
22:05:00 来源:网络
  一、阅读的概念  由于“阅读”一词义文泛,包罗万象,对“阅读”一词下定义确实很难,《阅读及其相关术语》中列了四千七百多个与阅读有关的词条。我们暂不管阅读,但我们却都知道什么是“读”,即我们看到印刷(或手写)符号并从中获取其含义和信息的过程。在我们看来,掌握阅读技巧意味着读者必须具备以下能力:1)理解作者的思想和观点。2)看出文章的叙事或推论过程。3)看出并思考所读文章的细节、获得详实的信息。4)把已获得的信息保留在大脑中以便随时使用。5)看出作者的主要意图和文章的基调。6)从有关资料中吸取有用的东西。7)对非重要情节或信息一带而过。8)根据阅读目的和材料的难易程度调整阅读速度和方法。9)根据作者的描述得出自己的推论。10)掌握词的多种含义的知识。而考研所需要的是上述阅读理解能力中的六种,即:1.掌握所读材料的主旨和大意;2.了解用以阐述主旨的事实和有关细节;3.根据上下文判断大纲附表以外的某些词汇和短语的意义;4.既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的逻辑关系;5.根据所读材料进行一定的判断、推理和引申;6.领会作者的观点和态度;7.正确理解英语原文并用汉语表达原文所述内容。要提高阅读速度,正确的阅读方法是问题的关键。只有通过不断的实践,练就一套切实可行的阅读技巧,才能不做文字的奴隶,达到与作者的心灵交流,提高读书的效益,提高考研得分。  二、阅读理解的过程  很多人认为阅读理解的过程就是,首先认识每个单词,再了解每句话的意思,然后自然地就理解了全文的意思。其实,认识每个单词并不意味着能理解全文,理解全文也不必认识每个单词。心理语言学家对阅读理解过程所持的观点是:(1)阅读不是一个被动的过程,而是一个积极主动的活动,它需要大量的脑力活动,这就是说,一篇文章的意义不在于材料本身,而是读者与材料不断交流活动的结果.读者把新知识和旧知识联系起来,以便完整地理解文章的意义,这种引申意义的脑力活动不仅仅是对词汇意义的解码,而且是对文章的全面理解。(2)阅读是一个判断、推理、归纳、总结的过程。读者需要把分散于文章中的各种信息联系起来,经过必要的判断、推理,得出自己对文章的认识。(3)阅读是一个心理语言猜测活动。也就是说,一个好的读者总是不断猜测下文是什么,然后用作者所给的信息检验自己的预测是否正确。如果预测正确就开始下一个预测,如果错误,就必须修正原来的假想。  三、阅读技能  为了正确地评价自己的阅读能力。读者可以对照检验一下自己在阅读时是否有以下影响阅读效率的行为,但第2、3条得在你不注意时,别人观察你。1)你是否读得非常慢,非常仔细,不相信自己能全部理解所读的东西。2)阅读时你的嘴唇和舌头是否在动。3)在阅读时你的头是否随着所读文字符号的位置而左右移动。4)你是否经常回读,即读过的东西又重新读一遍,甚至二、三遍。5)你是否读什么体裁都是一样的速度。6)你是否有很多单词不认识,或不知道它在此处的含义。如果对上述问题的回答是肯定的,那你确实需要提高阅读技能。如果只有一两项的回答是肯定的,那么你就需要针对这一两种不良习惯寻找有效的解决方法,以帮助你提高阅读能力。人们所具有的能力大不相同,这一点并不奇怪,有的人善于打网球或篮球,或跳高,或游泳,而有些人在这些方面的能力则非常弱。其实这些能力大都是训练的结果。如果你从来没有接触过英语,你有再好的语言天赋,也都不会讲好英语。但话又说回来,如果有某一方面的天赋,加上训练,就会达到较高的成度,这就是技能。阅读作为一种技能也要受客观和主观条件的影响。内在的主观因素是你自己的词语接受能力、兴趣和学习动力。你还会受到诸如环境、接受的训练、家庭背景和受教育的机会等外部条件的制约。你现在的阅读能力是由多方面造成的,有身体状况,也有智力方面的因素,还有的是诸如学校教学质量、家庭条件、转学和其他。这些都是你无法选择的,是客观因素。但很多人阅读慢的原因是由于缺乏训练。也许根本就没有人教过你快读。我们在读初高中时,老师没有教我们快速阅读,这样就养成了习惯,总是仔细、准确地精读。如果不改变这样的习惯,那么你永远也读不快。  四、阅读的方法  虽然人的认知方式大致相同,但不同的人有不同的阅读习惯。有的人在读书时,总是用铅笔或手指指着书上的每一行左右移动,似乎怕遗漏一个词;有的人一边读一边念出声;有的人一边读一边逐句翻译;有的人担心没读懂,反复地回头阅读;有的则没有耐心,一目十行。以上都不是正确的阅读习惯,不符合阅读过程的科学规律。人们阅读时总是从左到右,从上一行到下一行,从词到词组到句子到段落,这一过程给人的感觉是人的眼睛总是在不停地移动。其实不然。科学家发现,阅读时人的眼睛不是持续地移动,而是跳跃式移动,94%的时间眼睛是静止的,6%的时间在跳跃。两次跳跃之间的时间称为一次“注目”(fixation),约四分之一秒。每次注目看到的单词数因人而异。儿童大约是半个单词,一般的读者是1-2个单词,较好的读者每次注目可看2-3个单词。在实际阅读中,人的眼睛以词群为单位跳跃,即相关的词往往在一次注目中看到。既然阅读时人的眼睛跳跃式移动,那么用铅笔或手指指着书上的每一行左右移动、一边阅读一边念出声、一边读一边逐字翻译都是没有用的。因为这些动作的速度与眼睛跳跃的速度不一致,再加上它们要分散一些注意力,因而不仅影响阅读速度,也影响阅读理解的程度。值得注意的是,眼睛的跳跃式移动是一种自然现象,阅读时不要有意地把注意力集中在眼睛的移动上。既不能把眼睛停留在某处时间太长,也不能有意地加快跳跃速度。  五、阅读速度和怎样阅读  语言学家发现,阅读速度的提高对理解没有影响。所以不要担心快读会影响阅读理解。实际上,理解能力常常随着阅读速度的提高而提高。提高的幅度受多方面的制约:比如你现在的英文水平,单词量,你以前的学校以及现在的学校和你平常的一般知识。但最重要的是你的学习动力。你一定要有这种意识:迫切提高阅读速度和理解的激情,并要尝试新的方法来提高。跟其他的技能一样,光讲理论是远远不够的。你只听老师讲如何游泳,不下水,你永远学不会。只听别人讲如何跳三步、四步舞,你自己不到舞池中练习,也是学不会的。阅读技能跟这些技能一样,需要你去亲身实践、积极主动地不断地练习。跟跳舞一样,只要大量的训练,就能跳出新样,跳出更高的水平,直到潇洒自如为止。阅读也需要大量的练习,逐渐尝试新的方法,向更高的境界进军,直到阅读对你来说是件轻松愉快的事为止。但是在训练时千万不要老想着“我要快速读”,而要轻松愉快地、一心只注意行文中的信息。做到这一点,再加上大量的长时间的阅读,肯定会读得更快。我们不敢说每个人的阅读速度能提高多少,但大量的调查表明,通过训练,你的阅读速度完全能达到你目前阅读速度的两倍。如果采取特殊方式,会提高的更显著,一般的阅读速度能提高40%到300%。设定目标:提高阅读的方法之一就是设定目标。这样确实能给你以帮助。每一个阶段设定一个目标,记下你上次做一篇需要的时间,现在你可以跟上次比一比,看你的目标是否达到了。在有利的环境中阅读:提高阅读速度需要大量的脑力劳动并要求注意力集中。最好找一个安静的地方,如教室或图书馆。不要一面读一面看电视,或听着收音机,或旁边有人说话。能不断地取得进步吗?有时这样的训练成绩并不是按部就班一步一个脚印。有的人确实读一个阶段就收到一定的效果。但更多的情况是阅读的提高是没有规律的。有时候在一段时间里没有任何进步,而后又有了新的突破。似乎训练一段后才能进行下一个目标。如果在一段时间内没有达到目标,不要泄气,继续向你的另一个目标前进,今后你会达到你的预期目标的。下边介绍几种方法。  1.略读略读(skimming)是常用的阅读方法之一,其主要特征是选择性地阅读。通常的阅读要求看到每一个词,每次注目看1-2个词。略读不需要看到每一个词,眼睛跳动的频率和幅度都有较大的提高,有时甚至从上一行跳到下一行。略读不可能使你对所读内容全部了解,但是你能大大地提高阅读速度,也能获得大量的信息。略读的主要作用是了解文章的大意。经过略读之后,你对所读内容已经有了大致的了解,再仔细阅读,这时你的印象会更深刻,理解更透彻。大部分读者不需要正规的训练和指导就可以进行略读。但是有意识地训练会大大地提高你的略读速度和效率。进行略读训练的最简单的方法是强迫自己在规定的时间内读完某一篇,开始训练时,可以把略读速度定为平常阅读的5/4倍,以后逐步提高。略读的关键是增加眼跳的幅度,高度集中注意力,努力捕捉那些能引起注意或者你认为重要的内容。  2.扩大词汇量提高阅读的一个重要内容是扩大词汇量。其必要性表现在以下几个方面:1)词汇量决定了你的阅读理解能力,词汇量越大,你阅读得越广,视野就越开阔,你阅读理解的得分就越高。2)有限的词汇量必然会影响你阅读理解能力的提高。生词的含义只有在上下文中才能完全展现出来,并易于被识记、理解、掌握。换句话说,是上下文给某个词以特定含义,而这个特定含义往往是字典无法提供的。有的人或许会说,我们从中学到大学英语词汇都是通过背生词表来记单词的。但是这样说的读者忽视了很重要的一点:所学课文后面的词汇表都是为课文服务的,而且,教师课上对某些词或表达方式所举的实例,实质上是为它们设置上下文。不少教师鼓励学生背句子、段落、或整篇文章,都是出于同一目的,即:要学生在上下文中理解并掌握词汇和短语。3)多读是扩大词汇量的很好的方法。不仅要读不同体裁的书和文章,而且要多接触不同题材,才能适应考研的需要。  六、阅读理解的层次  作者在写一篇文章时总是要向读者表达某种思想(message),并借助于文字来完成这一任务。作为读者,首先要读懂文字,然后才能理解其中的思想。有的作者并不直接表达他们的思想,而是隐含其段落之中。这就要求读者去思考、判断,进行深层次的理解。一般认为阅读理解有三个层次:(1)字面理解层次这主要是对篇章的基本意思的理解。只要读者没有语言方面的障碍,这一层次的理解一般没有问题。(2)解释性理解层次这个层次的理解需要聚合性思维。读者要读出文章的“言外之意”,即作者没有直接说出或者隐含的意思。这种理解需要读者行推理判断,把分散在全文中的信息综合起来才能完成。(3)应用理解层次这一层次的理解需要分散思维。理解难度最大,要求考生读出“文外之意”,即对所读段落发表自己的意见或得出新的深刻见解。对于所有考研者来说,要一下子达到以上所说的三个层次的理解并非很容易的事。由于东西方的思想、价值观念有较大的差异,对于有些段落的深层理解,即使是英文水平很高的人,也很难完成。所以如果你觉得某一篇不能完全理解,也不要灰心丧气。  七、提高阅读理解水平  我们读的东西都是由他人写的。他(她)写到纸(或其他)上,通过这种形式,作者把他(她)的思想经验传授给我们。也就是说书上印的印刷符号是传递信息的中间媒介。作者有他(她)自己的生活经历。作者以符号的形式表达出来这些生活经历和思想。在写这些东西时,作者又有自己的句型和写作风格把这些信息组织起来(这就是作者的写作风格)。另外,作者写这些东西有自己的写作目的,否则根本就没必要写。所有这些要素齐全了,就有了阅读理解过程。但有时,阅读理解不能按作者或读者所期望的进行。很明显的例子是作者所用的语言读者必须得认识。如果读者没能掌握理解某信息最重要的词汇,理解也很难进行,也就达不到作者与读者的信息交流的目地。另外,除了上述的因素,读者还需要集中精力读材料。如果是在心不在焉的情况下,阅读理解很难进行,或根本不存在理解。有时这样的“空读”是由于作者写的东西乏味;有时是读者心不在焉。如果阅读有趣,加上读者有很强的提高阅读理解力的信心和愿望,理解就会很好地进行。下边我们谈谈怎样解决考研中的阅读问题。1.找出段落的中心思想任何阅读材料都有主要意思,即大意(mainidea)。文字材料的大意有不同的层次。一个比较长的句子可以说很多事情,但一般只有一个大意,可以用几个词概括;一个段落包括很多句子,但也只有一个大意,通常是段落的主题句(topicsentence)包含段落的大意。通常人们说“大意”指的是整篇材料的中心思想。非小说体的阅读材料通常有比较明显的大意,其结构也比较清楚。文章的开头部分(introduction)就比较明确地指出文章的中心思想。文章主体部分的每一段也有主题句,通常在段首或段尾。文章的结尾还要对全文作一个总的概括。为了找出段落的中心思想,读者应该在了解上下文的基础上,寻求作者对生活所做出的直接或间接的评论。这些评论有时作者直接说出,有时隐含在篇章中,有时通过他人说出。为了便于找出作品的中心思想,阅读中你可以考虑以下问题:1)作品是否表明了有关社会生活的某种重要的东西?它是否帮助你形成新的生活观?2)作品是否表明了某个普遍真理?3)你同意作品的中心思想或作者的观点吗?2.如何对待阅读中的词汇问题阅读过程中不可避免地要遇到生词。大纲中规定允许有3%的生词,也就是说2000个词中允许有60左右的生词,但一般不会有这么多的生词。有的人一遇到生词就停下来查字典,有的则读完一两页后查字典,有的人则完全不管生词。其实阅读中遇到生词只要不影响你对篇章主要意思的理解,一般应该继续往下读。如果生词的确影响你对内容的理解,查字典当然是一种办法,但很不方便,而且频繁地查字典不仅影响阅读速度,而且影响对文章内容的整体理解。所以在平时阅读时,遇生词最好的方法是通过上下文猜测。以下几条建议可帮助你猜测词义:(1)看看上下文中有没有生词的另一种说法,即找同义词。