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关键词:实况俱乐部 《实况足球2016》我的俱乐部等模式新截图释出 电视游戏
《实况足球2016》将从今年的9月16日起在Xbox One、Xbox 360、PS4、PS3和PC平台正式发售,作为这款老牌足球游戏的20周年纪念。本作的目标是回归本系列的原点,采用先进的Fox引擎,让球场上的瞬息万变真实地反映在游戏中,并且首次引入动态天气效果,改进物理碰撞机制,重新设计&大师联赛&的规则,致力于将游戏的每个方面都打磨到最佳。同时,PlayStation平台版本将带有一些独占特性,例如可自行导入图片来修改球衣和队标
《玩具实况:搏击俱乐部Battle of Toys》是一款画风颇有欧美卡通片的动作游戏。游戏中的主角们就是小朋友们房间里的玩具,玩家要一步步地收集玩具们,通过不断战斗并到达巅峰。在游戏中,玩家选取角色后,通过不断的学习,获得一个又一个组合技能并运用好它们。由于游戏本身不支持暴力打击,所以在打斗的过程中打击感会有所欠缺,不过这并不影响整体的游戏体验,喜欢格斗游戏的玩家们快来试试吧。
CLUB MANAGER)》,游戏在四月份的时候曾经测试上架,现在终于正式推送到各地区苹果商店当中了。
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在广受欢迎的Pro Evolution Soccer系列新款足球游戏《PES Club Manager》中组建你的梦幻球队吧!
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《PES Club Manager》所使用的游戏引擎来自著名的电视游戏《Pro Evolution Soccer 2015》。逼真的3D赛事和实时数据助你带领球队迈向巅峰!
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Feature Focus: Playing the Beautiful Game
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& && && && &&&PES Club Manager is all about football, and it’s only so far we can talk about our new strategic simulator without talking about the matches themselves!
& && && && &&&When going into a match you will be faced with 3 viewing options:
& && && && &&&3D: The power of the PES engine
In this view, you will be able to enjoy your matches in a spectacular 3D fashion! The 3D matches are powered by an optimized version of the highly acclaimed console engine for PES 2015. Here you will be able to see exactly how your players behave on the pitch, and even enjoy watching them perform the skills you spent so much time training them for.
& && && && &&&In this view you will be able to issue quick commands on the go to react to your opponent’s tactics.
2D: The tactical view
Here is where the magic happens. You will be able to see a real time top down view representation of what is going on in the match, allowing you the best tactical view possible. While in this mode you will have access to more options, like changing the game speed or pausing the match, editing your team or checking a plethora of statistics update in real time.
Assisted: The best of both worlds
In assisted view, the game will automatically shift from 2D view to 3D any time a team approaches the opposing goal. Don’t miss out on any of your goals!
& && && && &&&But what quick commands will you have access to during matches? Glad you asked! As in all football games, you main and underlying strategy, involving initial positioning, tactical options and formation will be set before the matches. However you can change some details on the fly to react better to your opponent’s strategy:
& && && && &&&Attacking style: Switch quickly between possession or counter attackBuild up: You can choose to maintain control with short passes or send your ball to the frontline with long passes.Attacking area: Shift your progress to either the middle or the sides on the fly.Defensive style: Get up close and personal with frontline pressure or lay in wait with all-out defence.Pressuring: Hunt the ball down aggressively or block their spaces with conservative pressuring.Attack / Defence level: With a handy slider you will be able to control how far your team goes, with 7 different levels of intensity, going from “Park the Bus” all the way to “All-out Attack”.
With all these tools at your disposal, you will be able to shape your team into a group of world beaters off and on the pitch!
& && && && &&&Don’t forget to follow @officialpescm for the latest updates and check out our other “Feature Focus” blogs to learn more about the ultimate football strategy simulator: PES Club Manager!
