
&& 查看话题
我最近在学习使用lammps,想模拟一下石英晶体(sio2)的力学性质,石英晶体国际空间群是p3221, 第154个空间群,晶胞边长 4.9,4.9,5.4,夹角90,90,120,四个氧原子围成一个正四面体,硅原子位于四面体的中间, 其晶胞结构件附件. 现在我不知道该怎么建立它的分子结构文件,也就是data文件。&&疑问有以下几个:
&&1. 周期单元所含原子的个数:
& &根据晶体数据,一个石英晶胞的分子式是si3o6,共9个原子。但很显然图片中显示晶胞中原子个数应该是si6o6. 我不知道建立晶胞(周期单元)的时候应该以哪种分子式为准 si3o6还是si6o6. 我想如果是安装我贴的图片来建模si6o6,再施加周期边界,位于面上的si原子会与其镜像重合,这是不允许的吧。
& &按照lammps的规则,每一个bond必须指定两个成键原子,但是晶体的特点在于一个晶胞里的原子可能要与其镜像的原子成键,比如这里位于六面体面上的si原子,它除了与本晶胞内部的两个氧原子成键还要与其镜像里的两个氧原子成键,但我只建立一个晶胞(然后设置周期边界条件),镜像原子是不出现的,这样的话这个面上的硅原子的bond我该如何描述。
&&3. 能不能顺便问一下,如何实现material studio 的文件到lammps data文件格式的转换, 那个msi2lmp 工具不能转换正交晶系,不能转换三斜晶系。
你的图片呢?怎么会是si6O6呢? 不好意思, 图片没传上来,如果不把面上的原子算1/2个的话,这个图片(一个周期单元,晶胞)里面明显含有 6个硅原子,6个氧原子。现在就是弄不明白我在建立晶胞的时候是应该把6个硅原子都画上去还是只画其中3个。谢谢
建好一个原胞之后可以采用复制的命令进行扩展。三斜晶体在data文件里要加上倾斜因子,即xy&&xz yz 请教楼主,msi2lmp工具怎么用啊?还得安装是吧?是的用C++来编译吗?&& 查看话题
Sample Text
1、打开material studio,新建一个工程,import石墨graphite.msi,在structure/ceramic中
2、build-&make p1(目的是消除对称性,这样才能够删除一层原子)。
要建立锯齿状的,在建立supercell之前,build&symmetry&find symmetry,然后impose symmetry,此时只显示两个原子,然后建立supercell,6*6*1
5、修改晶格参数:build-&crystal-&rebuild crystal,设置方位角和length。由斜六面体改为矩形首先改方位角,如果只改方位角,会发现周期性边界变化,
点击castep计算energy,保存file,到相应文件夹下找到graphite (66-cub).cell文件,此文件为隐含文件,打开,把相应的lattice parameter和坐标拷到POSCAR,就搞定了。
MS中怎么将剩下的原子准确的移动到中间?用move to工具吗?具体如何操作?怎么总是移动不了?
2.5、修改晶格参数:build-&crystal-&rebuild crystal,设置方位角和length。由斜六面体改为矩形首先改方位角,如果只改方位角,会发现周期性边界变化,
1、MS中怎么将剩下的原子准确的移动到中间?用move to工具吗?具体如何操作?怎么总是移动不了?
对于知道要移动到晶胞中心,可以直接选择原子在properties修改fractionalXYZ将Z值改为0.5 2.5、修改晶格参数:build-&crystal-&rebuild crystal,设置方位角和length。由斜六面体改为矩形首先改方位角,如果只改方位角,会发现周期性边界变化,
a:12.78=2.46*sin60*6& && && && & b:12.3=2.46*5
: Originally posted by pigrass at
1、MS中怎么将剩下的原子准确的移动到中间?用move to工具吗?具体如何操作?怎么总是移动不了?
