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关注微信 获取最新资讯!专家:劳资双方谈判态度消极 死忠球迷将抛弃NBA
  0人参与  《华盛顿邮报》的资深专栏作者汉密尔顿撰文抨击了劳资双方在谈判中的消极态度,并预言未来还会有更多比赛被取消,最终后果就是这个联盟遭遇不可逆转的球迷流失。  网易体育10月12日消息:  劳资谈判破裂,NBA新赛季的前两周被取消。球迷们在伤心失望之余也不免对劳资双方指指点点,有些人觉得球员太贪心,也有些人觉得资方无理取闹;而在《华盛顿邮报》的资深专栏作者特拉塞-汉密尔顿看来,劳资双方都应该对此负责。  就目前的情况来看,劳资双方基本上在任何问题上都没有达成一致,薪酬框架体系和收入分成比例这两大问题都悬而未决。资方希望通过严惩奢侈税球队和大刀阔斧改革诸多弹性条款来控制球队薪金状况,而劳方则视之为“硬工资帽”的变体而大力反对――尽管对于不少球队来说,硬工资帽会是总经理们的治失眠良药;在这个情况下,双方连篮球相关总收入(BRI)的议题都没有触及,谈判就宣告不欢而散,更遑论达成共识。  汉密尔顿指出,劳资双方并非不能达成共识,而是“不愿意”达成共识。同时他也预言,倘若双方一直坚持自己的核心价值、不肯做出妥协的话,还会有更多比赛被取消,而最终的后果就是这个联盟遭遇不可逆转的球迷流失。  如今NBA新赛季的前两周化为乌有,劳资双方的损失均超过一亿美元。也许他们双方都指望着通过切实的金钱损失来给对方一个教训,但事实上,在目前的经济环境下,这种做法既博不到同情,也收不到实际效果:目前美国乃至全世界的经济问题都日益严峻,有许多球迷都面临着失业和失去居所的危险。像NBA这样的体育运动,本应该是让大家暂时忘记现实痛苦、振奋精神的强心剂;就像NFL所做的那样,他们在没有损失比赛的情况下结束了停摆,“给那些没什么盼头的球迷们一些鼓励,让他们每天除了账单之外还有一些可以期待的东西”。  但这些亿万富翁和百万富翁们却不愿意做出妥协,而是放任比赛被取消。如果停摆继续,更多的比赛被取消的话,NBA可能会再也无法挽回球迷的心。  现在美国的普通球迷们对NBA停摆普遍还抱持着无所谓的态度,因为NFL激战正酣,球迷们没有NBA也能过下去。要等到1月或者2月的时候,NBA的老板和球员们肯定会想办法恢复比赛的,因为那个时候其他联赛都接近尾声,正是NBA的黄金时机。然而,对于那些NBA的死忠球迷来说,情况却并非这样。一个普通的球迷可能会等橄榄球赛季结束以后自然地转过来看篮球,但死忠的篮球迷们能承受这么长时间的煎熬吗?等到那个时候,可能他们已经决定自己受够了,并选择永久放弃这个联盟――对于NBA来说,这将是一个巨大的打击,因为这些死忠球迷才是主要消费群体。  也许NBA已经厌倦了“你们怎么不能学学NFL呢”之类的话,但事实上,NFL确实在这些方面做出了更好的榜样。他们的新劳资条款中就工资帽达成了协议,既能让球员们赚到钱,也能让小市场的球会取得成功――本赛季到目前为止成绩最好的三支球队分别是绿湾、底特律和水牛城。所以NFL才是全美最受欢迎的职业体育联盟,而NBA与它之间的差距正在不可避免地进一步拉大。
【】【】【】【】【】【一键分享Jr. NBA篮球联赛 – 北京
Jr.NBABasketballLeague–BeijingJr.NBA篮球联赛–北京The Jr. NBA Basketball League Beijing is an exciting new partnership between the National Basketball League (NBA), the Beijing Education Bureau and Beijing Sports Bureau, creating a competitive league for boys and girls aged 15 – 18 years old. The league features 30 Beijing high schools (boys) and 18 Beijing high schools (girls) that will be branded by a NBA team, competing in an 8-game season and culminating in a single game elimination playoffs to determine the Jr. NBA Basketball League Beijing champions. The Jr. NBA Basketball League Beijing format will mirror the NBA including a team selection, Conference finals and a Jr. NBA final being played in at MasterCard Center in Beijing.
