
1、 半场盘口1/1.5球为分水岭
2、 通过简单的加减法判断庄家开盘思路
3、 相对弱队领先小球跑出机率大
4、 走地场次赛前小球高水高危
一、前言大家好!最近有许多朋友希望我能分享一下,在足球赛事中,走地大小球的技巧与心得,刚好今天是世界杯预选赛后无聊的星期一,没什么大比赛,剩下的一些小联赛(或俗称野鸡比赛)刚好可以拿来实战玩玩看走地大小球玩法,小雕我就在这边野人献曝啦。我看球的经验差不多刚好一年,都是看别人怎么玩?为什么他这样买能赢?从中学习并复盘,其他的不外乎参考许多网路上的分析、高手们的推荐,自己边摸索边实战一路走了过来。现在想想,好快啊,一年就这样过去了,女友也跑了一个(笑言归正传,刚好昨天有两场看好收米的比赛,就以昨日两场比赛的数据为例和大家分享个人心得。由于都是个人经验,可能和你的思路不同,或者你不认同我的想法,还希望大家理性、勿战,一切以交流技术为主。二、实例分享(一)走地全场大小球其实在足球滚球走地大小球中,需要参考的因素十分之多。包含初盘大小球的终盘盘面与赔率、滚球时的亚盘让球、以及最重要的滚球走地时的大小球盘面和赔率变化。个人在玩滚球走地大小球时基本上是一个数据派,考虑太多的其他因素对我而言只不过是庸人自扰。换句话说,每个人的心得与玩法不同,你可以不认同我的经验,但这就是【神雕流】的玩法!哈哈哈!昨天 (日)的一场澳洲维多利亚甲级联赛则是一个良好案例。本场赛事在上半场由客队率先攻进一球后一路领先保持到中场,这场的重点便在于中场赔率的调整。从盘面降到2.5/3.0之后,赔率调整波动巨大,在下半场开始前,赔率从1.0以上的高水降到0.85左右的中低水区间。此图片是SB这家公司的指数状况,而SB这家公司由于滚球走地受注量大,大多数滚球走地玩家也是参考该家指数,其他公司也有差不多的调整状况。下半场开始后,赔率也是缓步调整,可见场面局势在进球方面有很强的防范。到了49分钟,主队攻进一球,局势成为1-1状态。在49分钟取得1-1平手后,维持了将近30分钟的平静,但这时候便是可以判断下手与否的关键时刻。在盘面降为2.5时,我们可以发现大球赔率变动速度极慢,平均一分钟调整0.03左右的区间,这时候便需要结合亚盘来判断。左侧是为滚球让球指数,在降为平手盘之后对于主队进球防范可谓十分严谨,从这一考量来看,结合大球赔率的缓步成长,可以放心投入2.5大的玩法。事实上,这场比赛在2.5/3.0的盘面时就已经可以投注了,最后比赛结果为4-1结束,收全。三、实例分享(二)走地全场大小球第二场比赛同样也是昨天星期日的赛事。这场比赛一直到了90分钟客队来个绝杀,那这场比赛该怎么操作呢?这是明升这家公司的走地数据。从大小球盘面降到0.5/1.0后,其大球赔率控管极为严谨,将近7分钟的时间,以每分钟0.04左右成长,而且我们要注意的是,这个盘面下攻进一球是赔付一半的,也就是所谓的赢一半。换句话说,每分钟赔率的成长只有0.02这个极低的数字。上面这两张图可能有些朋友看不太懂。事实上,在投注页面中,开出的盘口经常不只一个,亚大欧=主盘、亚大欧2=副盘,有时候,副盘的参考价值也十分巨大。从主盘和副盘的指数来看,给予主队进球的可能性防范甚严,且为了诱导上盘,在降为平手盘后多数公司选择关盘。从这个部分来看,进球的机率十分之高,而专攻走地大小球的朋友也不用担心谁会进球,买大就对了。四、结论今日的足球教学到此告一段落,总结以上,我们在进行滚球走地大小球玩法时需要记住几个要点:1.大球赔率以及盘面的成长速度2.滚球让球的盘赔3.副盘也是很重要的参考依据4.多参考各家公司指数5.足球是进球的运动,买大不买小,买小是傻屌。咱们下回见~
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  赵可金 察哈尔学会高级研究员清华大学副教授应新加坡总统陈庆炎邀请,国家主席习近平于11月6日-7日对新加坡进行国事访问,此次访问恰逢新加坡建国50周年和中新建交25周年,具有特别的意义。新加坡虽然是一个弹丸小国,但由于其扼守马六甲海峡,控制着东西方贸易交流的重要通道,拥有极其重要的地缘战略地位。同时,新加坡在外交上奉行和平、中立、不结盟的大国平衡政策,竭力在大国博弈中左右逢源,在经济上坚持走国际化路线,在文明文化上坚持包容开放的态度,使新加坡成为具有世界影响力的国际航运中心、国际金融中心、国际贸易中心以及国际旅游会议中心,有着很高的国际声誉。正因为其独特的地理区位和发展道路,新加坡成为中国与世界关系的枢纽。自改革开放以来,新加坡就为中国领导人所看重,学习新加坡经验,推动中国现代化,成为邓小平思考中国未来的一个重要立足点。尤其是1990年中新建交以来,新加坡在中国对外开放和两岸关系中都扮演了十分重要的角色。在新形势下,如何规划中新关系的未来发展,尤其是如何在&一带一路&倡议中推进中新合作共赢,成为习近平主席访问新加坡的一个核心话题。对外开放的窗口新加坡是一个以华人为主体的多元族群国家。有人曾形象地把新加坡比做&一头猛虎(印度尼西亚)和三只狼狗(马来西亚、泰国和菲律宾)&环绕下的&一只小猫&,足见新加坡生存环境之恶劣。然而,新加坡人凭借勤奋、创新和努力,在建国后几十年里建立起了一个政治民主、政府清廉、社会文明、经济繁荣、人民幸福和谐、环境优美的现代化国家,开创了独特的治国理政模式,成为令世界侧目的亚洲&四小龙&之一,成为全球最国际化的国家之一。到2014年,新加坡GDP达到3080亿美元,人均GDP达到56319美元,位列世界第9位,而且根据2014全球金融中心指数的最新排名,新加坡是继纽约、伦敦和香港之后的世界第四大金融中心。正因为新加坡高度发达的经济和国际化水平,中国对外开放一开始就把新加坡经验作为重要的参考对象。从领导人层面来看,以邓小平为代表的中国历代领导人都十分重视学习新加坡经验。1992年,邓小平就明确提出:&我们应该学习借鉴新加坡的经验。&新加坡前总理李光耀受邀访问过中国大陆33次,每次都得到中央领导人的接见,他给中国领导人的很多建议都被接受了,被称为&西方认识中国的领路人&,也是&中国走向世界的领路人&。在李光耀的支持下,新加坡的很多华人华侨到中国投资创业,特别是苏州工业园区和天津生态城两大重点合作项目,对中国开放开发提供了很好的经验。在邓小平的支持下,中国学习新加坡经验成为热潮,中国大量官员被派往新加坡考察学习。尤其是1992年南洋理工大学为长峰科技工业集团的一批高级管理人员提供短期培训,拉开了中国官员前往新加坡接受培训的序幕。南洋理工大学还专门设立&中国项目办",并在2008年成立了公共管理研究生院,以学院方式运作大规模的中国官员培训。除了南洋理工大学之外,新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院是中国官员培训的重要基地,涵盖了市长班、学位班和短期培训班等。近年来,中国每年都将派遣超过8000名各级官员到新加坡学习,分散于11教育点接受干部培训。可以说,对很多中国企业高级主管和各级政府领导官员而言,他们对世界的了解很多都是从新加坡获得的,新加坡为中国通往世界打开了一扇独特的窗口。两岸关系的桥梁作为一个以华人为主体的国家,新加坡与海峡两岸都有着密切的交往。最初,在中国大陆和新加坡还没有建交的情况下,新加坡更多与台湾当局保持着官方联系,双方在防务合作、经济和社会往来上都十分密切,新加坡领导人和台湾地区领导人也有着深入的交往。由于存在此种便利,当新加坡领导人受邀访问中国大陆时,中国领导人时常会通过李光耀向台湾地区领导人代为转达相关信息,新加坡成为台湾海峡两岸的&传话人&。早在日,邓小平就委托来访李光耀向当时病重的台湾地区领导人蒋经国代为转达希望能与蒋经国早日见面、共同商讨解决台湾地区问题的愿望。中新建交后,新加坡领导人也积极推动海峡两岸对话,缓和地区局势,推进两岸合作,-29日,在李光耀的牵线下,&汪辜会谈&得以在新加坡举行,开创了两岸在第三地正式接触与签署协议的一种新模式,同时也凸显了新加坡在两岸关系中的特殊地位。尽管此后因李登辉访美导致两岸关系恶化,但李光耀仍然不停穿梭于海峡两岸,为化解海峡两岸的危机而不懈努力。后来,由于台湾地区领导人一意孤行地推行&台独&路线,也遭到李光耀在各种国际场合的批评,认为是&台独&是愚蠢之举。时下,尽管李光耀已经逝世,但新加坡在两岸关系中的桥梁角色并没有褪色。即将在新加坡举行的&习马会&可能是两岸关系发展的一个重要里程碑。&习马会&之所以能够举行,除了海峡两岸领导人的共同努力之外,以李显龙为代表的新加坡领导人在其中的角色也不容忽视。&习马会&如果能够取得重要成果,功劳簿上也肯定会给新加坡留下一笔。一带一路的枢纽显然,随着中国日益国际化,新加坡在中国与世界关系中的地位只会得到进一步加强,而不会得到削弱,中新关系正处在继往开来的重要机遇期。尤其是在中国提出&一带一路&倡议之后,新加坡成为&丝绸之路经济带&倡议与&21世纪海上丝绸之路&的重要交汇点,以中国经济为引擎之一的亚太经济圈与欧洲经济圈的互联互通会在新加坡得到汇集,新加坡在&一带一路&中的枢纽角色更加突出。正是在此种背景下,习近平主席对新加坡进行国事访问,与新加坡领导人加强顶层设计和政治引领,在巩固和加强中新互利合作示范项目的基础上,积极探索结合&一带一路&倡议开拓第三方市场合作模式,加强中新在地区与国际事务上的协调和配合。相比之下,在过去的25年时间内,中新合作更多是在经济领域和两岸关系领域得以展开,在未来更长的一段时期内,中新关系可能被更多置于地区和国际事务的广阔舞台上,在中国-东盟命运共同体、亚太经合组织、RCEP、联合国等地区和国际机制中加强协调和沟通,做地区一体化的推动者、亚洲和平发展的促进者以及世界人民福祉的贡献者。不难想见,&一带一路&倡议打开了中新合作的新天地,新加坡有可能作为&一带一路&沿线国家的交流枢纽,成为21世纪的&东方日内瓦&。  国际在线报道(记者 武玥):中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第五次全体会议于日至29日在北京举行,审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》。&十三五&也随之成为国际舆论的关注焦点。&十三五&规划建议绘就了未来五年中国经济社会发展的蓝图,被视作对全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的战略部署,在欧洲引发了持续关注。日前,记者就此采访了欧盟前任地区委员会秘书长、欧洲学院中国问题专家格哈德&斯塔尔教授。他首先将&十三五&规划同欧盟的2020战略做比较,称中国其实与欧盟在根本上有着相同的发展目标,未来五年的关键在于政策的落实。他说:&我认为这些中期规划的核心问题在于,政府首先需要选择正确的发展目标,正如&十三五&规划建议中所涵盖。这与欧盟的2020战略发展目标非常相似,例如稳定的经济增长、包容性社会、消除贫困,以及发展环保型经济模式,这些内容全都出现在了&十三五&规划中。但关键在于政策的落实,在于这些发展目标是否能够在持续、稳定和透明的机制下实现。&中国经济进入&新常态&,经济增长从高速转向中高速,这也引发了外界对中国未来五年经济增长的猜测。斯塔尔教授认为,&十三五&将中国经济发展重点放在了经济转型,而非一味追求数字,为转型提供了更多空间,如实反映了中国经济的实际现状。他表示:&关于中国未来经济发展这一辩题的重点并不在于GDP的增长率是否下滑,而在于中国在从生产出口型经济增长模式向以服务业为基础的消费型经济模式转变的过程中,经济结构的调整是否顺利,是否会产生结构性障碍或者失调。从这个角度来看,我认为&十三五&规划的指导方向是非常正确的。&在谈到经济调整可能会带来的挑战时,斯塔尔坦言,中国的经济结构调整必然会带来产能过剩企业的倒闭,中国将会以怎样的速度关闭旧经济模式上建立的过剩产能,又会以怎样的速度找到服务业以及消费品的新增长点,将会是中国经济发展面临的真正挑战。不过,斯塔尔同时表示,相信&十三五&对经济转型的把握可以帮助中国释放更多的经济活力,从而避免落入中等收入陷阱。他说:&&十三五&规划提倡企业家精神,主张进一步融入全球经济大环境,这意味着中国已经准备好通过适应转变来对抗来自国际市场的压力。从这个角度来说,&十三五&规划将会帮助中国避免落入中等收入陷阱的危险。&&十三五&规划建议中将&创新&这一概念摆在发展全局的核心位置。据统计,在十八届五中全会公报中,&创新&作为最高频的词汇共出现了27次。如何理解&创新&、如何利用&创新&应对&新常态&下的多重挑战,也成为国际社会关注的焦点。斯塔尔教授说:&我认为创新不只是研发高新技术,创新是指一个社会有能力创造出适应新产品与新科技的全新的发展模式。接下来的关键步骤是制定鼓励创新的政策,无论是在中国、欧洲,还是在任何国家,将这样的政策落到实处不仅需要提高全民教育水平,还需要转变消费者的思维定势。&  &创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享&,十八届五中全会确立的五大发展理念,&共享&压轴,也是发展的出发点和落脚点,更是发展的根本。然而,共享的发展理念和价值,并不是这一次才提出,为何要如此突出强调并写入五大发展理念、作出具体明确部署?事实上,&实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益&是党全部奋斗的最高目的,&发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享&是党坚持发展的价值所在。而在7月20日召开的中央政治局会议上,不仅第一次把这一目的进一步确立为&发展的根本目的&,而且进一步明确了&把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展&作为&发展的出发点和落脚点&。这次全会上更是进一步提出&作出更有效的制度安排,使全体人民在共建共享发展中有更多获得感&&人人参与、人人尽力、人人享有&。