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存放家庭照片 试试云存储
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Cloud Photo Storage: The Best Ways to Bank Family Pictures
存放家庭照片 试试云存储
As a photographer, I often find myself caught between impetuous models and their ravenous fans. I am of course talking about my children and their grandparents.
Keeping the photos coming can be a lot of work. I take many spur-of-the-moment shots on my phone, which I rarely connect to my computer. And my laptop itself has less storage than before, because I now rely on fast, lower-capacity solid-state drives.
I need a nice, uncomplicated service that quietly collects all my photos, then helps me share the best shots -- earlier and more often.
This means public and private gallery options, and automatic uploading from phone and tablet. I also want drag-and-drop uploading and organizing, and the ability to edit photos online.
In my hunt for the best cloud photo option, five services stood out: Dropbox, Flickr, Shutterfly, SmugMug and the powerful yet clumsy combination of Google Drive and Google+. In the end, only Flickr managed to satisfy all my requirements, though SmugMug was a close second.
在我寻找最佳照片云存储工具的过程中,有五款服务脱颍而出:Dropbox、Flickr、Shutterfly、SmugMug以及虽然强大但稍显笨拙的Google Drive和Google+。最后,只有Flickr满足了我的所有需求,SmugMug的表现紧随其后。
Many obvious choices didn't make the cut.
Facebook, for starters. My parents aren't on it, and I certainly wouldn't force them to join. Also, although Facebook is the sole repository for many people's digital images, it's not a storage site. Facebook downsizes large photos, and if you download them, you're only promised image files that 'match the quality they have on Facebook, ' according to support pages.
I also ruled out Apple's Photo Stream.
我还排除了苹果公司(Apple)的&照片流&(Photo Stream)服务。
While it automatically syncs iPhone and iPad images to a Mac's iPhoto library, it doesn't permanently keep images in the cloud. You can lose pictures if you never sync with iPhoto. And with no Web interface, an Apple-only requirement for most sharing and -- in my experience -- complicated and unreliable controls, it's less than ideal.
(I miss the good old days of the imperfect but functional MobileMe Gallery.)
(我怀念过去那些使用MobileMe Gallery的日子,它虽然并不完美,但功能非常强大。)
What about Instagram? Let's just say a public stream of single images doesn't make for the best family photo organizer. Here's what I want from a photo service:
I want to put all my photos into the cloud.
A few years ago, the idea of putting more than a few key documents into a cloud account for safekeeping was absurd. Now, Flickr offers a free terabyte for image storage, while the retail-focused Shutterfly promises unlimited uploads. Snapfish does, too, as long as you occasionally buy something.
SmugMug -- less well known, but a worthy pairing of pro-level tools with novice-friendly interface -- charges $40 a year for unlimited storage of photos up to 50 megabytes in size.
Others sell storage space for any kind of files. Google charges $120 a year for a terabyte. Dropbox is pricier: a 500-gigabyte plan (what I'd need to store my photos) costs $500 a year.
While I always recommend that people keep copies of their most precious photographs on a drive at home -- perhaps even in a safe -- it now makes perfect sense to also put all of our photos online.
I want to share some images publicly and others privately.
If Facebook has taught us anything, it's that oversharing is real. When I say I want to share my photos, I generally don't mean that I want them broadcast to the public. That said, I do have some shots from trips or hikes that I'd be happy to blast out into the ether. An ideal site should give me control over who sees what.
Dropbox is working hard at this. Earlier this month, it introduced the Carousel app for iPhone and Android, which lets people send photos to friends and groups. The Dropbox website allows you to create photo albums specifically for sharing. The trouble is, the concepts don't overlap enough: Carousel won't do albums, and you can't see Carousel shares on the Dropbox website.
I witnessed a similar disconnect on Google: Google Drive is increasingly becoming the best deal in cloud storage, with 15GB free and the most competitive prices around. I could envision spending $10 a month to keep all my photos there.
我发现谷歌也有类似的问题:鉴于Google Drive提供15GB的免费空间,其收费也在同类产品中最具竞争力,Google Drive正在逐渐成为云存储的最优选择。我愿意每月花费10美元将我的照片储存在Google Drive中。
But Google has put its struggling social network, Google+, in charge of all photo organizing and sharing. To send pictures to a few select people, I have to create a post, de-select 'Public' and 'Friends, ' then add specific email addresses.