Jr.NBA北京篮球联赛是由美国男子职业篮球联盟(NBA),北京体育局及北京市教委合作创办的一个由15-18岁青少年参与的篮球联赛。联赛由30支北京地区的男子初高中球队和18支北京地区的女子初高中球队组成,这些校队将分别以一支NBA球队的名字冠名并参与到8场常规赛和单赛淘汰制的季后赛的角逐中,最终将产生Jr.NBA北京篮球联赛的总冠军。Jr.NBA北京篮球联赛赛制将依照NBA赛制其中包括球队抽签,赛区决赛以及在北京万事达中心上演的Jr.NBA联赛总决赛。The objective of the League is to leverage the excitement of the NBA and to inspire and engage more young people to participate in basketball by having a fun, positive first experience with the game. The League will also promote common NBA, Beijing Sports Bureau and Beijing Education Bureau values as well as encouraging physical activity and healthy living.本联赛的目标是利用NBA的影响力感染和鼓励更多的青少年加入到篮球运动中,通过比赛来体悟这项运动的快乐和正能量。联赛也会对NBA,北京体育局和北京教委所倡导的核心价值观进行传播和推广,鼓励青少年参加到体育活动中引领青少年选择健康的生活方式。VALUESOFTHEGAME比赛的价值Leadership领导力· Lead by example: As a participant in the Jr NBA League, you are the leader. Your attitude, effort, and actions will dictate those of the participants and everyone involved. Since the members will be following your lead, it is important to set a proper example for the entire league. Lead by example and preach the skills and attitude that you project yourself.以身作则:作为JrNBA联赛的参与者,你就是领袖。你的态度,努力和行动会影响和指引你周围的参与者和联赛里的每个人。每个成员都会跟随领袖,为整个联赛做出表率显得尤为重要。以身作则,并把你的态度你的领袖能力传播出去。· Express a confident demeanor and project your voice:
For coaches, your players/students are looking up to you. It is important that you are confident. Also, it is very important that your players/students understand the values of this league. The clearer and more concise the values, the easier it is for the members to understand and acknowledge them. 行文举止自信文明并充分表达自己的意见:对教练来说,你的球员/学生敬重和崇拜你。你的自信是十分重要的。同时你的球员/学生需要了解这一联赛的价值观。价值观越简洁越明晰,队员越容易理解和认可。· When no one is watching: The league should keep the members involved through times when they are not taking part in a match – update them with news about performances of other teams, news from the world of basketball and the NBA league and teams they represent. 当无人注视你:联赛需要参与者时刻的参与,这种参与不仅仅是在比赛中–实时的告知你的队员其他队伍的表现和情况,世界篮球的消息以及你自己球队的处境。Sportsmanship&Fairness运动道德&公平· Compete! But be a good sport: Competition is a part of the game of basketball and is healthy. However, it should never outweigh the importance of demonstrating character both on and off the court. Practice being good winners AND good losers.竞争!但要做个堂堂正正的运动员:竞争是篮球比赛的一部分,这种竞争是良性的。不过,竞争的同时决不能忽视在场上场下展现自己道德品质的重要性。磨练自己做一个赢家更要学会如何面对失败。Fairness: Treat everyone fairly. Remember this does not always mean treating everyone equally. Sometimes you will need to adapt your style to the individual personalities of your teammates and coaches, as some players will respond differently.公平:平等的对待每一个人。记住这不意味着对待每个人都一成不变。有些时候你需要调整自己的处事风格去迎合不同性格的队友和教练,因为不是所有人对同一件事的反应都一样。Continually reinforce the “values of the game”: Basketball as a sport has the power to change. Let the sport do the talking – players will see how the values on the court translate off the court不断强化对“比赛价值观”的认识:篮球作为一项运动有改变一起的力量。让这项运动为你代言–球员们会慢慢发现比赛中的价值观会一步步的转化到生活中。Teamwork团队协作· Stress the importance of working together: Basketball is a team. The League, players, coaches, referees, fans and everyone that is involved in the game of basketball is a part of a team.强调协作的重要性:篮球是一项团队运动。联赛,球员,教练,裁判,球迷和比赛其中的每一个人都是团队的一部分· Be accountable and hold others accountable: When you work as a team, you are one part of a machine. Each person needs to be accountable for what they are doing or the machine will break down. Highlight that accountability and working together is what keeps the engine working.做一个让人信任的人并期待他人也能堪此任:当我们作为一个团队,你是这台机器的一部分。每个人都要为自己的行为负责否则这台团队机器就会垮掉。时刻铭记责任义务和团队协作会让团队的机器运转流畅。· Being part of a team means showing commitment and taking responsibility: When you commit, it is written in stone. Have your players keep their word, both on and off the court. Demand excellence in everything. And have them take responsibility for their actions, knowing their actions affect the team as a whole.