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Last visitJan-01-1970
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下面是用小米3作為範例的root機包, 建議大家用來參考自制, 不要直接使用.
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Last visitJan-01-1970
Very Good!!感謝分享!
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Last visitJan-01-1970
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Last visitJan-01-1970
好. 有待驗證.
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Last visitJan-01-1970
我的為台版NOTE 4G
getprop(&ro.product.device&) == &dior& || abort(&This package is for \&dior\& this is a \&& + getprop(&ro.product.device&) + &\&.&);
mount(&ext4&, &EMMC&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata&, &/data&);
format(&ext4&, &EMMC&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system&, &0&, &/system&);
mount(&ext4&, &EMMC&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system&, &/system&);
package_extract_dir(&recovery&, &/system&) || abort(&Failed to extract dir from \&recovery\& to \&/system\&.&);
package_extract_dir(&system&, &/system&) || abort(&Failed to extract dir from \&system\& to \&/system\&.&);
symlink(&/data/misc/audio/mbhc.bin&, &/system/etc/firmware/wcd9306/wcd9306_mbhc.bin&);
symlink(&/data/misc/audio/wcd9320_anc.bin&, &/system/etc/firmware/wcd9306/wcd9306_anc.bin&);
symlink(&/system/lib/modules/pronto/pronto_wlan.ko&, &/system/lib/modules/wlan.ko&);
symlink(&Roboto-Bold.ttf&, &/system/fonts/DroidSans-Bold.ttf&);
symlink(&Roboto-Regular.ttf&, &/system/fonts/DroidSans.ttf&);
symlink(&, &/system/lib/;
symlink(&mksh&, &/system/bin/sh&);
symlink(&toolbox&, &/system/bin/cat&, &/system/bin/chcon&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/chmod&, &/system/bin/chown&, &/system/bin/clear&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/cmp&, &/system/bin/cp&, &/system/bin/date&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/dd&, &/system/bin/df&, &/system/bin/dmesg&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/du&, &/system/bin/getenforce&, &/system/bin/getevent&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/getprop&, &/system/bin/getsebool&, &/system/bin/grep&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/hd&, &/system/bin/id&, &/system/bin/ifconfig&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/iftop&, &/system/bin/insmod&, &/system/bin/ioctl&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/ionice&, &/system/bin/kill&, &/system/bin/ln&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/load_policy&, &/system/bin/log&, &/system/bin/ls&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/lsmod&, &/system/bin/lsof&, &/system/bin/md5&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/mkdir&, &/system/bin/mkswap&, &/system/bin/mount&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/mv&, &/system/bin/nandread&, &/system/bin/netstat&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/newfs_msdos&, &/system/bin/notify&, &/system/bin/printenv&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/ps&, &/system/bin/readlink&, &/system/bin/renice&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/restorecon&, &/system/bin/rm&, &/system/bin/rmdir&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/rmmod&, &/system/bin/route&, &/system/bin/runcon&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/schedtop&, &/system/bin/sendevent&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/setconsole&, &/system/bin/setenforce&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/setprop&, &/system/bin/setsebool&, &/system/bin/sleep&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/smd&, &/system/bin/start&, &/system/bin/stop&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/swapoff&, &/system/bin/swapon&, &/system/bin/sync&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/top&, &/system/bin/touch&, &/system/bin/umount&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/uptime&, &/system/bin/vmstat&, &/system/bin/watchprops&,
& && &&&&/system/bin/wipe&);
set_metadata_recursive(&/system&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &dmode&, 0755, &fmode&, 0644, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata_recursive(&/system/bin&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &dmode&, 0755, &fmode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/app_process&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:zygote_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/clatd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:clatd_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/debuggerd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:debuggerd_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/dhcpcd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:dhcp_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/diag_mdlog&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 06750, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/dnsmasq&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:dnsmasq_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/drmserver&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:drmserver_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/hostapd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &ubject_r:hostapd_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/installd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:installd_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/keystore&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:keystore_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/mediaserver&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:mediaserver_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/mksh&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:shell_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/mtpd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:mtp_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/netcfg&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 3003, &mode&, 02750, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/netd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:netd_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/ping&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:ping_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/pppd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:ppp_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/racoon&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:racoon_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/rild&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:rild_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/run-as&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0750, &capabilities&, 0xc0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:runas_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/sdcard&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:sdcardd_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/servicemanager&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:servicemanager_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/surfaceflinger&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:surfaceflinger_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/vold&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:vold_exec:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/bin/wpa_supplicant&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:wpa_exec:s0&);
set_metadata_recursive(&/system/etc/dhcpcd&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &dmode&, 0755, &fmode&, 0644, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:dhcp_system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks&, &uid&, 1014, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0550, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:dhcp_system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/etc/, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 0544, &capabilities&, 0x0);
set_metadata_recursive(&/system/etc/ppp&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &dmode&, 0755, &fmode&, 0555, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:ppp_system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/recovery-from-boot.p&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 0644, &capabilities&, 0x0);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/etc&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/lib&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata_recursive(&/system/vendor/lib/drm&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &dmode&, 0755, &fmode&, 0644, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/lib/drm/, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 0644, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/lib/egl&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/lib/hw&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/lib/rfsa&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/vendor/lib/soundfx&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata_recursive(&/system/xbin&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 2000, &dmode&, 0755, &fmode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/xbin/procmem&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/xbin/procrank&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 0755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/xbin/shelld&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 1000, &mode&, 06754, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:system_file:s0&);
set_metadata(&/system/xbin/su&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 06755, &capabilities&, 0x0, &selabel&, &u:object_r:su_exec:s0&);
package_extract_file(&boot.img&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot&);
ui_print(&Writing image emmc_appsboot.mbn...&);
package_extract_file(&emmc_appsboot.mbn&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/aboot&);
ui_print(&Writing image tz.mbn...&);
package_extract_file(&tz.mbn&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/tz&);
ui_print(&Writing image NON-HLOS.bin...&);
package_extract_file(&NON-HLOS.bin&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/modem&);
ui_print(&Writing image rpm.mbn...&);
package_extract_file(&rpm.mbn&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/rpm&);
ui_print(&Writing image sdi.mbn...&);
package_extract_file(&sdi.mbn&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/sdi&);
ui_print(&Writing image sbl1.mbn...&);
package_extract_file(&sbl1.mbn&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/sbl1&);
package_extract_dir(&data&, &/data&) || abort(&Failed to extract dir from \&data\& to \&/data\&.&);
package_extract_file(&META-INF/com/miui/relink&, &/data/relink&);
set_metadata(&/data/relink&, &uid&, 0, &gid&, 0, &mode&, 0555, &capabilities&, 0x0);
set_metadata_recursive(&/data/miui&, &uid&, 1000, &gid&, 1000, &dmode&, 0755, &fmode&, 0644, &capabilities&, 0x0);
在線時間 小時
Last visitJan-01-1970
多谢分享& &
在線時間 小時
Last visitJan-01-1970
在線時間 小時
Last visitJan-01-1970
在線時間 小時
Last visitJan-01-1970
在線時間 小時
Last visitJan-01-1970
我的為台版NOTE 4G
getprop(&ro.product.device&) == &dior& || abort(&This package is for \&dior\& this is a \&& + getprop(&ro.product.device&) + &\&.&);
和mount起 /system, 其他可以用我給出的參考文件.
mount(&ext4&, &EMMC&, &/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system&, &/system&);
Copyright (C) 2014 MIUI


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