Feature Focus: Build Your Team
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& && && && &&&The new football strategic simulator PES Club Manager gives you plenty of options on how to grow your roster and develop your players. You can either focus on basing your team on your Youth Academy or send out your scouts to find eligible and already established players from across the world. With our over 5,000 licensed players you will have plenty to choose from!
& && && && &&&Let’s have a quick look at your options to help give you a running start!
& && && && &&&Scouts: Hunting talent all over the world.
By using scouts you can put your coins to use and discover super stars that are willing to join your club! Each scout pack will offer you the possibility of discovering a random player with a guaranteed rarity rating of at least 4 stars. Once you have discovered a player you can then choose to sign him to your team!
& && && && &&&Youth Team: Build your own foundations to success.
Once you have built your Youth Academy in your Home Town you will have access to your Youth Team. Depending on your Youth Academy’s level, you will have better players to choose from and the list will renew automatically at the end of each season or each time you upgrade the Academy. Their starting stats might be low, but give them some play time and throw in some Special Training sessions and you will have a future star in your hands in no time!
Player development: Practice makes perfect!
No matter where you get your players from, you will be able to directly influence their stats and growth with PES Club Manager’s player development system. Your player’s stats can develop or decline as you progress through the season, depending on several factors like training, development type and age.
& && && && &&&Development type: You can set a specific development for each individual player to set a focus on his automatic development. You can choose from Balanced, Physical, Speed or Technique.Special Training: Once you have collected enough training points, you can choose to give one of your players a Special Training session where they will get a permanent stat boost to the stats of your choice!Age and Star Rarity rating: Both the rarity of the player and his age will affect his development. The rarity will increase the amount of development a player is capable of and age will affect how long a player can develop for. After hitting the age of 30 you can expect your players to start declining. So don’t rely too much on your old glories! Give some time to your young up and coming players and keep a balance to stay in the game longer!
As you can see, there are several ways of building your team, so you can choose your own strategy but don’t forget to include your Home Town into your plans! Whether you go for a long term slow building plan or splurge early to build a team of already established Super Stars, there is no wrong option!
& && && && &&&Don’t forget to follow @officialpescm for the latest updates and check out our other “Feature Focus” blogs to learn more about the ultimate football strategy simulator: PES Club Manager
Feature Focus: Building your Hometown
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& && && && &&&PES Club Manager offers you the unique possibility of building and improving your Hometown. Each different building will provide you with unique bonuses that will influence directly your team progression. These bonuses can range from improving your chances of signing better players, increasing your total income during the season and even multiply the amount of bonus items your team generates after each match!
& && && && &&&So to give you a head start, let’s have a quick look at each building available in your town at launch:
& && && && &&&Stadium: The theatre of dreams
The stadium offers several unique upgrades that improve your income after each match and can also affect player performance:
& && && && &&&Stands: Increases your stadium capacity.Shops: Increase the income from merchandise after each matchParking Spaces: Allows more of your fans to reach the stadium.Roof: Increases the amount of fans that will come during poor weatherLighting: Increases the satisfaction of fans, providing more income.Scoreboard: Increases the satisfaction of fans, providing more income.Grass: Reduces the chance of injury for your players during home matches.VIP Rooms: Increases the performance of your players now that VIPs are watching
Training facilities: Drop and give me 20!
Improving your training facilities will increase your Training points gauge bonus after matches, allowing you to perform “Special Training” more frequently on your favourite players.
& && && && &&&Youth Academy: Grow your future stars!
Building your Youth Academy will allow you to sign youth players without using any scouts. Improving the building will increase the quality of Youth players available to sign.
& && && && &&&Scouting Agency: The talent head-hunters
The level of your Scouting Agency will influence the player market greatly, allowing you to find better players that other users are trading and increasing the sell-on prices whenever you decide to trade your players.
& && && && &&&Fan club: Can I have your autograph?
Fans have a great effect on your total income, so showing some love by improving their facilities will increase your fan growth after each game.
& && && && &&&Office: Football is not just a sport, it’s a business.