对于知道要移动到晶胞中心,可以直接选择原子在properties修改fractionalXYZ将Z值改为0.5 虽然我刚刚自己摸索出来了,但是还是感谢大神的鼎力相助!请继续关注我,我还会提出许多白痴问题,请大神给予指教啊! : Originally posted by pigrass at
2.5、修改晶格参数:build-&crystal-&rebuild crystal,设置方位角和length。由斜六面体改为矩形首先改方位角,如果只改方位角,会发现周期性边界变化,
所以还要修改length,修改以后变成矩形。我的是6*6* ... 大侠,请移步这里:
不甚感谢 : Originally posted by pigrass at
2.5、修改晶格参数:build-&crystal-&rebuild crystal,设置方位角和length。由斜六面体改为矩形首先改方位角,如果只改方位角,会发现周期性边界变化,
所以还要修改length,修改以后变成矩形。我的是6*6* ... 对于一个6*6*1的晶胞,为什么在b方向上是5个呀? : Originally posted by pigrass at
1、MS中怎么将剩下的原子准确的移动到中间?用move to工具吗?具体如何操作?怎么总是移动不了?
对于知道要移动到晶胞中心,可以直接选择原子在properties修改fractionalXYZ将Z值改为0.5 领教了,谢谢! 你好&&请问将原子移动到晶胞中心的目的是?不移动会对计算结果有影响吗? : Originally posted by ifdream at
你好&&请问将原子移动到晶胞中心的目的是?不移动会对计算结果有影响吗? 没有 : Originally posted by 前田庆次 at
没有... 哦&&谢谢!32lammps命令
# Big colloid particles and small LJ particlesunits
ljThis command sets the style of units used for a simulation. It determines the units of all quantities specified in the input script and data file, as well as quantities output to the screen, log file, and dump files. Typically, this command is used at the very beginning of an input script. 这个指令设定模拟的格式,它决定了在输入脚本文件和数据文件以及在屏幕上显示的输出物,日志文件和垃圾文件中所有的单元格式。典型的是,它经常用于输入脚本的开头For style lj, all quantities are unitless. Without loss of generality, LAMMPS sets the fundamental quantities mass, sigma, epsilon, and the Boltzmann constant = 1. The masses, distances, energies you specify are multiples of these fundamental values. The formulas relating the reduced or unitless quantity (with an asterisk) to the same quantity with units is also given. Thus you can use the mass & sigma & epsilon values for a specific material and convert the results from a unitless LJ simulation into physical quantities.对于lj格式,所有数量都是无量纲的。不失一般性的,lammps设定了基本量 质量 sigma epsilon 和波尔兹曼常数=1。你定义的 质量,距离,能量 是这些基本值的倍数。公式把衰减量或者是无量纲量(用*)和单元给出的相同的量关联起来。因此你可以用mass,sigma,epsilon值表示一个具体材料并且改变一个无量纲lj模拟的物理量的结果。mass = mass or mdistance = sigma, where x* = x / sigmatime = tau, where tau = t* = t (epsilon / m / sigma^2)^1/2energy = epsilon, where E* = E / epsilonvelocity = sigma/tau, where v* = v tau / sigmaforce = epsilon/sigma, where f* = f sigma / epsilontorque = epsilon, where t* = t / epsilontemperature = reduced LJ temperature, where T* = T Kb / epsilonpressure = reduced LJ pressure, where P* = P sigma^3 / epsilondynamic viscosity = reduced LJ viscosity, where eta* = eta sigma^3 / epsilon / taucharge = reduced LJ charge, where q* = q / (4 pi perm0 sigma epsilon)^1/2dipole = reduced LJ dipole, moment where *mu = mu / (4 pi perm0 sigma^3 epsilon)^1/2 electric field = force/charge, where E* = E (4 pi perm0 sigma epsilon)^1/2 sigma / epsilon density = mass/volume, where rho* = rho sigma^dimatom_style atomic
原子类型 atomic(原子的)Define what style of atoms to use in a simulation. This determines what attributes are associated with the atoms. This command must be used before a simulation is setup via a read_data, read_restart, or create_box command.定义在模拟中用到的原子类型,这个决定了与原子有关的属性,这个命令必须用在模拟被设定之前 通过 read_data, read_restart, or create_boxAtomic
only the default values
coarse-grain liquids, solids, metals
Atomic 附加属性是只是默认值 用于粗粒液体,固体和金属的模拟dimension 2
