
大力金刚腿!罗伯特·卡洛斯生涯劲爆剪辑 01:08:04 {{info|html}} {{advert|html}}
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and Powered by在世界足球史上,大腿粗度前三名是不是罗伯特?卡洛斯、马拉多纳、罗马里奥呀?
21回复/2亮 4638浏览
引用14楼 @ 发表的:足坛奥尼尔能否一站。。。估计也就巴西肥马埃尔顿能跟这位兄弟一战了发自手机虎扑
& 允许多选听说罗伯特卡洛斯的大腿比成年男子的腰还粗?太恐怖了吧?
34回复/4亮 15540浏览
引用18楼 @ 发表的:
老弟 找女的 不是搓澡过后的事吗
引用19楼 @ 发表的:
引用2楼 @ 发表的:我还记得这是十几年前读书时看球的四大梗之一:卡洛斯腿比正常人腰粗,苏克左脚能拉小提琴,巴蒂一脚能踢死一头牛,比埃尔霍夫平时拿铅球练头球
引用23楼 @ 发表的:
Done is better than perfect.
引用26楼 @ 发表的:
引用27楼 @ 发表的:
Done is better than perfect.
引用29楼 @ 发表的:
引用2楼 @ 发表的:我还记得这是十几年前读书时看球的四大梗之一:卡洛斯腿比正常人腰粗,苏克左脚能拉小提琴,巴蒂一脚能踢死一头牛,比埃尔霍夫平时拿铅球练头球
卡洛斯的大腿是不是足球史上最粗? - 足球话题区 - 虎扑足球论坛
Done is better than perfect.
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最近看到英国《每日电讯报》的一篇报道,列举了20位最被高估的球星。名单如下:1. Mario Balotelli巴洛特利It remains something of a mystery how the volatile striker has had £59m spent on him in transfer fees. At Inter, Manchester City, AC Milan and now Liverpool, Balotelli has failed to completely fulfil his apparent potential, and generated more headlines for his antics off the pitch than for his performances on it.还是想不通怎么会有人脑子抽了在他身上花5900万英镑转会费。在、和,巴洛特利都没有完全发挥出他的潜力。抢头条的往往是他的逗逼行为而不是杰出表现。2. Robinho罗比尼奥Another player who has commanded huge transfer fees but never quite delivered on his early promise. The Brazilian suffered probably the most disappointing spell of his career at Manchester City where, after arriving for £32m in September 2008 and making a good start at Eastlands, he faded badly and was shipped out on loan to Santos in January 2010. Now back on loan at Santos after an underwhelming few seasons with AC Milan.又是一个表现配不上高额转会费的人。巴西人在经历了他职业生涯最让人失望的时期。08年9月份以3200万欧元来到曼城之后,他高开低走,最后在10年1月租借到了桑托斯。后来在的不太亮眼的表现之后,又被租回给了桑托斯。3. Radamel Falcao罗梅达尔·A player who has always seemed driven primarily by his next big pay packet, Falcao has performed so badly at Manchester United this season that he is likely to be sent back to Monaco. With just four goals in 22 appearances for Louis van Gaal’s side this campaign, following 11 in 20 games for Monaco in the weak French league last season, Falcao appears to be a player on the wane.这是一个看起来总在被另一个大主顾驱使的球员。本赛季在曼联表现如此糟糕以至于他很可能被遣送回。上赛季在出场20次打入11球,本赛季在手下出场22次打入4球。法尔考看起来正在走下坡路。4. Zlatan Ibrahimovic No-one’s denying he’s excellent value with his ridiculous proclamations about himself, but is he actually as good as he thinks he is? No Champions League wins in his career and the fact that he hasn’t played in one of Europe’s top three leagues since leaving Barcelona for Milan in August 2010 suggest he may not quite be the phenomenon he claims to be.没人否认的价值以及他的自我吹嘘,但他实际上真像他自己所吹嘘的那样好吗?伊布职业生涯没赢过欧冠冠军,在10年8月离开巴萨前往之后他也再没有在欧洲前三的俱乐部踢过球,这说明他可能并不是他自称的那种现象级球员。
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5. Faustino Asprilla法斯蒂诺·阿斯普里拉Undoubtedly a wonderfully talented forward, but one who was often more of a hindrance than a help. His spell at Newcastle was punctuated by sublime moments of skill and of course an unforgettable Champions League hat-trick against Barcelona, but all too often Asprilla meandered around the pitch looking like he’d rather be anywhere else.不可否认是个有天赋的球员,但经常是球队的累赘而不是大腿。效力于纽卡斯尔时,他有一些非常高光的表现,欧冠上还有对巴萨的帽子戏法,但更多时候他在球场上散步,心不在焉。