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一副完整的麻将牌共156张。流行的是精简版麻将,不含百搭和大白板,共148张。字牌  (合计32张)  1、风牌:东、南、西、北,各4张,共16张。  2、箭牌:中、发、白,各4张,共12张。附:百搭麻将另外有大白板4张花牌  (合计8张)  春、夏、秋、冬,梅、兰、竹、菊,各一张,共8张。序数牌  (合计108张)  1、万子牌:从一万至九万,各4张,共36张。  2、筒子牌:从一筒至九筒,各4张,共36张。  3、束子牌:从一束至九束,各4张,共36张。百搭牌  (合计8张)  财神、猫、老鼠、聚宝盆各一张,百搭牌4张,共8张。
具体多少种至今还没统计出来,因为各个地区的玩法都不同,牌数也不同,计胡方式也不同,南方和北方就有很大的不同。就象中国各地的方言一样,是有很大区别的。所谓十里一乡规,即使是同在一省份但不同城市的麻将玩法都不同,所以这个问题的答案应该是N吧 国标麻将,是麻将的一种玩法,其规则为中国国家体育总局於1998年7月所制定。其后在众多国际及国内麻将竞赛中应用,故被称为国标麻将。国标摒弃了大众麻将的赌博性质,同时又将番种增加至81番,极大的增加了趣味性与竞技性。国标麻将8番起和,增加了比赛的难度,同时也增加了趣味性。国标正在逐渐被大众所接受,成为一种时尚的娱乐方式。 其他种类及特色 江南麻将 心皇麻将:江南麻将其中一个玩法。每家少拿一张牌,心中想像一张牌。心皇牌不能用来上牌或碰牌,只能用作胡牌。 排列出牌:每家出的牌依次序整齐放在自己门前。曾放过的牌既不能上,更不能胡。 上牌、碰牌的摆放:上牌的那一张横放,或是在求搭的两张中间。例如三四万上五万,则横放五万,或是把五万放三万和四万中间。碰牌则视乎由哪一家打出:由下家打出的,横放靠近下家的一张,上家打出,横放靠近上家的,对家则横放中间那张。 成都麻将 只使用筒、条、万三种共108张牌。 血战到底:1家胡牌后牌局并不结束,剩下未胡牌的继续打,直到有3家都胡或流局。 缺一门:必须缺一门才能胡牌。 不可吃,可碰。 刮风下雨 福建麻将 活动百搭:开牌时将杠尾的一张牌翻开,该牌就是百搭。其中一张白板可以用作代替该张翻开的牌。 带弟百搭:若杠尾的张牌翻开是三万,则四万是百搭。「带弟百搭」指定序数牌九一相连而番子牌以东南西北中发白首尾相连,故开九万则以一万为百搭,开北则以红中为白搭。 台湾麻将 十六张牌:开牌时每家取十六张牌。 上牌、碰牌的摆放:与江南麻将相同。 连庄、拉庄:连庄,即是连续做一次庄。每连庄一次便加上一番。闲家可以向庄家提出「拉庄」,即是暂不清还输给庄家的总数,留三分一作下一盘的博注。 一炮三响:一家「出重」而三家齐吃胡。 日本麻将 立直:在叫胡时拿出一千点筹码放在列牌区前,表示「立直」,其后不能再上或碰牌,那当然可以胡牌。 排列出牌:每家出的牌依次序整齐放在自己门前。曾放过的牌不能胡。 宝牌:分牌之后,把扛尾倒数第三墩上层的牌翻开,宝牌排列方式如下:1.万索筒,开出一万,宝牌为二万;开出八索,宝牌为九索;开出九筒,宝牌为一筒,如此类推;2.风牌(东南西北):开出东,宝牌为南;开出北,宝牌为东;3.番牌(中发白):开出白,宝牌为发;开出发,宝牌为中;开出中,宝牌为白。若胡牌一家手上亦有该张牌,每张多算一番,有两张加两番,如此类推;举例:宝牌开出七万,胡出者用两只八万做眼,即加两番。 上牌、碰牌的摆放:与江南麻将相同。 美国麻将 查理士顿(Charleston):四家拿了牌后,依次序向下家、上家、对家换三张牌。庄家有权再来一轮查理士顿。 开杠不补牌:故有一杠成独「眼」,两杠则无「眼」。广东麻将把「对子」唤作「眼」。 百搭牌:百搭牌可碰任何牌成搭,四只成杠,五只成昆(Quint)。 越南麻将 特别百搭牌:计有花、元、喜、合、筒、索、万、总、一皇、二皇、三皇、四皇、一后、二后、三后、四后共十六只。摸「花」加两番,并非百搭。「元」、「喜」分别当作箭牌或风牌,「合」可当番子牌;「筒」、「索」、「万」可当本门牌任何一子,「总」可当任何序数牌;「皇」、「后」当通天百搭,分一二三四等级。所有特别百搭牌可碰或上。碰时可能会发生抢碰,以两只真牌碰牌者优先。以一真牌与一百搭去碰时,则视乎百搭的级数决定优先权。 菲律宾麻将 窗百搭(Window Joker):比福建麻将的活动百搭更进一步,除翻开的牌外,相连的两张牌及有相同数字的序数牌都变成百搭,番子牌则以西北中发白的次序决定相连的五张为百搭。例如翻开的是四万,则三万、四万、五万、四筒(饼)、四索(条)共五张牌皆为白搭;开红中,则中、发、白、东、南为百搭。 南京麻将 花牌:南京麻将包括20张花牌,即把箭牌也算入花牌中,所以没有大三元,大四喜之类的胡法。 掷骰:一般为两颗骰,掷两次,第一次由庄家掷,按点数逆时针旋转到的玩家掷第二次,从第二次掷骰的玩家那测从右以第二次的点数为起始抓牌。例如:庄家掷6点,择由下家掷,下家掷11点,择由庄家开始从下家第12敦开始抓牌。 合肥麻将 断幺九:整付牌没有一九万、一九筒、一九条,以及东西南北风和各色花牌。 八枝:胡牌时需要一门有八张以上。 胡牌:不许吃牌,只能碰一对,必须有八枝。 掷骰:用两颗骰,掷一次。以骰点的和作为开始抓牌的牌墙,以最小的点数作为起始敦数。比如4点加5点为「九自手」,从自己门前牌墙开始抓牌,但是从第4敦开始。 武汉麻将,又称开口翻、红中癞子杠,核心是二五八、癞子、开口翻和口口翻。它算番比较复杂,大赢还是大输就在一念之间。因此麻友须要一边精确计算做大翻牌,一边提防放冲甚至不小心承包,玩法十分刺激。
我们普通玩的麻将是136张 但是南方一些麻将会带花 所以是144张
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In 2006, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) changed the laws in regards to income tax settlements. There is also new paperwork that is required for a person to be considered f&or an Offer-I-Compromise (OIC). The OIC program is the only way for a person to settle an income tax tax debt for less than is actually owed. This program has been abused by