Define a lattice for use by other commands. In LAMMPS, a lattice is simply a set of points in space, determined by a unit cell with basis atoms, that is replicated infinitely in all dimensions. The arguments of the lattice command can be used to define a wide variety of crystallographic lattices.Lattice 指令定义了一个其他指令可以使用的晶格,在lammps中,一个晶格是一个空间中简单的点集,被基本原子构成的所有维度中无限复制的晶胞在所决定。Lattice指令额参数可以被用来定义各种各样的晶格。A lattice is used by LAMMPS in two ways. First, the create_atoms command creates atoms on the lattice points inside the simulation box. Note that thecreate_atoms command allows different atom types to be assigned to different basis atoms of the lattice. Second, the lattice spacing in the x,y,z dimensions implied by the lattice, can be used by other commands as distance units (e.g. create_box, region and velocity), which are often convenient to use when the underlying problem geometry is atoms on a lattice. 一个lattice 明令在lammps中有两种实用方式,首先, create_atoms command 在模拟盒子内部的格点上创建原子。注意,ecreate_atoms command允许不同的原子类型去分配到晶格中不同的基本原子。第二,晶格间距在x,y,z轴分量隐含在晶格中,可以被其他命令应用作为距离单元。这个距离单元当潜在问题的几何构型是在晶格中的原子的时候经常被方便的使用。A lattice consists of a unit cell, a set of basis atoms within that cell, and a set of transformation parameters (scale, origin, orient) that map the unit cell into the simulation box. The vectors a1,a2,a3 are the edge vectors of the unit cell. This is the nomenclature for &primitive& vectors in solid-state crystallography, but in LAMMPS the unit cell they determine does not have to be a &primitive cell& of minimum volume. 一个晶格由晶胞,晶胞内部的基本原子构成的集合,一个将晶胞绘制入模拟盒子的基本参数构成的集合构成。矢量a1,a2,a3是晶胞的棱矢量,在固态物理学里面用术语primitive矢量来表示。但是在lammps中不一定要用最小体积的原胞来定义晶胞 Lattice应用:lattice style scale keyword valuesstyle = none or sc or bcc or fcc or hcp or diamond or sq or sq2 or hex or custom scale = scale factor between lattice and simulation boxfor style none:scale is not specified (nor any optional arguments)for all other styles:scale = reduced density rho* (for LJ units)scale = lattice constant in distance units (for non-LJ units)Lattices of style sq and sq2 are 2d lattices that define a square unit cell with edge length = 1.0. This means a1 = 1 0 0 and a2 = 0 1 0. A sq lattice has 1 basis atom at the lower-left corner of the square. A sq2 lattice has 2 basis atoms, one at the corner and one at the center of the square.sq and sq2格式的晶格是一个2维晶格 这个晶格定义了一个棱长为1.0的直角晶胞的2维晶胞。这意味着a1=1 0 0 ,a2=0 1 0。一个sq晶格在正方形左下角有一个基本的原子。Sq2则有两个基本原子,一个在角落另一个在正方形的中心。For unit style lj, the scale argument is the Lennard-Jones reduced density, typically written as rho*. LAMMPS converts this value into the multiplicative factor via the formula &factor^dim = rho/rho*&, where rho = N/V with V = the volume of the lattice unit cell and N = the number of basis atoms in the unit cell (described below), and dim = 2 or 3 for the dimensionality of the simulation. Effectively, this means that if LJ particles of size sigma = 1.0 are used in the simulation, the lattice of particles will be at the desired reduced density. 对于li单元,scale是 Lennard-Jones折算密度,典型写为 rho*。Lammps通过公式&factor^dim = rho/rho*&将这个值转变为倍增因子。Rho=N/V,v=晶格单元的体积,n=晶胞中基本原子的数量,dim根据模拟的维度等于2或者3。实际上这表明如果在模拟中使用的lj粒子的sigma=1.0,那么晶格中的粒子将会有预期的折算密度。region
box block 0 30 0 30 -0.5 0.5在空间xlo=0,xhi=30,ylo=0,yhi=30,zlo=―0.5,zhi=0.5的范围内创建区域。Region
This command defines a geometric region of space. Various other commands use regions. For example, the region can be filled with atoms via the create_atomscommand. Or a bounding box around the region, can be used to define the simulation box via the create_box command.