6. David Luiz大卫·路易斯The Brazilian defender’s likeability and penchant for ridiculous passes and pieces of technique often masks his limitations as a centre-back. Luiz is frequently found wanting defensively, most brutally during his country’s 7-0 defeat to Germany at the 2014 World Cup. Quite how Luiz has had £70m spent on him in transfer fees is anyone’s guess.这位巴西后卫的魅力以及喜欢不可思议的妙传以及一些小技术掩盖了他作为中后卫的缺陷。但他防守能力不行,比如去年世界杯上被德国灌了个七喜。他是怎样配得上7000万的转会费的?7. Ezequiel Lavezzi埃泽奎尔·拉维奇Lavezzi runs around a lot and looks busy, but isn’t actually very good. He failed to score a single goal from six matches at the 2014 World Cup and has managed just four goals in 31 games for PSG this season. Yet somehow he is always linked with a big money move to the Premier League.拉维奇跑动积极但这不够看。去年世界杯上他6场比赛一球未进,这赛季31场比赛进了4个球。但还是有人人傻钱多想把他带到英超。
9. Sergio Ramos拉莫斯Lucky to find himself playing for Spain in an era when their midfield was so dominant that defenders like Ramos could largely put their feet up and enjoy the spectacle. When Ramos is required to defend one on one, he is all too often rash in his decision making – as demonstrated by the 19 red cards he has picked up in La Liga, more than any other player.水爷很幸运处在西班牙中场盛极一时的时代,但是当一对一防守的时候他总是毛毛躁躁的。在他得了19张红牌,比所有人都多。10. Jack Wilshere威尔希尔Hand on heart, how many really great Jack Wilshere moments can you remember? In truth, the Arsenal midfielder has too often flattered to deceive and yet still retains a reputation for being one of England’s best players. Surely he has to produce something soon to match his inflated reputation?实话实说,你能记住威尔希尔多少经典的时刻?事实上,这位阿森纳中场被吹大了,被吹成是英格兰最好的球员之一。但他的能力真配得上他过于膨胀的名声吗?11. Steven Gerrard杰拉德Similar to Rooney, Gerrard should be regarded as a very good but not great player. For all the Roy of the Rovers moments (the 2005 Champions League final, the 2006 FA club final salvo), there have been the high-profile setbacks – the slip against Chelsea and the red cards, including against Manchester United last month.和鲁尼一样,杰拉德应该被看作是一名优秀球员而不是伟大球员。在所有的高光时刻(05年伊斯坦布尔之夜以及06年足总杯决赛),也都有低光表现——对阵切尔西的失误以及红牌,包括上个月对阵曼联的那次。12. Roberto Baggio罗伯托·巴乔A bit of a highlights player, Baggio often went missing in big games, and his greatness is slightly distorted by a nostalgia for the mid-1990s and the era of James Richardson and Italian football on Channel 4. His failure to win a major tournament with the Azzurri is a slight blot on his international copybook.有一些亮眼的球员,巴乔经常在大赛中迷失,而且他的伟大被人们对90年代的怀旧之风、詹姆斯·理查森的时代以及英国电视4台的意大利足球所放大了。在意大利国家队的失败是他的污点。
13. AdrianoA ferocious left-footed shot and ability to score from miles out every so often does not a world class player make. Adriano had all the talent to be one of the best strikers in the world, but could never produce the goods on a consistent basis, and his occasional screamer shouldn’t mask what was overall a disappointing career.惊人的左脚射门以及经常远射得分的能力是其他世界级球员做不到的。拥有成为最优秀前锋的所有天分,但是却不能持续发挥好的表现。他的偶尔的高光不能掩盖整体的平庸。14. Wayne Rooney韦恩·Let’s face it, if Rooney was as good as many in this country think he is, he’d have been snapped up by a Real Madrid or a Barcelona. The former Everton striker has definitely had his moments, but his poor goal return in major tournaments for England, coupled with just the one Champions League win, illustrate why he can’t be considered one of the game’s true greats.