作为团队的一部分意味着展示你对团队的程诺和承担必要的责任:如果你承诺,你的承诺就应斩钉截铁历久不变。让你的队员信守程诺,场上场下都要做到信守承诺。任何事情上都要追求出色。让他们对自己的行为负责,让他们知道自己的任何行为都会影响团队。PositiveAttitude积极地态度· It is a game so keep it fun! : Everyone should have fun when playing basketball. The league will be deemed a success only if everyone enjoys it.这是场比赛所以享受其中的快乐!:每个人打球的时候都应该享受这项比赛的快乐。只有参与这项运动的每个人享受其中,这项运动才是一项成功的运动。· The three Es – Encouragement, Enthusiasm and Energy – are essential: Use encouragement and positive reinforcement as your primary method of motivating everyone. Try to make a conscious effort to stay positive. Enthusiasm is contagious and must come from everyone, especially the coach/teacher. And if you are energetic and excited, then your players will reflect that approaching the game with proper attitude and effort. Focus on effort and execution rather than outcomes.三个E–鼓励,热情和能量–核心价值:让鼓励和正能量成为你调动球员的首要手段。试着时刻保持积极地状态。热情是可以感染别人的,热情的感染需要每个人贡献力量尤其是教练/教师。如果你能能量充沛和激情四射那么你的球员也会在比赛中表现出同等的态度和努力。强调在过程中的努力和执行,结果坦然接受。Be patient! Learning the game, coaching takes time: No one is an expert and neither are you. Be patient with yourself, with your players, coaches and referees.耐心!学习比赛指教都需要时间:没人是天生的专家而你也不会是。对自己,对球员对教练对裁判多一点时间和耐心Respect尊重Respect the game, respect the rules and respect others: League must incorporate the concept of respect from the top down. Players need to realize that basketball is a team sports, they must follow the rules on and off the court, and they should show character when dealing with others.尊重比赛,尊重规则尊重对手:联赛一定融合了自上而下的尊重。球员需要意识到篮球是一项团队运动,他们必须服从规则,无论是场上还是场下而且在和他们相处时要体现出个人风格。· Be an ambassador of the game: The League must demonstrate all the values that NBA stands for. The values should be transferred to the players through the game of basketball. 做篮球比赛的大使:联赛一定要体现出NBA的所有核心价值观。这些价值观需要通过球员传递到篮球比赛中。KnowledgeoftheGame&Fitness比赛知识&健体· Be a student of the game: Coaches and players should strive to learn as much as possible about the game, including rules, strategies, and history. The game is always evolving, so the best players and coaches continue to study the game. Watch games, read about the game, talk to other coaches, and continue to grow your knowledge about the game. Developing your knowledge of the game will help guide your decisions as a coach. 做比赛的学生:教练和球员应该努力尽可能多的学习比赛这包括规则,战术和历史。比赛不断地在演变,最好的球员和教练会不断地坚持学习。观看比赛,了解比赛,跟其他教练沟通不断地增长自己对篮球的理解和对专业知识的认知。对比赛认知的提升会优化你作为教练的决断力· Share your knowledge: By building a solid foundation and sharing your knowledge with others, you will gain respect from others. 分享你的认知:通过夯实基础,与他人分享你的认识会帮你赢得来自他人的尊敬。Fun&Positivity快乐&正能量Keep it fun: Basketball is much easier to teach and play when everyone is having fun. Keep your everyone engaged using games and competitions. Make sure to balance fun with fundamentals!保持愉悦性:参与者享受其中教者和学者都会感到篮球是一项很容易的运动,运用比赛和游戏让每个人都积极参与其中。确保基本功教学的合理比重。Energy and enthusiasm: Enthusiasm is contagious and must come from the coach. If you are energetic and are excited about each part of practice (particularly the less “glamorous” elements of the game, such as defense, or hustling for a loose ball), then your players will reflect that enthusiasm and approach the game with proper attitude and effort. Focus on effort and execution rather than outcomes. Encourage your players for giving maximum effort, even if the play doesn’t completely go your way. 能量和热情:热情是可以感染他人的而这种感染一定要来自教练。如果你能在训练课的每个环节都做到能量充沛激情四射(尤其是在那些相对枯燥的训练科目上,例如防守或对球权的争夺)那么你的球员也会在比赛中展现出同等的努力和表现。注重过程中的努力程度和执行力,结果如何都坦然接受。鼓励你的球员发挥自己的极致即便自己并不是某个战术的核心。