这就丰富了发展的内涵,明晰了发展的精神实质,凸显了&共享&这一发展的根本理念。这一丰富、明晰、凸显的背后,是党对发展规律的深刻把握,对发展实践经验和教训的科学总结。曾经在一些地方,发展见物不见人,或是发展成果没有体现在群众身上,人民缺少获得感。凡此,都需要从发展理念上进行更精准的校正。人民群众最讲实际,对于百姓来说,自己如果没有获得,发展得再好也感觉与自己关系不大。因而从根本上说,只有让人民不断有获得感,不断解决人民群众最关心、最现实、最直接的利益问题,人民才会把发展与自己的利益紧密结合起来,才会有投身发展实践的激情和干劲。而从发展的动力来看,人民是创造历史的根本动力,同样是推动发展的根本动力。只有坚持人民主体地位,人民才会焕发主人翁精神,去为发展贡献智慧和力量。这正是&共享&这一发展理念的价值取向和内在逻辑。而明确提出和强调&共享&,就把发展的目的、价值和发展的实践内在地统一了、无缝地对接了。显然,要坚持共享这个发展理念,就不是口头说说,而是要有&更有效的制度安排&。五中全会具体明确的部署,目的就是为了让发展成果以&看得见的方式&让人民享有,以实实在在的举措、真金白银式的实招增强人民的获得感。发展有了这样的价值导向和实践导向,全面小康不仅可以以&一个都不能掉队&的圆满方式如期实现,全体人民的发展热情和干劲、智慧和力量更会充分激发和释放。人民的梦想是什么?就是对美好生活的向往。以共建共享发展的方式去实现,以增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展为依归,中国梦就是人民的梦,就是我们每个人的梦。(国平)  WHITE HOUSE & President Barack Obama has ordered the easing of U.S. sanctions that have prevented American companies from doing business in Burma, to signal U.S. support for reform steps under way there. But , there are conditions, and Mr. Obama took another step aimed at individuals who are undermining the reform process.In a written statement, Obama said U.S. companies will be permitted to operate &responsibly& in Burma, but will be prohibited from dealing with Burma's military or entities owned by the Ministry of Defense.The U.S. move was expected, as was a requirement in the executive order Obama signed to require that companies report on their activities in line with what are called &international corporate governance standards.&The president signed another order expanding sanctions on senior officials and individuals &who undermine the reform process, engage in human rights abuses, contribute to ethnic conflict, or participate in military trade with North Korea.&White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the step is meant to send a clear message about the kind of behavior the United States expects as reform steps continue.&The measures announced today are designed to recognize the progress that has been made on reform, but retain all the authorities to ensure that those individuals who continue, or companies that continue, to engage in corrupt or destabilizing behavior do not benefit,& said Carney.Carney sidestepped a reporter's question about whether the steps announced Wednesday will open the door for U.S. energy companies to do business with state-owned energy companies in Burma.Aung San Suu Kyi, the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize laureate who is now a member of Burma's parliament after spending years under house arrest, has expressed concerns about foreign investment with the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE).Ernest Bower of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says U.S. sanctions on Burma imposed in the 1990s have deprived U.S. companies of investment opportunities.Bower says U.S. companies will have to exercise caution in whom they choose to do business with. But overall, he says easing sanctions may enhance U.S. leverage to urge Burma's government to speed up progress on reforms.  UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday said that &for the first time in history, more than one billion people are hungry.& The secretary-general made the statement in his message to the World Food Day, which falls on Friday. The World Food Day is celebrated on Oct. 16 annually, and the theme this year is &Achieving food security in times of crisis.& In his message, the secretary-general attributed the increase of hungry population worldwide to volatile food prices, economic crisis, climate change and conflict over the past two years. &Over the past two years, volatile food prices, the economic crisis, climate change and conflict have led to a dramatic and unacceptable rise in the number of people who cannot rely on getting the food they need to live, work and thrive,& he said. Ban described food and nutritional security as &the foundations of a decent life,& saying that &the challenges of food security demand multilateral commitment, creativity and leadership.& &Food and nutritional security are the foundations of a decent life, a sound education and, indeed, the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals,& he said. Throughout the developing world, food prices remain stubbornly high, he said. &We must respond to the needs of the hungry, first by ensuring adequate political and financial support for emergency food assistance.& &Achieving food security in times of crisis& is the theme for this year's World Food Day and for the TeleFood campaign of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, he said. &It emphasizes the need for even greater efforts to respect the dignity of those affected by poverty and hunger, and to support the committed women and men who often risk their lives to deliver help.& &We must invest in food production and distribution,& he said. &Last year, I set up a High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Crisis. Its Comprehensive Framework for Action outlines a strategy to provide safety nets and assistance for smallholder farmers and to support longer-term agricultural productivity and resilience, social protection schemes, market access and fair trade.& &Nations are mobilizing for action. In July, 26 countries and 14 multilateral organizations agreed to work together under the umbrella of the L'Aquila initiative on food security,& he said, adding that next month's World Summit on Food Security in Rome is a further opportunity to focus on country-led and regional strategies, country-level partnerships and increased levels of assistance. &The challenges of food security demand multilateral commitment, creativity and leadership. At this time of crisis, I encourage all nations to pursue coordinated and comprehensive strategies for agricultural development and effective social protection so that vulnerable people -- women and children in particular -- can get the food they need for nutritional security and well-being,& he said. World Food Day is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger. Thirty years ago, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations issued the proclamation to heighten public awareness of the world problem of hunger and malnutrition.  