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论坛法律顾问:王进律师Learning HTML and&CSS Part 1: A New HopeThe knowledge you need to become a designer jedi As a designer, you’re already equipped with the skills to create beautiful and user-friendly sites. Here’s the weird part, though: Handing off your precious, beautiful design work to a developer whose sole job is to code .... seems dangerous, no? Developers don’t necessarily understand all the subtleties of your design decisions, nor are they expected to care as much about them as you do! Why let your work be jeopardized? Now, if you add basic development skills to your existing skill set, you can turn yourself into a powerful web design force. Someone who understands the complete process from start to finish.It’s time to finally do away with intermediaries as much as possible. It’s time to master your craft fully.Luckily, the amount of introductory knowledge needed to code a website is not nearly as scary nor as difficult as you think it is. All you need to know are HTML and CSS, and they aren’t even true programming languages! HTML and CSS are simply “scripting languages,” meaning there’s no math or complex logic at play. There are no “functions” or “outputs” to worry about. When using these scripting languages, you’re simply annotating text files with “tags,” and setting values for styling properties (how you want things to look). The basics can legitimately be learned in a day (today, in fact!), and the rest will come organically with practice. (If you’re looking for excuses to practice, by the way, consider finding somepaying contracts.)
As you may know, our ownWebflow site builder removes coding from the web design equation (among other potential headaches associated with repetitive web development tasks). In truth, with a website builder that caters to design professionals, you can easily build a site using an interface reminiscent of the tools you’ve already mastered. It’s like Photoshop, but optimized for responsive website design. And it works very well. But wait—if Webflow removes the need to write code, why should we fill up our poor brains with the basics of web coding at all? Shouldn’t we just relax and re-watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones?Yes. I mean, no . No!
Learning the basic concepts of HTML and CSS is not only critical to mastering a pro website builder, but also to interacting with developers and honing your craft . If you want to go from professional to one of the best , you need to understand the technical foundation underlying your web design work.&(Fortunately, when you’re one of the best, you also get paid pretty darn well!)
The reality is: You build sites in a visual website designer like Webflow using the concepts and tools provided by HTML and CSS—there’s just a graphical interface on top to make them easier to use. But the concepts are there. Therefore, to take full advantage of our platform, you should consider learning how HTML and CSS work. Even if you don’t use Webflow at all, you’re about to get a very applicable and digestible crash course in web coding.
And we’re going to keep it light, efficient, and—dare I say— fun . What is this guide?You probably noticed “Part One” in the title of this article. This is a three-part guide to HTML, CSS, and Webflow.Here, I’ll first teach you what HTML and CSS are and how they work. In Part Two, I’ll further detail the core concepts, bringing you to the point of being dangerously knowledgeable. I’ll then finish it off in the grand finale with explosions and an epic boss battle. Or maybe I’ll cover a few final topics, relate it all back to designer empowerment, and leave you with a few tips on becoming a Webflow power user if you so desire. You’ll have to keep reading to find out which one it is.Enough of this banter, let’s start learning HTML.HTMLHTML, as you probably guessed, is an acronym. It stands for “Hypertext Markup Language.” It’s not as bad as it sounds, I promise. It only sounds cooky because people were nuts in the early ‘90s. “Hypertext” means HTML contains text that links to other pages (this is how Wikipedia winds up killing your evenings… by linking to awesome related topics). “Markup Language” means HTML is used to annotate ( mark up ) plain text. Simply put, through the use of&“tags” placed around text (words and sentences), HTML defines how a page's content is displayed and structured around that text. This is an example of a ready-to-go tweet. It would be fun to include these within the article to make it easy to retweet this phrase. A tag , specifically, is a or a single character (a letter or a symbol) within “ & ” and “ & ” (angle brackets). Each tag represents a structural or a design element on the page, such as a box, paragraph, image, or link. Typically, there are both opening and closing tags. These opening and closing tags surround the desired text that you want to signal to the browser (which interprets the HTML) that the text is of a certain structural or design type.For example:
&p&= opening tag for a paragraph, everything that follows is a paragraph
&&&&&This is a paragraph= text content of the paragraph
&/p&= closing tag for the paragraph, terminates the paragraph.
Note:If you forget a closing tag, everything following the opening tag will be considered its content—you probably don’t want this. Sometimes, modern browsers are smart enough to catch the error of a missing closing tag, but don’t rely on it. Always close your tags when your desired selection of text is finished. There are tags for all kinds of purposes. Some tags structure the page into major sections. Others emphasize words, create paragraphs, or define bullet-point lists. Others embed images of cats doing funny things or create form fields (ex: email, password). Point being: Tags are responsible for almost everything you see on a page. The latter group of tags (images and form fields) does not actually need closing tags, because they don’t have any text content to enclose. For example, the horizontal rule tag,
: &hr&Which renders as: As you can see &hr& adds a thin horizontal line across the page, and is useful for dividing a page into sections. Since there’s no text, there’s no need for a closing &hr& tag.
