
北京奥运会PK伦敦奥运会 一场没有结果的争论_网易体育
北京奥运会PK伦敦奥运会 一场没有结果的争论
国际奥委会主席罗格在评价北京奥运会时用了一个词来形容:无与伦比。而在伦敦奥运会上,罗格的讲话中也提到了一个词:无可比拟。这两个词我们似乎无法分辨谁高谁低。然而昨天,在伦敦奥运会上演的同时,一场辩论也随之展开。很多长辈说,伦敦奥运开幕式不好看。在一些文艺青年眼里,这是一台充满了创意的演出。《环球时报》总编胡锡进等诸多文化名人纷纷探讨伦敦奥运会与北京奥运会的成色到底如何?在这场论战的背后,到底又蕴含着怎样深刻的原因?寒酸中透露着自信在本届奥运会开幕式举行前,关于北京奥运与伦敦奥运的开幕式对比就不绝于耳。媒体人甚至坦承伦敦奥运会开幕式无法与北京奥运会开幕式相比,伦敦奥组委主席也承认,不可能超越北京。不过他也表达出有自信打造一场与北京不一样的成功开幕式。的确,从投资方面来看,伦敦无法与北京相比,伦敦奥运开幕式的投入为2700万英镑,约合2.7亿元人民币,而北京奥运的开幕式投入为8.31亿元人民币,仅从投入来看,北京奥运开幕式是伦敦奥运开幕式投入的三倍多。开幕式之前,在伦敦著名的周围,部分出租车司机进行了示威游行。至今,伦敦奥运会已经历了海关员工、地铁员工、出租车司机、火车司机等罢工,其中,伦敦出租车司机的罢工最为激烈。“的哥”们抗议最多的是伦敦奥运会专用道的设置,这一专用道拒绝出租车驶入,这直接导致奥运会期间伦敦出租车的行驶时间大幅度增加。伦敦为了迎接奥运会,新建了14个场馆。但是,14个场馆中有8个是临时场馆。这使得伦敦奥运会被称为“史上最临时奥运会”。主会场“伦敦碗”中,有超过5万个座位是临时搭建的。馆在开赛前一天刚刚完工,但奥运结束后场馆就将拆除,部分设施卖给下一届奥运会主办国巴西。如今,困顿中的英国,确实希望通过强调历史上的“文明碎片”,来提振信心。就是在这样的寒酸中,英国人却又展示了他们独到的东西——创意。这场开幕式的确让人们看到了一种“英国式的自信”。英国历史学家:让外国电视观众感到困惑四年前的北京奥运,开幕式上,虽然中国元素丰富,但是老外解读并无压力。而昨日的伦敦奥运,如果没有对英国历史和文化的深入认知,就不容易拼出这个“奇妙岛屿”的完整拼图。正如美联社所言:开幕式展示了英国的历史演变,整场开幕式尽显英国发达的文化创意产业。这也是很多中国观众的不满:“是否过于自大了一点?”《每日电讯报》则盛赞这场“壮观、绚烂”的开幕式抓住了英国的“精神、幽默和历史”,体现了英式爱国主义,激发了“自豪感”。该报援引历史学家斯坦利的话称,开幕式讲述了“很多英国历史故事”,“壮观、美丽而且有趣”。同时该报还坦率地指出了开幕式的美中不足:因为带有浓厚的英国文化色彩,“很多地方会让外国电视观众感到困惑”。可以争论但不要不自信对比伦敦奥运会与北京奥运会的开幕式,我们可以看到这样的对比:伦敦奥运会展现了真实,北京奥运会展现了华丽;伦敦奥运会展现了心灵感受,北京奥运会展现了视觉冲击;伦敦奥运会展现了个体价值,北京奥运会展现了整体力量。不过中国网民认为,伦敦奥运会开幕式相较于北京奥运会更精彩,特别是有一种观点,认为虽然伦敦奥运会开幕式不深奥,不壮观,不大牌,不兴师动众;但素性、简易、直通、动人、生活气、平民化。这才是人办的事,充分尊重钱和艺人。北京奥运会开幕式像是神办的,空前绝后的牛气,付出也是空前绝后的。当然也有人为北京奥运会开幕式辩解和对“死踩北京奥运会开幕式”的现象进行批评。《环球时报》的胡锡进就认为:“伦敦办奥运方式值得欣赏。但一些人大赞 伦敦模式 ,否定4年前北京奥运会全世界公认的成功。这种声音代表了中国社会心理中对西方文化无条件膜拜的、最不自信的那一部分。”他还说,这种文化自卑跟谦虚和自省没有一丁点关系。自信点吧中国人,无论我们站在多低的位置上,我们至少是最近几十年世界发展速度的冠军。伦敦奥运好就是北京奥运坏吗?不可否认,伦敦奥运会的简朴和真实让人惊讶和赞叹,著名文豪弥尔顿、莎士比亚的诗句,以及彼得潘、披头士等英国文化符号都将以意想不到和巧妙的方式登台亮相。而张艺谋的开幕式,华丽能够给人带来强烈的眼球震撼力,最大程度地展现人体动作、音效、色彩的完美配合,但是始终是一种虚构美。因为英语普及的缘故,英国文化在当今世界都有一些追随者,所以有些人才会认为伦敦比北京来得精彩。如果是非洲某个国家按照本国文化来举行开幕式,我们可能就不会有那么多的不自信。还有就是每个人心中的那种“人妻情结”在作祟。从心理学上分析,很多男人心里都会觉得老婆总是别人的好!这就是男人们所谓的人妻情结。总觉得别人的东西比自己已拥有的东西来得好。《北京晨报》一资深体育记者曾写过一段话:“从北京到伦敦,没有十全十美的奥运会,只有所谓的 史上最佳 。这就跟4年前的北京要比雅典更好,雅典比悉尼更好,悉尼比亚特兰大更好一样。奥运会能够提升一座城市的品质,推动它的发展,却从来不是唯一的拯救者。”另外还有句话说:玫瑰就是玫瑰,莲花就是莲花,两者只能看,不能比。这句话,非常适用于伦敦和北京奥运开幕式。罗格在开幕式后也说了:4年前北京的开幕式让我至今记忆犹新,不过那和伦敦的情况是不一样的。北京的开幕式气势恢弘,展示了他们美丽悠久的历史,而伦敦也介绍他们的历史和生活方式,这和北京是不一样的,也是国家没有的,他们仍然可以有特色。开幕式元素解读《暴风雨》《暴风雨》是莎士比亚的最后一部完整的杰作,开幕式主题“奇妙岛屿”(IslesofWonder)的灵感便来源于这部作品。《暴风雨》剧情大意是:普洛斯彼洛是意大利北部米兰城邦的公爵,被其弟安东尼奥篡夺了公爵的宝座。普洛斯彼洛和他那三岁的小公主历尽艰险,逃亡到一个岛上,他用魔法把岛上的精灵和妖怪治得服服帖帖。普洛斯彼洛最终用魔法降服了他的弟弟,恢复了爵位。大家一起回到意大利。英国著名舞台剧演员斯·布拉纳高声诵读“不要恐惧,岛上充满了噪音”是里面的经典台词。田园牧歌优美的田园风光也是英国文学的重要来源,作家们多借“牧羊人”意象来阐释他们对“爱情生活”、“田园世界”和“人品修养””的体悟,并寄托他们的理想与追求。在奥运会开幕式上,为达到最逼真的田园效果,导演组真的请来了羊、鹅等“特殊演员”。
视频是08年的北京奥运会开幕式,不少看过伦敦开幕式的人来到视频下方吐槽We shouldn't compare. London has a different theme. I think they are well done except some parts where I can see there are volunteers instead. I love Beijing's opening as they are beautifully executed in a way to portray their cultures and history, while London are having steel and pop themes. Maybe the next time Beijing's turn, we could see another different themes :-)我们不应该进行比较,伦敦奥运与北京奥运的主题不同。我觉得他们(伦敦奥运)做的很棒,除了一些用志愿者进行代替的部分。我喜欢北京的开幕式,他们用一种美丽的方式描绘了自己的文化和历史。而伦敦的开幕式以钢铁五环和流行元素为主。也许下一次轮到北京办奥运会的时候,我们又能看到别的主题。:-)kienez 33 秒前Does anyone know where I can find the full version of this ceremony? No Chinese website plz.有谁知道从哪能看到完整的开幕式吗?不要中文网站的,谢谢。Jake Han 1 分钟前I guess this video will be hit every 4 yrs !! Beijing did an absolutely spectacular job !!!