中国经济网编者按:本月底,习近平将出席在巴黎召开的第21届联合国气候变化大会,大会能否形成新的气候共识备受各界关注。本次气候大会的重要议题有哪些?碳税交易是否可能实现?中国的生态文明建设对于应对气候变化有何意义?中国经济网记者就此采访了中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所所长潘家华教授。中国经济网:巴黎气候大会即将召开,本次会议的热点议题有哪些?哪些问题值得关注?潘家华:我认为,此次巴黎气候大会的主要议题应包括以下这几个方面。第一个方面是大会协议的实质内容,也就是说,各个国家所提交的国家自主决定贡献怎样纳入巴黎协议中,如何在其中体现。除了基本发达国家以外,现在有100多个国家提交了INDCs(Intended Nationally Determined Contributions,国家自主决定贡献),这是一个减排目标。这个目标在不同的国家基准点不一样,指标也不一样,甚至对资金的需求也有很大的差别。因此,如何在协议中综合、平衡、全面地体现这一减排的承诺是巴黎协议的目标所在,也是协议最主要的内容。第二方面涉及到资金问题。哪些国家投资,哪些国家接受资金,资金的管理方式是怎样的等。资金问题比较复杂。包括中国在内的发展中国家,通过南南合作的方式提供大量的资金,那么,这些资金在协议中如何定位,中间的渠道是什么,这其实就是气侯变化的国际资金,是一种双边资金,它的定位很困难。发展中国家现在有南南合作这样的资金渠道,但是定位是一个问题。另外,资金问题还包括资金如何使用?由谁来监管?由谁来执行?现在的资金涉及到哪些国家有资格用,各个国家都在争取,这是非常关键的问题。第三个方面就是巴黎协议的法律约束力问题。1992年签署的《联合国气侯变化框架公约》在1994年生效,它只是一个框架公约,没有具体的法律属性,对于发展中国家没有约束。1997年签署的《京都议定书》,由于美国等国家不参加,日本等国退出,到最后失败了。现在谈到的巴黎协议,究竟是有法律约束性的,还是不具备法律约束性,是一个非常大的矛盾。发达国家强烈要求有一个法律约束力的协议,中国也有这样一个明确的政治意愿,就是要签订一个具有法律约束力的协议。实际上,如果有法律约束力,减排和资金在内的目标将导致一些国家退出协议,特别是发展中国家面临发展和减排的双重压力,之前的《京都议定书》就是一个教训,而没有法律约束,减排的目标将难于实现。其它涉及原则性的问题,比如公平,是中国特别强调的,但同时对中国也是一个较大的挑战,因为我们既强调是发展中国家,又承诺要减排,这样的定位就使我们处于一个两难境地。 总的来看,我认为,中国当前面临的问题主要是资金方面的,我们承诺出资200亿人民币,这比美国给的钱还多,美国就给30亿美元。那么,这些钱是作为公约的总体资金,还是双边资金,需要进一步讨论。另外,如何保证资金的使用又涉及到法律约束力的问题。但是,有的国家希望有法律约束力,有的国家反对,中国如何做出选择也是一个不小的挑战。 中国经济网:对于制定一个共同的碳排放价格,即碳税或排放权交易,您认为是否可行?潘家华:我认为碳税是不可行的。首先,不同国家的碳源结构不同,中国、印度、南非等新兴经济体的单位GDP的碳排放量比较高。如果全球统一种碳价或碳税,显然会打击新兴经济体,这些国家一定反对。第二,这涉及到发展阶段的问题,对于发达国家,它们的产业结构已经比较完善,统一碳税对它们影响比较小,而对于中国这样的发展中国家来说,显然是不合理的。最后,统一的碳税在不同国家的执行和监管也不好推进,在一个国家内有可能,但在全球范围内很难。以中国为例,如果要采用统一碳税,那么,高排放的能源就会被打压,比如煤炭和石油,而水电、核能、风能、太阳能等的优势就会凸显。这对于一个国家的能源转型是有帮助的,但在全世界推行是不可能的。还有一点就是碳是无形的产品,不同的能源,碳的排放量是不用的,怎样衡量碳排放量有很大的不确定性,就像我们之前提出的二氧化硫排放交易,应该是说失败的,因为没法进行交易。碳的交易还体现了产业问题,不同的地区,不同的社会群体,应该如何平衡,都是需要考虑的。我觉得,从理论上讲,碳交易是一个比较完美的事情,但执行起来面临很大的不确定性和挑战。中国经济网:从中观角度看,您认为巴黎气侯大会将对中国未来的环保产业产生什么影响?潘家华:这个不仅是对中国的环保产业,对全球的环保产业都是一个极大的利好消息。虽然巴黎协议的强制性不可能太强,但方向性是非常明确的。对于企业的战略投资来讲,长远性是必然考虑到的,那么,淘汰高碳能源就会提升能源效益,对新能源新材料的投资就是增多,比如纯电动汽车就会发展起来。方向性明确了,导向就明确了,消费的选择也就明确了,那么,低碳、环保产业发展的空间就会得到极大的拓展和提升。中国现在已经到了产能相饱和的阶段,环境的承载能力已经接近最大或者过载,因此,提升技术水平,发展低碳产业不失为一种机遇,尤其在新一轮的竞争中,中国要在未来的产业发展中站稳脚跟,必须要进行战略投资,必须要有战略意识。 中国经济网:在应对气候变化中,中国的生态文明建设将扮演什么角色,将如何推进生态文明建设?潘家华:生态文明是一面旗帜。目前,在气侯变化、气侯调整、气侯协议的制定过程中,生态文明是道义准则、是一面旗帜,是一种价值准则。在面对气侯变化的协议的制定和执行中,生态文明是普世价值,具有引领意义。它应该是未来全球的一面旗帜,中国应该把中国成功的经验进一步提升,把中国成功的实践作为一种国际的导向,引领全球生态文明转型。中国现在的生态文明已经做得很好,我们的水电装机容量和发电量世界第一,风电装机容量和发电量世界第一,太阳能生产能力世界第一,纯电动汽车的发展速度也处于全球领先地位。除了这样产品、产业以外,我们消费应该是节约型环保型的,我们应该有责任担当,为了推动全球的低碳转型和生态文明转型做出示范。(中国经济网记者 李婧)  BEIJING, June 24 (Xinhua) -- China's central bank on Friday vowed to continue its prudent monetary policy and use multiple policy tools to keep liquidity reasonably ample and safeguard financial stability after Britain voted to leave the European Union.The statement was made by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) hours after Britain voted in favor of quitting the union.The central bank said it had noticed reactions to the result of the referendum in the financial market and a contingency plan is in place to deal with any effects.The PBOC said it would further improve the market-oriented mechanism for the formation of renminbi exchange rate, and keep the currency's exchange rate basically stable at a reasonable equilibrium level.The PBOC would also enhance policy communication and coordination with other central banks and international financial institutions, it said.  TOKYO, July 11 (Xinhua) -- The Japanese ruling camp led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe retained its majority in the parliament's upper house through a victory on Sunday's election in the chamber and paved way to Constitution amendment as upper house lawmakers who support to review the country's war-renouncing Constitution reached two-thirds majority, final election result showed early Monday.Half seats in the 242-member chamber was contested in the election and the ruling camp secured XX seats, with the prime minister's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) gaining 55 seats and its small ruling partner of the Komeito Party winning 14 seats.After acknowledging that the ruling coalition won the election and retained the majority in the upper house, Abe told a press briefing during the vote counting that the result showed that his decision on sales tax hike postponement was correct and vowed to promote economy in the future.In a very cautious way, the prime minister said that the Constitution amendment should be discussed more. &Different parties have different viewpoints on the issue, therefore more discussions should be done, even among the parties that support the amendment,& said Abe, but adding that the issue should be raised to the Japanese public.To launch a Constitution review motion requires approval by two-thirds majority in both chambers of the Japanese bicameral parliament. The Abe-led ruling bloc already secured the overwhelming majority in the lower house.The prime minister is a well-known historical revisionist who expressed his eagerness to review the Japanese pacifist Constitution many times. He indicated before the election that he will try to discuss the Constitution review during the autumn parliament session.Abe also expressed his disappointment over the election failure of incumbent Minister in charge of Okinawa affairs, but he added that the ruling camp will continue push the planned relocation of the key U.S. Futenma airbase within the Japanese southernmost prefecture of Okinawa.The failure of the Okinawa affairs minister, to some extent, showed serious divergence between the Japanese central government and the Okinawa prefectural government over U.S. base relocation issue, especially after a recent notorious murder case that a U.S. former marine corps killed an Okinawan woman and abandoned her body.The prime minister will also plan to reshuffle its cabinet based on the election outcome and to compile a new stimulus package so as to push his &Abenomics.