
11-04-14 &
SIM卡是一种接触式IC卡,里面储存了SIM卡序列号、国际移动用户识别码(IMSI)、鉴权密钥(Ki)、PIN密码、PUK密码、运营商服务菜单、短信和通讯录(如果你选择把它们保存在SIM卡上的话). 既然SIM卡里面没有本机号码,那怎么实现通信呢?以使用最广泛的GSM标准为例,当你注册一个手机号的时候,运营商就将这个手机号与SIM卡序列号、卡里的IMSI和鉴权密钥Ki做了对应登记,储存在数据库里。在开机的时候,手机向SIM卡请求IMSI,然后把IMSI发送给运营商。运营商通过在数据库中检索这个IMSI来判断你是否是合法用户,并获得这个IMSI所对应的手机号码和鉴权密钥Ki。随后,运营商会任意生成一个随机数,并把这个随机数发送给手机。同时,运营商使用这个随机数和鉴权密钥Ki算出一个通讯密钥Kc和一个返回码Res。手机将接收到的随机数输入SIM卡。SIM卡也用自身储存的鉴权密钥Ki和这个随机数算出通讯密钥Kc和返回码Res,然后让手机只将Res发回给运营商。运营商收到Res后,并与自己之前算出来的Res对比,如果两者一致,那么恭喜你,你的手机就接入网络啦!这个过程就是“鉴权”。此后的通讯过程,运营商和手机双方都是使用刚刚算出的通讯密钥Kc进行加密的。转自
作者 上文可以看出通信过程中根本不没有手机号码的信息,网上那些自然那些是骗人的.
多谢 @曾昭颢 给的连接可以说明问题了。 有更详细深入的描述。GSM的加密算法有三个:A3,A8,A5。(A3,A8)是用于身份识别的,复制号码的话动手脚是在这个地方。A5 是用于通话加密的据了解 comp128-1 就有比较严重的弱点,可以在几分钟被破解。不过现在已经是 comp128-4 了。在09年的时候被德国人
破解,并发布了一个开源的GSM破解项目,不过只是理论上的破解,实际目测运算量非常大。之所以好奇这个问题,是因为在 gfan 上一个。 里面提到骗子在仅知道他手机号码的情况下,就可以模仿他的电话号码欺骗顺丰客服。觉得很不可思议。如果是真那未免也太可怕了吧。----------------------------------写于三周前的草稿,差点忘了,先发出来。以后有了解更多再来补充吧。
社交帐号登录Imagine waking up every morning without the burden of financial hardship or a poor credit situation.
As you sip on your morning coffee, you’d be relaxed knowing that if you were faced with an emergency, you could get your hands on the money you needed.
Trouble is, according to CNN Money 76% of Americans life paycheck to paycheck – which is why having a credit history is so critically important.
If you have decided to repair your credit rating, you’ve made a wise decision.
Bear in mind, it will take a bit of time and persistence to get yourself back on track – however the peace of mind you’ll gain will be well worth the effort.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Find a Reputable Credit Counselor to Help You:
Credit repair can be a complicated process. Professional counselors can give you the advice you need, and help you create a repair plan that is best suited for your unique situation. Look for companies that provide a money back warranty, full customer support, as well as 24/7 online access to a portal that tracks your credit repair process.
2. Avoid Companies That Use Templates and Form Letters:
Credit bureaus receive hundred if not thousands of dispute letters every day. To manage this volume, they rely on an automated letter sorter that earmarks form letters and marks them with a lower priority. Select a company willing to customize your letter so you get faster, more efficient results.
3. Start Building a Good History of New Credit Accounts:
An effective strategy to boost your credit score is to open new lines of credit. New credit accounts will impact your credit score by as much as 30%. It’s best to select a company with a close connection to creditors. That way it will be easier for you to gain approval for new credit accounts even if you have a low credit score or poor credit history.
4. Become Knowledgeable About the Way Credit Works:
Credit repair can be a long and tedious process. It’s best to deal with a company who is willing to explain and educate you about the credit process. The more knowledge you have the easier it will be to avoid the same credit pitfalls in the future. Select credit repair companies with a high rate of success: Far too many credit repair companies simply send out form letters and take your money.
5. Ask For a Professional Contract:
Legitimate credit repair companies will provide you with an agreement or contract.
Be sure that your contract covers all of the information that you have been told verbally. Take the time to read all of the fine print, and don’t move forward unless the terms of the agreement are clearly stated in writing. When interviewing companies remember to ask them about their “deletion rate.” The deletion rate is the percentage of negative accounts that are typically removed from a client’s profile. It will give you a good idea as to how effective their methods are.