有时上下文会对一个生词作解释,或者提供一些暗示。(2)看看生词在文章中的词性,即看这个词是名词、动词、形容词、副词或其他词类。另外再看看这个词在文中与哪些词搭配使用,再根据自己的其他知识,就可以进行正确的猜测。(3)分析生词的构成,尤其是词的前缀和后缀。英语中很多词都是加前缀或后缀而变来的。比如你认识这两个词write和similar,根据前缀re?和后缀?ity的含义,你就可以准确地猜出rewrite和similarity这两个词的意思。(4)看看同一生词是否在上下文的其他地方出现,把两处的语境相比较,也许能更加准确地猜出词义。(5)充分利用你关于所阅读的内容已有的知识。为了巩固阅读过程中的生词,在读完一篇后,你可以把本篇中最重要的生词查一下字典,准确地了解这生词在文中的意思。因为我们训练的篇章都是大纲规定的题材,在真题中也可能会遇到这方面的文章,甚至单词。  3.推论出段落的隐含意思有时,为了某种目的,作者往往不直接说出某一意思,而是含蓄地表达。这种隐含的意思有时是篇章的主要意思。所以阅读考研短文经常需要推论(makinginference)。有时一句话的含义需要推论,有时整个篇章的含义需要推论。以下几条建议可以帮助你进行推论:(1)结合作者的思想观点、写作背景进行推论。(2)寻找作者直接陈述的诸多事件之间的联系。(3)仔细体会某些重要词的含蓄意义及其感情色彩。比如politician和statesman的意思都是“政治家”,但前者有贬义的色彩,即“政客”,后者则没有。(4)从作者的语气、语调、措辞等文体特征,读出作者的“言外之意”(readingbeyondthelines)。(5)得出某一推断后,尽量从上下文中寻找证据。(6)充分利用自己已有的各方面的知识,把文章中所述的事情和自己的阅历或熟悉的事情联系起来考虑。  4.预测下文内容预测下文内容也是提高阅读效率的重要手段。预测与猜测不同。猜测是对自己没有把握的文字意思的假设,预测则是假想下文将会发生什么事情。预测之所以能够提高阅读效率,是因为它使你产生某种“期待”(expectations)。带着这种期待去读下文,你会努力为你的假想寻找证据,你的注意力将更加集中在文中的重要内容上。当然,预测也不是随意的,必须根据已经发生的事情或已了解的内容加上你自己的一般常识进行符合逻辑的预测。当你继续阅读下文时,你的预测要么被肯定,要么被否定。无论是肯定还是否定,都会加深你对原文的理解。以下是几条建议:(1)如果你对段落的主题思想已有初步的了解,想一想关于这一主题通常要描写哪些方面的事情,这些事情在本文中会发生吗?(2)应用你的英语语言知识及语言在具体语境中的习惯用法,预测篇章将要写什么。& & 本文选自新东方在线论坛。
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&&&&书信类 【2009 年 09--12 月】 passage 3 (湖南省湘潭市凤凰中学 2010 届高三第一次月考) 假如你叫李明。你的好友 mark 生病了,在家复习迎考。以下是学校关于期末考试的通知, 请根据该通知写一份 120 左右的 e-mail 给 mark,告诉他考试的情况。 notice on the final exams 时间:下周四——the last day&&&& of the exam week 内容:五个问题中任意回答三个;写作文一篇 复习范围:课本,期中考试试卷和笔记。 计分:期末考试占 55%;期中考试占 25%; 研究性课程占 20%。 注意: 1. 开头已写好,不计入总词数; 2. 生词:研究性课程 research work 分数 grade dear mark, it’s a pity that you can’t go over your lessons with us. __________________________ 【参考范文】 dear mark, it’s a pity that you can’t go over your lesson with us. the final exams will be held next thursday, which is also the last day of the exam week. what is different about the exam is that it consists of two parts, that is, answering three of the five questions and writing articles. we are supposed to go over our mid-term exam papers, textbooks and class notes to prepare for it. the grade is made up of three parts. the final exams will make up 55% of our grade, the research work 20 and the mid-term exams 25% of it. please feel free to contact if you are still not clear about it. hope you will recover soon and also get a satisfactory mark in the exam. passage4 (广西玉林高中、南宁二中 2010 届高三上学期联考) 假如你是校报负责人,急需在学校内聘一位同学任英语版的编辑, 请你用英文以―an english editor wanted‖为题目写一则招聘启事。内容要点如下: 1.该工作主要包括两部分: 1)从英文报刊杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章; 2)选择与编辑同学们的来稿。 2.希望该同学满足下列要求: 1)乐意奉献出一些业余时间为同学们服务; 2)英文与美术皆好;能熟练使用电脑。 3.感兴趣的同学请在本周内与学生会(students’ union)联系 参考词汇:满足要求 meet the requirements 注意:1)词数 100 左右 2)不要逐字翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。 an english editor wanted our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its english edition…. students’ union 【参考范文】an english editor wanted our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its english edition. the job mainly includes two parts: one is to choose proper english articles from other newspapers, magazines or internet for us students. the other is to pick out articles from students in our school and edit them for use. we hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: first, he/she is willing to devote some of the spare time to serving the others. second, it's necessary for him/ her to be good at both english and fine art. needless to say that the ability to use the computer is important as well. those who are interested in the job, please get in touch with the students' union this week. students' union passage 5 (河北省秦皇岛市山海关一中 2010 届高三第一次月考) 假设你是小明,你家打算改善住房条件。现有两套房子供选择:一套是郊区的传统式平房, 一套是位于商业区的现代公寓楼。 家人对购买哪套更好持不同的观点。 请你根据下表所给内 容,用英语给你的朋友 paul 写一封信,征求他的意见。 现代公寓楼 1. 2. 3. 宽敞明亮; 1. 2. 3. 传统式平房 安静、空气清新 价格便宜; 氛围和 你的观点购物、上学方便; 有公园等休闲、娱 乐的场所邻里之间交往多,4. 谐、亲切 5.注意:1. 表达须包括所提供的所有信息,并可适当发挥;2. 词数:100 左右;3. 开头已为 你写好,不计入总数。 4. 参考词汇:郊区 suburbs dear paul, recently my family are planning to improve our housing conditions 【参考范文】 dear paul, recently my family is planning to improve our housing conditions. we have different ideas about whether we should buy a house in the suburbs or a flat in this downtown. some suggest we buy a modern flat because it’s big and bright, and it’s conveniently located, close to shops and schools. however, the others are in favor of the old—style house. they consider the air is fresh and it’s peaceful to live in the suburbs. what’s more, the price is much lower. the most important thing is that neighbors have more chances to communicate with each other to make a harmonious living atmosphere. i agree to the latter. what’s your opinion yours xiao ming passage 6 (江苏省泗阳中学 2010 届高三第一次检测) 假如你是李华, 最近作为奥运志愿者参加了一次活动。 请根据下表内容给某英文报社写一封 信,把所见之事及你的看法或建议告诉他们。 时间 活动 2008 北京奥运会期间 浏览长城 一对中国夫妇和一对外国夫妇刚吃完午饭 见闻 中国夫妇将剩饭及塑料袋扔到 外国夫妇质问:―乱扔垃圾不是损害 长城外 你的看法或建 … 议 字数要求:150 词左右。 dear editor, ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____ __ 环境吗‖yours ever, li hua 【参考范文】 dear editor, the 29th beijing olympic games is being held. many foreign friends come to visit china. when i showed some foreigners around the great wall last sunday, i saw a foreign couple and a chinese couple who had just finished their lunch. without any hesitation, the chinese couple threw their leftover food and the plastic bags off the great wall. astonished and shocked, the foreigners watched the waste rolling down the hill. they couldn’t help crying out, ―why isn’t it a bad habit to damage environment by littering carelessly‖ the astonishment and shock of our foreign friends strike my mind. shouldn’t we strengthen our awareness of environmental protection the unacceptable phenomenon of spitting, littering and picking beautiful flowers in public places must completely disappear as soon as possible. a good environment calls for action and participation by everyone. we must make every effort to make our world better.yours ever, li hua passage 7 (江苏省泗洪县楚天外国语学校 2010 届高三第一次检测) 假设你叫李华,是一名高三学生。