我认为这段视频会每四年轰动一次!!北京绝对做了一次壮举!!!woodbreakers 2 分钟前No country can beat the Chinese for quite a while, to be honest.诚实地说,一时半会之间,没有谁能超越北京的奥运开幕式。Rainabearr 3 分钟前 I have nothing against any country at all... but that ceremony was just BORING.我绝对不是针对哪个国家。。。但那个(伦敦的)开幕式太无聊了。HitStep08 3 分钟前Well.. do you mean unity within the nation or others? Because, I kinda saw unity during the first piece.. you know, the Industrial Revolution part. If you're talking about unity with other nations, China didn't really do that either, you know.好吧。。。你们在说国家或其他方面的统一?因为在(伦敦奥运开幕式)第一部分的时候,我还看到了统一。。。就是工业**那部分。如果你们在谈论其他国家的统一问题,中国还没真正做到这一点。你们懂的。GreyEarlTea 4 分钟前SOOOO much better than London 2012比伦敦奥运好太太太太多了。iluvdgaarab4udid 4 分钟前 china is better.....they put more money in it.中国的更好。。。。他们投的钱更多。shawn liu 4 分钟前I had to come here for flashback after watching London. I see I'm not the only one.看完伦敦奥运的开幕式以后,我不得不来这里回味一下。我发现我并不是唯一一个这样做的人。Artheate2 5 分钟前the fricken coordination of people in the beijing olympics was insane!北京奥运会上民众所展现的惊人团结太疯狂了!MsBabybluebell 6 分钟前Well London put forth a good effort and it had it's moments, but I don't think anything will ever top this... until China hosts again that is.嗯,伦敦的努力还不错,现在是伦敦的奥运会。但我认为没有任何一届奥运会(的开幕式)能超越这个。。。除非中国再次举办。 This opening ceremony of China was mindblowing, but the London opening was very...dissappointing :/ i expected much more culture of Britain instead of just pop culture, like the Beatles..Mr Bean..Harry Potter -.- they should have showed something more historic for the world
中国的奥运开幕式令人振奋。而伦敦的开幕式非常。。。让人失望。:/我希望用上更多的英国文化元素,而非披头士、憨豆先生、哈利波特之类的流行元素。他们应当展现给世界更多历史性的东西。AloishaStar 8 分钟前WTF, how does a video of the highlights of the Beijing opening turn into a slaging match between the Americans and Brits?怎么回事,怎么一场关于北京奥运开幕式亮点的视频变成了美英人民争吵的炮灰?madskills84 8 分钟前THIS IS ****IN EPIC!!!!!!!! unlike london... sucks to be a brit right about now... sorry.,,,这是一首绝妙的史诗!!!!!!不像伦敦。。此时此刻我羞于做英国人。。。不好意思,,,,thebigone557 10 分钟前 2
To be honest I got bored during the London opening ceremony. The Chinese set the standard very high.老实说,伦敦奥运的开幕式让我感到无聊。中国人建立了一个极高的标准。mm1979ca 10 分钟前 2
Forget the boring London opening ceremony, I'm watching this.忘了无聊的伦敦奥运开幕式吧,我在看这个。maplepuppies 11 分钟前 22
Im not hating London ceremony but i like China better. London is epic too but China's ceremony is really amazing and unique我不讨厌伦敦奥运的开幕式,但我更喜欢中国的。伦敦的开幕式也是史诗级的,但是中国的开幕式,是真正意义上的令人震撼和独一无二。katteypie 11 分钟前London ceremony is nice.I especially like the 'Hey Jude' at the end.伦敦的开幕式做的不错。我特别喜欢结尾的“Hey Jude”Arteyre 12 分钟前So cool. Jiang daebak!太酷了。Jiang取得了巨大胜利。(译注:大概是说中国当年拿到了奥运会的举办权,而北京奥运没有让人失望)Beijing was so cool that london was ....北京的开幕式太酷了,而伦敦的。。。。forigenworks 12 分钟前Amazing!!! no one can beat Beijing!令人叹服!!!没人能超越北京!audreychen1 13 分钟前just come to get my eyes healed养眼。daisyzhang18 13 分钟前 Beijing - Spectacular, Phenomenal!!北京——壮观,神话!!London - SUCK!伦敦——恶心!ranseyb 13 分钟前 Th Olympics are suppose to symbolize unity.... Although countries are competing for the shining gold, this is why you see hundreds of countries gather together in the ceremonies. I personally believe that the Olympic ceremonies should reflect this. Unfortunately, England FAILED. Its the truth that some of you British people don't wanna here. Don't get mad at us, get mad at the people who put that so called production together. China however exceeded greatfully. Much respect for them &33奥运会被认为象征着团结。。。尽管各国都在为闪亮的金牌而奋斗。这就是你们看到数百个国家在开幕式上聚集的原因。我个人认为奥运会的开幕式应该反映出这点。不幸的是,英国失败了。一个不争的事实是,某些英国人不愿看到这个视频。别对我们发火,去责怪那些把这些所谓的创作组合在一起的人吧。然而中国不仅仅是使人欣慰。他们获得了极大的尊重。&33NESHA71195 14 分钟前i appreciate the performers..!!!!我对演出很满意!!!!good work. let the games bring peace to everyone.做得好。让这场运动把和平带给每个人。