unscrupulous tax professionals and misunderstood by consumers. Let's look at what this means for people today and how you can take care of your taxesStarting in July of 2006, all persons apply for an Offer-In-Compromise must begin making payments on the tax debt. They are given three options. They can pay in a lump sum, monthly payments over a span of 24 months or monthly payments over the remaining statute of limitations. All applicants must submit a down payment of at least 20 percent if they choose the lump sum option or must immediately begin payments if they choose the monthly payment option.A tax settlement firm is a firm that is akin to many other debt settlement firms. They specialize in IRS settlement work and have specialists that do only this type of work. Many of their employees are actually former IRS employees. There are also firms that employ attorneys that specialize in tax work.These firms contract with the debtor to send specialists to court to do battle with the IRS. They are there to try and convince the IRS to accept the settlement of the debt for much less than is actually owed. Many times this does not happen unless the debtor is seriously ill or deemed unable to truly repay the debt.Tax settlement firms do charge a high fee for their services. Most companies charge an initial fee that can range anywhere from $3000 to $6000. This will depend on the size of the tax bill and settlement. This fee is non-refundable.Tax Settlement Firms are not always successful. The IRS rejects most of the Offer-In-Compromise offers it gets each year. The success rate of Tax Settlement Firms hovers around the 10 percent rate. Most of the time, the debtor will have to make payment arrangements with the IRS to pay the taxes in full.The IRS is probably the most difficult and frightening creditor to deal with. Whatever you do, do not ignore a warning or notice from the IRS, this will only multiply the problem. If you cannot pay the taxes in full, contact the IRS to set up a payment plan. They have their ways of getting the money.The process of income tax settlements is wrought with grief and peril at every turn. People who have unpaid tax balances that they cannot pay should consult their tax/finance professional for proper guidance. There will be a thorough financial analysis to determine a payment schedule that will fit your financial situation. The most important advice is to not sweep it under the rug. Get this debt taken care of so it does not haunt you forever.Entering into an Offer-In-Compromise with the IRS is a relief, but there are things to be aware of beforehand. You will have to disclose all f this can lead to tax levies. The time during the review is added on to the statute of limitations. Your debt will grow during the investigation due to interest and penalties.