自从进入高三以后,你发现部分同学晚上学习到很晚,他 们边学习边吃零食或喝可乐,早上则由于起床太晚而不吃早餐,你感觉这样会对身体有害。 请你根据这种现象,给《英语周报》写一封信反映情况,并谈谈自己的看法。注意: 词数 150 左右 【参考范文】 dear editor, i am a high school student who will graduate next year. since i was in grade three, i have found that some of the students in our class study harder than before. they study late into night, eating snacks and drinking coca-cola, which is bad for their health. in the morning, due to staying up too late, some students &sleep in & and have to go to school without breakfast, which is also a bad habit and will surely o harm to their health. in my opinion, though we are under heavy study pressure, we should try to eat properly and get as much rest as possible. only in this way can we keep fit and study well. i wonder if you agree with me. i am looking forward t hearing from you soon. yours faithfully, li hua passage 8 (江苏省泰兴市第三高级中学 2010 届高三开学初考试) 这几年,―考生该不该复读‖这个话题一直为社会各界所关注。下表是你班同学讨论的结果, 请你给英文报社写一封信,客观介绍讲座情况,并简要阐述自己的观点。 有些同学认为 1、不该复读 2、对应届生不公平 3、增加家庭经济负担 4、精神压力大 有些同学认为 1、应该复读 2、可以考上好大学 3、有利于未来就业 4、上何种大学是人生重要转折点要求: 1.信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2.词数: 150 左右. dear editor: i'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students retake classes after failing the college entrance examination. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ yours truly, li hua 【参考范文】 dear editor, i'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students retake classes after failing the college entrance examination. opinions are various on the question. some students are against the idea of retaking classes. they think it unfair for the students who take the exam for the first time. besides, it also adds the family burden. so many of them suffer mental pressure as well as economic problems. others think that it can be done because through one more year of hard study, they can make better preparations and may get a chance to enter their ideal universities. after all, the kind of university they enter, an important turning point in life, will directly affect their future employment. as for me, i think this depends on different situations. if one thinks he can succeed after one more years of hard work, he can choose to retake classes. on the other hand, he can do other things that interest him. after all, going to college is not the only way to success.yours truly, li hua passage 9 (重庆市重庆一中 2010 届高三上学期第一次月考) 假如你叫李华,你校同学正在就―高三学生要不要参加体育锻炼‖ 这一主题展开讨论,请根 据下面所给的信息,给某英文报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况,并谈谈你的看法。 赞成(55%) 1.应该每天进行体育锻炼,如:做早操、打乒 1.锻炼浪费时间。 乓球、打篮球等。 2.锻炼能增强体质,减少疾病。 2. 锻炼后很兴奋, 难以很快投入学习。 3.锻炼使人疲劳,可能会受伤。 反对(45%)3.锻炼能使大脑休息,使学习效果更好。注:1. 短文词数 100 词左右。 3. 书写须清晰、工整。 【参考范文】 dear editor,2. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。4. 体育锻炼 physical exercisei’m writing to tell you about a heated discussion among us students in our school about whether students of senior 3 should take physical exercise. 55% of the students think that we should take physical exercise every day, such as doing morning exercise, playing table tennis or basketball, etc. it can build our body, keep us healthy and reduce illnesses. meanwhile, it can make us completely relaxed for a better learning effect. however, 45% percent of the students are against that. they complain that taking physical exercise is a waste of time. it can make us tired or feel too excited for further learning. moreover, we may get hurt during the play. i personally think that proper physical exercise is necessary but never too hard.yours sincerely, li hua passage 10 (辽宁省瓦房店高级中学 2010 届高三 9 月月考) 假如你叫李平,是一位成绩优秀的学生,你班班主任在安排座位时,让成绩好的学生和成绩 差的学生作同桌, 这在你们班成绩优秀的学生中引起了反响, 班会课上大家就此进行了讨论。 现在请你根据下表把讨论结果向班主任写一封信反映一下,并说出自己的观点。 赞同 反对 你的观点1. 人人有长处和不足, 成绩差 1.部分学习差的学生常常上课 的学生也有可取之处; 2.相互学习,建立友谊; 说话、违反校规校纪,担心自己 会受影响,会养成坏习惯。3. 通过帮助学习差的学生的学 2.老是问问题,使自己不能专 习从而使他们建立自信。 心学习。注意:1.词数:100 字左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2.短文需包括表中所有要点,内容可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。 3.参考词汇:成绩差的学生:a slower student dear mr. zhang, we have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ 【参考范文】 dear mr. zhang, 自信:self-confidence we have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student. some are for the idea. as they know, everyone has strengths as well as weaknesses. although they are not good at lessons, they might do well in other fields like sports or arts. therefore, they can learn from each other, and they may develop friendship. in addition, top students can help slower ones gain self-confidence by helping them with their lessons, which benefits them all. however, others don’t hold the same view. they think some slower students are always making trouble, such as keeping talking in class, breaking school rules, which may lead to them forming bad habits. besides, slower students often ask top students questions, which has a bad effect on their studies. in my opinion, i’d like to choose to share a desk with a slower student so that we can learn from each other and make progress together. yours, li pingpassage 11 (河南省示范性高中罗山高中新校 2010 届高三第一次月考) 假如你是你校学生会科技部部长(secretary)李华,请用英语就下面的内容提示给某大学物 理系外籍专家 thomas hawking 写封邀请函,邀请他参加学校科技艺术节活动并就―how science can be related to art‖ 进行主题演讲。 