Or the surface of the region can be used as a boundary wall via thefix wall/region command. Region指令定义了一个几何空间。许多的其他的指令都用这条指令,比如,空间可以被原子充满通过create_atomscommand。或者是一个区域周围的边界盒子可以被用来定义迷你盒子通过 create_box command.或者空间表面可以作为一个边界框使用通过指令 thefix wall/region .A box value selects standard distance units as defined by the units command, e.g. Angstroms for units = real or metal. A lattice value means the distance units are in lattice spacings. The lattice command must have been previously used to define the lattice spacings which are used as follows:一个box值选用被units明令定义的距离标准单位。如A对应的units= real or metal.一个lattice值意味着距离单元在晶格间距内。Lattice指令必须已经在之前被用于定义晶格间距如:For style block, the lattice spacing in dimension x is applied to xlo and xhi, similarly the spacings in dimensions y,z are applied to ylo/yhi and zlo/zhi. 对于block格式,晶格间距在x轴上被应用于xlo and xhi。y,z轴情况相似。create_box 2 box
在上述空间内建在一个有两种原子类型的模拟箱This command creates a simulation box based on the specified region. Thus a region command must first be used to define a geometric domain.这条指令在被指定的区域内创建一个模拟盒子,因此一个region指令必须首先被用来定义一个几何区域。The argument N is the number of atom types that will be used in the simulation.参数n是在模拟中使用到的原子类型。 create_atoms 1 boxThis command creates atoms on a lattice, or a single atom, or a random collectionof atoms, as an alternative to reading in their coordinates explicitly via a read_data or read_restart command. A simulation box must already exist, which is typically created via the create_box command. Before using this command, a lattice must also be defined using the lattice command. The only exceptions are for the single style with units = box or the random style 这条指令在晶格中创造原子,或者创造一个简单原子,或是创造一个随即收集的原子,作为读取他们明确坐标的替代物,通过read_data or read_restart指令,一个模拟盒子必须已经存在,盒子可以通过create_box 指令创建。在用这条指令之前,一个晶格也必须用lattice指令定义。For the box style, the create_atoms command fills the entire simulation box with atoms on the lattice. If your simulation box is periodic, you should insure its size is a multiple of the lattice spacings, to avoid unwanted atom overlaps at the box boundaries. If your box is periodic and a multiple of the lattice spacing in a particular dimension, LAMMPS is careful to put exactly one atom at the boundary (on either side of the box), not zero or two. 对于box格式, create_atoms 指令将整个模拟盒子用晶格上的原子填充。如果模拟盒子是周期性的,你必须确保它的大小是一个晶格间距的整数倍以避免边界上不必要的原子重叠。若箱在特定的维度是周期性的,并且它的大小是一个晶格间距的整数倍,lammps就会在边界两侧各放一个原子。set
group all type/fraction 2 0.96 2398set style ID keyword values ...Set one or more properties of one or more atoms. Since atom properties are initially ass
igned by the read_data, read_restart or create_atoms commands, this command changes those assignments. This can be useful for overriding the default values assigned by the create_atoms command (e.g. charge = 0.0). It can be useful for altering pairwise and molecular force interactions, since force-field coefficients are defined in terms of types. It can be used to change the labeling of atoms by atom type or molecule ID when they are output in dump files. It can be useful fo i.e. positioning an atom at a precise location to compute subsequent forces or energy. 设定一个或多个原子的一个或多个属性。自从原子属性被 read_data, read_restart or create_atoms 指令所分配,这个命令改变他们的参数。这个对于通过 create_atoms command来重置默认值是很有用处的。当力场参数依据类型被定义后,这条指令对于变更成对的或是分子的相互作用力是有用的。该指令可以被用来改变原子的标识通过在他们在dump files中输出的时候改变原子类型或是分子id来完成。这条指令也对调试目标是有用的。定位一个特定的原子的位置,计算后来的力量或能量。
The style group selects all the atoms in the specified group. The style region selects all the atoms in the
specified geometric region. Group格式选择所有的原子在指定的群里。Region格式选择在制定几何区域内德所有原子。Keyword type/fraction sets the atom type for a fraction of the selected atoms. The actual number of atoms changed is not guaranteed to be exactly the requested fraction, but should be statistically close. Random numbers are used in such a way that a particular atom is changed or not changed, regardless of how many processors are being used. 关键词type/fraction 设定一部分指定原子的原子类型。真实的原子改变的数量不被保证正是需要的部分,但是应该是统计接近的。随机数在一个特定原子是改变或是不变的时候被使用,不管多少处理器被使用。type/fraction values = type fraction seedtype = new atom typefraction = fraction of selected atoms to set to new atom typeseed = random # seed (positive integer)massmass
1 9 第一种原子类型质量为 9 g/mol 2 1 第二种原子类型质量为 1 g/molvelocity all create 1.44 87287 loop geomvelocity
style args
value ...Set or change the velocities of a group of atoms in one of several styles. For each style, there are required arguments and optional keyword/value parameters. Not all options are used by each style. Each option has a default as listed below.