6. Make sure electronic payments are available to track your investment:
Never pay with cash or deposit service fees into an account. Professional companies create a paper trail. They will accept credit cards or online payments that can be verified after the fact. You don’t necessarily have to meet face to face because most credit repair companies are set up to handle business virtually, but make sure that the company you deal with doesn’t ask you for unusual requests.
In a nutshell, there are several credit repair companies to choose from, some are good, some are not. It’s always in your best interest to review their credentials and verify their success.
Some individuals are spending hours on the telephone daily, speaking to creditors and lawyers and even more lenders, all in an attempt to break clear of those bad credit score chains that bind us up while keeping us from enjoying life. Bad credit can weigh on the shoulders until it’s looked after, so let’s go ahead and take steps to mend that score completely. Look into government backed loans should you not hold the credit that is required to look the regular route by way of a bank or credit union. They can be a major aid in house owners that are searching for an additional chance when they had trouble by using a previous mortgage or loan. Have a copy of your credit score at regular intervals, and maintain a careful look for agencies to report your repair efforts. If you are clearing negative issues on your credit history, monitoring your report allows you to verify that agencies are correctly administering facts about your status and this additional negative reports will not be being made.
Make your visa or MasterCard balances low. Possessing a high credit limit on the card can appear like you’ve won the lottery, but using that entire limit will reduce your score. Keep balances with a 50% maximum. 30% is a lot more of a prime target. And you don’t need every dollar that has been extended to you, in this way you happen to be showing that you could handle your credit well. When attempting to repair your credit, will not be enticed by the scams that explain to you they will enable you to produce a new credit file. Developing a new credit file is actually fraud if you opt to follow through. Should you create a new credit file, because it is fraud, you are able to face legal repercussions. By maintaining a favorable credit ranking, you might be able to reduce interest levels. This helps decrease your monthly payments, and help you pay them off quicker. Asking for a much better deal through your debtors may help you get out of debt and to achieving an improved credit score.
Be suspicious of collection agencies that try and talk over you together with is not going to answer the questions you have. Agencies that happen to be scams will try to keep you off balance by continuously talking without providing you with any facts. Should they aren’t answering your concerns and are threatening you, let them know to get hold of you merely in writing. Find a very good quality help guide use and it will be possible to correct your credit all by yourself.
These are typically available all over the net along with the information that these particular provide plus a copy of your credit score, you will probably be capable of repair your credit. Now you know a thing or two on how to repair that bad credit score, it’s time for you to put the tips into action and begin living a poor-credit-free life. Make sure to invest some time and also to examine each of the angles. You must keep plugging away at it until it’s resolved, though not all word of advice you read relevant to credit will instantly do the job.
Nobody expects to find 10 inches of water in the living room. Did you know that floods are the number one natural disaster in the United States? Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone, and the best thing you can do to protect your family and home is to be prepared. Read on to find out some things you can do before this natural disaster strikes.
Plan Ahead
-Buy flood insurance: Believe it or not, a regular home insurance does not cover water damage. This is why it’s highly recommended that business owners and homeowners purchase flood insurance. Just remember that it takes 30 days after your purchase for your flood insurance protection to become valid.
-Build your house on the right place: Avoid building your home and business on low-lying land next to a river. These areas extend from the banks of the river to the walls of the enclosed valley walls. Even when these areas remain dry for many years, when there’s abundant rain, your house can be in great danger.
-Take care of electrical appliances: You should elevate your HVAC and electrical systems, including the wiring, at least one foot. Doing this will help you prevent short circuits and potential fires. Also, take into consideration that any electrical components inundated, even if it’s just a short period of time, must be replaced.
-Build a barrier: In order to prevent water coming into your home, you can also build a barrier. You can either build a levee out of compacted earth or masonry. Masonry is a structure made of individual components that are bound together. Besides protecting your home, the greatest advantage of these types of barriers is that they won’t change the appearance of your house.
-Seal your house: Install water shields over the windows, doors, and any other openings. Also, coat the walls with waterproof sealant. Remember to seal all the lower areas of your house.
During A Storm
-Be alert: watch or listen to the news. Get updated information constantly, in case you need to leave your house.
-Move to a safe place: You don’t need to wait for instructions to move to higher ground. However, if you decide to stay home, and at some point the authorities determine that an evacuation is necessary, you must leave! If you have time, before you leave bring the outdoor furniture inside your house, and move important stuff to the upper floor. And don’t forget to lock your house!
