
判断题FusionSphere的SOI组件支持系统运行状态监控,主要应对vRealizeOperations(以前称为vCenter Operations Management Suite),可收集和分析性能和故障数据,多级溯源,将异常现象关联在一起,并且能够支持造成性能问题和故障的根本原因。 对
1.判断题 对2.判断题 对3.判断题 对4.判断题 对5.判断题 对1、使用while循环输入 1 2 3 4 5 6& 8 9 10
while i &=10 :
if i != 7:
print(' ')
while i &= 100:
3、输出 1-100 内的所有奇数
while i &= 100:
4、输出 1-100 内的所有偶数
while i &= 100:
5、求1-2+3-4+5 ... 99的所有数的和
while i & 100:
if i%2 == 1:
while i &= 3:
name = input('请输入用户名:')
password = input('请输入密码:')
if name == '悟空' and password == '<span style="color: #3':
while i &= 99:
if i == 88:
if i % 2 == 1:
while i &= 3:
name = input('请输入用户名:')
password = input('请输入密码:')
if name == '悟空' and password == '<span style="color: #3':
while i &= 3:
name = input('请输入用户名:')
password = input('请输入密码:')
if name == '悟空' and password == 123:
if i == 3:
choice = input('是否需要重新获得三次登陆机会?Y/N:')
if choice == 'Y':
while i &= 0:
name = input('请输入用户名:')
password = input('请输入密码:')
if name == '悟空' and password == '<span style="color: #3':
if i == 0 and j == 1:
k = input('登陆失败,是否需要重新获得三次登陆机会?Y/N:')
if k == 'Y' and j == 1:
elif i == 0 and j == 0:
print('登陆失败,您还有%d次机会' % i)
阅读(...) 评论()GRE阅读练习每日一篇(三十四)
Jean Wagner&s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it be analyzed in a religious, as well as secular, frame of reference. The appropriateness of such an approach may seem self-evident for a tradition commencing with spirituals and owing its early forms, rhythms, vocabulary, and evangelical fervor to Wesleyan hymnals. But before Wagner a secular outlook that analyzed Black poetry solely within the context of political and social protest was dominant in the field.
It is Wagner who first demonstrated the essential fusion of racial and religious feeling in Afro-American poetry. The two, he argued, form a symbiotic union in which religious feelings are often applied to racial issues and racial problems are often projected onto a metaphysical plane. Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined.
17. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) contrast the theories of Jean Wagner with those of other contemporary critics
(B) document the influence of Jean Wagner on the development of Afro-American poetry
(C) explain the relevance of Jean Wagner&s work to the study of Afro-American religion
(D) indicate the importance of Jean Wagner&s analysis of Afro-American poetry
(E) present the contributions of Jean Wagner to the study of Black spirituals
18. All of the following aspects of Afro-American poetry are referred to in the passage as having been influenced by Wesleyan hymnals EXCEPT:
(A) subject matter
(B) word choice
(C) rhythm
(D) structure
19. It can be inferred from the passage that, before Wagner, most students of Afro-American poetry did which of the following?
(A) Contributed appreciably to the transfer of political protest from Afro-American poetry to direct political action.
(B) Ignored at least some of the historical roots of Afro-American poetry.
(C) Analyzed fully the aspects of social protest to be found in such traditional forms of Afro-American poetry as the Black spiritual.
(D) Regarded as unimportant the development of fervent emotionalism in a portion of Afro-American poetry.
(E) Concentrated on the complex relations between the technical elements in Afro-American poetry and its political content.
Two relatively recent independent developments stand behind (stand behind: 后援, 做后盾) the current major research effort on nitrogen fixation, the process by which bacteria symbiotically render leguminous plants independent of nitrogen fertilizer. The one development has been the rapid, sustained increase in the price of nitrogen fertilizer (nitrogen fertilizer: 氮肥(料)). The other development has been the rapid growth of knowledge of and technical sophistication in genetic engineering. Fertilizer prices, largely tied to the price of natural gas, huge amounts of which go into the manufacture of fertilizer, will continue to represent an enormous and escalating economic burden on modern agriculture, spurring the search for alternatives to synthetic fertilizers. And genetic engineering is just the sort of fundamental breakthrough that opens up prospects of wholly novel alternatives. One such novel idea is that of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants& natural constitution: specifically, the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence, the intensified research on legumes.
