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> Photo Blender+
应用大小:9.1 MB
运行环境:需要 iOS 7.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
简介:Photo Blender is a simple app that merely jo...
Photo Blender+应用说明
Photo Blender is a simple app that merely joins photos vertically, horizontally or in 2D by either blending or abutting them at their edges. Photos can be prepped in the Aviary image editor, as can the blended output. The app supports up to 16 photos.____________________________o Create stunning high resolution photo montages. o Edit the individual photos or the whole blend in the Aviary image editor: enhance, filter, rotate, draw, add text, much more.o Supports 3 blend types: horizontal, vertical and 4 square.o Since a blend can consist of just one photo you can to apply special effects using Aviary, such as frames, to a single photo for future blends.o Image insetting onto a white background.o Use your iPhone, iPod or iPad camera from within the app to produce beautiful photo blends.o Create blends of selected images directly from your Photos library.o Blend recursively to create larger blended arrays of photos.o Combine photos using a gradient blend at the seams where they are joined. o The blending margin width is adjustable for special effects.o Set the blending margin width to zero to merely join photos at their edges. o Set the blending margin width to higher values to achieve gradual transitions.o Save all your blends in one place in your gallery. o In the gallery you can export and view blends, among other options.o Add location data to your blends so you remember exactly where you were when you made it. o View the location where the blend was made on a map in the gallery. o Share your blends in the usual manner: email, messages etc.This is the "no-ad" version of Photo Blender. Get the Mac version, PhotosBlender, at/us/app/photosblender/id?ls=1&mt=12Enjoy.
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Photo Blender
开发商:Limit Point Software
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Photo Blender is a simple app that merely joins photos vertically, horizontally or in 2D by either blending or abutting them at their edges. Photos can be prepped in the Aviary image editor, as can the blended output. The app supports up to 16 photos.____________________________o Create stunning high resolution photo montages. o Edit the individual photos or the whole blend in the Aviary image editor: enhance, filter, rotate, draw, add text, much more.You may also be interested in Photo Blender++ which provides in-app purchases for extra effects, frames and stickers in the Aviary image editor. You can obtain Photo Blender++ here: /us/app/photo-blender++/ido Supports 4 blend types: horizontal, vertical, 4 square and 9 square.o Since a blend can consist of just one photo you can to apply special effects using Aviary, such as frames, to a single photo for future blends.o Image insetting onto a white background.o Use your iPhone, iPod or iPad camera from within the app to produce beautiful photo blends.o Create blends of selected images directly from your Photos library.o Blend recursively to create larger blended arrays of photos.o Combine photos using a gradient blend at the seams where they are joined. o The blending margin width is adjustable for special effects.o Set the blending margin width to zero to merely join photos at their edges. o Set the blending margin width to higher values to achieve gradual transitions.o Save all your blends in one place in your gallery. o In the gallery you can export and view blends, among other options.o Add location data to your blends so you remember exactly where you were when you made it. o View the location where the blend was made on a map in the gallery. o Share your blends in the usual manner: email, messages etc.This is the free "ad" version.The paid "no-ad" version of Photo Blender is Photo Blender+, located at /us/app/photo-blender+/id?mt=8There is also another free "ad" version of Photo Blender, Photo Blender++,
for additional Aviary Effects, Frames and Stickers via in-app purchases, located here:/us/app/photo-blender++/id?lmt=8Finally, you can get the Mac version of Photo Blender, PhotosBlender, at/us/app/photosblender/id?mt=12Enjoy.
版本 2.4.1 中的新功能
o Fixed an issue with the photo picker not being able to access photos in iCloud.o Updated the Aviary image editor to latest version (accessible by tapping on a photo after you add it in the build view)
iPhone 屏幕快照
本来觉得挺好用的 从下载开始 就用了一次再点开就闪退 卸载在下也一样闪退 用不了 求改进
免费类别: 版本: 2.4.1大小: 15.4 MB语言: 英语开发商: Limit Point Software兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。
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