Ankur07d 15 分钟前i hate to say this but i like Beijing's better :) and just to late u know us Americans are not hating becuz we dont understand your culture thats definitely not it becuz we do not get Beijings either! we dislike becuz it just wasnt as iteresting as Beijing's im sorry to say that but its true虽然我很抱歉这么说,但我还是更喜欢北京的开幕式。:)还有,你们(英国人)要知道,说我们不喜欢是因为不了解你们的文化,这种说法是绝对错误的,因为我们也不了解北京的。我们不喜欢仅仅是因为它没北京的好看。我很抱歉这么说,但这是事实。tanu jones 17 分钟前They tried to up their game by giving nods to the industrial revolution, but I was like what?? Didn't a lot people live in poverty and die during that time. Why not focus on British literature like William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens. They completely overlooked the monarchy but come on that's a part of British culture. And seriously why James Bond. Is that something you are proud of? I mean that's like America having Rambo enter with grenade. Surprised there was no nod to Diana either.为了升华这场(伦敦)奥运,他们很努力地肯定工业**。可是我喜欢么?那个时期不是有很多人穷困潦倒,然后死去么?为什么不把焦点放在英国文学上,比如莎士比亚、狄更斯之类。虽然他们完全是俯视君主制的,但他们毕竟是英国文化的一部分啊。而且严肃地说,为什么是詹米斯邦德。你们为这种事物感到自豪?这就像美国的兰博拿着手榴弹登场一样。而且,令人惊奇的是,你们也没对戴安娜表示赞同。whateverman181 17 分钟前 The opening ceremony was the work of one man, Danny Boyle. He is now the most unpopular man in Britain, with many calling for his head on a platter.伦敦奥运会的开幕式是Danny Boyle的作品。现在,他是英国最不受欢迎的人,许多人都想要用盘子端上他的脑袋。Horrible Opening by England ...Such trash even their Queen was not interested.英国的开幕式太可怕了。。。垃圾得连女王都不感兴趣。Tsunat3z 18 分钟前 London take note, China did it right!伦敦要记住,中国的开幕式做得好!susiephn 18 分钟前
Yeah London's openning was very mediocre compared to Beijing不错,相比北京奥运,伦敦奥运的开幕式非常平庸。DAS505 20 分钟前 Ok. I'm just going to come out and say it. Britian's opening ceremony was not bad, but it wasn't great and pales compared to other Olympics. It looked like something that was done Pre-Atlanta 1996. It looked a bit cheap, unimaginative. There are a lot of focusing on British story telling, music and text messaging, which was unrelated and made no sense. I didn't really see a lot of themes celebrating unity like doves, peace signs, nothing.好,我也来评论一下。英国的开幕式并不坏,但也不算太好。比起历届奥运会,它相形见拙。 他就像Pre-Atlanta在96年的作品。看起来它有点廉价、 缺乏想象力。焦点都放在了英国的历史、音乐和短信上,这些东西彼此无关,也引不起人的兴趣。我以前没看过那么多的主题庆祝团体,比如鸽子、和平标志。没了。whateverman181 20 分钟前 I just thought there is no reason to spend every dime in one's pocket just for showing off. If u have that kind of money that will be cool, otherwise its just stupid. This thing is not a competition. Just people around the world get together and have some fun. In my idea, the Beijing one must be really expensive.我认为没必要仅仅是为了炫耀就花光每一分钱。如果你们有很多钱,这样做很酷;反之,则很蠢。这不是竞争。只是让世界各地的人们聚到一起、取乐。就我看来,北京的开幕式很贵。Jake Han 22 分钟前I am not a moron. I think China did better我不是白痴,我觉得中国的更好。HeyEww 24 分钟前 Isnt it sad that London so much worse although youd think that the technolagy would be better看到伦敦(奥运开幕式)差那么多,心理很难过。虽然你们会觉得,技术比以前更好。SyracusePancakes 24 分钟前Beijing good北京的好London bad伦敦的烂simple as that sorry抱歉说的这么简单sharkfrenzy213 26 分钟前 London Olympic opening ceremony was horrific and will be easily forgotten! My god I'm a trooper for enduring London's olympic opening torture! One word to drescribe it is "sad!"伦敦的奥运开幕式是可怕的,很快就会被遗忘!我的天哪,我是一名骑兵,对伦敦奥运开幕式期待了许久!用一个词来形容就是“伤心”!Mr77Ds 26 分钟前