While oily skin is one of the challenges that acne sufferers face, dry skin is also a problem for many who use acne remedies that contain benzoyl peroxide. Found in even the b&est acne cleansers, benzoyl peroxide is known to overdry the skin of some users who have a sensitivity to it or who use too much of it. When skin dries out, it become irritated and sheds the e this further clog the pores and causes further blemishes. A product such as Complex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream is well suited for acne sufferers because it soothes the skin but does not clog the pores, which exacerbates the blemishes.Formulated by Schering-Plough Healthcare, Complex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream is meant for use by those with dry skin of any severity. It is a light moisturizer that is noncomedogenic, meaning it does not clog one's pores. This is a vital property for any product used on acne- when the pores are blocked, sebum and dry skin cells build up and create acne blemishes, whiteheads, and blackheads. The moisturizer further prevents the skin from overdrying, which causes irritation and blocked pores.
In addition to being noncomedogenic, Complex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream is hypoallergenic and unscented. The formula contains lecithin, which is a phospholipid that is a natural c it is intended to return the skin to its normal moisture level. This face cream contains no lanolin, mineral oil, or parabens, which can be irritating to acne-plex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream is a light, nongreasy moisturizer that is well suited for consumers in all climates who have acne-prone skin. For those in warm areas, it is a gentle and effective moisturizer without feeling heavy on the skin, and it does not clog the pores even when the consumer perspires. A home that is continually heated in cold weather also causes acne-prone skin to dry out, and this moisturizer provides a soothing shield against dry indoor air.
Recommended by dermatologists, this product is a boon for those with acne and other skin conditions such as rosacea. It is also soothing for those who have used strong acne medications such as Retin-A that dry or irritate the skin. It is fragrance-free, which allows people with sensitive skin to wear it in comfort. The price point of about $5 per 2.5-oz. tube makes this an affordable solut because it is effective even when applied lightly, one tube can last for months.Light and non greasy, Complex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream absorbs easily into the skin. This unscented noncomedogenic moisturizer is ideal for use during warm weather, when heavier moisturizers tend to clog one's pores. Complex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream dries quickly, leaving the skin looking fresh but not shiny. Additionally, its light formulation is gentle on skin that is already irritated from acne, as well as other medications and treatments. This face cream is a good choice for those who are sensitive to sulfates, which are often included in acne treatments. Users who have combination skin find that it balances the need for moisture on their dry cheeks and oily plex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream does not contain any SPF protection against the sun's UV rays, requiring the user to supplement it with a sunscreen or to wear a full-cover hat. The 2.5-oz. tube is rather small, but three-packs are available for a bundled price that provides a discount. Some users find it is too thin a moisturizer for wearing outdoors during plex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream is a mild, effective choice for those with dry, sensitive, and acne-prone skin. Even the best acne cleansers can cause irritation to the user's skin, and this moisturizer can relieve that condition. It should be applied in a light layer to relieve skin irritation and to restore the skin's natural balance. As a noncomedogenic moisturizer, it does not clog pores and cause further breakouts. Like other Complex 15 moisturizing products, the face cream does not contain lanolin, sulfates, parabens, it is an especially gentle product that is dermatologist-recommended. Since lecithin, the cream's primary ingredient, is a phospholipid that is found in all cell membranes, the cream is tolerated by most acne sufferers who have irritated and dry skin.Lecithin is a phospholipid that is present in every living cell. Made of inositol and choline, its job is to regulate the rate of nutrients that pass in and out of the cell. Lecithin's full scientific name is phosphatidylcholine, and it is present in a variety of foods, including soybeans, egg yolk, fish, grains, and peanuts.
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