
& Wikitext
Last Updated: May 06, AM BST
Text Formatting
Monospaced font
=heading 1=
==heading 2==
===heading 3===
Bulleted lists
*** list 3
Numbered lists
# numbered 1
## numbered 2
### numbered 3
numbered 1
numbered 2
numbered 3
& indent 1
&& indent 2
&&& indent 3
Horizontal line
Right-to-left text
(to format languages
that read right-to-left)
Note:&[[rtl]]&tags must
be on their own lines.
When you want to display characters that have other meanings in wikitext, you can escape the wikitext formatting by putting double backtick characters on either side of your text. The backtick shares a key with the tilde.
Labeled page link
Link to page in another wiki
Labeled link to page in another wiki
Labeled URL
Labeled email
Anchors let you link to a particular part of a page.
Place an anchor
Link to an anchor
Include an image
Include external image
Include uploaded image
Image attributes
Determine width of image
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png width=&80&]]
Determine height of image
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png height=&80&]]
Float the image to the left and wrap the text around it
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png align=&left&]]
Float the image to the right and wrap the text around it
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png align=&right&]]
Center the image in the middle of the page or table cell
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png align=&center&]]
Add a caption for the image
caption=&an image caption&
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png caption=&This is the Wikispaces logo&]]
Make the image a link to another page or URL
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png link=&home&]]
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png link=&help:home&]]
[[image:wikispaces-logo.png link=&/&]]
Just replace&name.txt&with the name of any file you have uploaded to your wiki.
|| table cell || table cell || table cell ||
Table heading cell
||~ heading1 ||~ heading2 ||
Table cell alignment
||= centered ||& right ||
Table column spans (merging columns together)
|||| spans 2 columns ||
|| col1 || col2 ||
Table row spans (merging rows together)
|| spans 2 rows || row 1 ||
||^ || row 2 ||
This is plaintext.
This is plaintext.
[[code format=&php&]]
//&hello world
echo &hello world&;
// hello world
echo &hello world&;
Note&that both&[[code]]&tags must be on a line by themselves without leading spaces.
Supported languages
apache (Apache configuration files)
asm (x86 Assembler)
asp (Active Server Pages)
autoit (AutoIt Window automation script)
bash (Bourne Again Shell)
bf (Brainf**k)
bibtext (BibTeX)
bnf (BNF: Backus-Naur form)
cfdg (Context-Free Design Grammar)
cfm (Coldfusion)
cpp-qt (C++ (QT)
csharp (C#)
css (Cascading Style Sheets)
d (D programming language)
delphi (Delphi Object Pascal)
ecmascript (ECMAScript)
email (Email (mbox, eml, RFC format))
fo (FO (abas-ERP))
glsl (glSlang)
gml (Game Maker Language)
hicest (HicEst)
hq9plus (HQ9+)
idl (Uno IDL)
inno (Inno Script Object Pascal)
java5 (Java programming language, version 5 syntax)
kixtart (KixTart)
klonec (Klone C)
klonecpp (Klone C++)
lb (Liberty Basic)
locobasic (Locomotive Basic)
lotusformulas (Lotus Notes @Formulas)
lotusscript (LotusScript)
lscript (LScript)
m68k (Motorola 68000 Assembler)
mysql (MySQL-specific SQL)
oberon2 (Oberon-2)
pf (OpenBSD Packet Filter)
oracle8 (Oracle-specific SQL)
oracle11 (Oracle 11i SQL)
ocaml (Objective Caml)
oxygene (Oxygene Delphi Prism)
plsql (PL/SQL)
powershell (posh)
providex (ProvideX)
purebasic (PureBasic)
q (q/kdb+)
rsplus (R / S+)
reg (Microsoft Registry)
robots (Robots.txt)
rpmspec (RPM Specification File)
scilab (SciLab)
smarty (Smarty PHP template language)
terraterm (Tera Term Maco)
text (No highlighting)
tsql (Transact-SQL)
unicon (Unified Extended Dialect of Icon)
vb (Visual Basic)
vbnet (Visual Basic .NET)
vhdl (VHSICADL, very high speed integrated circuit HDL)
vim (Vim Script)
winbatch (Windows Batch Scripting)
xorg_conf ( configuration)
z80 (ZiLOG Z80 Assembler)
References (Footnotes)
Add citation
I am making a very important point, but it needs a reference.&ref&This is the reference to back up my point.&/ref&&
I am now pointing out something else, and referencing it.&ref&This is my second citation.&/ref&&
**I'd like my references right here:**
&references /&
Look, text after my references section!