设定或是改变在一个或是几个类型里一群原子的速度。对于每个类型,都有需要的参数和可选项keyword/value参数。不是所有的可选项都在每一个类型中使用到,每一个可选项有一个默认值。The create style generates an ensemble of velocities using a random number generator with the specified seed as the specified temperature. Creat类型引发了全体的速度用一个被指定温度指定的种子的随即数发生器。group-ID = ID of group of atoms whose velocity will be changedcreate args = temp seedtemp = temperature value (temperature units)seed = random # seed (positive integer)loop value = all or local or geomThe loop option is used by create in the following ways.If loop = geom, then each processor loops over only its atoms. For each atom a unique random number seed is created, based on the atom's xyz coordinates. A velocity is generated using that seed. This is a fast loop and the velocity assigned to a particular atom will be the same, independent of how many processors are used.对于每个原子都有基于xyz坐标的独一无二的随机数产生。这是一个快速回路并且分配给特别原子的速度将是一样的,独立于有多少处理器被使用。Note that the loop geom option will not necessarily assign identical velocities for two simulations run on different machines. This is because the computations based on xyz coordinates are sensitive to tiny differences in the double-precision value for a coordinate as stored on a particular machine.geom 选项将不必要对不同机器上运行的两个模拟分配完全相同的速度。这是因为基于xyz坐标的运算指令对储存在一个特定机器的双精度坐标值的微小变化是敏感的。If units = box, the velocities and coordinates specified in the velocity command are in the standard units described by the units command (e.g. Angstroms/fmsec for real units). 如果units = box,被velocity command 指定的速度和坐标是被the units command描述的标准单元 # multi neighbor and comm for efficiency包含各类专业文献、外语学习资料、高等教育、幼儿教育、小学教育、应用写作文书、各类资格考试、32lammps命令等内容。 
 (其余省略) COMMANDS LISTED BY CATEGORY 以下列出的 LAMMPS 命令以按类分好,其分类情况如下: 初始化指令:atom_modify, atom_style, boundary, dimension, ...  (其余省略) COMMANDS LISTED BY CATEGORY 以下列出的 命令以按类分好, 以下列出的 LAMMPS 命令以按类分好,其分类情 况如下: 况如下: 初始化指令: 初始化...  lammps振动指令_计算机硬件及网络_IT/计算机_专业资料。自己整理的1...同时注意使用这条命令时,注意安装库文件。 SMD 本人意见: 这条指令不使用于...  (5)在 Tkconsole 里输入如下命令导入模型结构: topo readlammpsdata /home/wg/Desktop/文件名 (6)在 VMD main 中把视角改为 Orthographic (7)在 Tkconsole ...  LAMMPS手册-中文版讲解_能源/化工_工程科技_专业资料。LAMMPS 手册-中文解析一、...(命令:read_data, lattice, create-atoms, delete-atoms, displace-atoms, ...  (units style),lammps 现在提供包括 lj、real、metal、si 和 cgs 几种单 位...其他一些重要的命令被分类列于如下: Initialization: atom_modify, atom_style,...  vmd 中关于输出 data 文件的命令的完整格式为:topo writelammpsdata filename atom_type,在 atom_type 缺省的情况下默认为 full。至于不同的 atom_type 有什么...  关于步骤 5 中 lammps 命令的讲解,限于本人的水平,不可能讲的很详细。怎么说呢,前几 天在群中讨论呢, 打算以后组织一下全部翻译 lammps 的手册, 可是我这几...  var name value 传递变量 .1 LAMMPS input script ? ? lammps 一次读取一行,执行一行 命令的顺序...


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