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简明英汉词典hurt[hE:t]v.刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤n.伤痛, 伤害美国传统词典[双解]hurthurtAHD:[h?rt] D.J.[h*8t]K.K.[h)t]v.(动词)hurt, hurt.ing, hurtsv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To cause physic injure.伤害,受伤:引起肉体的伤害或疼痛;损害(2)To cause mental or em distress.受伤害,使苦恼:引起精神或感情上的痛苦;使忧伤(3)To damage or impair:损害或损伤:The bad publicity has hurt the candidate's chances for victory.See Synonyms at injure 坏名声降低了这位侯选人的胜算参见 injurev.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To have or produce a feeling of physical pain or discomfort:受伤,不适:感到或造成肉体的疼痛或不适:My leg hurts.我的腿疼(2)To cause distress or damage:使苦恼:使忧伤或引起损伤:Parental neglect hurts.父母的不关心是会伤害孩子的(3)To have an adverse effect:有负面影响:“It never hurt to have a friend at court”(Tom Clancy)“有个在法院工作的朋友没什么不好”(汤姆?克兰西)(4)Informal To experience distress, especially be in need:【非正式用语】 遭遇困难:经历困难,尤指出于经济原因;贫困:“Even in a business that's hurting there's always a guy who can make a buck”(New York)“即使在一萧条的行业中也总有人能赚大钱”(纽约)n.(名词)(1)S a pain, an injury, or a wound.痛苦,伤口:使人感到疼痛的东西;疼痛,创处或伤口(2)M anguish:精神上的痛苦;苦恼:getting over the hurt of reading the letter.从读那封信后的痛苦中解脱出来(3)A harm:错事;伤害:What hurt have you done to them?你怎样伤害他们了?语源(1)Middle English hurten 中古英语 hurten (2)possibly from Old French hurter [to bang into] 可能源自 古法语 hurter [灌输进] (3)[perhaps of Germanic origin] [可能源于日耳曼语] 继承用法hurt“ern.(名词)现代英汉词典hurt[h\:t]vt., vi.hurt, hurting(1)使受伤;使伤痛My leg hurts.我的腿受伤了。I hurt it playing football.我踢足球伤着它的。Many people were hurt when the a buse and a truck collided."一辆公共汽车和一辆卡车相撞,许多人受了伤。"(2)使疼痛My shoulders hurt.我的两肩有点痛。(3)使人伤心;使人痛苦She's hurt because you haven't visited her.她很伤心,因为你没有去看她。I was very much hurt at his words.他的话伤透了我的心。You'll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday."如果你忘了她的生日,那会伤她感情的。"It won't hurt you to miss breakfast for once. (喻)少吃一顿早饭不会对你有害的。词性变化hurtn.(1)(精神、感情上的)伤害,创伤(2)损害;损伤;危害It won't hurt to postpone the matter for a few days.把此事搁置几天并无妨碍。(3)(身体上的)损伤,创伤现代英汉综合大辞典hurt[hE:t]vt.(1)使疼[刺]痛; 伤[损, 危]害(2)使苦恼, 使伤心, 使伤感情, 使不快(3)有损[妨]害, (对...)有不良影响(4)使受伤I won't hurt you.我不会伤害你。Did he hurt himself?他受伤了吗?Another glass won't hurt you.再喝一杯对你也无妨。词性变化hurt[hE:t]vi.(1)痛苦; 伤[损, 危]害; 有害(2)疼痛(3)受伤It won't hurt to wait a bit longer.再等一会没关系。Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth.没有比牙痛更痛的了。hurt[hE:t]n.(1)伤[损, 危]害(2)(精神上的)痛苦(3)疼痛(4)创伤; 伤口(5)不良影响I intended no hurt to his feelings.我并无意使他伤心。hurt[hE:t]adj.(1)受伤的(2)伤感情的(3)象受了委曲似的(4)损坏的继承用法hurtableadj.hurtful[5h\:tfJl]adj.hurtfullyadv.hurtfulnessn.hurtless[`h\:tlIs]adj.hurtlesslyadv.用法词典hurt中古英语 hurten< 古法语 hurten 推;击英文相关词典hurtbruise&&&&damage&&&&distress&&&&grieve&&&&harm&&&&impair&&&&injure&&&&offend&&&&pain&&&&wound&&&&wrong&&&&cure&&&&heal&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典hurt损害;使疼痛;损伤美国传统词典hurthurtAHD:[h?rt] D.J.[h*8t]K.K.[h)t]v.hurt, hurt.ing, hurtsv.tr.(1)To cause physic injure.(2)To cause mental or em distress.(3)To damage or impair:The bad publicity has hurt the candidate's chances for victory.See Synonyms at injure v.intr.(1)To have or produce a feeling of physical pain or discomfort:My leg hurts.(2)To cause distress or damage:Parental neglect hurts.(3)To have an adverse effect:“It never hurt to have a friend at court”(Tom Clancy)(4)Informal To experience distress, especially be in need:“Even in a business that's hurting there's always a guy who can make a buck”(New York)n.(1)S a pain, an injury, or a wound.(2)M anguish:getting over the hurt of reading the letter.(3)A harm:What hurt have you done to them?语源(1)Middle English hurten (2)possibly from Old French hurter [to bang into] (3)[perhaps of Germanic origin] 继承用法hurt“ern.英汉法学大词典hurt v.伤 ,伤害 ;n.伤害 ,危害 英汉航空大词典hurt n.使受伤,使感觉疼痛;n.损伤,伤害 英汉化学大词典hurt vt.损伤,损害;n.创伤 英汉计算机大词典hurt vt.损伤(损害);n.创伤 英汉机械大词典hurt n.损伤,伤害 英汉建筑大词典hurt n.损害,创伤 英汉水利大词典hurt n.损伤,伤害 英汉冶金大词典hurt n.损伤,伤害 英汉中医大词典hurt n.疼痛,刺痛,使受伤痛
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