-Be safe: Know what areas fill with water faster and try not to drive or walk near them. In addition, avoid all contact with floodwater. It’s dangerous because it contains chemical waste or sewage. If for some reason you come in contact with it, wash yourself right away with clean water and soap.
Several factors can lead to water intrusion, but a missing kick out flashing, often results in concentrated areas of water accumulation and can lead to severe damage to exterior walls. Home Inspectors should make sure that kick outs are present where they are needed and that they are installed correctly. Water damage in the cladding or siding can occasionally be observed on the exterior wall in the form of vertical stains, Home Inspectors should not completely rely on visual identification.
The following problems may be observed associated with kick out flashing:
Kick out Not Installed
The need for kick out flashing has developed fairly recently. The increased amount of insulation and building wrap used in modern construction makes buildings less breathable and more prone to sustain water damage. As a Home Inspector we see Kick Out Flashing not installed quite frequently. We hope that by the time we get to inspect the property there has not been excessive damage done to the siding, roofing or the structure of the home.
The following are locations where kick out flashing is needed:
Anywhere a roof and exterior wall intersect, where the wall continues past the lower roof-edge and gutter
Where gutters terminate at the side of the chimney
Kick out not properly installed:
The bottom seam of the flashing must be watertight
The angle of the diverter should never be less than 110 degrees
Another sign that Kick out flashing is not installed or installed improperly is that many home owners will opt for the DIY type of installation. This is when they simply install a flat piece of flashing at the eaves or the bottom area of the rooftop. As a Home Inspector we see this quite often. Homeowners install this and use a silicone based sealant around the area. Silicone is a “band-aid”. Also, they do not protect the entire area where the siding meets the roofing material. Thus making the rest of the area very susceptible for water or moisture damage.
Kick out has been modified by the Homeowner:
Many homeowners do not understand the importance of kick outs. For this reason, many choose to alter them due to cosmetic concerns. A common modification is to shorten their height to less than the standard six inches, which will greatly reduce their effectiveness.
Home owners may also make kick out flashings less conspicuous by cutting them flush with the wall
Bankruptcy is a very delicate subject for most people. It’s senseless for anyone to feel ashamed to file for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy when most of us have also made bad choices at one time or another.
Everyone deserves a 2nd chance in life and filing bankruptcy can offer you exactly that.
Bankruptcy is a legal status for a person or business that can’t pay off unsettled debt. This is something that only a state or federal court can determine.
Most people don’t want to file for bankruptcy and see it as a last resort for options. Bankruptcy will allow an individual to wipe out “most of” or “all of” their debts.
Here are some reason why someone would file for bankruptcy.
1. Stop Foreclosure
2. Prevent Repossession of an Automobile
3. Lower debt
4. Eliminate debt
5. Stop wage garnishment
Before you file get prepared
I’m going to give you some good advice and what you’ll do with it is totally up to you. Before you file, you’ll most likely have to obtain credit counseling within 180 days. You’ll need to receive the credit counseling from an “approved provider” listed on the US courts website.
You’ll need to talk to a lawyer who will help you file and walk you through the entire process. Filing can cost $700-$2500 or even more depending on where you file. Most of the time, your attorney will have information about the credit counseling programs and the list of “approved providers.”
How long will it take to recover?
In most cases bankruptcies will stay on your credit report for 7-10 years, there are many things you could do to start improving your credit after you file.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcies- You might be able to land a conventional loan two years after a Chapter 13 discharge. FHA and VA loans are even more tolerant.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcies- you’re typically looking at a four-year wait for conventional loans and a two-year wait for either FHA or VA financing.
Auto mobile financing is pretty simple to obtain these days but your IR will be very high and your payment won’t be pretty either.
What types of bankruptcies are available?
Most of the time you will only hear of chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy. Although chapter 7 and chapter 13 are some options available there are four other options as well.
Chapter 9: Chapter 9 may only be applied to municipalities such as cities or towns and allows for their reorganization. This is most likely something you will never hear of again.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 is the third most common type of bankruptcy filing, with 1,757 filings in 2011. This chapter is almost always used to reorganize businesses but may be used by individuals as well. If you own a business, you might want to consider filing a chapter 11.
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 is used exclusively to adjust the debts of a family farmer or family fisherman.
Chapter 15: Chapter 15 applies to cross-border cases, in which the debtor has assets and debts both in the United States and elsewhere.
I hope this article gave you some understanding of the options that you have and also helps you find the right attorney to help you with your filing.在那里可以购买到查询别人的QQ微信聊天记录的软件
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