n n n n 自我介绍 邀请 thomas hawking 教授到校参观、主题演讲、师生联谊(party) 恳请光临 希望尽早回复 注意: 1.词数 100 左右 2.开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数) 3.请在答题卡上作答。 dear professor thomas hawking, ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____ yours sincerely, li hua 【参考范文】 dear professor thomas hawking, i’m li hua, secretary of the science department of the students’ union of our school. i’m writing this letter to invite you to take part in our school’s festival of science and art. we would be honored to invite you to visit our school and give us a speech on how science can be related to art, for we’re told that you’re not only a successful scientist, but also can play the piano very well. there is also a party for both the teachers and the students in the afternoon. we would be extremely grateful if you can manage to come and we’re looking forward to your early reply. yours sincerely, li hua passage 12 (安徽省芜湖七中 2010 届高三上学期第一次调研考试) 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 sarah 打算国庆来芜湖旅游,来信询问中山路步行街的情况。 请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容: 1. 简况:长 600 余米、1999 年建成、100 余家商铺; 2. 位置:镜湖西面; 3. 交通:公共汽车 1、8、24 等路; 4. 特色:步行街、鸠兹广场、美食、镜湖风光等。 参考词汇:步行街 pedestrian street 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好,请将完整的回信书写在答题卡上。 dear sarah. thank you for your letter asking about the wuhu pedestrian street. here is something about it. ________________________________________________________________________ ___ ________________________________________________________________________ ___ ________________________________________________________________________ ___yours. lihua 【参考范文】 dear sarah. thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt oianmen street. here is something about it. qianmen street is a famous street of over 600 years old. along this 800-meter street. there are more than 300 shops. as the street is in the center of beijing. just to the south of tian’anmen square. it’s very convenient to get there by bus. you may take buses no. 17. 69 or 59. subway line 2 has a stop there too. qianmen street is a pedestrian street. but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops. but also to theatres and teahouses where you can experience a truly chinese way of life. i’m sure you’ll like it. yours. li hua passage 13 (河北省衡水中学 2010 届高三上学期第一次调研考试) 李明在光明路一家中外合资公司买了一台电冰箱, 使用半年后出现了问题。 即向公司写信要 求来人修理。内容如下: 1.去年我在你们商店买了一台电冰箱,外形和颜色我都很满意。 2.但是,最近发现电冰箱时常发出噪音,从低到高,有时甚至停止工作。 3.我们对此深感失望。希望能尽快派人来修理。来时请打电话联系。电话: 我们将在家恭候。 4.100 词左右。 5.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 dear sir,customer li ming【参考范文】 dear sir, last year i bought a refrigerator in your store on guang ming road. we all like the shape and colour of the refrigerator. but recently i find something is wrong with it. it begins to make noise when it is turned on. at first it is low but gradually it becomes louder and louder. to make matters worse, it even stops working sometimes. we all feel disappointed with it. i am writing to you to ask for help. would you please send somebody to repair it. i will be at home this weekend. please call me before you come. my telephone number is . thank you very much. customer li ming passage14 (河北省正定中学 2010 届高三上学期第一次考试) 假设你是李华,请根据下表提示给你的笔友 jack 写信,向他介绍你的两位朋友刘伟和张达 休假计划,并顺便征询 jack 对你的休假有何建议。 刘伟 上网、听音乐、看电视 张达 读书 李华 游泳、打网球 做家务社会公益活动 旅游、参观梦想大学还没有决定; 请对方提建议注意:1.词数:ll0 左右。 2.文章的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 dear jack, i am writing to tell you about my friends’plans for the holidavs . ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 【参考范文】 dear jack, i am writing to tell you about my friends’ plans for the holidays. what they play to do is as follows: liu wei plans to surf the internet to learn what’s going on both at home and abroad. to relax himself, he is going to listen to his favorite music and watch some games that are televised live. weather permitting, he will go swimming or play tennis with his friends. in order to reduce his parents’ burden, he plans to do some housework as well. zhang da’s first choice is to do some reading. he also means to visit the old people’s home, showing love and care to the old. he is going to travel and visit his dream university at the end of his holiday. passage 15 (山西省金谷中学 2010 届高三第一次练兵考试) 假如你是李华, 目睹了近年来你所在城市的变化。 你写了一篇有关城市变化及所带来的思考 的短文寄给某英语报社。短文包括城市的变化,并表达你的感受和建议:在建设和发展的同 时,还应加强文物和古迹保护,以传承文化。 几年前 现在 注意: 1. 词数:100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3. 参考词汇:摊点:stalls 历史文物 historical relics 满街小商铺,小卖摊点,拥挤,垃圾 街道宽敞,沿街种植了绿树和鲜花,新建了公园和高楼【参考范文】 our city has changed greatly over the last few years. streets used to be narrow, with old buildings and stalls crowded together, and litter everywhere. nowadays the streets are wider, cleaner and there are trees and flowers growing along the sidewalks. however, in creating a more modern city some tradition has been lost. some of the historical buildings have been torn down and highrise buildings and parks have been built in their place. the ancient culture has disappeared, and our city has become the same as all other cities: modern, clean but without its own special character. are all changes good changes i think we should do something to protect our historical relics at the same time. assage 16 (河北省唐山市 2010 届高三上学期摸底考试) 假定你是李华,经常与在美国的笔友约翰网上交流各自的学习生活情况。最近,你们班开展 了一场针对广告的讨论。请你给约翰写一封 e-mail,告诉他你们的讨论情况。以下是同学们 的两种不同看法: 支持广告 1. 广告让人们了解最近推出的新产品。反对广告1. 广告太多,很烦人。 2. 广告提供新产品的大量信息, 帮助人们作出明智的选 2. 一些虚假广告误导消费者。 择。 请你写一篇短文,概括双方观点,并发表自己的看法。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。 2. 可适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。 dear john, nowadays advertising is a highly developed industry. people can see advertisements everywhere. recently our class has had a discussion about advertising. 【参考范文】 nowadays advertising is a highly developed industry. people can see advertisements everywhere. recently our class has had a discussion about advertising. we have two different opinions. some are for advertising. they think advertisements keep people informed of new products. besides, advertisements bring people lots of information about new products so that informed choices can be easily made. while others believe there is too much advertising in life and it is really annoying. people get disturbed when they watch tv, or listen to the radio. in addition, many advertisements contain false information, which may mislead people. in my opinion, it is not so bad to have advertisements as long as we are careful
