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Group discussions are only accessible to members of the group. To request membership, click Join.最新牌具1Discussions0 discussions.Members0 membersViews32,409 viewsGoogle Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt didn&t mince words when he spoke about immigration issues affecting the U.S. economy & and the H-1B work visas Google and other major companies use to hire top foreign talent, including MBAs.&In the long list of stupid policies of the U.S. government, I think our attitude toward immigration has got to be near the top,& Schmidt said in a March speech at the American Enterprise Institute. &We take very, very smart people, bring them into the country, give them a diploma and kick them out where they go on to create companies thViews107,184 viewsJanuary 1 is a common start date for new laws, and 2015 is no different. Here's a sample of the new laws and regulations that take effect on January 1, 2015 at the state and federal level.A Sample of State-specific LegislationIn California, 930 new...Views97,854 viewsFacts: 1. No company has as many smart people as Google. 2. No company is as ambitious as Google. 3. No company is working... phones to laptops to Gmail accounts. Google will take cover by giving 1% of all coins issued to the developing world via Google...Views11,653 viewsWhen people talk about &the next big thing,& they&re never thinking big enough. It&s not a it&s a lack of observation. I&ve maintained that the future is always within sight, and you don&t need to imagine what&s already there.Case in point: The buzz surrounding the Internet of Things.What&s the buzz? The Internet of Things revolves around increased machine-to-m it&s built on cloud computing and networks of data- it&s mobile, virtual, and inst and tViews16,390 viewsBy Deepak Chopra, MD and Henry Stapp, PhD Pick at random any TV show about the universe, and the visuals will be dominated... cosmic mind can’t be ruled out. 1. Quantum mechanics, as understood by its founders, shifted the foundations of physical science...Views51,995 viewsInnovation Suffocates in a Culture of Mediocrity: How to breathe life into company culture to compete for the futureIdeas are a dime a dozen. Everyone seems to have one or more. I just wish that more organizations would appreciate how plentiful and beneficial ideas are to the future of their business. The challenges are all too common. Often, ideas are shared in fleeting moments with the same zeal as observing the weather. Once expressed they recede from view, a moment and opportunity passed, with life returning to its normal, unvaried routine. Also common is the lack of people or processes tViews772,917 viewsIt&s not Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn. It&s a company that most people in the West don&t know. That, however, is set to change, with the explosive growth of China&s Tencent and its mobile messaging app WeChat...Last week, Facebook, the current king of social networks, admitted that it&s losing teen users, and that the overall growth in its monthly active users has slowed to 18% year-on-year. This isn&t helped by the fact that it and other Western social networks are banned in China. By contrast, Tencent recently announced that WeChat&s users have almoViews90,778 viewsIn a recent discussion about the future of Apple, I heard something that is becoming all too common these days. &I sold my shares in Apple,& muttered a chief marketing executive of a global spirits brand. He then sighed, &I&m losing my faith.