Nitrogen fixation is a process in which certain bacteria use atmospheric nitrogen gas, which green plants cannot directly utilize, to produce ammonia, a nitrogen compound plants can use. It is one of nature&s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants& leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas. The leguminous plants&among them crop plants such as soybeans, peas, alfalfa, and clover&have solved the nitrogen supply problem by entering into a symbiotic relationship with the bacterial genus R as a matter of fact (as a matter of fact: adv.事实上), there is a specific strain of Rhizobium for each species of legume. The host plant supplies the bacteria with food and a protected habitat and receives surplus ammonia in exchange. Hence, legumes can thrive in nitrogen-depleted soil.
Unfortunately, most of the major food crops&including maize, wheat, rice, and potatoes&cannot. On the contrary, many of the high-yielding hybrid varieties of these food crops bred during the Green Revolution of the 1960&s were selected specifically to give high yields in response to generous applications of nitrogen fertilizer. This poses an additional, formidable challenge to plant geneticists: they must work on enhancing fixation within the existing symbioses. Unless they succeed, the yield gains of the Green Revolution will be largely lost even if the genes in legumes that equip those plants to enter into a symbiosis with nitrogen fixers are identified and isolated, and even if the transfer of those gene complexes, once they are found, becomes possible. The overall task looks forbidding, but the stakes are too high not to undertake it.
20. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) expose the fragile nature of the foundations on which the high yields of modern agriculture rest
(B) argue that genetic engineering promises to lead to even higher yields than are achievable with synthetic fertilizers
(C) argue that the capacity for nitrogen-fixing symbioses is transferable to nonleguminous plants
(D) explain the reasons for and the objectives of current research on nitrogen-fixing symbioses
(E) describe the nature of the genes that regulate the symbiosis between legumes and certain bacteria
21. According to the passage, there is currently no strain of Rhizobium that can enter into a symbiosis with
(A) alfalfa
(B) clover
(E) soybeans
22. The passage implies that which of the following is true of the bacterial genus Rhizobium?
(A) Rhizobium bacteria are found primarily in nitrogen-depleted soils.
(B) Some strains of Rhizobium are not capable of entering into a symbiosis with any plant.
(C) Newly bred varieties of legumes cannot be hosts to any strain of Rhizobium.
(D) Rhizobium bacteria cannot survive outside the protected habitat provided by host plants.
(E) Rhizobium bacteria produce some ammonia for their own purposes.
23. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was the most influential factor in bringing about intensified research on nitrogen fixation?
(A) The high yields of the Green Revolution
(B) The persistent upward surge in natural gas prices
(C) The variety of Rhizobium strains
(D) The mechanization of modern agriculture
(E) The environmental ill effects of synthetic fertilizers
24. Which of the following situations is most closely analogous to the situation described by the author as one of nature&s great ironies (lines 28-32)?