A tag and its content are referred to as an element . In HTML, a page is structured by nesting elements within other elements, sometimes dozens of levels deep (there is no limit, you can even go over 9000). For example, an
tag (which emphasizes a selection of text by making it bold in the browser) nested within a
(a paragraph) would look like this:&
This is a paragraph, and
these words
are emphasized.
&/p& To throw some vocabulary at you, a nested element is called a child , and the element the child is nested within is called the parent . So &em& is a child, and &p& is its parent. To keep an HTML file organized and easier to read, it's standard practice to add an additional indent for each new nesting level. I’ll follow this practice throughout the examples in this guide.How do I start using HTML right now? HTML is housed in .html files, and there needs to be one .html file for every page on your website. These files are written in a simple text editor—not a word processor. Microsoft Word (or Google Docs) might normally be your go-to program for anything text related, but when it comes to writing code, it’s overblown. You just need to write plain text. On a Mac, you have TextEdit for this. On a PC, you have Notepad.
The most popular text editor optimized for writing code is Sublime Text . It has many features that make writing code significantly faster, such as automatic formatting and word completion—although you can get away with just using TextEdit or Notepad for now if desired. I don’t want to overwhelm you with a new application if you find that distracts from the code learning.
Once you have your text editor of choice open, create a new file called index.html . This will be your site’s homepage. Open it in your browser of choice by right clicking and choosing “Open with...” and the name of the browser. How to open an .html file with a browser on a Mac. Don't mind the German Dropbox.The page will be… blank. Because your HTML file has nothing in it. You’ll add content momentarily, so keep the page open. Unfortunately, every .html file has some not-very-exciting but required pieces. Believe me, if I could skip this step, I would. But it’s necessary. Copy the HTML code below, and paste it into your index.html HTML file using your text editor. Don’t worry about fully understanding it yet.
&!DOCTYPE&html& &-- tells browser this is an HTML&page --&
&html& &-- contains all html content of the page&--&
&head& &!-- contains information about the page, and is not displayed by the browser&--&
&body& &-- contains the page content that will be displayed by the browser&--&
The &-- and --& symbols above designate text that act as comments in an HTML file. Comments are notes to yourself or other developers. They are not displayed on the page when viewed in a browser. Think of them like internal footnotes for code—to help keep yourself organized. Now that you've got something in your HTML file, refresh the page in your browser, and... it's still blank. That’s because there's still no real content yet. We’ve only created the necessary skeleton for a page. Haha!Why then, did we bother adding all that nonsense? Because, it's the necessary first step of any HTML page, just like that concrete slab a house sits on. We’ll explore this code one section at a time. Let's start by adding content to the &head& and &body& tags. The &head& The
of an HTML document contains information about the page for the browser and search engines to read. The &head& ’s content is not displayed when viewed in a browser. Think of them as meta-information that computers want to know, but your site’s visitors don’t care about. There is only one &head& section per HTML file.
There are various tag types that can be added to the &head& of a webpage. For now, just focus on adding an appropriate page title in the
tag— the rest is future-you's problem. tag—the rest is future-you's problem.&span id=&wf-caret&&_&/span& &!DOCTYPE&html& &html& &head&
&title&Awesome page title&/title&
&/head& &body& &/body& &/html& Notice how the &title& is nested within the opening and closing tags of the &head& , and indented to keep the document legible. We place &title& in the &head& because it is meta information about the page, and does not display on the page itself. Now hit refresh in your browser. is nested within the opening and closing tags of the &head&, and indented to keep the document legible. Now hit refresh in your browser.&span id=&wf-caret&&_&/span& Foiled again! Still no content. If you look closely, however, what you wrote for the page’s title is now displayed in the browser bar associated with your HTML file! It’s also what will be displayed when your page shows up on Google. &title&&is important—always include it. is important—always include it.&span id=&wf-caret&&_&/span& For example, theWebflow homepage has a &title& of&“Webflow - The best website builder for responsive design”: Webflow - The best website builder for responsive designWebflow - The best website builder for responsive designWebflow - The best website builder for responsive designThe &title& tag’s content shows in the browser bar and the Google search results.Okay, enough of this nonsense, let's get to adding some real content.The &body& The
of an HTML document contains all of the content that is actually displayed in the browser. You know, the stuff I’ve been withholding from you. This includes paragraphs, lists, pictures of grumpy cats, and more.
Inside the &body& , let's add a big &Hello World!& (the biggest clich& in the programming world), and a short message of your choice. Do this with a
and a &p& —with their respective content between their opening and closing tags.
Note: “h” stands for heading. They’re used for section and page titles and headings. Predictably, there is more
there are 6 in total (h1, h2...h6) with each one getting progressively smaller. For example, in this blog post, we use &h1& for the blog post title, and &h3& for the section titles.
