
siRNA/ miRNA高通量筛选
日 12:05&&&&&&字体:【&&】
RNAi技术是一种新型的基因沉默工具,可简单、快速、特异地分析特定基因的细胞功能。其工作原理如下:在内源蛋白复合物(RISC)的作用下,双链RNA分子可以通过碱基互补配对原则而降解目标靶基因的信使RNA(mRNA),从而达到沉默靶基因表达水平的目的。在全基因范围,筛选与确认特定细胞行为的功能基因已成为药物化学、生命科学研究已经应用的常规手段。基于SiRNA全基因组文库的高通量筛选技术,可平行分析成千上万条基因的功能,大大加快研究进程,从而能迅速、全面地鉴定出细胞过程或信号传导途径的相关候选基因,以及疾病相关的药物靶基因,保证研究成果更为系统、新颖。 2.常规孔板筛选办法
微孔板筛选虽然简单明了,使用方便,适合于100-500个基因范围的筛选。但是当筛选库容量增大时,孔板筛选的成本将大大提高。比如,全基因组2万个基因,若重复三次筛选,需做6万次转染、分析,因此使用的siRNA、转染试剂、以及后续检测用的抗体和底物需要量特别大。 3.芯片筛选技术
除了传统的孔板筛选服务外,我们针对大规模筛选需求,成功开发出先进的SAMcell(Self-Assemble Microcell)细胞芯片技术,在玻璃盖玻片上,细胞自组装形成细胞岛点阵,极大地提高了筛选通量。同时采用反向转染技术,简化了筛选过程,同时大大减少筛选中使用的SiRNA和相应试剂的用量。
细胞岛间无交叉污染:在20x20mm的盖玻片上,细胞在自组装形成点阵的同时转染表达GFP的质粒,细胞小岛间隔形成荧光点阵,而相邻的细胞小岛(没有转染GFP质粒)则没有荧光信号。 技术特点:
1. 筛选通量极大提高。
SAM cell技术已经大量应用于SiRNA基因文库及化合物库高通量筛选。 4.筛选设备
微孔板读数仪dispenser 5.目前提供如下规模文库筛选 1) 全基因组siRNA文库(约21585genes)
2) 人类全miRNA文库及inhibitor(904条) 3) 细胞周期调节siRNA&&文库(131genes) 4) 去泛素化酶siRNA文库(127genes) 5) 磷酸化酶文库(257genes) 6) 细胞因子受体siRNA文库(319genes) 7) G蛋白偶联受体siRNA文库(516genes)
地址:北京市海淀区上地开拓路5号中关村生物医药园B302&& 电话:010--& &邮箱:Order@&&丁香客App是丁香园社区的官方应用,聚合了丁香园论坛和丁香客的精彩内容。医生可通过丁香客App浏览论坛,也可以在这个医生群集的关系网络中分享和互动,建立更广泛的学术圈子。
今日:25 | 主题:287006
Can you uploa
Can you upload the original research paper or show the link? Thanks!
mpark Can you upload the original research paper or show the link? Thanks!1.Optimized PCR conditions and increased shRNA fold representation improve reproducibility of pooled shRNAscreens.2.A comprehensive platform for highly multiplexed mammalian functional geneticscreens3.Genome-wide functional screen identifies a compendium of genes affecting sensitivity to tamoxifen4.Identification of unique sensitizing targets for anti-inflammatory CDDO-Me in metastatic melanoma by a large-scale synthetic lethal RNAi screening5.Synthetic Lethality Screen Identifies RPS6KA2 as Modifier of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Activity in Pancreatic Cancer主要是涉及到这几篇文献,shRNA文库结合下一代测序技术筛选仅在第一篇有详细介绍,但是没有用于筛选合成致死因子。后面几篇是用siRNA或者shRNA文库结合基因微阵列筛选的。我主要是不理解shRNA文库转染细胞株后,是使用什么条件筛选出,然后怎么测序分析出来合成致死因子的基因的。
Figure 1The picture is from Hendrik J Kuiken, Roderick L Beijersbergen paper published on Future Oncol. ):. In the paper, it is said that &T he development of vector systems expressing shRNAs, which are processed in the cell to siRNAs, have provided a tool for long-term experiments.& In screening, &in contrast to siRNA libraries, shRNA libraries can be used in a pooled format (Figure 1). In this approach large numbers of shRNA vectors are combined and used to infect a single, large population of cells. After selection, the integrated shRNA cassettes can be recovered by PCR on genomic DNA and the relative abundance of each individual shRNA can be determined by hybridization to DNA microarrays or .
