示的话就是通常我们只在熟人之间才会用 pee 这个词,而在一般情况下如果你内急了的话可以 说 I need / have to go to the bathroom. Joey 也发表意见说: “Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me. (你们知道什么让我觉得惊奇吗?女人们随时都能看到自己的胸脯,只要一低头 就成。我不明白你们怎么能专心工作呢!) blow one’s mind 又是一个很好的口语,它表示 “对某件事情感到既惊奇又兴奋” ,blow 还有别的用法,比如 You’d better cherish the opportunity and don’t blow it.这里的 blow 表示搞砸锅的意思。此外,beyond 的用法值 得注意, 它基本的意思是 “超越” 香港有个著名的乐队就叫 beyond, , 在口语中如果你说 sth is beyond my mind,就表示某件事情对你而很难理解,比如:The professor’s lecture is beyond my mind。 最后 Phoebe 说: “Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care.”她挖苦说道,男人们可以作很多卑鄙无耻的事情 却可以大摇大摆好不介意。 mean 在这里作形容词,意思是 “很不好、卑鄙的” ,口语中很 常见。 2.Chandler: No, I know, but it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up the courage to do it, and there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note.“get up the courage to do sth” ,鼓足勇气做某事,类似的词组还有 nerve oneself to do sth,be on one’s mettle to do sth,take heart of grace to do sth…生活中常 需要鼓起勇气作些事情,Chandler 这里就不得不鼓足勇气去分手: ) 3.Joey: No, yeah, no, ok, but not yet. I don't wanna seem too eager. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. That seems pretty cool. (he walks over to her) Hey, Angela.Joey 是个花心大萝卜,甩了 Angela 之后却发现他犯了 huge mistake,所以很后悔, 但是又摆臭架子不愿意给 Angela 机会涮他, 于是在那儿做作的数着一 二 三 ,拖 延了 时间 后 再上 前 ,以 免显 得太 主 动太 渴 望。 这里 “ One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi”中的 Mississippi 没有特殊含义,主要起到延时作用。 4. Ross: Ok, ok, now what is wrong with my Snuggles? What, it says I'm a sensitive, warm kinda guy, you know, like a little, fuzzy bear. Ok, I can pick something else up on the way. Chandler: There you go. Sensitive 是敏感的、灵敏的意思,注意一下其他同根词,sensible 是明智的、有判断 力的意思,sensational 是轰动的、耸人听闻的意思;这里 Ross 听到 Chandler 说他的柔顺 剂不好时候,进行了反驳,他说“我现在用的柔顺剂又怎么不好了?这表明我是很灵敏、亲 切的人啊,就像毛毛熊一样。 ”pick up 的用法也很多,这里是(随便)买的意思。 There you go 口语中也很常见,可用 Here/There sb go 的句式概括,一般就是表示赞 同、赞赏的意思或者相当于 here/there you are。 5. Monica: It is so great to meet a guy who is smart and funny, and has an emotional age beyond, like eight.首先注意一个词组 emotional age 是“感情成熟年龄”的意思,人 的年龄是否真的分为心理年龄和实际年龄啊?如果那样子的话,我看几个老友们的心理年龄 估计也只有 20 来岁。这里 Monica 对于别人的男朋友几乎一见钟情,说他聪明潇洒、幽默风 趣、成熟稳重。最后还来了个 like eight,大概是赞他有颗童心吧。 6. Phoebe: Ok, you can do this. It's just like pulling off a Band-aid. Just do it really fast, and then the wound is exposed. pull off 是努力实现、赢得的意思, 这里则是用了本意把绷带纱布拉掉的意思。 Chandler 还在犹豫怎么开口, Phoebe 告诉他快刀 斩乱麻。 7. Rachel: Except it didn't. It happened to me. Oh, god, I'm gonna look like a big marshmallow peep. What am I doing? What am I doing? My father's right. I can't live on my own! I can't even do laundry!“except it didn’t”可以当作固定用法记下, 意思是“才不是呢” ,或者学学港台普通话翻译成“哪有?” ,似乎有点撒娇的意思在里面了。 Marshmallow peep 是 mashmallow 的一种, 样子像小鸡。 Marshmallow 除了药用蜀葵的意思外, 在俚语中还有“胆小懦弱、办事没有效率、做事不起作用的人”的意思,另外,还有“棉花 糖”的意思呢。 8. Ross: You were incredible! Brand new woman, ladies and gentlemen. Rachel: I could not have done this without you. 这段对白东方人恐怕很难自然的表达出来,反正我觉得挺肉麻的,老外还真是经常利用 任何机会称赞人呢, 虽然这里的 Ross 有借机套近乎之嫌。 Incredible, 翻译成 “不可思议的, 难以置信的” ,生活中碰到暂时无法用言语表达溢美之词的时候,就可以来这样一句。Brand new,固定用法, “全新的、崭新的” 。投之以李,报之以桃。Rachel 被吹捧的云里雾中,说了 一句“没有你,我恐怕无法做到这些” could not have done this without you) (I ,不仅 如此,她还 kiss 了一下 Ross 哦,浪漫温馨的不得了!看来的确需要多一些赞美啊!父母与 子女之间、好朋友之间、妻子与丈夫之间,适当的赞美真的可以让感情更融洽的。那时候你 会发现,原来生活可以更美的! --------- 1. Ross: Multiple orgasms 男人不会有多重高潮的哇,射完了就完了,除非他比较强, 一个小时后马上就有,女的就可以多次高潮,前提还是男人比较强。他们在讨论女人的优势 提到的这个,真厉害 大家谈论男女问题,眼看男方即将落败,说不出女人更多的“好处”来,Ross 突然冒出 这么一句,虽然尴尬,但是的确很搞笑呀! 2 .there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note. Chandler 对 Phoebe 诉说分手时候可能的状况,可能会尴尬不堪,因为她兴冲冲的来, 根本不知道是来分手的。 “handed her the note”可能有典故吧,也许是以前恋人分手都写 纸条吧,这里就代指“鼓起勇气说分手” 。 3. belch the alphabet. “belch the alphabet”belch 本意是打嗝、喷射,这里表示“吐出” ,所谓打嗝会嗝出 字母,就是指有些无聊的人,会故意打一个长长的嗝,然后会利用打嗝发出字母的音,有一 些很厉害又没事的无聊人,真的有办法用打嗝从 A 念到 Z。其实这是一个很粗俗又没教养的 行为,而美国人会觉得这样做的人是“红脖子”redneck,这个字代表“美国南方乡下作粗活 的人” ,是一种很鄙视性的说法。 ” 4. hold on camper。 Ross 暗恋 Rach,现在有这样一个单独的机会同她一起, 所以 Chandler 让他好好想想, “hold on camper”想想同女娃娃露营可能会出现的情况吧,Chandler 暗示 Ross 机会来了。 5.minimal 是&最小&,&无穷小&的意思,pretty 是副词意思是&非常&,其实这里 chandler 的意思是&这只是去洗衣服,不用想那么多吧&,只是他用一种比较&嘲&的方式来说. 6. I can't even send back soup rachel 连在餐厅里多点的汤都不敢退,说明 rachel 在和人打交道上真是很差.被


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