&The largest opposition party here, the Democratic Party, gained 32 seats on Sunday, marking an improved performance than what three years ago. Katsuya Okada, head of the Democratic Party, said that the party is recovering but not sufficient, adding his party will pay more attention to citizen's involvement in the politics.Okada said he will continue his work as the party's leader until September, but he stopped short that whether he will run for the party's head election to be held in the same month.However, voters here voiced their contradictory feeling over the election. A 30-year-old voter who identified herself as Shibata told Xinhua outside a polling office at Shibuya earlier the day that &I am against amending the Constitution, because it's likely to drag Japan into war. But I still voted for the LDP, because I don't like the opposition parties either. People say that the LDP is going to change the constitution. I really don't know what to do.&For Shibata, however, the problem is, if she did not vote for the LDP, who could she vote for, as in her eyes, the opposition parties seemed to have also failed to offer feasible solutions to the problems that Japan is faced with.Shibata's words were echoed by Yamaguchi, a 20-year-old company employee who voted for the first time on Sunday. &I don't know much about these candidates. And I don't know what constitutional amendment really means to us,& she said, after casting her ballots.Voter turnout was estimated at 53.66 percent, slightly higher than the 52.61 percent in the previous upper house election in 2013. The Japanese Kyodo News said that the additional 2.4 million new voters aged between 18 to 19 have done little to boost turnout.  新华网约翰内斯堡12月4日电(记者李忠发 王丰丰)国家主席习近平4日在约翰内斯堡集体会见13位非洲国家领导人。与会领导人高度评价中非关系发展取得的成果,祝愿中非合作论坛峰会成功,就中非关系和双边关系交流看法,为中非合作发展建言献策。刚果共和国总统萨苏、乌干达总统穆塞韦尼、刚果民主共和国总统卡比拉、科摩罗总统伊基利卢、南苏丹总统基尔、马达加斯加总统埃里、毛里求斯总统法基姆、埃塞俄比亚总理海尔马里亚姆、莱索托首相莫西西利、摩洛哥政府首脑班基兰、卢旺达总理穆雷凯齐、博茨瓦纳副总统马西西、坦桑尼亚副总统哈桑等出席会见。习近平指出,我此次非洲之行主要有两个目的,一是同南非总统祖马一道主持中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会,二是同非洲领导人共叙友谊,共商中非合作发展大计。中非加强团结合作,实现共同发展,符合双方利益,也是我们的共同使命。当前,中非合作发展互有需要、互有优势,迎来难得的历史性机遇。这次中非合作论坛峰会主题是&中非携手并进:合作共赢、共同发展&,具有重要现实意义,反映了中非共同心声。习近平向非洲领导人介绍中国经济形势和中共十八届五中全会确定的发展目标、发展理念、发展走向,强调中国将继续为非洲发展作出新的更大贡献,欢迎非洲搭乘中国发展的快车、便车,让中国发展成果更多惠及中非人民。与会非洲国家领导人纷纷表示,中国是非洲伟大的朋友,中方高度重视非洲国家令人钦佩。中非合作论坛成立15年来,中非团结不断巩固,非洲国家同中国已成为战略性伙伴。非洲经济发展和民生事业一直得到中方大力帮助,在工业化和农业现代化进程中需要更加密切同中国的合作。中方&一带一路&倡议对非洲同样重要,非洲国家欢迎中方积极参与非洲铁路、公路、港口等基础设施和互联互通建设并向非洲转移优质产能。此次中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会将为中非合作深入发展提供新的动力。王沪宁、栗战书、杨洁篪等参加会见。  tv.cn//VIDE3229.shtml  央视网消息(新闻联播):第四次中国&&中东欧国家领导人会晤将于11月24号至25号在苏州举行。应国务院总理李克强邀请,阿尔巴尼亚、波黑、保加利亚、克罗地亚、捷克、爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马其顿、黑山、波兰、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚等16国领导人将与会。双方将就进一步促进中国与中东欧国家合作发展深入交换意见。会晤后,国家主席习近平将在北京集体会见与会的中东欧国家领导人。  根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》(下称《公约》)规定的&共同但有区别的责任&等基本原则,中国作为发展中国家,不具有强制减排义务。即便如此,中国近年来自主自愿采取减排措施,加大实施力度,并作出了艰苦卓绝的努力。此外,中国还主动与多国展开气候合作,支持其他发展中国家应对气候变化,为推动气候谈判注入新动力。作为气候谈判的基石,《公约》明确指出,与有义务率先减排的发达国家不同,对发展中国家来说,&经济和社会发展及消除贫困为首要和压倒一切的优先事项&,因此发展中国家可根据各自国情,在可持续发展的框架下自主采取力所能及的减缓和适应行动。出于转变发展方式、调整经济结构的需要,以及一个发展中大国的担当,中国近年来在加强本国气候治理方面频有&大动作&,对于支持其他发展中国家也有&大手笔&。今年6月,中国正式向联合国提交2020年后应对气候变化的&国家自主决定贡献&:二氧化碳排放2030年左右达到峰值并争取尽早实现,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降60%至65%,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到20%左右,森林蓄积量比2005年增加45亿立方米左右。中国还计划于2017年启动全国碳排放交易体系,并把应对气候变化的行动列入&十三五&发展规划中。这份&绿色答卷&成色如何?专家估算,上述60%至65%的减碳目标,意味着2005年至2030年间碳排放强度年均下降率须维持在3.6%至4.1%。而美国和欧盟1990年以来的碳排放强度年均降幅均约为2.3%,低碳转型表现突出的英国和德国也仅为3%和2.5%。世界自然基金会等18个非政府组织发布的报告也指出,中国的气候变化行动目标已超过其&公平份额&,相比之下,发达国家承诺的目标与其历史责任和能力不相称。比如,美国和欧盟的行动目标相当于其应承担&公平份额&的五分之一,而日本的行动目标只相当于其应承担份额的十分之一。中国的努力和决心,让《公约》秘书处执行秘书菲格雷斯不吝赞美:中国在对待气候变化问题上&非常非常认真&,并采取了&令人印象非常深刻&的应对气候变化行动,具有榜样意义。除了加强本国气候治理,中国也没有忘记其他受气候变化影响较大、应对能力较弱的发展中国家。今年9月,中国宣布出资200亿元人民币建立&中国气候变化南南合作基金&,帮助其他发展中国家应对气候变化。不少国家和国际机构对此深表赞赏,认为中国这一举措对世界应对气候变化作出了贡献,展现了大国风范。也有评论指出,与中国相比,一些有义务为发展中国家提供应对气候变化资金支持的国家,只是将原本用于发展援助的资金改用气候变化援助的名义重新&包装&,或是开出&空头支票&。此外,中国还积极参与国际对话,为推动全球气候谈判、促进新气候协议的达成做出积极贡献。从去年的《中美气候变化联合声明》到今年的《中美元首气候变化联合声明》,中美两个大国在气候变化领域的务实合作让世界惊喜连连。作为世界上最大发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美加强气候变化对话合作意义重大。国际组织&绿色交流峰会&主席戴维&阿贝尔直言:&中国的行动和中美合作是这两年在应对气候变化方面最棒的事情。&法国外交部长、巴黎气候变化大会主席法比尤斯也表示,在巴黎气候变化大会召开前约两个月之际,《中美元首气候变化联合声明》的发表传递了中美两国积极应对气候变化的强烈信号,有助于调动气候谈判各方的积极性。中国还先后与印度、巴西、欧盟、法国等国家和区域组织就气候变化发表联合声明,通过一系列郑重承诺,为全球应对气候变化行动增添新动力。(记者刘石磊,新华国际客户端报道)  ROME, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- Italy is on alert for possible terrorist attacks from radical militants, Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said on Monday.A senior official revealed earlier that some 50 Italians have joined the Islamic State (IS) militant group in Syria and Iraq.The terrorist alert for Italy is &extremely high, even in the absence of a specific threat,& Alfano was quoted as saying by local media while speaking at the sidelines of a security conference in Brussels.Though Italy is not conducting air strikes (against IS targets in Iraq), it is part of the big international coalition that is combating terrorism, Alfano noted.Alfano stressed he has prepared new &very strict rules& that he will submit to the Italian government and parliament to better fight terrorism.The new rules, he explained, include more police checks on people considered &at risk& and harsher punishment for those who try to join militant groups abroad.Also on Monday, the head of the International Antiterrorism Division of Italian preventative policing unit UCIGOS, Claudio Galzerano, said in a television interview that dozens of Italian nationals have joined the IS group.