we can easily protect ourselves from being tricked if armed with facts and figures. passage17 (江西省吉水二中 2010 届高三第二次月考) 你们学校团委最近组织了一次―有烦恼向谁倾诉‖的调查活动,请用英语给校报写一篇新闻 稿,反映调查结果。 百分比 61% 22% 17% 请根据以上调查数据,写一篇短文。 注意:(1)词数 100 左右; (2)短文的开头已为你写好,不计人总词数。 recently our league committee has carried out a survey—―to whom do you go when in trouble‖the results are as follows. 理由 同龄人容易交流和理解 老师、家长阅历丰富、有生活和教育经验 不愿和别人说自己的事或难以与别人相处【参考范文】 61% of the studenta surveyed. select friends or schoolmates as their ideal listeners when they have troubles .they also want to tell others they trust about something personal,for they think they have a better understanding of each other in the same age group .another 22% choose teachers and parents tk talk to ,because in their opinion,teachers and parents are rich in life and education experience.nevertheldss,there are 17% who don’t share their troubles at all.thdy find it hard to get along well with others. passage 18 (吉林省东北师大附中 2010 届高三第一次摸底考试) 2009 年 8 月 17 日 在德国柏林举行的世锦赛上, 牙买加选手博尔特再次打破百米世界记录, 再创佳绩。请根据以下要点向 21st century 报刊投寄一篇介绍当今百米飞人博尔特的文章: 姓名:尤塞恩-博尔特(usain bolt);绰号闪电(lightning bolt) 生日:1986 年 8 月 21 日 国籍:牙买加(jamaica) 身高:1.96 米 职业:田径运动员 性格特征:有天赋,勤奋,有爱心,有毅力; 梦想:再次打破世界记录。 成绩: 2009 年 8 月 17 日,德国柏林世锦赛,第二次打破 100 米、200 米世界记录;共获 3 金 2008 年 8 月 16 日,北京奥运动会,第一次打破 100 米、200 米世界记录;共获 3 金 写作要求:1.使用必要连接词以使行文连贯; 2.字数为 100-120 字。 参考词汇:田径 track and field柏林世锦赛 world championship in berlin usain bolt【参考范文】 usain bolt, who is 1.96 meters tall, was born on august 21st, 1986 in jamaica and he has a nickname of lightning bolt. as a world-famous track and field athlete, he holds a number of world records. on august 16th, 2008, at the beijing olympic games he broke 100-meter and 200-meter world records and finally won three gold medals, one of which was 100-meter relay race gold medal. on august 17th, 2009, in world champion in berlin he broke his own world records again, making olympic history. he is talented, hard-working, loving, and determined. now he is working hard to realize his dream to break world records again. passage 19 (山东省沂南一中 2010 届高三上学期调研考试) 假设你名叫刘云,准备参加学校举行的―我给市长提建议‖英语作文大赛。目前,你所在的城 市已经基本实现城乡公交一体化,由此你想到了公交车司机们。请你结合下表提示。用英语 给市长(mayor)写一封信。 要求:1. 用第一人称写。 2.文中不能出现真实的县市、学校名称或地址。 3.字数 120-150 左右。 建 议 设立―公交司机节‖(bus drivers’ day) ·越来越多的人乘坐公交车出行 背 景 ·公交车司机也随之越来越多 ·公交车司机服务大众,工作辛苦··· 时 间 原 因 【参考范文】 dear mr. mayor, i’ m writing to you about starting a bus drivers’ day. these years, we are happy to have buses going between ever city, every town and almost every village in jiaxi. now more and more people both in cities and in the countryside are 在每年 月 日 庆祝 ··· traveling by bus, so more and more bus drivers are working for us .they have to work very hard, from morning till night .it’s not easy for them, especially during holidays. to thank them, i think it necessary to have a bus driver’s day .it will be good if we celebrate it october every year, because it’s the last day of national day golden week, and people can celebrate it with bus drivers, even the buses. buses are playing an important role in our daily life, i hope you can spare your time and drink about my idea. thank you! best wishes! liu yun passage 20 (福建省湖雷中学 2010 届高三第一次月考) 你叫李华。最近,你们班同学就―地球一小时‖活动展开了一场热烈盼讨论。下表是这次讨论 的结果。请你用英语给《中学英语报》主编写一封信,介绍你们班的讨论结果并阐明你自己 的观点。 60%的同学支持 引起人们对全球气候变暖的 关注 节约能源 全世界共同努力,保护地球 收效甚微 …… 给人们生活, 学习和工作带来 不便 …… 注意:1.字数 120 左右; 2.开头结尾已给出,不计人总词数。 …… 40%的同学反对 做秀,意义不大 你的看法 参考词汇:做秀一 show 不便一 inconvenience dear editor, last week our class had a heated discussion on earth hour.________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ 【参考范文】 last week our class had a heated discussion on earth hour.different students have different opinions about this activity. about 60% of the students are in favor of it. as we all know ,global warming is a big problem in the world. earth hour can raise people’s awareness of global warming. besides, turning off lights for an hour is energy-saving. only by working together can we make our earth a better place to live in. however , about 40% of the students say this activity is not very meaningful. they think it is only a show and that it doesn’t make much difference. what’s more, turning off lights for an hour may cause inconvenience to people’s life, work and study. in my opinion, this activity is of great importance. but one activity alone is not enough if we want to save energy and protect our earth. let’s act through our day-to-day habits.passage 21 (山西省运城市 2010 届高三调研测试 2) 2008 年一月中国南方大部分地区遭遇了前所未有的低温暴风雪恶劣天气,请你以王明的名 义,根据提示(需适当补充细节),给某报社的编辑写信。120 词左右。 提示: 1. 雪灾严重影响了人们的生活; 2. 人们齐心协力,共同迎战暴风雪; 3. 