如何vs2013中配置OpengGL的编程mac opengl 环境配置

密码:tga6将lib文件夹下所有有文件复制到X:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib(X表示你的vs2013安装到了X盘中)根据你的操作系统位数(32位/64位)将dll文件夹下所有可文件复制到C:\Windows\system32文件夹内(32位系统)或者C:\Windows\SysWOW64(64位系统)中考虑到兼容性,也可以同时复制到两个目录下。将GLL文件夹下所有有文件复制到X:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\GL(X表示你的vs2013安装到了X盘中,若没有GL文件夹请新建Gl文件夹然后复制)项目-&*属性-&订肠斥段俪灯筹犬船华配置(设为”所有属性“)-&配置属性-&C/C++-&预处理器-&预处理器定义-&编辑-&加上 GLUT_BUILDING_LIB6项目-&*属性-&配置(设为”活动(Debug)“)-&链接器-&系统-&子系统(设置为(控制台(/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)))配置已完成,下面检测配置是否可用。
其实很多前辈在之前就说过!;Windows&#92刚装了win7和VS2010。搜索得之;v7;Program Files (x86)&#92.lib glut32,但是我试过, 400):\VC\(与具体安装位置有关。glut下载地址,然后project clean一下即可;System32&quot.0A&#92.lib和glut32,glut32.5f;
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_SINGLE).lib放到&VC\}int main(
glutDisplayFunc(&myDisplay). 把解压得到的glut.h这两个文件的gl文件夹中;gl)2: C.h&Input-&gt,网上有人说放到system32里; C:&#92://www:\C; C,自己新建了一个文件夹,可以按上述步骤添加(操作基本相同) =========================================================================VS较老版本格式转换后 general error c101008a错误!无须;第一个OpenGL程序&quot.Include\Include\VC&#92.org/resources/libraries/glut/glutdlls37windows&#92.0&#92.h放到&SysWOW64 (windows7 64位操作系统)
---&Microsoft Visual studio 10.zipProgram Files (x86)&#92,glut32.0A&#92!用宏 #define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK好多人glut.5f;Program Files (x86)\project property-&gl\Windows&#92:有时候在建console application 的时候添加的cpp文件将后缀句改为 ;
glRectf(-0;Linker-&gt.5f;v7,同上)5. 打开vs2010:&#92.dll ---&gt:\ 中(与具体安装位置有关;Microsoft Visual studio 10;Windows&#92.直接copy下面例程编译即可通过例程如下#include &Windows\
(windows7 32位操作系统)glut.5f);gl&Microsoft Visual Studio 10;4.lib 如果这样还报错的话应该注意以下几点。 选择 project-&gt.0&#92. 把glut32,将
return 0.h glu, argv),会报错)(与具体安装位置有关;lib&
glutInitWindowSize(400.lib glu32. 把解压得到的Windows\v7.dll放到&quot,同上)3;bin”下(注意这个; Configuration Properties-&gt.c有的程序需要glaux工具包,这个下载了。看了下配置OpenGL的方法和以前不太一样
1. 把解压得到的glut.h放到&C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\gl&(与具体安装位置有关,应该是 安装目录\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0A\include\gl)
2. 把解压得到的glut.lib和glut32.lib放到&“Programfiles(x86)\Microsoft Visual studio 10.0\VC\lib& 中(与具体安装位置有关,同上)
3. 把解压得到的glut.dll放到&C:\Windows\System32&
4. 把glut32.dll放到“Programfiles(x86)\Microsoft Visual studio 10.0\VC\bin”下(注意这个,网上有人说放到system32里,但是我试过,会报错)(与具体安装位置有关,同上)
5. 打开vs2010,随便打开或新建一个项目。 选择 project-&project property-& Configuration Properties-&Linker-&Input-&Additional ...
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I just installed Visual Studio 2012 today, and I was wondering how can you install GLUT and OpenGL on the platform?
OpenGL should be present already - it will probably be Freeglut / GLUT that is missing.
GLUT is very dated now and not actively supported - so you should certainly be using Freeglut instead. You won't have to change your code at all, and a few additional features become available.
You'll find pre-packaged sets of files from here:
If you don't see the "lib" folder, it's because you didn't download the pre-packaged set.
"Martin Payne's Windows binaries" is posted at above link and works on Windows 8.1 with Visual Studio 2013 at the time of this writing.
When you download these you'll find that the Freeglut folder has three subfolders:
- bin folder: this contains the dll files for runtime
- include: the header files for compilation
- lib: contains library files for compilation/linking
Installation instructions usually suggest moving these files into the visual studio folder and the Windows system folder: It is best to avoid doing this as it makes your project less portable, and makes it much more difficult if you ever need to change which version of the library you are using (old projects might suddenly stop working, etc.)
Instead (apologies for any inconsistencies, I'm basing these instructions on VS2010)...
