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足球竞猜 - 测试你的体育知识 与世界足球的琐事游戏
开发商:Stojan Pesic
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A New Sport Quiz 2015 is out:- interesting questions- fun facts about playersChallenge yourself and take a quiz to test your general knowledge of the most popular US sports league - the NFL! Check out how well you really know the football teams, the most popular players of American football and their positions in the game (offense, defense)! "Football Trivia Game" is a new 2015 football quiz game with endless questions and answers about your favorite sport league! Answer to these quick quiz questions, train your brain and memory while learning some new facts about football superstars and your favorite championship!- 5 levels of difficulty in the endless quiz q- Choose one of the offered answers and do it fast, - Give the answer quickly and win extra p- Be careful not to make three errors in a row or else you'l- Use one of 3 available helps to solve the questions: **50:50 – remove t**Switch your quest**Use the help of your friends – take a look at their answers shown in percents.- Log in with Facebook to win free coins and compete with your friends - check the leaderboard and beat the high score!Who is the most famous quarterback, cornerback or linebacker? Who is currently at the following positions - running back or wide receiver? If you know all this data and much more, do not hesitate to download this quizlet app and show your immaculate knowledge of this sport league! Test yourself and also find out some trivial facts about all these players! Enjoy competing with your Facebook friends! Quizup right now and play a brain-engaging trivia knowledge trainer free of charge! Spin the quiz wheel now and give the correct answer as quick as you can in order to earn bonus points and move to the next level! Embark on your quiz quest and enjoy competing with your Facebook friends! This fun US sports quiz is fit for fans of “football game” of all age: kids, teen boys and girls, adults and seniors can all test themselves with this NFL Football Trivia Game! Achieve the best “football quiz” score!If you like to play “sport trivia games” that are free, you must obtain this educational sports quiz! Warn your friends to prepare for a professional touchdown because you're going to achieve the best “football quiz” score ever! The National Football League and Super Bowl make the most popular sport league not only in the USA but also all over the world! American football is a favorite sport of most Americans and that's exactly why this league is so popular, and why we made this quiz! Prepare your fingers for quick tapping!The quiz questions may seem too easy at times, or the quiz may seem impossible, on the other hand, but don't get discouraged and keep on playing!Download a free brain training game for adults and kids and you'll see how this sport can be even more interesting than it already is! Prepare your fingers for quick tapping and quiz yourself! This football knowledge trainer is a great pastime game, plus it is free-to-play!Spend all your free time in a good way – Football Trivia Game is now available for you at anytime and anywhere!
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.0大小: 27.1 MB语言: 英语开发商: Stojan Pesic兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
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目前: 竞彩篮球胜负玩法,竞彩篮球游戏推出4种游戏玩法;。 1,竞猜的比赛由国家体育总局体育彩票管理中心选定并向社会公布;让分胜负&quot、&quot,分别为&和&quot、&、 竞彩篮球胜负游戏;大小分&quot.;胜负&quot:以国家体育总局体育彩票管理中心选定的国际重要篮;;胜分差&quot


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