&A consolidated list has been created that enables us to know the exact size of the phenomenon in all of its various nuances,& he told Sky television, detailing that the Italian nationals currently involved in the &terrorist activities& are &under 50.&Galzerano said there is a &precise count& of how many Italians have left the country to fight alongside the IS thanks to the &very good osmosis between the intelligence side and law enforcement in Italy.&  经济增长目标是国民经济和社会发展五年规划的重要内容。&十五&规划确定的经济增长目标是年均7%左右,&十一五&规划是7.5%,&十二五&规划下调为7%。自&十一五&规划以来,发展目标的量化指标分为预期性和约束性两类,经济增长目标属于预期性目标,名义上不具有约束性,但它在人们心目中的分量依然很重。正在制定的&十三五&规划会将经济增长目标定在什么水平,是人们非常关注的问题。从目前的讨论来看,主要有两种观点,一是维持7%不变,或小幅调整为&7%左右&;二是下调至6.5%左右。我们认为,为了适应和引领新常态,&十三五&规划会将经济增长目标下调到6.5%左右,这样做,可以为转变发展方式赢得主动性。中国经济要进入新常态,经济发展方式需要实现转变。习近平总书记指出,要围绕转变经济发展方式,促进经济增长由主要依靠投资、出口拉动向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变,由主要依靠第二产业带动向依靠第一、第二、第三产业协同带动转变,由主要依靠增加物质资源消耗向主要依靠科技进步、劳动者素质提高、管理创新转变。进而,我们要探索全面发展、协调发展的方式。十八大报告提出,全面落实经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设五位一体总体布局。五位一体是全面发展的主要内容,经济建设是其中非常重要的一个方面,但并非全部内容。在协调发展的要求下,则要促进区域协调发展、城乡协调发展,加快欠发达地区发展。转变发展方式是&十三五&规划的重要内容,只有促进全面、协调、平衡的发展,改革发展的成果才能更多、更公平、更实在地惠及广大人民群众,全面建成小康社会、实现人民幸福的目标才能真正实现。有关部门应该为转变发展方式投入更多的精力和资金。为此,应该适度下调经济增长目标,减轻他们保增长的压力。如果&十三五&规划确定的经济增长目标跟以前一样,一些部门的行为模式也可能维持不变,仍然片面地强调经济增长,而对政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设不够重视;或许仍然依靠投资、产能扩张的老路。这些旧的发展方式会造成资源配置和收入分配的不均衡。这不利于改革发展的成果惠及广大人民群众,不利于全面建成小康社会目标的实现。未来五年,中国经济潜力仍然很大。下调经济增长目标至6.5%左右,不是说中国经济的潜在增长率就是这么高,而是为了掌握更多的主动权。中国经济几十年的高速增长,是我们可以掌握主动的基础。2014年的GDP比2000年实际增长了2.68倍,十六大提出的2020年GDP比2000年翻两番的目标可以提前实现。这使&十三五&规划可以在经济增长目标上降低要求。本APP刊载内容的知识产权均属广东二十一世纪环球经济报社所有。未经书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式使用。    WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Edward Snowden, a former U.S. defense contractor who revealed the U.S. secret surveillance programs, wrote on Thursday in an online chat that it is &not possible& for him to return to the United States under current whistleblower protection laws and he sees &no chance& to have a fair trial in his home country.&Returning to the U.S., I think, is the best resolution for the government, the public, and myself, but it's unfortunately not possible in the face of current whistleblower protection laws, which, through a failure in law, did not cover national security contractors like myself,& Snowden said, according to answers posted on the website of advocacy group &Free Snowden.&&This is especially frustrating, because it means there's no chance to have a fair trial, and no way I can come home and make my case to a jury,& Snowden answered.This is Snowden's second public online Q&A session since the first one hosted by the Guardian last June after he first revealed the U.S. National Security Agency's secret intelligence surveillance programs.The 30-year-old former NSA contractor is currently living in Russia under temporary asylum and facing espionage charge for his leaks about the NSA surveillance practices in his home country.Snowden, who regarded himself as a whistleblower of wrongdoing, also explained that current U.S. whistleblower protection laws in the U.S. &do not protect contractors in the national security arena.&&If we had had a real process in place, and reports of wrongdoing could be taken to real, independent arbiters rather than captured officials, I might not have had to sacrifice so much to do what at this point even the President seems to agree needed to be done,& he said.Snowden's latest public comments come after U.S. President Barack Obama offered his proposals to change the NSA controversial surveillance practices last Friday in a highly-anticipated and carefully worded speech.In the speech, Obama outlined his plan to pull back part of the bulk collection of U.S. citizens' phone records while again highlighted his defense for the overall intelligence surveillance practices.Snowden also echoed the points of a report released by a U.S. government privacy review panel on Thursday which concludes that the bulk collection of domestic phone records is not legal and & largely useless in thwarting terrorism.&&We have not identified a single instance involving a threat to the United States in which the program made a concrete difference in the outcome of a counterterrorism investigation,& the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board's report wrote.&There is simply no justification for continuing an unconstitutional policy with a 0% success rate,& said Snowden during his online Q&A session.However, the Obama administration has never called Snowden a whistleblower till now and suggested for several times that the young contractor should go to his supervisors instead of disclosing the classified information about the NSA programs.In his speech last Friday, Obama also criticized Snowden's & sensational& way of disclosures that has often &shed more heat than light.&Hours before Snowden's Q&A session, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday said granting clemency for Snowden would be & going too far,& NBC reported.Instead, he said he would &engage in conversation& about a resolution with Snowden if the former NSA contractor accepted responsibility for leaking government secrets.Obama has directed Holder and the intelligence community to develop options for a new approach of the domestic phone surveillance program without the government holding the metadata and report back to him before March 28. Part of the president's proposed reforms will also require authorization by Congress. It is not clear what measures will finally be taken into effect in the coming months.    BENI, DR Congo, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) government has declared three days of national mourning starting Monday, following the massacre of 45 people in the eastern part of the country by suspected Ugandan rebels over the weekend.Government Spokesman Lambert Mende, who made the announcement on the national broadcaster on Sunday evening, said flags across the entire national territory will fly at half mast during the mourning period.