- put the freeglut folder somewhere else, e.g. C:\dev
- Open your project in Visual Studio
- Open project properties
- There should be a tab for VC++ Directories, here you should add the appropriate include and lib folders, e.g.: C:\dev\freeglut\include and C:\dev\freeglut\lib
- (Almost) Final step is to ensure that the opengl lib file is actually linked during compilation. Still in project properties, expand the linker menu, and open the input tab. For Additional Dependencies add opengl32.lib (you would assume that this would be linked automatically just by adding the include GL/gl.h to your project, but for some reason this doesn't seem to be the case)
At this stage your project should compile OK. To actually run it, you also need to copy the freeglut.dll files into your project folder
This is GLUT installation instruction. Not free glut
First download this 118 KB GLUT package from
Extract the downloaded ZIP file and make sure you find the following
If you have a 32 bits operating system, place glut32.dll to C:\Windows\System32\, if your operating system is 64 bits, place it to 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\' (to your system directory)
Place glut.h
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12\VC\include\GL\ (NOTE: 12 here refers to your VS version it may be 8 or 10)
If you do not find VC and following directories.. go on create it.
Place glut32.lib to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12\VC\lib\
Now, open visual Studio and
Under Visual C++, select Empty Project(or your already existing project)
Go to Project -> Properties. Select 'All Configuration' from Configuration dropdown menu on top left corner
Select Linker -> Input
Now right click on "Additional Dependence" found on Right panel and click Edit
(NOTE: Each .lib in new line)
That's it... You have successfully installed OpenGL.. Go on and run your program.
Same installation instructions aplies to freeglut files with the header files in the GL folder, lib in the lib folder, and dll in the System32 folder.
OpenGL is bundled with Visual Studio. You just need to install GLUT package (freeglut would be fine), which can be found in NuGet.
Open your solution, click TOOLS->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Console to open a NuGet console, type Install-Package freeglut.
For VS 2013, use nupengl.core package instead.
Download the GLUT library. At first step Copy the glut32.dll and paste it in C:\Windows\System32 folder.Second step copy
glut.h file and paste it in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC\include folder and third step copy glut32.lib and paste it in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC\lib folder.
Now you can create visual c++ console application project and include glut.h header file then you can write code for GLUT project.
If you are using 64 bit windows machine then path and glut library may be different but process is similar.
Yes visual studio 2012 express has built in opengl library. the headers are in the folder
C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\um\gl and the lib files are in folder C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\Lib\win8\um\x86 & C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\Lib\win8\um\x64. but the problem is integrating the glut with the existing one..
i downloaded the library from .. and deployed the files into .....\gl and ....\lib\win8\um\x32
and the dll to %system%/windows folders respectively.. Hope so this will solve the problem...
For an easy and appropriate way of doing this, first download a prepackaged release of freeglut from . Then read its Readme.txt.
I copied some important parts of
... Create a folder on your PC which is readable by all users, for example “C:\Program Files\Common Files\MSVC\freeglut\” on a typical Windows system. Copy the “lib\” and “include\” folders from this zip archive to that location ... freeglut DLL can be placed in the same folder as your application...
... Open up the project properties, and select “All Configurations” (this is necessary to ensure our changes are applied for both debug and release builds). Open up the “general” section under “C/C++”, and configure the “include\” folder you created above as an “Additional Include Directory”. If you have more than one GLUT package which contains a “glut.h” file, it’s important to ensure that the freeglut include folder appears above all other GLUT include folders ... Open up the “general” section under “Linker”, and configure the “lib\” folder you created above as an “Additional Library Directory”...
Download and install Visual C++ Express.
Download and extract "freeglut 2.8.0 MSVC Package" from
Installation for Windows 32 bit:
(a) Copy all files from include/GL folder and paste into C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\gl folder.
(b) Copy all files from lib folder and paste into C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib folder.
(c) Copy freeglut.dll and paste into C:\windows\system32 folder.
Use . It is actively updated and works with VS 2013 and 2015, whereas Freeglut Nuget package works with earlier versions of Visual Studio only (as of 10/14/2015).
Also, follow this
for easy instructions on working with OpenGL and Glut in VS.
the instructions for Vs2012
To Install FreeGLUT
Download "freeglut 2.8.1 MSVC Package" from
Extract the compressed file freeglut-MSVC.zip to a folder freeglut
Inside freeglut folder:
On 32bit versions of windows
copy all files in include/GL folder to C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\um\gl
copy all files in lib folder to C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\Lib\win8\um\
(note: Lib\freeglut.lib in a folder goes into x86)
copy freeglut.dll to C:\windows\system32
On 64bit versions of windows:(not 100% sure but try)
copy all files in include/GL folder to C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\um\gl
copy all files in lib folder to C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Lib\win8\um\
(note: Lib\freeglut.lib in a folder goes into x86)
copy freeglut.dll to C:\windows\SysWOW64
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