(A) That of a farmer whose crops have failed because the normal midseason rains did not materialize and no preparations for irrigation had been made
(B) That of a long-distance runner who loses a marathon race because of a wrong turn that cost him twenty seconds
(C) That of shipwrecked sailors at sea in a lifeboat, with one flask of drinking water to share among them
(D) That of a motorist who runs out of gas a mere five miles from the nearest gas station
(E) That of travelers who want to reach their destination as fast and as cheaply as possible, but find that cost increases as travel speed increases
25. According to the passage, the ultimate goal of the current research on nitrogen fixation is to develop
(A) strains of Rhizobium that can enter into symbioses with existing varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes
(B) strains of Rhizobium that produce more ammonia for leguminous host plants than do any of the strains presently known
(C) varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that yield as much as do existing varieties, but require less nitrogen
(D) varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that maintain an adequate symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and produce high yields
(E) high-yielding varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that are genetically equipped to fix nitrogen from the air without the aid of bacteria
26. The author regards the research program under discussion as
(A) original and extensive but ill-defined as to method
(B) necessary and ambitious but vulnerable to failure
(C) cogent and worthwhile but severely under-funded
(D) prohibitively expensive but conceptually elegant
(E) theoretically fascinating but practically useless
27. Most nearly parallel, in its fundamental approach, to the research program described in the passage would be a program designed to
(A) achieve greater frost resistance in frost-tender food plants by means of selective breeding, thereby expanding those plants& area of cultivation
(B) achieve greater yields from food plants by interplanting crop plants that are mutually beneficial
(C) find inexpensive and abundant natural substances that could, without reducing yields, be substituted for expensive synthetic fertilizers
(D) change the genetic makeup of food plants that cannot live in water with high salinity, using genes from plants adapted to salt water
(E) develop, through genetic engineering, a genetic configuration for the major food plants that improves the storage characteristics of the edible portion of the plants
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19:40:22 来源:网络
  新东方在线为大家精心整理了2015年考试阅读理解每日练的相关内容,分享给大家,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!  It is a popular misconception that nuclear fusion power is free of
in fact, the deuterium- tritium reaction that nuclear scientists
are currently Line exploring with such zeal produces both alpha particles and
neutrons. (The neutrons are used to produce tritium from a lithium blanket
surrounding the reactor.) Another common misconception is that nuclear fusion
power is a virtually unlimited source of energy because of the enormous quantity
of deuterium in the sea. Actually, its limits are set by the amount of available
lithium, which is about as plentiful as uranium in the Earth‘s crust. Research
should certainly continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program
should be premised on its existence until it has proven practical. (122
words)  1. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of
the following about the current state of public awareness concerning nuclear
fusion power?  (A) The public has been deliberately misinformed about the advantages and
disadvantages of nuclear fusion power.  (B) The public is unaware of the principal advantage of nuclear fusion over
nuclear fission as an energy source.  (C) The public‘s awareness of the scientific facts concerning nuclear
fusion power is somewhat distorted and incomplete.  (D) The public is not interested in increasing its awareness of the
advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion power.  (E) The public is aware of the disadvantages of nuclear fusion power but
not of its advantages.  For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and
select all that apply  2. The passage provides information that would answer which of the
following questions EXCEPT?   A How much incidental radiation is produced in the deuterium tritium
fusion reaction?   B What is likely to be the principal source of deuterium for nuclear
fusion power?   C Why are scientists exploring the deuterium- tritium fusion reaction with
such zeal  Roger Rosenblatt‘s book Black Fiction, in attempting to apply literary
rather than sociopolitical criteria to its subject, successfully alters the
approach taken by Line most previous studies. As Rosenblatt notes, criticism of
Black writing has often served as a pretext for expounding on Black history.
Addison Gayle‘s recent work, for example, judges the value of Black fiction by
overtly political standards, rating each work according to the notions of Black
identity which it propounds. Although fiction assuredly springs from political
circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than
ideological, and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of
ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise. Rosenblatt‘s literary
analysis discloses affinities and connections among works of Black fiction which
solely political studies have overlooked or ignored. Writing acceptable
criticism of Black fiction, however, presupposes giving satisfactory answers to
a number of questions. First of all, is there a sufficient reason, other than
the racial identity of the authors, to group together works by Black
authors? Second, how does Black fiction make itself distinct from other modern
fiction with which it is largely contemporaneous? Rosenblatt shows that Black
fiction constitutes a distinct body of writing that has an identifiable,
coherent literary tradition. Looking at novels written by Blacks over the last