Olympic Ceremony Level: Chinese奥林匹克开幕式的中国级别。xxlap2xx 55 分钟前 The ceremony was okay for me, except that band playing when bicycles were riding with shining wings. What was the point of that? That band maybe is good, but they do not fit the big stage of Olympics!我觉得伦敦的开幕式还不错,除了骑着有善良翅膀的自行车时候的配乐。那配乐是什么意思?也许它本来不错,但却不适合奥林匹克这个大舞台!TruthofMegaDeath 55 分钟前For the closing 'ceremony' they should just replay the clips from the beijing closing ceremony.在伦敦奥运的闭幕式上,他们应该再放一遍北京奥运的闭幕式片段。 55 分钟前 6
London 2012 can SUCK MY NUTSACK!伦敦2012可以去死了!sorrylondon 56 分钟前Fantastic opening ceremony. best one EVER绝佳的开幕式。最好的一个。weezy5296 56 分钟前Harry Potter? Industrial Revolution? Mary Poppins? Children choir? Sorry, but it's kind of retarded. Except maybe the choir part.哈利波特?工业**? Mary Poppins?儿童合唱团?不好意思,这是某种程度的弱智。可能除了合唱团部分。sharkfrenzy213 56 分钟前I was so excited to watch this year's opening ceremony, but it ended up being such a bore... If it was as amazing as this one, I wouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch halfway through.我很期待今年的奥运会开幕式,但却以无聊结尾。。。如果这场开幕式和北京的开幕式一样令人震撼,我也不会中途睡着了。jen71264 56 分钟前 2
I feel sorry for London opening ceremony. That's really boring.这么评价伦敦开幕式我感到抱歉。但它的确无聊。estellyontheway 57 分钟前I'm an asian and I like both ceremonies. What's wrong with you people?我是亚洲人,两个开幕式我都喜欢。你们这些人怎么了?Lance Heart 57 分钟前 2
Who lit the torch, let me guess, Elton ****ing John. Get the **** out of here!谁点燃了火炬,让我来猜猜,是该死的Elton John.给我滚开!ShinobiMusashi1 57 分钟前HARRY ****ING POTTER VS MARY POPPINGS **** YOU ENGLAND!!!!!!!!哈利操蛋波特VS玛丽·波平斯。滚你娘的英国!!!!!!ShinobiMusashi1 58 分钟前
The giant baby was more spectacular than these drummers那个巨大的婴儿比这些鼓手更壮观。HeyEww 58 分钟前London, the olympics are about all cultures, not just your own! ... freaking nationalists, smug that it's hapening in there country so they make it all about them.伦敦,奥林匹克是关系到所有文化的,而不仅仅是你们的!。。。畸形的民族主义者们沾沾自喜,他们展现的全都是自己。sharkfrenzy213 58 分钟前 The 2008 opening ceremony is a heck of a lot better than the one in 2012, that's for sure.08年的开幕式比12年的好太多了,这显而易见。sharkfrenzy213 1 小时前Watching the london opening ceremony now on TV, the ceremony with alice in wonderland and other childhood characters is just plain stupid. This is not the Olympics, I want to see something actually related to athletics, fireworks, SOMETHING better than that! Chinese, you peeps got it RIGHT!现在我在电视里看这伦敦开幕式,在开幕式上展示爱丽丝梦游仙境和其他童话实在是愚不可及。这不是奥运会。我想看到一些真正跟运动员和烟火有关的东西。这比童话好!中国人,你们做得好!sharkfrenzy213 1 小时前I am kind of hoping that USA can host next time.我有点希望下一次由美国举办奥运会。Jake Han 1 小时前 2
All I can say is the Chinese did an outstanding job. It'll be difficult to top this one.我唯一想说的就是中国人干的很好。想超过这个很难。lilacbirman 1 小时前
**** London!去你妈的伦敦!GrobycRocketFist 1 小时前Rather disappointing opening ceremony...对开幕式相当失望。。。cohcoh668 1 小时前I quite liked the London ceremony! A little boring at times, but really crazy and interesting at others.我非常喜欢伦敦开幕式!有时候有点无聊,但比起其他开幕式,它非常疯狂而有趣。symmylynn 1 小时前FYI , London's firework was made in CHINA !!!!!!仅供参考:伦敦烟火中国造!!!!!eric79653 1 小时前 2
Come on !Beijing told a story as well ! You just don't understand Chinese history ! Beijing's opening ceremony told a story with 5000 years ! How STUPID you are !来吧!北京也说了个故事!你们只是不懂中国的历史罢了!北京的开幕式讲了一个关于5000年历史的故事啊!