
翻译一个句子,尤其是这句中的whopping怎么翻?In recent PGA Tours,for example,women like Annika Sorenstam, Suzy Whaley, and Michelle Wie----herself a whopping 14 years old------have vied for top honors in golf and finished with quite resp_百度作业帮
翻译一个句子,尤其是这句中的whopping怎么翻?In recent PGA Tours,for example,women like Annika Sorenstam, Suzy Whaley, and Michelle Wie----herself a whopping 14 years old------have vied for top honors in golf and finished with quite resp
翻译一个句子,尤其是这句中的whopping怎么翻?In recent PGA Tours,for example,women like Annika Sorenstam, Suzy Whaley, and Michelle Wie----herself a whopping 14 years old------have vied for top honors in golf and finished with quite respectable scores against their male counterparts. 请问这句中的whopping怎么翻
whopping 这里宜翻译成“惊人的 ,令人咂舌的”或者a whopping 14 years old整个翻译成“14岁超小年纪”以下供参考.The album debuted at the top of the charts with a whopping 2.4 million copies sold in its first week of release,setting a new all-time single-week sales record.此专辑首度荣登排行榜之冠,在第一星期内就卖到了令人咋舌的240万张,创下了单周发行量的历史新高.
这是个简单句。 在柔道中,他的对手只有一种方法来对付他哪种最难(句子结构 the only one known (to the world)known后边省略了单词,意思就
在最近的高尔夫之旅,例如,女性喜欢Sorenstam安妮•惠利,米歇尔·容格——自己高达14岁- - - - - -有争夺最高荣誉高尔夫和完成了相当优异成绩与她们的男性同行。whopping意思就是:高达
最近的美国职业高尔夫球巡回赛中,女子组中的 比如安妮卡-索伦斯坦,苏西惠利,魏圣美(一个仅仅只有14岁的女孩儿)相互竞争为争夺高尔夫球的最高荣誉,最终以可观的比分战胜了她们的男子组对手。
表示 出乎意料之外的感觉
在最近的美国职业高尔夫协会巡回演出中,女性选手,例如,像Annika Sorenstam, Suzy Whaley 以及 Michelle Wie (年仅14岁)等人的表现令人难忘,她们为了高尔夫的最高荣誉不断刻苦努力竞争,不仅打败了她们的男性对手,而且还赢得了令人尊重的荣誉。 其中, whopping 有 巨大的,非常的,令人惊讶的等意思...本站作品版权所有,未经许可不得转载 CopyRight &请问这个句子都包含哪些从句?As the clouds roll in,a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death-out in the open,a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt’s most inviting target._百度作业帮
请问这个句子都包含哪些从句?As the clouds roll in,a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death-out in the open,a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt’s most inviting target.
请问这个句子都包含哪些从句?As the clouds roll in,a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death-out in the open,a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt’s most inviting target.
这是两个并列的句子,用--分开.前一句主语:a leisurely round of golf;谓语:can become;宾语:a terrifying dice with death;状语从句:As the clouds roll in.后一句:主语:a lone golfer;谓语:may be;表语:a lightning bolt’s most inviting target;状语:out in the open.翻译:随着云层卷来,一场悠闲的高尔夫球可能会变成一场可怕的赌命游戏—在户外,一个独自打高尔夫球的人可能会成为最吸引闪电的目标.


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