The barcode technology has been applied successfully for positive selection screens and, to a lesser extent, in negative selection screens.&Figure 2From:,
doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.. It is said that &Overview of a pooled shRNA screen set-up. Cell lines (A and B) are infected with short hairpin RNA libraries targeting thousands of gene products by RNAi (Figure 2). Cells are cultured to allow the depletion of those containing shRNAs that target essential genes. Genomic DNA is isolated and the vectors are quantified using so-called barcode sequences (short stretches of DNA) that are unique for each shRNA vector. By comparing the genes that are required in one cell line but not the other by custom micro-array or deep sequencing, potential synthetic interactions can be identified.&In the attachment is a published paper regarding approach of synthetic lethality shRNA library screen plus deep sequencing.
mpark Figure 1The picture is from Hendrik J Kuiken, Roderick L Beijersbergen paper published on Future Oncol. ):. In the paper, it is said that &T he development of vector systems expressing shRNAs, which are processed in the cell to siRNAs, have provided a tool for long-term experiments.& In screening, &in contrast to siRNA libraries, shRNA libraries can be used in a pooled format (Figure 1). In this approach large numbers of shRNA vectors are combined and used to infect a single, large population of cells. After selection, the integrated shRNA cassettes can be recovered by PCR on genomic DNA and the relative abundance of each individual shRNA can be determined by hybridization to DNA microarrays or .
The barcode technology has been applied successfully for positive selection screens and, to a lesser extent, in negative selection screens.&Figure 2From:,
doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.. It is said that &Overview of a pooled shRNA screen set-up. Cell lines (A and B) are infected with short hairpin RNA libraries targeting thousands of gene products by RNAi (Figure 2). Cells are cultured to allow the depletion of those containing shRNAs that target essential genes. Genomic DNA is isolated and the vectors are quantified using so-called barcode sequences (short stretches of DNA) that are unique for each shRNA vector. By comparing the genes that are required in one cell line but not the other by custom micro-array or deep sequencing, potential synthetic interactions can be identified.&In the attachment is a published paper regarding approach of synthetic lethality shRNA library screen plus deep sequencing. Thanks so much!!
mpark Figure 1The picture is from Hendrik J Kuiken, Roderick L Beijersbergen paper published on Future Oncol. ):. In the paper, it is said that &T he development of vector systems expressing shRNAs, which are processed in the cell to siRNAs, have provided a tool for long-term experiments.& In screening, &in contrast to siRNA libraries, shRNA libraries can be used in a pooled format (Figure 1). In this approach large numbers of shRNA vectors are combined and used to infect a single, large population of cells. After selection, the integrated shRNA cassettes can be recovered by PCR on genomic DNA and the relative abundance of each individual shRNA can be determined by hybridization to DNA microarrays or .
The barcode technology has been applied successfully for positive selection screens and, to a lesser extent, in negative selection screens.&Figure 2From:,
doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.. It is said that &Overview of a pooled shRNA screen set-up. Cell lines (A and B) are infected with short hairpin RNA libraries targeting thousands of gene products by RNAi (Figure 2). Cells are cultured to allow the depletion of those containing shRNAs that target essential genes. Genomic DNA is isolated and the vectors are quantified using so-called barcode sequences (short stretches of DNA) that are unique for each shRNA vector. By comparing the genes that are required in one cell line but not the other by custom micro-array or deep sequencing, potential synthetic interactions can be identified.&In the attachment is a published paper regarding approach of synthetic lethality shRNA library screen plus deep sequencing.您好!您回复的帖子里面第二幅图上有句话“Grow cells to allow depletion of required shRNAs”我有点不明白,您能给我解释一下吗?非常感谢!


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