&!DOCTYPE&html& &html& &head& &title&Awesome page title&/title& &/head& &body&
&h1&Hello World!&/h1& &p& You are looking very pretty today.&/body& &/html&Save, and refresh the page in your browser.Hurray! Content! You should see a white page, with bold font saying “Hello World,” followed by a short paragraph.Congratulations, you have now created a web page and become a web developer. Better start collecting those fat paychecks, stat! So, you can’t really do much with just headings and paragraphs (well I suppose you could become a blogger, but no one respects those people … :(). Luckily, there are many other elements out there to make a website much more interesting—like images, tables, paragraphs, and even bulleted lists.
For a full list of elements, and how to use them, check out w3schools’ HTML Guide . Believe it or not, you have a basic understanding of HTML now. I’m not patronizing you. HTML is dead simple. Yes, you have more tag types (and their properties) to learn, but each one is nearly as simple as the next. Where things get a bit tricker is with CSS. CSS is the scripting language that makes websites look beautiful—it’s responsible for spacing, color, positioning, shadows, and so much more. Bonus:Before moving on to CSS, consider experimenting with your HTML file by adding more content to the &body& section. Try creating a mock Wikipedia article or blog post, by using a main title (&h1&), section titles (&h2& and &h3&), and series of paragraphs (&p&). CSSLike HTML, CSS is also a crazy acronym. It stands for Cascading Style Sheets. This means they are text files (sheets) that define the styling of different HTML elements from general to specific (cascading) order. (More on this in Part Two. Don’t worry, it's easy to learn.)A typical CSS file consists of a long series of declarative statements contained within curly brackets (ignore the specifics for now):
p {// target all paragraphs with the following CSS&styles
&&&& font-size :& 18 // sets the size of the text to 18px
&&&& color :&
// sets blue as the font color
Note: “ // ” in CSS makes a comment out of the remaining text on the line. It’s the same concept as comments in HTML: allow developers to take notes!
The letters and words before the opening “ { “ bracket
they select the HTML elements that you wish to add styling to using CSS. These are identical to what you typed in to create the tag type in your HTML file—so “ p ” for paragraph, or “ h1 ” for a heading. Selectors select every element on a page that meets the selection criteria—in this example, all paragraphs.
The “ { “ and “ } ” enclose the different property:value pairs that define the styling on the selected elements. For example, font-size is the property that controls the size of the font (shocking, I know), and its corresponding value of 18px means it will be 18 pixels tall (aka size 18). If you remember only one thing about CSS from this post, remember this syntax: selector {
We’ll go into all the different kinds of selectors in Part Two, until then, just know that there are many different ways to select one or more HTML elements (which, remember, are defined using tags), from general (every &p& on the page!)&to specific (only the &p& ’s that are children of another &p& !). Until we hit Part Two, let’s focus on the meat of CSS: properties and values.Properties &&ValuesAs you can imagine, mastering CSS involves developing a vocabulary of the available properties and their corresponding values. Just like no sane teacher would attempt to teach his students all the words in English along with all their possible use cases, I won’t teach you all the properties and values in CSS today. I will, however, tell you that there are properties for changing colors , sizing , positioning, transparency , spacing , and much more. Check out& w3schools for a full list of properties and values, and start experimenting with them using the guide below. How to add CSS to your page Now that you know how to create basic CSS statements, we need to learn how to actually get them onto a page. There are two ways to do it. One is good form and one is bad form. We’re going to learn bad form for now since it’s easier to grasp: Place the CSS directly into the page’s &head& using a
&head& &title&The One Title To Rule Them All&/title&
&style& p { color: } h1 { font-size: 32 }&/head& As I said, this is
a best practice (meaning, developers frown about this because it results in a bloated HTML file), but until Part Two, where we learn how to use an external CSS file, this will do just fine :).
Remember that, because we’re entering code inside a &head& tag, our users won’t see any of these words—only the browser will see it, and it will know what to do with it. It’ll know to treat it as CSS thanks to the nested &style& tag.
Bonus:Start styling your HTML file. Find properties on w3schools , and test them out. Congratulations, you're a web developerOr at least you’re one third of your way there—you still have another two articles to read after this to learn enough HTML and CSS to become dangerously powerful!The best way to learn alongside these posts is simply to try designing a site with a specific project in mind (just like the best way to learn a language is to try speaking it).When you stumble upon something you don’t know how to do, use Google to find out the appropriate HTML tag or CSS property. You won’t be the first one to ask the question, and certainly not the last. Remember tosubscribe to our newsletterif you haven’t already, and you’ll be the first to know when Part Two is hot off the press—along with other high-quality web design articles that you’ve come to expect from the Webflow blog!
Have any questions?I’d love to hear and respond to them in thecomments section, or on Twitter .


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