&Following instructions from the president of the republic, the government hereby declares three days of national mourning starting Monday following the massacre of 45 people in Beni territory, North Kivu province, by suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels,& Mende said.The government noted that the massacre was a work of a radicalized or jihadist group.&The terrorist massacre that occurred in the east of the country is not different from those which happen in Mali, Cameroon, Nigeria or Somalia, and even in Belgium, the U.S. and in France,& DR Congo President Joseph Kabila said on Sunday in Goma, provincial capital of North Kivu.&What happened in Beni is an Islamist threat of radical terrorists that is happening everywhere,& he added.North Kivu governor Julien Paluku urged the population to remain vigilant and support the DR Congo armed forces so that they can be able to defeat &the ADF terrorists.&At least 45 civilians were killed on Saturday night in Beni by suspected Ugandan rebels ADF.The ADF rebels, who have been active in eastern DR Congo since 1994, are accused of having killed over 600 civilians since October 2014 in Beni town.The Congolese army and the UN peacekeepers have in recent months launched operations against ADF, although the rebel group's threat level seems not to be declining.  President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union Address on Tuesday to a joint session of the U.S. Congress. Mr. Obama hopes to point the way forward for the nation's economic recovery, frame the political debate with opposition Republicans and make a strong case to Americans to reelect him this year. This will be Mr. Obama's third State of the Union Address. Each to a great extent has been dominated by the economic crisis he inherited from his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, and his own efforts to promote jobs and economic growth.The political stakes are high in a presidential election year. Americans will choose in November between giving Mr. Obama four more years in office and one of the current Republican contenders who say Mr. Obama has spent enough time in the White House.National unemployment, now at 8.5 percent, is falling but not as quickly as Mr. Obama had hoped. Although he came to office urging an end to contentious Washington politics, he has struggled with Republicans seeking to block his economic initiatives.Mr. Obama provided a glimpse of what he will say Tuesday night in a video outlining what he calls a blueprint for an economy “built to last” focused on new proposals in manufacturing, clean energy and education.It will be based on key themes he sounded last year in a speech, stressing the importance of the middle class, and of fair play in the economy.&This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class and folks trying to work their way into the middle class because we can go in two directions,& said President Obama. &One is towards less opportunity and less fairness. Or we can fight for where I think we need to go - building an economy that works for everyone, not just a wealthy few.&Mr. Obama will likely again reach out to Republicans, but will contrast his vision for the future with theirs. He faces more battles with Republican lawmakers in coming months over efforts to reduce federal deficit spending and taxes.Remarks by House of Representatives Speaker, Republican John Boehner, who appeared on the &Fox News Sunday& television program, suggest that the political tension will continue.&The president's policies have failed to get our economy moving again, and as a matter of fact it is the president's policies that have actually made our economy worse,& said Boehner.Congress is also under pressure. A recent Washington Post/ABC News public opinion poll shows that 84 percent of Americans disapprove of the job U.S. lawmakers are doing.Mr. Obama’s political strategy will continue targeting what he calls a dysfunctional Congress. But Press Secretary Jay Carney says the president is ready to work with congressional Republicans.&We disagree with that premise that we can't get anything done just because it is an election year,& said Carney. &I don't think the American people want that to be true or would be happy if that were true.&Among those listening closely to Mr. Obama will be former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich who used his victory speech after the recent South Carolina Republican primary vote to portray Mr. Obama as a radical.&This is the most important election of our lifetime,& said Gingrich. &If Barack Obama can get reelected after this disaster, just think how radical he would be in a second term.&President Obama will likely list what he considers his key accomplishments: health care reform, tightening regulations on Wall Street and the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden along with the end of the Iraq War and staying on course for America's withdrawal from Afghanistan.Political analysts and media pundits will watch closely to see what affect this year's address will have on Mr. Obama's public approval ratings, which, according to the Gallup polling Organization, have averaged about 44 percent this year.  【春运观察&深度】3亿农民工的&城&与&乡&&&透视2016年春运新变化之三&今年是我们第一次开车回家。&农历腊月二十六,翟喜娟夫妇开启了回乡之旅。两人从四川巴中来北京务工10余年,2015年终于买上了一辆吉利。一路高速,他们16个小时就能到家。2月4日,100多名贵州籍优秀外来务工者在福州长乐机场搭乘福航FU6511包机航班,踏上飞往贵州贵阳的返乡旅程。新华社记者魏培全摄30多年来,春运大军从1亿人次增长到今年的29.1亿人次,中国农民工数量增长到3亿多人。作为春运中最大的群体,农民工的迁徙折射出中国社会的二元结构和城镇化带来的社会之变。  &大迁徙&背后的地区差距农历正月初八,翟喜娟夫妇又将回到北京。尽管巴中老家的生活环境更加安逸,但翟喜娟仍打算在北京再打拼两年。夫妇俩每月总收入超过6000元,除去地下室的月租金800元,每月能存下4000多元。相比老家的收入水平,这样的收入是可观的。从2015年的统计数据看,上海城乡居民人均收入分别为52962元和23205元,北京为52859元和20569元,而中西部地区与之差距较大&&四川城乡居民人均收入分别为26205元和10247元,甘肃的这一组数据为23000元和6900元。