eighty years, he discovers recurring concerns and designs independent
of chronology. These structures are thematic, and they spring, not surprisingly,
from the central fact that the Black characters in these novels exist in a
predominantly White culture, whether they try to conform to that culture of
rebel against it.  Black Fiction does leave some aesthetic questions open. Rosenblatt‘s
thematic analysis permits considerable  he even explicitly states
that it is not his intention to judge the merit of the various works—yet
his reluctance seems misplaced, especially since an attempt to appraise might
have led to interesting results. For instance, some of the novels appear to be
structurally diffuse. Is this a defect, or are the authors working out of, or
trying to forge, a different kind of aesthetic? In addition, the style of some
Black novels, like Jean Toomer‘s Cane, verges on expressionism or
does this technique provide a counterpoint to the prevalent theme
that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted, a theme usually
conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expression? In spite of such omissions,
what Rosenblatt does include in his discussion makes for an astute
and worthwhile study. Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels, bringing
to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like
James Weldon Johnson‘s Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. Its argument is
tightly constructed, and its forthright, lucid style exemplifies levelheaded and
penetrating criticism.  3. The author of the passage objects to criticism of Black fiction like
that by Addison Gayle because it  (A) emphasizes purely literary aspects of such fiction  (B) misinterprets the ideological content of such fiction  (C) misunderstands the notions of Black identity contained in such
fiction  (D) substitutes political for literary criteria in evaluating such
fiction  (E) ignores the interplay between Black history and Black identity
displayed in such fiction  4. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with  (A) evaluating the soundness of a work of criticism  (B) comparing various critical approaches to a subject  (C) discussing the limitations of a particular kind of criticism  (D) summarizing the major points made in a work of criticism  (E) explaining the theoretical background of a certain kind of
criticism  5. The author of the passage believes that Black Fiction would have been
improved had Rosenblatt  (A) evaluated more carefully the ideological and historical aspects of
Black fiction  (B) attempted to be more objective in his approach to novels and stories by
Black authors  (C) explored in greater detail the recurrent thematic concerns of Black
fiction throughout its history  (D) established a basis for placing Black fiction within its own unique
literary tradition  (E) assessed the relative literary merit of the novels he analyzes
thematically  6. The author of the passage refers to James Weldon Johnson‘s Autobiography
of an Ex Colored Man most probably in order to  (A) point out affinities between Rosenblatt‘s method of thematic analysis
and earlier criticism  (B) clarify the point about expressionistic style made earlier in the
passage  (C) qualify the assessment of Rosenblatt‘s book made in the first paragraph
of the passage  (D) illustrate the affinities among Black novels disclosed by Rosenblatt‘s
literary analysis  (E) give a specific example of one of the accomplishments of Rosenblatt‘s
work  The transfer of heat and water vapor from the ocean to the air above it
depends on a disequilibrium at the interface of the water and the air. Within
about a Line millimeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of the
surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with water vapor. But the
differences, however small, are crucial, and the disequilibrium is maintained by
air near the surface mixing with air higher up, which is typically appreciably
cooler and lower in water-vapor content. The air is mixed by means of turbulence
that depends on the wind for its energy. As wind speed increases, so does
turbulence, and thus the rate of heat and moisture transfer. Detailed
understanding of this phenomenon awaits further study. (127 words)  For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and
select all that apply  7. According to the passage, wind over the ocean generally does which of
the following?  □ A Causes relatively cool, dry air to come into proximity with the ocean
surface.  □ B Maintains a steady rate of heat and moisture transfer between the ocean
and the air.  □ C Causes frequent changes in the temperature of the water at the ocean‘s
surface.  8. The passage suggests that if on a certain day the wind were to decrease
until there was no wind at all which of the following would occur?  (A) The air closest to the ocean surface would become saturated with water
vapor.  (B) The air closest to the ocean surface would be warmer than the
water.  (C) The amount of moisture in the air closest to the ocean surface would
decrease.  (D) The rate of heat and moisture transfer would increase.  (E) The air closest to the ocean would be at the same temperature as air
higher up.  I want to criticize the social system, and to show it at work, at its most
intense.‖ Virginia Woolf‘s provocative statement about her intentions in writing
Mrs. Dalloway Line has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it
highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the
traditional picture of the ―poetic‖ novelist concerned with examining states of
reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of
individual consciousness. But Virginia Woolf was a realistic as well as a poetic
novelist, a satirist and social critic as well as a visionary: literary critics‘
cavalier dismissal of Woolf‘s social vision will not withstand scrutiny. In her
novels, Woolf is deeply engaged by the questions of how individuals are shaped
(or deformed) by their social environments, how historical forces impinge on
people‘s lives, how class, wealth, and gender help to determine people‘s fates.