这个过程让我看到了…… 【参考范文】 dear editor, in january 2008, many parts in the south of china experienced the worst snowstorms. the disaster greatly affected the lives of people. many vehicles were trapped on the road, many flights were cancelled, and many trains were delayed. worse still, some areas suffered power failures. however, in the face of this disaster, people united to fight against the heavy snowstorms, making every effort to rescue the people trapped in the snowstorms and to ensure that everything would return to normal as soon as possible. during these days, we can feel from tv and newspaper reports, and from people’s reactions that love exists everywhere. sincerely yours, wang mingpassage 22 (浙江省衢州市杜泽中学 2010 届高三第一次月考) 假如你是某中学高三某班学生李平, 高中二年多来, 经历很多次成功与失败的你觉得自己似 乎一下子成熟了很多,有一种真的―长大了‖的感觉,面对紧张的学习,一次次考试以及今后 的打算……。你有太多的话想对关爱你的父母说。请以书信形式和爸爸妈妈谈谈。信的开头 如下:参考词汇:鼓励 encourage vt. encouragement 对…充满感激 be/feel grateful to sb dear mum and dad, how are you doing ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______ 【参考范文】 dear mum and dad, how are you doing how time flies! i am now a senior three student, enjoying many successes as well as going through a number of failures, which shows that i have really grown up. whenever i am thinking of these, i can’t help feeling grateful to you . it is you who first give me encouragement when i meet with difficulties, especially when i am not getting along well with my studies. indeed, your inspiration seems to be a lamp, which offers me light of hope, courage and confidence. and more importantly, you are always teaching me to be good to others, and try to contribute to our society.… passage 23 (东北四校(东北育才、天津耀华、大连育明、哈三中)2010 届高三第四次模拟联考) 假如你是校报负责人,急需在学校内聘一位同学任英文版的编辑, 请你用英文以―an english editor wanted‖为题目写一则招聘启事。内容要点如下: (1)该工作主要包括两部分:一是从英文报刊杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章;二 是选择与编辑同学们的来稿。 (2)希望该同学满足下列要求: ①乐意奉献出一些业余时间为同学们服务; ②英文与美术皆好;能熟练使用电脑。 (3)感兴趣的同学请在本周内与学生会(students’ union)联系。 注意:(1)词数 100 左右; (2)不要逐字翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。 an english editor wanted【参考范文】 and english editor wanted our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its english edition. the job mainly includes two parts: one is to choose proper english articles from other newspapers ,magazines or internet for us students. the other is to pick out articles from those written by students in our school and edit them for use. we hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: first ,he/she is willing to devote some of his/her spare time to serving the others .second ,it’s necessary for him/her to be good at both english and fine arts .besides ,the ability to use the computer is important. those who are interested in the job ,please get in touch with the students’ union this week. passage 24 (山东省莘县实验高中 2010 届高三第一次月考) 假如你叫李华,参加学校开展的―有困难向谁求助‖(whom do you turn to when in trouble) 的调查活动,调查结果如下表。请用英语给校报编辑写一封信反映相关内容。求助对象 同学、朋友比例 58%理 由 年龄相仿,容易理解与交流 老师、家长 无30% 12%有爱心、有经验,可以信任 不愿与人交流,难以与人沟通注意:1.内容要点全面,并表达出你的观点。为了使文章连贯,可适当增加内容。 2.词数:100 词左右。 【参考范文】 dear editor, i'm a student in senior three. we have made a survey--&who do you turn to when in trouble& here are the results. most of the students will go to their classmates or friends when in trouble. they're almost of the same age, so they can talk with and understand each other easily. some students will tell their teachers or parents about their troubles and ask for their help as the teachers and parents have rich experience and love them very much. they can be trusted by these students. only a few students solve their problems all by themselves. they hate to talk with others and can’t get on well with others. they have few friends. in my opinion, when in trouble we’d better ask our teachers, parents, friends or classmates for help.passage 25 (重庆市酉阳二中 2010 届高三上学期第一次月考) 假设你是高一学生李华,校刊―碣阳‖对全校同学进行征文,主题是―opinion on wearing the name tag‖ 。以下是你所在班级讨论的情况,请你给主编马焕义老师写一封英文 e-mail,反映讨论结果。 很多同学认为 另一些同学认为 其他同学 1. 有助于学校封闭管理 2. 佩戴胸卡很自豪1. 认为没有必要 2. 很不 3. 方便1. 高度称赞这一规定但应该 提高质量。你自己的观点:… 注意: 1. 5. 词数 100 左右,2.信的开头以为你写好,3.不 4.计入总数。 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,6. 以使行文了连贯。7. 参考词汇:胸卡: 封闭式管理: 方便的:convenientdear editor ma, recently, our class have had a heated discussion about wearing a name tag. ______________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ yours truly, lihua【参考范文】 dear editor ma, recently, our class have had a heated discussion about wearing a name card. opinions are divided on this case. many of my classmates believe wearing a name tag is of great help to the close management of our school for fear of being disturbed by the outside. at the same time, as a student of key school, how proud it is to carry a card in front of our chest! however, some students are against the rule, saying it is unnecessary and it’s not convenient to wear it every day. besides, others think highly of the rule, but on the other hand, they suggest our school should improve the quality of the tag. in my opinion, we must wear it carefully, because it can remind us to study at any time. yours truly, li huapassage 26 (浙江省金华一中 2010 届高三 9 月月考) 国际文化交流中心将组织一次由各国学生参加的―和平 ● 友谊‖夏令营活动,要求报名者提 交个人英文简介。假设你是李萌,请根据下列有关信息写一篇个人简介。姓名:李萌 年龄:18性别:女 学校:浙江省金华第一中学其他:爱好音乐、摄影;善于与人交流,乐于助人;热爱自然,热爱和平 参加夏令营的目的:结交朋友,了解外国文化注意:1. 词数 100―120; 2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】 i’m li meng, a girl of eighteen, presently attending jinhua no.1 high school, zhejiang province. i like music, especially classical music. i’m also interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. through my hobbies, i’ve made many friends. in fact, i like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them. believing we all need help from each other, i appreciate friends’ help, and i’m willing to help anyone in need.
