
good morning, very glad to see you again. recently, the temperature is rising. as the satellite imges shows us, the scourching days may stay with us for another week. just like what you have felt, 1 hour after the rise of sun, the temperature has reached 29 celsius degrees, and the meteorologist says today's indoor temperature could peak at 40 celsius degrees in the late afternoon. if you have not got a air conditioner in your house, it will be better to set a tent and spend your night in it.
a good reminder, basing on the weather forcast,there wont have any rainfall in the next 5 days and you should
be sure to make enough preparation for this continuing high temperature. thank you for your listening, have a nice day.Here is the weather report for the next three days. It will be sunny on Monday. The temperature will be 18 to 20 centigrate degrees. There will be lots of rain on Tuesday. The temperature will be 15 to 17 centigrate degrees. It will rain on Wednesday. The temperature will be 13 to 16 centigrate degrees. That's all for the weather report.Attention, please. There is something important. Our school will hold an English competition next Friday. It will be from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening on our school ground. Please take part in it on time and obey the rules, keep it clean and tidy. Please don't litter things. Please take an active part in it and prepare for it well. Don't waste this chance of improving your spoken English. Thanks for listening.|你好,欢迎来到青春娱乐网!
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“雨神”命中率83.3% 萧敬腾转行天气预报员吧
& & &雨神&萧敬腾自2012年来就特别的红,不仅是因为他的歌声,更是因为他独特的神技,甚至是比曾经的&气功大师&王林还要神奇。不管走到哪里开演唱会,哪里就会下雨,在前天8月7日的时候,萧敬腾的官网被黑了,一打开他的网站首页就出现&萧敬腾,杭州人民需要你&的字样。
& & 估计杭州人民也是被40度的高温逼的没有办法了,才转战&雨神&的网站,想请萧敬腾也去杭州转转,为他们降雨消暑,不过很遗憾的是最近雨神的通告没有到杭州的,可能只会在杭州的上空路过一下而已,不知道这样&雨神&会不会发挥他的神力为杭州人民带来大雨,他周末将会抵达郑州,所以郑州的人民应该已经备好雨伞在等他了。
& & 在今年,萧敬腾12次公众行程中,为所在地方带来雨水的频率统计起来有10次之多,所以他为广大中国人们带来雨水的成功率高达83.3%。这样的准确度可能比一些电视台播放的天气预报精准度还要高。甚至有网友在网上开玩笑说,央视的工作人员问某歌手要了一张他最近的行程表。这个某个歌手就是当之无愧的&雨神&萧敬腾!
& & 萧敬腾到一个地方后,不仅是带来了降水,有细心的网友更是发现了他是否会带来降水的规律,他在一个地方要是呆上个好几天的话一般这个地方是不会下雨的,但是如果他只是小呆个几天,那么他来的那天或者是要走的那天出门就要带上雨伞比较好。
& & 现在国内好几个城市都陷入了将近40度或者40度以上的高温,可惜的是&雨神&萧敬腾最近都没想法去这几个地方,尽管那里的人们都很欢迎他的到来,特别是连续48天高温晴天的大长沙的人们也是在翘首以盼&雨神&大人的到来!
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