
&&&the news 在 外国语言文字 分类中
&&&&The News Interview
&&&&Thus, to know the stylistic characteristics of it is of great significance to English newsreaders for it will help them to understand the news better and enjoy the beauty of language.
&&&&Testing skills of the news broadcast in the listening comprehension of TEM 4
&&&&The rhetoric of news texts, in a broad sense, refers to how news texts transmit news values, how news texts persuade readers to accept what news texts transmit, how news texts serve the news communication aim--to persuade.
&&&&While expressing the content of news, language as the carrier of information indirectly transfers the attitude of media toward the news event and the way that media dealing with its relationship with its audience.
&&&&The second Chapter is about the definition and its character of broadcast news, which provides a better understanding on the techniques and methods in translating different styles of broadcast news by presenting and exploring different understandings to the news by the news theorists from past and present, at home and abroad along with its different types.
&&&&第二章阐述了广播新闻的定义以及广播新闻的体裁特点,列举并探讨了古今中外的新闻理论家对新闻含义的不同见解。 在本章也列举了广播新闻的种类,以便于总结翻译不同类型的广播新闻的技巧与方法。
&&&&In conducting a transitivity analysis of English news discourse from China and the United Sates, the thesis here tends to investigate whether different ideologies hidden behind news discourse will show up when the news discourses are about the same news events and of the same genre and whether there is any difference in the choices of the transitivity processes in different genres.
&&&&正是基于这一点,本论文主要采用及物性理论,这一批评性分析工具,对中国和美国的英语新闻语篇进行批评性分析。 其目的是研究对于同样的新闻事件和同样的新闻体裁,隐藏在新闻语篇背后的意识形态是否能通过对新闻语篇进行及物性分析而体现出来,而且对于同样的新闻事件,不同的新闻体裁有什么及物性特点。
&&&&With regard to the existential reasons of vagueness in news English, through the analyses of the news materials from the perspective of adaptation theory, the author reached a conclusion that news wording has to make some certain adaptations: adaptations to the news users, the mental world, the social world, and the physical world.
&&&&In fact, news is pervasive and more and more experts have paid close attention to it. Linguists also have studied news language from different aspects, which is the most important communicative element in news, in order to grasp the basic language rules and theory, and thus make the news language more scientific and accomplish the aim of news.
&&&&The news headline is the eye of news and the highly artistic condensation, the most important function of which is to attract readers' attention, make readers clear at a glance and arouse their curiosity to read on.
&&&&The rhetoric of news texts, in a broad sense, refers to how news texts transmit news values, how news texts persuade readers to accept what news texts transmit, how news texts serve the news communication aim--to persuade.
&&&&Foregrounding at the semantic level principally turns up in the news headlines.
&&&&In conducting a transitivity analysis of English news discourse from China and the United Sates, the thesis here tends to investigate whether different ideologies hidden behind news discourse will show up when the news discourses are about the same news events and of the same genre and whether there is any difference in the choices of the transitivity processes in different genres.
&&&&正是基于这一点,本论文主要采用及物性理论,这一批评性分析工具,对中国和美国的英语新闻语篇进行批评性分析。 其目的是研究对于同样的新闻事件和同样的新闻体裁,隐藏在新闻语篇背后的意识形态是否能通过对新闻语篇进行及物性分析而体现出来,而且对于同样的新闻事件,不同的新闻体裁有什么及物性特点。
&&&&With regard to the existential reasons of vagueness in news English, through the analyses of the news materials from the perspective of adaptation theory, the author reached a conclusion that news wording has to make some certain adaptations: adaptations to the news users, the mental world, the social world, and the physical world.
&&&&The object of the case study is the news reports and comments on the mid-air collision between a US plane and a Chinese plane on April 1st,2001. Twenty-four texts are selected by stratified sampling from the Internet.
&&&&本文的个案研究对象是日发生的中美撞机事件的相关报导和评论。 作者以分层抽样(stratified sampling)的方式从因特网上抽取24篇文章。
&&&&So we can testify how the functional tenor facilitate ideology inculcation by the news report register.
&&&&Do the news reports in it share similar stylistic features to or differ much from those in VOA?
&&&&Through comparison, it has been perceived that many similarities as well as some slight differences exist between the news reports in VOA and CRI.
&&&&As few people have enough time to read the news from the very beginning to the end, most readers try to learn as much information as they can in the shortest possible time.
查询“the news”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This article deals with the main features of headine language to help readers avoid the trouble of choosing the news. &&&&&&&&&&&&本文阐述了英文报刊标题语言的主要特征,为读者有选择地阅读报刊提供了捷径。&&&&&&&& The news report has two mews sources . One is the contributions from special correspondents or news reporters ,the other is the news dispatches. This paper focuses on some techniques in English-Chinese translation of news dispatches:(1)How to deal with news(2)Omission of the(3)(4)(5)Conversion of the passive voice , parts of speech and structures of rich modifiers. &&&&&&&&&&&&在现代社会中 ,新闻的消息来源主要有记者的采访和通讯社的电讯稿。新闻翻译工作者可以通过 1)消息来源的处理 ,2 )功能词的省略 ,3)语态的转换 ,4 )词类的转化 ,5)词序结构的调整等技巧完成较高质量的电讯翻译&&&&&&&& According to the college teaching syllabus for English major students, the students are required to understand normal speed English News on VOA and BBC when they graduate. The English broadcast news program has its own pattern. It consists of the lead and the body. Most new words are usually first used in the English news.There are many new acronyms and abbreviations in the news. The most prominent feature is that the ... &&&&&&&&&&&&听懂美国之音正常语速和英国广播公司国际新闻的主要内容 ,是高校英语专业教学大纲的要求。听力中的新闻英语有其固有的模式 ,英语广播新闻是由导语和正文组成的 ,导语是每则新闻的中心要点和高度概括。新闻英语中独具特色的是词汇和语法。英语中的词汇总是最先通过新闻媒体向大众传播 ,新闻英语中新词汇层出不穷 ,人名、地名和缩略语也很多。新闻的最大特点在于新闻的语法与传统语法书上不同 ,新闻中一般现在时既可描述过去发生的事 ,也可表示将来的事 ;以前置定语代替短语和从句也是新闻英语的特色之一。在新闻广播中还常用“某某人说”来表明引语及其出处&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
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&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社在qq里聊天,怎么才能把打字翻译成各种国外语言_百度知道


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