· Encouragement and positive reinforcement: Use encouragement and positive reinforcement as your primary method of motivating your players. Motivating players by focusing solely on mistakes or criticizing them will empty their “emotional tanks,” meaning that they will not respond to teaching after a certain point, or they will lose confidence and give up. Instead, try to make a conscious effort to stay positive and fill your players’ “emotional tanks” by complimenting them when they do something well or show improvement. Encourage your players to fill their teammates’ emotional tanks, too. 鼓励和正能量:将鼓励和正能量作为你激励球员的主要手段。一再强调球员的错误,不断地批评和指责会挫伤球员的斗志,这意味着球员不会对你的教导都任何回馈或者他们会彻底丧失信心和放弃。相反试着去保持积极地态度用正能量去补足球员的斗志,你可以在他们做的好的时候表扬他们的进步。同时也鼓励你的球员去补足队友的斗志。Discipline&Values纪律&价值· Set expectations and engage parents: Make sure to clearly set ground rules and explain expectations from the beginning. If you can, try to conduct parent education meetings because it is essential to develop some sort of good relationship with players’ parent. These meetings can give you the coach the opportunity to explain and emphasize the program mission/goals, rules and regulations and parental expectations. If you cannot conduct meetings, write a letter explaining these elements and make sure each player gives the letter to their parents. Invite the parents to attend practices and be involved as much as possible in order to get their support for the program and see the good things you are doing both on and off the court.设立期待值并与家长和监护人保持密切联系:一定要从一开始就订立规矩并讲清你的期待值。如果可以,试着跟家长们会面沟通因为这会帮助我们跟家长和监护人建立良好的关系。这些会面和交流给予教练员机会去阐述我们的职责和目标,帮助家长理解比赛的规则,联赛的规定同时也能得到家长的反馈。如果不能举行这样的会面,可以把我们在会面中打算涉及的内容写在信上并确保球员把这些信件递交给他们的家长。尽可能的邀请家长或监护人参与到我们的联赛中来,他们对联赛的支持对我们非常重要,通过参与他们会看到你在场上和场下为联赛付出每一份努力。· Fairness: Treat all your players fairly. Remember, however, that that this does not always mean treating every player equally. Sometimes you will need to adapt your coaching style to the individual personalities of your players, as some players will respond differently to different coaching methods. 公平:平等的对待每一个人。记住这不意味着对待每个人都一成不变。有些时候你需要调整自己的处事风格去迎合不同性格的队友和教练,因为一些球员对不同的教练不同的理念有不同的反应。· Values: Reinforce key values that will translate beyond basketball and into players’ lives: positive attitude, respect, sportsmanship, teamwork/unselfishness, commitment, accountability, work ethic, perseverance, etc. These values all fall under the broad umbrella of citizenship, and will have a positive impact both on and off the court. 价值:不断强化价值观的意义这些价值观会最终超远篮球运动本身融入球员的生活:积极地态度,尊重,体育道德,团队协作/无私,程诺,责任义务,职业精神,坚持不懈等等。这些价值观会帮助球员完善自身品格,对他们在场上和场下都有积极地意义。HealthandFitness健康和健体· Emphasize good and healthy lifestyles: Everyone in the league should strive to be physically fit and healthy. Personal health and wellbeing is the fundamentals of positive attitude and happiness. 强调良好健康的生活方式:在联赛中的每个人都应力争做到身体上的健康保持良好的竞技状态。个人的健康和安乐是积极人生态度和幸福的基础。· Being healthy means smart decisions on and off the court: Physical health is important but both emotional and social health is significant as well. The values of the game can serve as pillars for making smarter decisions off the court.想要做到健康以为着在场上和场下都要做聪明的决定:身体上的健康是重要的与此同时情感和社交生活上的健康也是意义非凡的。比赛的价值观可以作为球员的核心价值观在场上和场下对他们施以积极地影响。 IMPORTANT REMINDER – The basketball and leadership goals outlined in the practice sessions can be reused based upon adapted practice sessions. Work with the players to set different goals for different elements. For example, I can set a leadership goal to start one good habit and continue it daily for a set period. That same commitment goal can be utilized – just have the players start another good habit and continue to build positive habits, both on and off the court.重要提示–在训练课中概述的篮球和领导力的目标是可以根据训练课的实际情况进行再利用和调整的。在不同的方面为球员设立不同的目标。比如我可以设立一个领导力的目标并通过建立一个良好的习惯并每天坚持来实现我的目标。这样的目标可以继续使用那么球员需要建立一个新的好习惯来延续自己的目标,这样的目标在场上场下都可以。


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