你们太蠢了!eric79653 1 小时前The London opening was well, alright. I only really liked it because of the cake we had for celebration :)伦敦的开幕式也,嗯,不错。我只喜欢它,因为我们有蛋糕来庆祝。:)Anna Loanzon 1 小时前LONDON DON'T EVEN CLOSE伦敦甚至连(北京开幕式的)边都沾不上。thephubet 1 小时前In my honest opinion, China's ceremony was their history transcending the ages. I saw it in a more philosophical light while I thought London's was humorous at best. We all have our own opinions. To me, I saw London as "A History of Iconic Music". When I watched this I saw, "The transformation of an empire."就我个人平心而论,中国的开幕式展现的是超过他们年龄的历史。当我从一个更哲学的角度来看,英国的开幕式则是最好的幽默。每个人都有自己的看法。对我来说,我认为伦敦的是一部“有标志性的音乐史”。在我看北京奥运的时候,我认为它是一部“帝国的变革史”。Leon9293 1 小时前 8
To all the people saying this is the best Opening Olympic Ceremony...how many of these opening Ceremony's have you seen? You guys must be old!!每个人都说这是世上最好的奥运开幕式。。。你们又看过多少开幕式?你们得有多老啊!!helloploxxd 1 小时前That was an amazing opening ceremony! London did well but didn't come close这是一场令人震惊的开幕式!伦敦也做得不错,但是和这场差得远。pdm 小时前Had to wash London out of my mouth不得不把伦敦从我嘴里剔除。MadTimmy 1 小时前I do like Mr.Bean on London's opening ceremony.我太喜欢伦敦开幕式上的憨豆先生了。Jake Han 1 小时前This opening ceremony is one of the best if not thee best...这场开幕式即便不是最好的,也是最好的开幕式之一。Jeff Lopez 1 小时前the Thames reeks of human waste, Britts that is.人类的排泄物之泰晤士系列,英国的开幕式就是。FrankenBukowski 1 小时前how do people say this was better than londons. londons told a story while this one just showed how much money and slave labor china has人们怎么能说这个比伦敦的好。伦敦的开幕式讲了一个故事,而这个开幕式不过是向人们展示中国多么有钱和有多少奴隶劳工而已。Rapture189 1 小时前London opening ceremony disappointment brought me here!对伦敦开幕式的失望使我来到了这儿!darreltye00 1 小时前
rrajeevy 1 小时前 37
How about we just let Beijing do every Opening Olympics Ceremony from here on out.从现在起让北京承包所有的奥运开幕式怎么样。Eggomanicful 1 小时前 45
i was disappointed by the london olympics. but this was the BEST opening ceremonies ever我对伦敦奥运失望了。而这场则是有史以来最好的开幕式。PandasAndMonsters 1 小时前British ceremony was fun, imaginative, humorous and made you think at times. Obviously around a third of humanity are below average in iq, so they will prefer choreography over substance because it hurts their brains less.英国的开幕式有趣,有想象力,幽默,有时会让你回味一下。显然有三分之一的人智商低于平均水平,所以他们更喜欢用物质堆砌的舞蹈。因为,这样会少死一些脑细胞。superhamzah85 1 小时前i thought olympic opening was about the history on the countries...not movies or music and all those pop culture stuff...gosh im dissapointed我觉得奥运会的开幕式应该涉及国家的历史。。而不是电影或是音乐或者其他的流行文化元素。。天哪,我失望了。kas 小时前Hey man, not our fault we didn't like it. If it Sucks to us, well it sucks嘿先生们,我们不喜欢(伦敦奥运开幕式)又不是我们的错。如果它让我们讨厌,那它就是讨厌。bloodmofogoku 1 小时前LOL. Guys can't you all just enjoy the Olympics? No, Americans are not ill-educated. There are plenty stereotypes for each nation.The internet was invented by more than one person (or so they say). And technically, British people were the ones who founded the U.S.A. so saying Americans are dumb, is a bit of a contradiction. Plus, America has many blends of cultures and traditions. But seriously. Every country is great and has a history. Just enjoy it.笑。你们这些人不能单纯地享受奥运吗?不,美国人可不缺乏教育。国家有许多种。发明互联网的可不只是一个人(反正人们是这么说的)。从技术上说,英国人创造了美国。所以说美国人是傻瓜,就有点自相矛盾了。此外,美国有许多混合的文化和传统。但最重要的事,每个国家都是伟大的,都有自己的历史。单纯地享受奥运吧。Scarlett Nightingale 1 小时前i thought the forging of the rings was the best part of the british opening ceremony. There was nothing more to it after that. It was quite an embarrassment compared to the chinese opening ceremony..they looked rather poor and at times rather silly. the queen at one stage looked to be more interested in twiddling her fingers. She also felt the intense dragging boredom.