The level of your office determines how much GP and Coins you receive from your sponsors.
& && && && &&&R&R Facilities: All work and no play…
Giving your players a place to relax will increase your Recovery Kit gauge points bonus after each match, allowing you to give your players a stamina boost when you are not able to rotate them effectively.
& && && && &&&Entertainment Facilities: Fancy a match of PES?
Here your players can let off some steam and escape from the stress of high level football. It will increase your Motivation Kit gauge points bonus after each match, allowing you to boost your player’s morale and get rid of those nasty purple arrows.
& && && && &&&Medical Facilities: The doctor is in.
Injuries can be fatal to your team’s performance so getting a boost in your Medical Kit gauge points bonus after each match will ensure your players face a smooth recovery.
& && && && &&&Club House: Where the magic happens.
This building will upgrade automatically depending on your team level.
So now that you have a better understanding of how your Home Town can affect your team’s season, you can plan your build order depending on your team growth strategy!& && && && &&&
Will you focus on long term benefits by focusing on your Youth Facilities?
& && && && &&&Do you want to establish a strong early economy by improving your offices?
& && && && &&&Or would you rather build a team of established players and bring your scouts to the forefront?
& && && && &&&There are so many paths to choose, but it’s all up to you!
& && && && &&&Don’t forget to follow @officialpescm for the latest updates and check out our other “Feature Focus” blogs to learn more about the ultimate football strategy simulator: PES Club Manager!
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酒吧与俱乐部管理 Bar/Club Manager
酒吧与俱乐部管理是一份引人注目工作,但是千万不要认为这份工作多么有魅力,一个酒吧与俱乐部管理员说过,&当有需要时,你不得不做很多事情,为顾客端茶送水,拖地打扫卫生。&酒吧或俱乐部经理对酒吧或俱乐部的顺利运营,甚至在某种程度上还对它们的利润都有很大的作用 。酒吧或俱乐部经理对酒吧、俱乐部的经营理念和运营方式有显著的影响,而且让老主顾对酒吧、俱乐部留下很深的印象。一个经理说到,&你可以给顾客你想要的夜晚,让他们感觉非常美妙。&职业创造性是要成为一个酒吧、俱乐部经理的最受欢迎的一方面。大部分工作与老板正在进行的营销策略紧密相连,多数是以主题夜晚、娱乐节目、广告宣传和一些特殊事件为主的方式。 财务分析技能的基本是成本效益分析,因此俱乐部和酒吧经理必须提出对酒吧、俱乐部有吸引力的且财政合理的市场推销计划。类似&打开麦克风之夜&、&快乐时光&、&情侣之夜&这样的主题夜晚,很多酒吧都推出过的的市场营销方式,而且非常成功的吸引了一些新顾客。酒吧、俱乐部经理就是需要有这样的创新经营方式,而不必花费很多时间用于日常的管理工作。酒吧、俱乐部经理必须让前来消费的顾客觉得舒服安逸,这些顾客可以是会计师、服务员、供货商以及政府监管机构(包括酒类、火力、卫生系统及健康管理部门)等人员。俱乐部经理也应该了解当地的法律并计算好手续步骤以确保酒吧、俱乐部合法顺利运营下去。据我们所调查,很多人认为这份工作会很有趣,但是说这话的人不知道做这份工作需要承担多大的责任,一个酒吧、俱乐部经理说,&你有很多事要记录、保持联系,并且每件事都很重要。&酒吧、俱乐部经理就像一个中间人,必须让老板和员工都舒服。
人力资源管理&& 酒店管理&& 金融学&& 企业创业学&& 烹饪艺术&& 工商管理/管理学&& 音乐&& 音乐管理&& 爵士乐研究&& 娱乐休闲管理&&
人力资源管理&& 餐厅,烹饪,餐饮管理&& 娱乐休闲管理&&
感谢&楷维升学指南(&& )提供数据支持


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