I wish Google could merge its photo service with Google Drive instead of giving all that power to Google+. There's a lot to like about the service, especially a terrific integrated photo editor. But the proximity of my family photos to random strangers' eyeballs is a little close.
我希望谷歌可以将照片服务功能整合到Google Drive中,而不是让Google+承担这项责任。谷歌的照片服务有不少可取之处,特别是其强大的照片编辑工具。但是,用户稍不小心就可能会把家庭照片暴露给毫不相干的陌生人。
When it comes to sharing, Flickr and SmugMug are equally on top: It's very easy to keep your public shots public and your private shots private on both, using elegant, intuitive controls.
Shutterfly, the old standby, is also an option. The mug-and-calendar service offers Share Sites, which can be customized on the Web or fed images via its iPhone app.
I don't want to have to remember to sync my phones or tablets.
In the past, most of the great pics and videos I captured on my phone just stayed there, never to be revisited. That's why I am a firm believer in the apps that let you save your photos to the cloud.
Dropbox, Google, Facebook, Microsoft's OneDrive and Flickr are all examples of this. (Dropbox also has the best tools for automatically uploading images from your desktop, too.) You can even make sure your device only syncs when on a Wi-Fi network, so you don't blow out your wireless data allotment.
A black mark against SmugMug is that it doesn't automatically upload on iPhones. Co-founder Don MacAskill said that while the new Android SmugMug app does, the iPhone app will likely 'continue to evolve and contain features like that.'
SmugMug的一个不足之处就是它不能自动上传iPhone中的照片。SmugMug的联合创始人唐&麦卡斯基尔(Don MacAskill)表示,尽管适用于安卓系统的新SmugMug应用程序支持照片的自动上传,但是适用于iPhone的应用程序很可能&继续保持现状&。
The site relaunched last summer with code that works just as well on phones and tablets as it does on a PC. Having drag-and-drop edited a SmugMug album using my finger on an iPad, I can attest to this, but the iPhone app is still behind.
Shutterfly doesn't automatically upload your photos either, though you can manually upload photos from an iPad, iPhone or Android device.
Flickr may satisfy my criteria the best, but it's not perfect. I was unable to test its online image editor because of a continuing service outage.
(Yahoo, Flickr's parent company, says it is aware that the online editor was unavailable, adding, 'We apologize to affected users.' As of late Tuesday it was back up.)
Flickr relaunched its iPhone and Android phone app this week with a handsome user interface. While it's missing the ability to share entire albums (just individual images), the app is a nice extension of the always evolving website.
Next up, Flickr and others must embrace tablets. Photographers love them, and besides, there's nothing like plopping down on the couch with a glowing touch screen after a long, hard day of getting squirrelly children to hold still for your camera.
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可以存在网络上啊。比如GOOGLE的GMAIL就可以当做一个网络硬盘.现在有2.7G以上的容量并且还在不停增加. GOOGLE这样的公司你应该不用怕它倒闭吧.要不就买个移动硬盘.现在已经很便宜了。
慢慢踏在我的色盲途中 盡力辨認你方向
级别: 小学二年级
发帖数: 67
注册日期: 2003-11
引用:最初由 Kamuel 发表可以存在网络上啊。比如GOOGLE的GMAIL就可以当做一个网络硬盘.现在有2.7G以上的容量并且还在不停增加. GOOGLE这样的公司你应该不用怕它倒闭吧.要不就买个移动硬盘.现在已经很便宜了。我的电脑已换了硬盘,也不够呀!网络2.7G只能存多少张啊!一张好的原始文件用RAW记录要13.5M,一个G只能存70多张文件,即使压缩到一半5M一张,一年拍一万张,要多少个G?拍三年又要多少个G?我已换了二个80G的硬盘,现又不够了,怎么办呢?
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多备几个大容量移动硬盘吧 唉~~~~这就是玩数码的烦恼
水酒常灌 善饮好摄 呼吸吐纳 生生不息 职业闲人 活着真好 好好学习 天天照相
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引用:最初由 lankuang 发表不好的删,还行的刻DVD盘。硬盘也不是完全靠得住,够几张盘了就刻一次。免得硬盘出错,欲哭无泪。还有,说一句乌鸦嘴的话,你精心选择,制作,上传到网络上好几百张的心血之作,能保证万无一失吗,多了不说,5年后,它们还能安全的挂在网上吗?所以找个时间,把你的网上作品下载,刻盘!说得极有道理。我现在就已经这么做了。还是刻盘最保险!
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