正是地区、城乡间的巨大差距,让人口迁徙成为必然。2010年人口普查数据显示,四川外出人口达2091.4万人,占全省总人口的26%。从农民工迁入地看,虽然流入北上广人口的增幅正在收窄,但一线大城市依然最热门。根据陌陌数据,今年春运出发省份前10位分别是:广东省、浙江省、江苏省、北京市、山东省、上海市、四川省、福建省、云南省、河南省。作为大规模劳动密集型产业地区,加之以往迁徙的路径依赖,珠三角依然是对务工人员最有吸引力的地区。  钟摆式生活的&半城镇化&&城里有家,乡下有老家&&&这是很多进城务工人员的梦想。&十二五&期间,我国城镇化快速推进,城镇化率年均提高1.23个百分点,每年城镇人口增加2000万人。一间10余平方米的地下室,月租金达800元,相比翟喜娟一个月3000多元的收入,是一笔不小的开销。2015年,北京商品房成交均价接近3万元/平方米。&在北京买房,我不敢想。&翟喜娟说。数据显示,全国外出农民工月均收入2011年为2049元,2012年末为2290元,2013年为2609元,2014年为2864元,尽管呈逐年增长态势,但城市里房租、教育、医疗等方面的压力仍让务工人员感到城与乡之间的鸿沟。  European leaders took steps to deal with some of their long term financial problems at a summit in Brussels last week. But they are moving ahead without one of the continent's largest economies Britain, and they left some important problems unresolved.It was a long night of negotiating at European Union headquarters in Brussels, lasting well past midnight. Inside, the 27 European leaders tried to negotiate new fiscal rules. But in the end, British Prime Minister David Cameron vetoed the deal, leading to some apparently frosty moments with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and other leaders.The man who chairs EU summits explained what happened.&The 17 member states of the euro zone and already many others are committed to a new fiscal compact, & said Cameron. &It is about more fiscal discipline, more automatic sanctions, stricter surveillance.&But Britain won't participate. Back in London, Cameron defended his decision at a typically raucous session of parliament.&Frankly I have to tell the house, the choice was a treaty without proper safeguards or no treaty and the right answer was no treaty,& said Cameron. &It was not an easy thing to do, but it was the right thing to do.& Cameron said he vetoed the plan, preventing it from becoming official EU policy, because it would have hurt Britain's important financial services industry and given too much power over the British budget to bureaucrats in Brussels.As expected the move was not welcomed by the opposition leader.&He has given up our seat at the table,& Edward Miliband said. &He has exposed, not protected, British business. And he has come back with a bad deal for Britain.&Somewhat less expected was criticism from Cameron's coalition partner and deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg.&I think isolation in Europe, when we are one against 26 is potentially a bad thing for jobs, bad thing for growth and a bad thing for the livelihoods of millions of people in this country,& said Clegg.Britain has previously excluded itself from the common euro currency and refused to join the EU's open-borders agreement. But it still manages to be an influential member of the group. Cameron says the decision to allow the others to go ahead with new fiscal rules will be no different. &When it comes to things like defense, we are the key European member of NATO,& noted Cameron. &When it comes to the single market, we're probably the most respected voice in the European Union. But when it comes to the eurozone, should we really argue we have to be at every meeting where they discuss the euro?&But some analysts say the decision will leave Britain on the outside of important discussions that will affect its key trading partners in Europe during this economically fragile period. Among them is Mujtaba Rahman of the Eurasia Group risk assessment firm.&The UK is in effect now completely isolated,& said Rahman. &In effect, he's out in the cold and it's going to make the UK's relationship with the EU going forward much more complicated, much more precarious.&And the top EU economics official says British banks and brokers will not escape tighter regulation designed to avoid a repeat of the current crisis. &That's not going to happen,& said EU Economics Commissioner Olli Rehn.More importantly, according to Jennifer McKeown of Capital Economics, the EU leaders didn't do enough to solve their main problems at the summit - which she says are lack of competitiveness and slow growth.&We're now forecasting that Greece will leave the eurozone next year,& said McKeown. &And we think there's a good possibility that some other small economies follow it, perhaps in 2013. At the moment, we've penciled in the departure of Portugal and perhaps Ireland, too.&So for all the intra-Europe tension, and all the fallout back in Britain, the EU leaders may have only calmed the financial markets partly and temporarily. Early next year, when some of the continent's troubled economies need to borrow more money, some analysts say the crisis atmosphere could easily return.  TEHRAN, June 26 (Xinhua) -- Major problems are still hindering progress in nuclear talks for a deal on Iran's nuclear program, state IRIB TV quoted Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi as saying on Friday.&The talks are overall hard and progressing slowly,& despite progress in some areas, said Araqchi.Iran and the world powers are trying to reach the deal before June 30 and have no plan to extend the talks beyond the deadline, Araqchi said.He made the remarks on the sidelines of the talks between Iran and the world powers in the Austrian capital of Vienna.Foreign ministers of Iran and the P5+1 group, the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany, are expected to meet in Vienna this weekend for a final rush for the potential nuclear deal before the self-imposed deadline.Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said Friday that he went to Vienna &to secure a fair and lasting deal.&&Iranians want a dignified deal and reject excessive demands,& he tweeted.Iran and the P5+1 group agreed on a framework of understanding in early April and set June 30 as a deadline for reaching a final deal, after missing two previous deadlines in June and last November.  