and i love peace. i hate any form of violence. i would like to join the peace & friendship summer camp since it would be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and learn about their cultures. passage 27 (河南省开封高中 2010 届高三上学期第三次调研) 李华准备到外企求职,必须具备一定的英语水平。请发 e-mail 告知他学英语的方法。 提示:1 养成良好的学习习惯(如…. ) 2 多看英语电视和电影;扩大词汇量(enlarge your vocabulary); 3 要有自信;多讲,多用,不要怕出错。(have confidence in yourself) 注意:1 词数为 100 左右; 2 电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数); 3 以第一人称写。 dear li hua, i’m glad to offer you some advice. ………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… yours, deanne 【参考范文】 dear xiao ming, i’m glad to offer you some advice. in my opinion, forming good habits to learn english is very important, such as reading aloud, listening to english songs and communicating with native speakers of english. fortunately, you have easy access to english because there are english programmes on tv and english films . also, reading can often enlarge your vocabulary, which may be the biggest challenge for you. in addition, you should have confidence in yourself. try to speak english whenever possible, just as a proverb goes, practice makes perfect. don’t be afraid of making mistakes. in this way, you are sure to improve your english. i hope that my advice will be helpful. yours, deanne passage 28 (江西师大附中 2010 届高三 10 月月考) 假如你叫 amy,来自英国,现在江西师大附中学习。 ·something active ·cost: up to 2,000 yuan per person ·include a river cruise(游船) if possible ·somewhere i can see scenery ·no longer than seven days ·between 1st -8th, october mum’s holiday plan 你妈妈想在国庆 60 周年之际来中国旅游。获悉妈妈的假日计划后,你向中国国际旅行社咨 询并获得了一些信息。你选择了―江西四日游‖。请你写一封电子邮件告诉妈妈你的选择及行 程安排。江西四日游 第一天 第二天-第三天 第四天 游南昌,观腾王阁,乘汽车抵长江,坐游船沿江浏览; 登庐山,夜宿牯岭街。第三天清晨在山顶观日出,参观山脚下的东林寺; 游客自选: ◆乘汽车去汤显祖故居——抚州; ◆乘火车前往景德镇——参观陶瓷之都。 价格:1,500 元/人(国庆特价 1,200 元/人) 注意:1、邮件内容应体现你的选择结合了妈妈的假日计划。 2、适当增添细节以使文章连贯。 3、参考词汇:腾王阁:tengwang tower 牯岭街:guling street 东林寺:dongling temple 陶 瓷:porcelain china 4、词数:120 左右。 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 dear mum, i’ve checked your holiday plan and looked at several possible places where we can go during the 60th anniversary of the founding of prc. i thinkbye for now.love amy 【参考范文】 dear mum, i’ve checked your holiday plan and looked at several possible places where we can go during the 60th anniversary of the founding of prc. i think we should go to jiangxi province on a four-day trip. it starts from nanchang, where we’ll visit tengwang tower. then we’ll take a bus to the changjiang river. we can go on a river cruise to visit the longest river in china. on the second day we’ll have an active time climbing mount lushan. we’ll spend the night in guling street, which is close to the top of the mountain so as to watch the beautiful sunrise early next morning. after that we’ll go down to the foot of the mountain and visit the dongling temple. then we’ll relax a bit before moving on to fuzhou by bus next day. fuzhou is in the birthplace of tang xianzhu. afterwards, we’ll head to jing dezhen, city of porcelain china, for a visit. the trip costs only 1,200 yuan per person during the days. why not take this great offer bye for now. love amy passage 29 (浙江省温州中学 2010 届高三 9 月月考) 阅读下面这封中学生来信(摘自 china daily 21 century). dear editor: i am a new student at haining hongda senior high school. my home is far from haining, so i must live at school. this is the first time for me to get away from my parents. i feel very sad. when i left home, i couldn’t help tearing myself away from them. i do not want to be alone at school, and i am a shy girl. i have been crying in bed at night these days. i want to stay at home forever. i miss my parents very much. could you tell me what to do
your early reply is expected. regards amy 请根据以上内容,写一封回信(信的开头已为你好。词数 120 左右)。 回信应包括如下要点; 1.鼓励 amy 坚定求学信心,志存高远,四海为家。 2.就 amy 的目前状况,提两到三个建议。 dear amy: thank you for your letter. i am so glad to have a talk about your present situation with you. 【参考范文】 dear amy: thank you for your letter. i am so glad to have a talk about your present situation with you. people often miss their parents the first time they leave home. most people do have to leave home for higher education or employment. you cannot live with your parents forever. i think you should realize that present separation will help your academic development and your improvement of personal ability. you need to make friend on your school campus, sharing ideas with your classmates who are physically closest to you now. maybe you will still miss your parents, but your new friends will bring you happiness and joy to your new life. also i suggest you enjoy yourself by taking an active part in different kinds of activities in school. you will get much pleasure from it. wish you happy every day. faithfully yours ×××passage 30 (宁夏省银川一中 2010 届高三第二次月考) 从电视上看到甲型 h1n1 流感(a/h1n1 flu)仍然在墨西哥流行,你为你正在墨西哥上学的笔 友 anderson 的健康与安全担心。请你给他写一封信询问他的情况,并给他提出防护建议。 要点: 一、询问 1、 他的健康状况; 2、 他们学校有无甲型 h1n1 流感病例(a/h1n1 flu cases); 3、 他们是否对这一大面积流行的疾病感到恐惧。 二、建议 1、尽量待在家里,少去人多的地方; 2、勤洗手、讲卫生; 3、多开窗,保持空气新鲜; 4、多吃水果、蔬菜。 注意:1、词数:100 左右; 2、首尾已给出,不记入总词数。 dear anderson , from tv i know there are still many a/h1n1 flu cases reported recently in mexico and many schools are closed as a result. i’m so worried about you.___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______ yours, li hua 【参考范文】 dear anderson , from tv i know there are still many a/h1n1 flu cases reported recently in mexico and many schools are closed as a result. i’m so worried about you. are you all right
are there any a/h1n1 flu cases in your school
are you still afraid of this widespread disease
to stay away from the disease, you’d better stay at home as much as possible and not go to places where there are many people. wash your hands more often to keep them clean. open the window to have more fresh air in the room. and eat more fruits and vegetables to keep yourself fit and strong. so far the disease is not so deadly as it seems to be. do be at ease ! take care and you’ll be ok. yours truly, li hua passage 31 (山东省宁阳一中