我觉得那个锻造的环是英国开幕式上最好的部分。这部分之后就没什么更好的地方了。拿它和中国的开幕式作对比令人非常尴尬。。他们看起来相当贫困,有时候相当愚蠢。在某个舞台上的女王看起来对玩弄指头更感兴趣。看来她也感觉到了强烈的拖沓、无聊。slouttop 1 小时前Can the narrator shut his trap hole please?旁白能关上他的臭嘴么?nuuuvox 1 小时前Wake me up London when the games start! I'm literally falling asleep watching the Opening Ceremony!! Zzzzz...Nothing compares to Beijing's opening though!当奥运会开幕时,伦敦叫醒了我!看着开幕式,我简直睡着了!!Zzzzz...尽管没什么比得上北京的开幕式!MyJoshika 1 小时前 London was an embarrassment to Olympic openings definitely the worst ever....zzzzzzzzzzz伦敦的奥运开幕式很尴尬啊,绝对是史上最糟。zzzzzzzzzzsrfbig 1 小时前 This seemed more a political display of overwhelming power and national pride, whereas the 2012 ceremony is more about a diverse cultural contribution to the world. You can really see the difference in how 2008 everything is about organised collective co-ordination, whereas 2012 displays more individual expression. May the one you like best reflects your beliefs?这场(北京的)开幕式看起来更像一个政治展示,来显示自己的压倒性力量和民族荣誉感。而2012年的奥运会则是更多地关于多元文化对世界的贡献。你能看到以下区别:08年开幕式的每件展示都是关于有组织的集体协调,而2012年的则是更多地关于个人的表达。也许喜欢哪一个,正好显示了你的个人理念?shadowfilm 1 小时前They should have U2 to perform and save this opening ceremony他们(北京)应该通过免费演出来挽救这场(伦敦奥运会的)开幕式。whateverman181 1 小时前 Drinking the sweat off a roasting pig would have been more suitable for the english history than that lump of cow dung用喝着汗水切烤猪比用那坨牛屎来展现英国历史来的更好。FrankenBukowski 1 小时前
The London ceremony was cool and more chilled out伦敦开幕式酷,而且更令人放松。Ela La 1 小时前The Chinese ceremony was a bit souless and fascist, and like they were trying to impress.中国的开幕式有点缺少灵魂,带点法西斯主义,而且他们似乎在竭力给人留下深刻印象。The British opening ceremony was funny and had more of a sense of humour, and also showed they don't take themselves so seriously and don't need to impress. I prefer the British.英国的开幕式有趣而有更多的幽默感,这也显示了他们不愿把自己搞的太严肃,也不需要让人留下深刻印象。我更喜欢英国的。yentalan 1 小时前It is not that Beijing opening was better. It is that all other openings were better.不是北京的开幕式比它好,而是所有的开幕式都比它好。crackrero 2 小时前I live in the east but i am not Chinese, i had to set my alarm at 3 am just to watch the London opening. I was so disappointed, i should have stayed in bed. Bejing opening was far far better. I don't know what were they thinking when they ask Danny Boyle to the direct this horrible opening. It was as bad as his movie Slumdog, boring, chaotic and senseless. I really didn't get what he was trying to show. Such a waste of money and time. Susan Boyle could have done it better.我住在东方,不过不是中国人。为了观看伦敦开幕式,不得不把闹钟调到凌晨3点。我感到非常失望,那时候我应该睡觉的。北京的开幕式好太多了。我不知道当他们要求Danny Boyle导演这场糟糕的开幕式时,他们是怎么想的。开幕式就像此人的电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》一样的无聊、混乱、毫无意义。我实在不知道他在努力地展示什么。太浪费钱和时间了。换Susan Boyle导演会更好。 archangel1124 2 小时前100x better than london opening比伦敦开幕式好上百倍。Naz khan 2 小时前I'm from America, so most of you will probably go hating on me when I say I liked the Beijing opening ceremony more than the London. But you have to give the English props on being able to write a story with the ceremony. Beijing's was huge, flashy, and pretty, but London's was fun and told a story.我是美国人,所以当我说比起伦敦的开幕式,我更喜欢北京的时候,你们中的一些人可能会恨我。但是你们应该给英国人一个道具,让他们懂写开幕式的剧本。北京的开幕式庞大而令人震撼,而且漂亮。不过伦敦的有趣,而且讲了一个故事。TemarixKamatari 2 小时前The best opening EVER!!! London disappointed me.有史以来最好的开幕式!!!伦敦的令我失望。Chaucer129 2 小时前 2