让我们来正视这一点。如果像英国很多人所认为的那样优秀的话,他早就被挑走了。这位曾经的前锋确实有属于他的时刻,但是他在国家队关键比赛上的糟糕表现,以及只有一个欧冠冠军这一事实,说明了他为什么不能被认为是一名伟大的球员。15. David Ginola大卫·吉诺拉One of the world’s best on his day, but unfortunately his day was very infrequent. Ginola’s carefree attitude infuriated most of the managers he worked with, which is partly why he never lasted more than three years at any club. Too often Ginola was a luxury player who struggled for consistency.他是他那个时代最好的球员之一,但不幸的是他那个时代太短暂。吉诺拉不负责任的态度惹恼了大多数和他共事的经理人,这也是他为什么不能在任何一个俱乐部效力超过三年的原因之一。多数情况下,吉诺拉是一个为持久性而奋斗的奢侈的球员。16. Denilson大德尼尔森Silky skills and a world-record transfer fee aside, Denilson didn’t achieve a great deal in his career. Granted, he won the World Cup with Brazil in 2002, but he was no more than a fringe player and he failed to deliver on the early promise that saw Real Betis break the world record for a transfer fee when they signed the playmaker for £21.5m in 1998.有柔滑的技能和创纪录的转会费,但德尼尔森的职业生涯没有达到相应的高度。即便赢得了02年世界杯,但他也只是个边缘人物,皇家贝蒂斯在1998年以2150万英镑的天价转会费签下德尼尔森,但他却没有值回这一身价。
17. Florent MaloudaThey say class is permanent and form is temporary, and Malouda is a very good example of that. He enjoyed a purple patch for Chelsea in the 2009-10 season, but that was more the exception than the rule for a one-paced and limited winger. Few Chelsea fans were disappointed to see the Frenchman leave in June 2013.人们说铁打的营盘流水的兵,马卢达正是典型的代表。他在09到10赛季的的表现非常亮眼,但只是昙花一些。很少有切尔西球迷对这位法国人在13年6月的离开感到遗憾。18. Nicolas Anelka尼古拉·阿内卡尔Perhaps football’s ultimate mercenary, Anelka made few friends in a career that took in 12 clubs and £66.5m in transfer fees. When the mood took him, the French striker could produce terrific displays, but his scoring rate was not as good (a goal every third game) as one might expect from such an expensive striker.或许是足球的终极雇佣兵。效力过12个俱乐部,转会费达到6650万英镑,但他的职业生涯中很少交到朋友。当气急上火时,他会做出一些可怕的举动。而且他的进球率也配不上他如此高的身价。19. Carlos Valderrama卡洛斯·If Kinkladze’s reputation was built on one goal, Valderrama’s was built on a ludicrous hairstyle and flamboyant image. A talented player, but one whose notoriety owes more to his character and appearance than anything he did on the pitch. Valderrama only played for two European clubs - Montpellier and Real Valladolid – and with neither did he enjoy much success.如果的名气建立在一个进球之上的话,的名气就建立在他滑稽的发型和浮夸的形象上。他有天赋,但是他的性格和形象比他在球场上的表现更有名。巴尔德拉马只效力过两个欧洲俱乐部——的和的,但都不算太成功。20. Georgi Kinkladze乔泽尔·If ever there was a player who built his reputation on a single goal, it was the skilful Georgian. Kinkladze’s goal for Manchester City against Southampton was a thing of beauty but was a pretty rare highlight for a player who only scored 22 times in 122 games for City and then endured disappointing spells at Derby and Ajax before seeing out his career with Anorthosis Famagusta and Rubin Kazan.如果说有哪一名球员的荣誉是建立在一个进球之上的话,那他就是。他在对阵南安普顿时为曼城打进了一个漂亮的进球,但那是他少见的高光时刻。为曼城出场122次只打进了22个进球,然后在德比郡和阿贾克斯度过了暗淡的时光,并在法马古斯塔阿诺托西斯和喀山红钻度过了最后的职业生涯。
相对于其他排名 英煤这个还算靠谱的
个人荣誉(足球先生) 大于集体荣誉(世界杯,欧冠)且属于球队核心的球员在这个名单里我感觉没什么好奇怪的。 譬如。当然这名单里有一些应该有却没提及的也无可厚非,,,,,,(号称金童的似乎都容易被高估?)
看见这个贴我就菊花一紧 以为有我罗 另外我觉得所有常开队的都被严重高估了


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