年高三第一次月考) 某公司所登游泳训练广告称其有称职教练,一周包会。假如你叫李明,游泳会一点,但水性 不太好,想在国庆长假参加训练,请用英语写一封信询问训练的具体时间、地点、条件、费 用等。 字数要求:120 词左右。 参考词语:教练 instructor dear sir (or madam), ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ sincerely yours, li ming 【参考范文】 dear sir (or madam), i have read your advertisement in the newspaper. you mentioned in your advertisement that your instructors are fully qualified and you ensure that learners will be able to swim after one week’s training. although i can swim a little, yet i am not very confident in the water. so i am interested in taking part in the training course. fortunately, i have a eight -day holiday from october 1 to october 8. i would like to know when and where the course will be given, and how much the seven-day course costs. besides, is there anything special that should be prepared or does your company provide everything necessary looking forward to hearing from you soon. sincerely yours, li ming passage 32 (重庆市南开中学 2010 届高三 10 月月考) 假设你是李明, 你的美国笔友 laura 明年要来重庆当交流学生, 她写信来向你询问有关重庆 的情况。请你写封回信,大致介绍重庆。要点如下: 1.重庆地处中国西南。山环水绕,景色怡人。 2.人口过 3100 万,以热情,坦诚闻名。美食众多,火锅享有盛名。 3.1997 年直辖,至此,已发展成中国西南的经济中心。 要求:1.词数:l00 词左右,不包括已给出的开头和结尾的字数。 2.包括所有要点。 注:中央直辖市:central municipality(n.) 火锅:hot potdear laura, i'm so glad to hear that you will come to chongqing next year. here is some information about chongqing, which i hope, will be of help to you.i love chongqing and i hope you will share my feeling and enjoy your stay here. yours sincerely jimmy 【参考范文】 dear laura, i'm so glad to hear that you will come to chongqing next year. here is some information about chongqing, which i hope, will be of help to you. chongqing is situated in the southwest of china. surrounded by rivers and mountains, chongqing takes on a delightful look. chongqing has a large population of over 31 million, who are famous for their enthusiasm and frankness. here you can enjoy a wide variety of food, among which hot pot wins its widest recognition. chongqing became the fourth central municipality in 1997, and ever since it has been transformed into an economic center in the southwest of china. i love chongqing and i hope you will share my feeling and enjoy your stay here. yours sincerely passage 33 (北京市八十中学 2010 届高三 9 月月考) 王虹想利用高考结束到大学入学前这段时间打工, 下面是她的一份不完整的求职简表, 请根 据该表提供的内容替她写一份 100 词左右的自荐信。 姓名:王虹 性别:女; 出生日期:1986 年 8 月 6 日 jimmy出生地:山东,威海;住址:山东省威海市青岛路 72 号 邮编:264200 电话:858-3456789; 申请职位:导游; 工作经验:曾经为一家旅游公司(travel agency)干过一个月导游; 申请这份工作的理由:(至少要列出两个理由) 教育:毕业于威海一中 dear manager, i hope to apply for a job in your company during this summer vacation. please allow me to introduce myself.looking forward to your reply. yours sincerely wang hong 【参考范文】 my name is wang hong who is a female. i was born in weihai, shandong province, on august 6, 1986. i've just graduated from weihai no. 1 middle school. now that it will be over two months before going to university, i intend to findhave the intention of finding a part-time job during this period, hoping to bein the hope of being a travel guide in your company. i once worked as a tourist guide for a month and was highly praised for the sake ofon account of my good service. i taking delight in working with people together. not only am i young and energetic but also i am optimistic and enthusiastic. apart form. standard chinese, i can speak english pretty well. i am keen on traveling and especially i am aware of many beautiful places in weihai, for it is the place where i am growing up. i'm convinced i am qualified for the job. if only i could be engaged. if so, i would be very much appreciatedgrateful. please call me at 858-3456789 or write to me at this address: 72 qingdao road, weihai, shandong province, with my post code 264200. passage 34 (甘肃省交大东方中学 2010 届高三上学期第一次月考) 假如你是李华,是东方中学学生会主席。根据双方约定,你们打算今年寒假去伦敦 ealing school 进行四个星期的学习及旅游。请根据下面的表格内容写信给伦敦 ealing school,介 绍你们的基本情况及活动内容,请他们帮助作好安排。 参加活动人数 共 30 人,男生 18 人,女生 10 人,另有 2 名女教师。 上午上英语课,下午旅游或进行一些体育活动,晚上自由活动。星 活动内容 期六、星期天参观其它城市 住宿 要求 注意: 1. 必须包括主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯、完整; 2. 词数:120 词左右; 3. 参考词汇:办理手续 go through all the procedures; 4. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内。 march 22,2008 dear sir, i’m li hua, chairman of the students’ union of oriental middle school. according to the agreement, 为了提高口语,最好住在当地英国人家中 尽快把正式邀请函寄来,以便办理所有手续best wishes! yours sincerely li hua 【参考范文】 march 22,2008 dear sir, i’m li hua, chairman of the students’ union of sunlight middle school. according to the agreement. we plan to send 30 students and teachers to have a study tour of four weeks in london this summer. now i’d like to tell you something about our group and something we’d like you to arrange for us. our group consists of two women teachers and 28 students, of whom 18 are boy students. it’s better for us to live in host families so that we can have opportunities to practise our oral english. about the activities, we hope to have english classes in the morning, and do some sightseeing or take part in some sports in the afternoon. in the evening we want to be free. on sundays and saturdays we’d like to visit some scenic spots within the country. i wonder if you can send us your formal invitation as soon as possible so that we can go through all the procedures. best wishes! yours sincerely li hua passage 35 (甘肃省会宁五中 2010 届高三 10 月月考) 根据以下提示。请给中国日报写一篇英文简讯。要点如下: 1、 5、 7、 徐忠,2、 男,3、 37 岁,4、 教授。现在清华大学工作。1983 年毕业于湖南大学,6、 他刻苦钻研,8、毕业后执教留校。科研成果显著。1988 年去日本一所大学深造,9、 获得物理学博士学位。 10、 12、 很多国家的大公司以高薪聘请他,11、 他拒绝了。他于 1994 年毅然回国报效祖国。目前已为祖国作出了很大贡献。 【参考范文】 xu zhong – a young scientist dr. xu zhong, aged 37, is now working as a professor in qinghua university, beijing. since he graduated from hunan university in 1983, he got rich scientific fruit. later in 1988, he was sent to a university in japan to go on with his studies. through hard work, he got excellent results and received a doctor’s degree for physics. soon after he became famous, many big companies from different countries tried to invite him to work there and promised to give him high pay . but dr xu didn’t accept the invitation , for he made up his mind to work for his own country . therefore, he returned to china in 1994. now he has made great contributions to his motherland. passage 36 (河北省衡水中学 2010 届高三上学期第四次调研考试) 从电视上看到美国正流行甲型 hini 流感(a/hini flu),部分学校停课你为你正在美国上学 的笔友 mike 的健康与安全担心。请立即给他写一封 email 询问他的情况,并给他提出防护 建议。 要点: 一.询问 1.他的健康状况; 3.他们是否还上学。 二.建议 1.尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方; 3.多开窗,保持空气新鲜; 注意: 1. 100 词左右; 2. 首句已给出,不计入总词数。 2.勤洗手,讲卫生; 4.多吃水果蔬菜。 2.他们学校有无甲型 hini 流感病例(a/hini flu cases); dear mike, from tv i know many a/hini flu cases are reported recently in the united states, and many schools are closed as a result. ______________________________________________________ yours truly, li hua 【参考范文】 dear mike, from the tv i know many a/hini i flu cases are reported recently in the united states and many schools are closed as a result. i’m so worried about you. are you all right are there any a/hini flu cases in your school do you still have to go to school every day to stay away from the disease, you’d better stay at home as much as possible and not go to places where there are many people. wash your hands more often to keep them clean. open the window to have more fresh air in the room. and eat more fruit and vegetables to keep yourself fit and strong. so far the disease is not so deadly as it seems to be. do be at ease! take care and you’ll be ok. yours truly, li hua passage 37 (山西省朔州市一中 2010 届高三月考) 假如你是江城某中学高三学生名叫李想,住在江城。你的加拿大笔友 bob 来信谈到了他所 居住的城市,并希望了解你家乡江城的情况。请你用英语写一封回信。回信须包括下表中的 内容。 自然情况①位于长江边、风景优美、适合居住 ②经济发展迅速成就 ③新建了不少工厂、住房、道路等。 ④水、空气污染存在问题 ⑤交通拥挤 对江城发展的看法 ⑥(内容由考生自己拟定)’注意:1.回信中不能使用―江城‖以外的地名。 2.词数 150 左右。信的开头与结尾


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