Nice try London漂亮的尝试。伦敦。Julian81218 2 小时前London, imma let you finish but Beijing had the best opening ceremonies of all time.伦敦,我想让你结束。北京的开幕式在任何时期都是最棒的。turtIesRcool 2 小时前
The problem was that the British opening should have left people having more respect/understanding of British culture. The modern segment with kids texting and references only the Brits would understand was just embarrassing.问题在于,英国的开幕式应当留下更多对英国文化的理解/尊重。RoyaleInliner 2 小时前The London opening ceremony was terrible. It was boring with sloppy laughable choreography, a jumbled mess.伦敦的开幕式太可怕了。这是场草率而可笑的编排,一个一塌糊涂的烂摊子,令人感到厌烦。serenakiril 2 小时前Great Britain's uniform looks better in 2008. What the hell did they wear in 2012?!08年的时候,伟大的英国的服装看起来更好。他们12年穿的那叫什么玩意?!GrilledZucchinis 2 小时前china was better, great ,awensome!!!!中国的更好,很好,很棒!!!!hardbrenacore 2 小时前Industrial Revolution....Harry potter...Mr.Bean...James Bond...David Beckham...Paul Mccartney....What the hell was that....工业**。。。哈利波特。。。。憨豆先生。。。。詹姆斯邦德。。。。。大卫贝克汉姆。。。。保罗·麦卡特尼。。。这他妈是什么玩意。。。ddr2533 2 小时前China kick ass !!!!!!! Beijing rulez!!!!!中国踢了英国的屁股!!!!!北京领先!!!!AdrianSmith2000 2 小时前no doubt, this one is much better毫无疑问,这个要好多了。zhantonio 2 小时前tbh, this opening is beyond compare~老实说,这场开幕式无与伦比~cyyuchungyau 2 小时前 5
Today will go down in history as an embarrassment to the United Kingdom.今天将因英国的窘迫而载入史册。RagingCapitalist 2 小时前 when all is said and done..说过很多遍了。。china population 1.4 billion中国人口14亿。britain population 60 million.英国人口6千万。london 2012 was 1/4 of the price, not a false politically driven slave show.. but a true, transparent taste of london..伦敦2012开幕式只有1/4的造价,不是一场虚伪的政治化的奴隶演出。。但却是真实、透明的伦敦本色。。P.S the whole world visits london every year.. NOT beijing.. just think about itP.S:每年世界各地都有人来伦敦旅游。。而不是北京。。好好想想吧。Tommy Gunn 2 小时前BEST OPENING IS CHINESE BUT THE BEST EVER IS GREEK....BETER AND HISTORICAL.最好的开幕式是中国的,有史以来最好的则是希腊的。。。。它更好而且有历史意义。mene14387 2 小时前Much better than 2008比08年的好多了。nasbster915 2 小时前Okay, Beijing will remain the best opening and closing ceremony for now. It was just simple breathtaking. I actually saw another one of Zhang Yimou's work. He does a show in Yangshuo (near Guilin) and it was equally wonderful. He is a real genius.好吧,北京现在仍将保持最好的开幕、闭幕式纪录。这只是简单的惊人。我还看了张艺谋的另一部作品。他在阳朔(临近桂林)拍的。这部作品同样精彩。他是个真正的天才。alterna 2 小时前One thing to say about this ceremony... MADE IN CHINA!!!用一句话来形容这场开幕式。。。中国制造!!!jabjaw1 2 小时前 In all seriousness though, it doesn't feel right to celebrate the Olympics with so many wars going on in the rest of the world and people suffering. 1 billion people watching. The other 4 billion are too poor to even afford a tv and trying to figure out how they will survive through the night.严肃地说,在庆祝奥运的时候,看到其他国家有那么多的争吵、那么多人受伤不会使人好过。10亿人在收看。另外40亿太穷,甚至连电视业买不起,只能在夜里想着怎么生存。whateverman181 2 小时前I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I liked the London opening ceremony- it was crazy and different, but I'd rather that than trying to mimick something that's been done fantastically before. Atleast we can say we did it OUR way :)我要冒险说,我喜欢伦敦的开幕式-它疯狂而与与众不同,我觉得这比竭力模仿之前某些已经做到极致的东西更好。至少我们能说这是用我们自己的方式做的。:)123MorningGlory123 2 小时前London's Ceremony: Great, and impressive... but it followed Beijing's awe inspiring ceremony.伦敦开幕式:很棒,令人影响深刻。。。但它只能追随在北京那令人振奋的开幕式身后。Certainly not bad at all, just not AS great.确实不坏,只是没那么好。-Coming from a "Stupid Yank/American/Redneck" or whatever the hell we are called..——来自一名被称作“**扬基佬/美国人/乡巴佬”或其他类似称呼的人。Also, why are people saying only the Americans 'hating' on Londons ceremony saying Beijjings was better? Its not as if we are saying "London's ceremony sucked and Salt Lake's (the last American city to host the games) Was fantastic"... so why all the blame on the Americans?此外,为什么人们总说只有美国人“讨厌”伦敦奥运开幕式,认为北京奥运的更好?就和我们说“伦敦开幕式很糟,盐湖(美国上一次举办奥运的城市)的很好”是有区别的。。所以为什么全都在指责美国人?baragon4N20 2 小时前