&In a post-Jobs era of innovation, I, like many others, wonder whether Apple&s current position as the world&s most valuable business has run its course. Yet Apple continues to perform notably hovering close to its 52-week high of $575.14, an impressive 67% stronger than its 52 week low of $385.10. Granted, $575 iViews19,951 views...electrical signals that get represented as “1”s and s in computers. Engineers have been able to devise techniques to... devices -- transistors and resisters at the time. Intel's latest Itanium chip has 1.7 billion transistors. Currently chips...See MoreSee LessDiscover news and ideasConnect with the expertsFind your dream jobJoin LinkedIn to learn more about 最新牌具1locationFuzhou, Fujian, ChinaindustryCivic & Social OrganizationindustryFinancial ServicesindustryProfessional Training & CoachingindustryResearchlocationShanghai City, ChinaindustryTelecommunicationslocationBeijing City, ChinaindustryBiotechnologyindustryMarketing and AdvertisingindustryInformation Technology and ServicesindustryVenture Capital & Private EquitylocationShanghai City, ChinaindustryMarketing and Advertising一步搞定
问几个五年级数学的问题,悬赏50分~~~1、学校体育器材室原来有排球、足球、篮球各36个。借出一些后,排球还剩六分之五,足球还剩九分之五,篮球还剩四分之三。哪种球借出的最多?2、花花到批发市场去买一批铅笔,连跑了三家摊位,发现:甲摊位买5支花5元,乙摊位买5支花3元,丙摊位7元就能买到10支,选哪一家便宜?3、小明和小红两个人绕著操场跑步。小明说:我跑一圈要花6分钟。小红说:我跑一圈要话8分钟。小明和小红同时从起点出发,他们至少几分钟后在起点相遇?4、在一张长36㎝的纸条上,从左端起,先每隔3㎝画一个红点,再从左端起,每隔4㎝画一个红点。纸条上的两个端点都不画。最后,纸条上共有几个红点?5、学校舞蹈队人数在40~50之间,把他们分成5人一组缺1人,分成9人一组也缺一人,舞蹈队有学生多少人?6、长途汽车站每隔15分钟向A地发一辆车,每隔20分钟向B点发一辆车,这两地车早上7点同时发车,至少经过多少时间又同时发车?这时是几点?7、有一个带分数,它的整数部分和分数部分的分子、分母、是三个连续的自然数。把这个带分数化成假分数后,分子是19.这个带分数是多少?8、一个分数,分子和分母是个两位数质数,且十位数字为1,如果分母加上13,那麼,新得到的分数约分到最简分数,为十一分之一。原来的分数是多少?9、8和9分别去除一个数,结果都余2,这个数最小是多少?10、一个数的最大因数是6,另一个数的最小倍数是9,这两个数的最小公倍数是多少?11、园林工人在一段公路的两边每隔4米栽一棵树,一共栽了74棵。现在要改成每隔6米栽一棵树,那麼不用移栽的树有多少棵?12、有一排路灯,原来每两盏灯之间相距8米,现在要改成每两盏灯之间相距12米,如果第一盏灯不动,那麼至少再隔多少米可以有一盏灯不移动?13、操场上同学们排队,不论是4人一行还是7人一行,都能排成整行,没有剩余,操场上至少有同学多少人?如果操场上的人数在100~120之间,那麼有同学多少人?14、现有图书320本,铅笔240支,将这些物品装成数量相同的礼品袋,送给儿童福利院的小朋友,袋数要最多,可装多少袋?每袋中两种物品各有多少?15、小红在操场周围植树,开始时每隔3米栽一棵,栽了10棵后,发现树苗不够,於是决定重栽,改为每隔4米栽一棵。重栽时,不必再拔掉的树有多少棵?16、有ABCD四块木板,用红 黄 白 蓝四种颜色的油漆涂色,每相邻的两块涂不同的颜色。共有几种涂法?17、有三条彩带,红色的比黄色的长三分之一米,比蓝色的短五分之一米,最长的彩带比最短的彩带长多少米?18、兄弟三人分24个苹果,如果老三把所得的苹果的一半分给老大和老二,然后老二再把现有的苹果的一半分给老大和老三,最后老大把现有的苹果的一半平分给老二和老三,这时每人所得的苹果数恰好相同。兄弟三人开始各有多少个苹果?19、小林买一个铅笔盒用去所带钱的三分之一,买一本笔记本又用去5元,这时还剩15元。小林原来带了多少钱?20、运输队运送一批煤,第一天运走八分之一,第二天比第一天多运走总数的十六分之一,这时还剩下总数的几分之几?21、星期天小芳去少年宫学游泳用了2小时,比学画画多用了一又三分之一小时,小芳学画画用了多久?(用方程)22、一桶油,第一次用去它的一半多5千克,第二次用去余下的一半少3千克,第三次用去12千克,还剩8千克。这桶油原来有多少千克?23、公路上原来每棵梧桐树之间的距离是2米,现在间距调整为3米,从左边起,如果第一棵树不动,哪些树也可不动?24、体育课上,六一班同学分组活动。如果每6人一组则多3人,如果每7人一组则少4人。六一班至少有同学多少人?
哇,这么多呀,是不是暑假作业最后几天通宵来赶的说?(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……好的,我来一一解答1、排球:36-36×5/6=6
4×3×2×1=24 答:共有24钟涂法17、设红色为x,那么黄色为x-1/3,蓝色为x+1/5
-(x-1/3)=((*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,自己算)18、嘿嘿,也不知道19、设原来带了x元,则
x=30答:小林带了30元20、设这个煤的总数为1,那么1- 1/8 - 1/8 - 1/16=11/1621、(呀,这题跟着瞎掺和什么,要打屁股了)设学画画用了x小时,x减去 一又三分之一 =2
1/2x+5+1/2[x-(1/2x+5)]-3-12=x-8(啦啦,乖,还是自己算)23、2和3的最小公倍数是6 也就是间隔6米不用动
6×7+3=45 答:六一班至少有同学45人哈呵呵呵呵呵,完成啦。祝你暑假作业也到此完成,不用伤神
这么多 给个1000分差不多。。
忒black了一点 1.排球剩30 足球剩20 篮球剩27 公式:球数*(几分之几)=剩下球数 2.乙 家1 乙0.6 并0.7 3.7分之24分钟 4.18 5.446.607.5又3分之48.
1.排球2.丙摊位3.7分钟4.18 5.44人 烦死了自己做
1.足球。2.乙家最便宜;3.24分钟;4.抱歉 SORRY !


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