I am making a very important point, but it needs a reference.
I am now pointing out something else, and referencing it.
I'd like my references right here:
&This is the reference to back up my point.
&This is my second citation.
Look, text after my references section!
Place references
(if you don't use this tag, references will appear at the bottom of the page)
&references /&
[[rss url=&http://source.url/feed&]]
Replace&http://source.url/feed&with the URL of your RSS feed. By default, this will display the last ten updates as text links, but you can make the following modifications to how your feed will be displayed:
full URL to the feed (required)
title text to display above the feed (or blank for none)
how many items to show, default 10
to show each item's description text, either &true& or default &false&
to show the item date after the title, either &true& or default &false&
to show the author of the item after the title, either &true& or default &false&
the number of characters to show in the description, max. 250
to show each item's media enclosures (audio, video, pictures), either &true& or default &false&
The variables below will let you place dynamic content in your pages. Since pages are sometimes cached after being created, some items, such as the number of pages in the wiki, may not be updated immediately.
Supported variables
Wiki description
Page Count
Servername (the hostname of the wiki)
Server (the url for the main page of the wiki)
License URL
Member Count
Organizer Count
Project Name
Revision count
Full Page Name (alias for&{$spacename}:{$page})
Editor (Username of the user, or the IP address of the guest, who create this revision)
Revision ID
Revision Dates
Date (In human readable format)
Day (with leading zero)
Timestamp (In&&Format)
Creator(Username of the user, or the IP address of the guest, who created this page)
Creation Page ID
Creation Dates
Date (In human readable format)
Day (with leading zero)
Timestamp (In&&Format)
Variable modifiers
Modifiers are used to change the value of the variable into a different format. Modifiers are separated from the variable name with the pipe (|) character, and can be combined together & for example,&{$pagename|ignoreinclude|url}.
Output modifiers
URL escaping
Scope modifiers
Ignore include
This modifier tells the variable to return the value of the original page it's on, even if that page is included in another page (see&).
Javascript variables
While editing Pages, it is possible to include Javascript inside an Embedded Object.
Several variables can be accessed from the client side to determine the current state of the application, as follows:
User/space definition variables
set if user has entered valid login information
set to current user's login handle
set to current Space that user is viewing
URL construction variables
system - type of function being performed ( 'view', etc. )
system - type of object being viewed/modified ( 'message', etc. )
set to name of current wikipage
system - object identifier ( for messages )
Contents of Another Wiki Page
The entire contents of one page can be pasted into another with the&[[include]]&tag. This can be useful in breaking a large page up into smaller, more manageable pieces, or to create reusable components, like headers and footers. The only required attribute of the include tag is the&page&attribute.
Supported includes
Basic page include
[[include page=&PAGENAME&]]
Include page with section title
[[include page=&PAGENAME& title=&Section Title&]]
Include page with direct edit button
[[include page=&PAGENAME& editable=&true&]]
Include a list of pages
[[include component=&pageList&]]
Include a list of pages with a tag
[[include component=&pageList& tag=&TAGNAME&]]
Include a tag cloud
[[include component=&tagCloud& ]]
Include a discussion page
[[include page=&PAGENAME& component=&comments&]]
Include a list of links to this page
[[include page=&PAGENAME& component=&backlinks&]]
Include page from another wiki
[[include page=&WIKINAME:PAGENAME&]]
Other Special Tags
Signature with date
(supporting LaTeX math markup)
\tilde{f}(\omega)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) e^{-i\omega t}\,dt
(Note&that the&[[math]]&tags must be on their own lines.)
Embedded media
Table of contents, flat
Table of contents
seconds ago
a minute ago
minutes ago
an hour ago
Invalid characters found


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