I had to search up Beijing Olympic ceremony after watching the London one cause the London ceremony put me to sleep. So disappointed.伦敦奥运的开幕式让我昏昏欲睡,我不得不找起北京的开幕式来。太失望了。Minna Kari 2 小时前Let us all just not compare the ceremonies and fight about it..让我们不要比较开幕式,或者为此而争论。。Why not just enjoy the effort each team, each person puts in for his/her country?为什么不是单纯地享受每个团队/个人为他/她的国家做的贡献呢?supernovalass 2 小时前They should've just replayed this 13min video clip at the London opening,would've been much more exciting to watch.This was a master-piece that wont be bettered in my lifetime.他们应该单纯地在伦敦开幕式上放出这段视频的。这样开幕式就更有激情了。在我一生之中,它的地位永远不会被取代。MrMemememe1234 2 小时前2 types of people who come HERE, a video about Beijing 2008 (4 years ago) are:2种人会来看这个08年开幕式的视频:1.) people who like 2008 because they know it was way better than 2012.1)喜欢08年开幕式的人。他们知道这个比12年的好。2.) people who dislike 2008 because they know it was way better than 2012.2)不喜欢08年开幕式的人。他们知道这个比12年的好。 let the trolling begin.钓鱼开始吧。ThePeeBottle 2 小时前LONDON 2012 = BEST OPENING CEREMONY EVER2012年伦敦奥运=有史以来最好的开幕式Omg, The queen looked so happy and energetic, Paul McCartney is not the least bit boring and is so current and cool!!天哪,女王看起来又开心又有活力,保罗·麦卡特尼一点都不无聊,又酷又时尚!!The concert segment was so unique and impossible to imitate, the choreography was breathtaking!!演唱会部分太独特了,没人能模仿,编排得令人叹为观止!Not even slightly boring!!!!甚至没有哪怕一丁点的沉闷!!!!This was ENGLISH, that means it was THE BEST!!!!这就是英国,这个词意味着最好!!!!This Beijing nonsense was a load of utter poppycock, a load of slitty eyed codswallop.北京那瞎掰的开幕式充满了彻头彻尾的荒唐,还有小心眼的扯淡。sorrylondon 2 小时前Both were very good!!!!! They both had culture and cause and should both be respected.... You all like who you all like and that's that. This is about everyone都很好!!!!它们都有自己的文化,都应当得到尊重。。。你们喜欢谁是你们的自由,但是每个人想法都不同。fuschiaartfairy 2 小时前the drums were just spectacular almost felt tears coming out on how beautiful it was! china opening is still the best!!!!这些鼓太壮观了,差点落泪 太美了!中国的开幕式仍然是最好的!!!!jep4cha 2 小时前China's really put on a show for their culture, and their years of development. London started off on the right track, but then became a rock concert. I may be sounding ignorant here, but are rock concerts part of your country's culture? Wht was the name of the band? what monkeys? their first song was horrendous.中国的确展示了他们的文化,和他们这些年来的发展。伦敦的开幕式一开始走上正轨,但随后就成了一场摇滚音乐会。也许我说的话听起来很无知,但是摇滚音乐会是你们国家文化的一部分吗?乐队名字是什么?哪来的猴子?第一首歌太可怕了。SafetyFail 2 小时前Chinese are Amazing !! Such a brilliantly coordinated show they put up.. Just incomparable!中国的令人震撼!!如此出众的协调。。无与伦比!Samantha Patil 2 小时前EVERYONE ON THIS PAGE THOUGHT LONDON WAS LAME or else YOU BE TRYING TO WATCH BEIJING AGAIN.每一个在这一页评论的人都在想伦敦开幕式很烂,你们会努力重温北京的开幕式。NOW LETS ALL WATCH THIS VIDEO TOGETHER现在让我们一起来观看吧。kudos56 2 小时前BLAME DANNY BOYLE谴责DANNY BOYLE吧sorrylondon 2 小时前Londons opening was just awful伦敦的开幕式只是烂。YehSmoshWorld 2 小时前


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