Most of her novels are rooted in a realistically rendered social setting and in
a precise historical time. (163 words)  9. In the first paragraph of the passage, the author‘s attitude toward the
literary critics mentioned can best be described as  (A) disparaging  (B) ironic  (C) facetious  (D) skeptical but resigned  (E) disappointed but hopeful  10. It can be inferred from the passage that the most probable reason Woolf
realistically described the social setting in the majority of her novels was
that she  (A) was aware that contemporary literary critics considered the novel to be
the most realistic of literary genres  (B) was interested in the effect of a person‘s social milieu on his or her
character and actions  (C) needed to be as attentive to detail as possible in her novels in order
to support the arguments she advanced in them  (D) wanted to show that a painstaking fidelity in the representation of
reality did not in any way hamper the artist  (E) wished to prevent critics from charging that her novels were written in
an ambiguous and inexact style  11. In the context of the passage, ―poetic‖ is closest in meaning to  ○ A socioeconomic  ○ B realistic  ○ C political  ○ D visionary  ○ E literary  1. 文章主要讲了两个misconception,为负评价,选C选项。  2. 定位文章L10,&Actually, its limits are set by the amount of available
lithium&,说nuclear fusion
power这个东西无限,因为D无限,然而D的限制是被L这个东西的数量控制了,所以可以推断出L可能是D的主要来源。  3. 定位L7:&judges the value of Black fiction by overtly political
standards&以及第一段第一句话&in attempting to apply literary rather than sociopolitical
criteria to its subject&,可以得出答案。  4. 文章主要在讨论一本著作,发表作者自己的观点,并且正负评价都有,选A。  5. 既然是改进题,肯定要对作者对该事物的负评价取非;  首先找到负评价:定位在L34开始的第三段文章,作者主要说R人并没有在主观上,对一些作品的价值进行评价,从而留下了很多审美上的问题。  取非后,我们发现五个选项里只有E最合适。  A. Ideological和historical 都没有无论正向负向意思都没有在负评价段落内出现;  B. 他就是因为太客观了,没有自己的意见才会被作者指出来,小批评了一下;  C. 在第三段中,没有说他抽象(不够细节)的感觉;  D. Own unique确实和答案很接近,但是后面是tradition,不是evaluation或者是assessment  6. 用书名定位,问例子的作用,找到之前的观点:&what Rosenblatt does include in his discussion
makes for an astute and worthwhile study. Black Fiction surveys a wide variety
of novels, bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and
Fiction给我们带来的好处,而不是选E.  7.
问风有啥用?定位L10,我们就知道了风的作用:提供turbulence的能量,因此就增强了温度和湿度的交互,也就是前文所讲的空气和海水的接触。  A. 正确选项  B. 原文说&As wind speed increases, so does turbulence, and thus the rate of
heat and moisture transfer.&也就是高速风会导致高速率交互,可是选项中说的是steady rate,什么样的风才能导致steady
rate呢?根据文章的内容只能是steady的风,但是题干问的只是风的作用,不是什么样的风都能让它steady的,所以不选。  C. 文章压根儿没提过温度的变化频率问题。  8. 个人觉得很有难度的一道题目:  如上题所讲,wind增加,会增加漩涡,从而增加mixed
small,肯定前面有一个很small感觉的东西,我们看见有一个nearly,我们知道后面所有的这些东西的存在实际上都是在支持这个nearly,一旦后面取非,这个nearly也将不复存在。  9. 主旨题:  提到literary critic的只有第一段,  L4的ignore告诉了我们答案。  10. 用social setting定位L15直接告诉了我们答案。  11.
states of reverie and
vision&的分词结构就能选出答案,reverie是幻想曲、幻想;vision不只是视力、美景的意思,也有想象、幻想的感觉。  以上就是新东方在线为大家总结的2015年GRE考试阅读理解每日练的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助,最后预祝大家在GRE考试中取得优异的成绩!  ---本文节选自新东方在线论坛
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