BRASILIA, May 10 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's sweeping investigation into the Petrobras corruption ring, named Operation Lava Jato (Car Wash), reached new heights of media and public attention on Wednesday as former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was interrogated by judge Sergio Moro.At 2 p.m. local time, Lula's interrogation began at the federal tribunal of Curitiba, capital of the state of Parana, with Moro seeking answers to charges of corruption and money laundering against the charismatic politician.Upon arriving at the court, Lula received applause and cheers by a large number of supporters, which were kept back around 150 meters from the building.Thousands of activists from Lula's Workers' Party (PT), the Central Workers' Union (CUT) and others had gathered to celebrate the former leader and denounce what they see as a conspiracy against him. Lula's successor and friend, former President Dilma Rousseff, was also on hand to lend her support.A smaller group of protesters, who support Lula's appearance in court, also made their voices heard.The interrogation saw Moro interviewing Lula for around three hours, before turning the witness over to federal prosecutors and then allowing the defense team to have their turn.Earlier in the day, Brazil's Supreme Court rejected a petition by Lula's defense team to postpone his testimony.His lawyers claimed they had not had enough time to review all the documentation related to the case and requested 90 days to analyze it. They stated they had received around 5,000 documents, with a total of around 100,000 pages, over the last couple of weeks.Lula is accused of having received bribes worth 3.7 million reais (1.15 million U.S. dollars) from the OAS construction company, in the form of a three-floor apartment in Guaruja, a resort town on the coast of Sao Paulo.Should he be found guilty and should the sentence then be upheld by a higher court, Lula would be automatically barred from standing for president in the 2018 election. Opinion polls constantly show him as the most favored candidate by the Brazilian electorate.Also on Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Marco Aurelio de Mello said there was no current motive to detain Lula.Speaking to the press during Lula's interrogation, Mello said the court case into Lula was not concluded but that, for the moment, &it is not necessary to halt the natural order of the judicial process.&He said that this order should be &investigate, prove guilt and carry out the sentence... What should be an exception, provisional prison...has become the norm.&Moro, the head judge for Lava Jato, has been criticized for maintaining various accused people in preventive prison for long periods.There is no precise date for Moro to give his ruling on Lula's case but it is expected to take several weeks.  MINSK, July 6 (Xinhua) -- Belarus wants normalization of relations with the United States on mutually beneficial terms, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Wednesday.Lukashenko said Belarus will not have a full-fledged foreign policy without normalization of its relations with Washington, Lukashenko made the remarks on Wednesday at the meeting with Scott Rauland, temporary charge d'affaires of the U.S. in Belarus.However, the president noted the improvement of relations between Belarus and the United States, adding that &with the good will of the U.S. government we can do a great deal in the near future&.At the same time, Lukashenko noted that Belarus has certain obligations to the neighboring states, including close cooperation with Russia, as well as China and India. &These countries are our strategic allies, partners. We have made relevant agreements with them,& he said.Lukashenko also said that the independence and sovereignty for him as a president and for the Belarusian people - are sacred. &We will never agree to be a non-sovereign state, to be dependent on someone else&, said the president.Rowland said Washington sees the possibility of full normalization of relations with Belarus. The U.S. is pleased with the progress that Belarus has achieved in the past two years, he added.The U.S. is ready to cooperate further with Belarus for a positive future, and the main thing is for the territorial sovereignty and independence of Belarus to be at the highest and strongest level, the diplomat said.Belarus has no U.S. ambassador since 2008. The two countries mutually reduced staff of their embassies to five people in 2008 after the United States had imposed economic sanctions on Belarus.In recent years, Belarus has improved relations with the West against the background of the role of Minsk in the settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Earlier, the U.S. suspended sanctions on a number of Belarusian enterprises.  SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- Indian-controlled Kashmir government is currently facing grave financial crisis, an official spokesman said Wednesday.&A spokesman of governor disclosed that consequent to holding several rounds of personal discussions with the planning and finance secretaries, and consultations with the chief secretary, the governor has addressed a detailed communication to the Union Finance Minister regarding the crisis being faced on the financial front,& a spokesman said.The Governor N N Vohra has wrote to India's federal government for immediate support to ward off the crisis.Indian-controlled Kashmir is currently under India's direct rule and region's governor is running the affairs.The recently concluded local elections brought a hung verdict with no party winning a clear majority in the region.According to the spokesman, the region's governor was likely to visit New Delhi to meet Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to seek his urgent help to enable the local government to tide over the crisis.  ISTANBUL, June 11 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of


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