葡萄牙人在中国新加坡出生 国籍的孩子如何申请葡萄牙国籍

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Five hundred years ago Portugal began the quasi-colonization of China. With Lisbon deeply in debt, the tables have turned.
As the world marks the 500 year anniversary of the arrival of the Portuguese people to China, a wave of Chinese investment and capital is pouring into Portugal.
Portugal was the first European power to establish a permanent settlement in China and was the last to leave when it returned Macau to Beijing in 1999. Now, suffering from a severe economic crisis, Portugal is making a strong push to attract foreign investment. China, despite its own economic slowdown, is taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the crisis in Portugal – and in other southern European countries like Spain and Greece.
To begin with, a growing number of Chinese investors have also been taking advantage of the drop in Portuguese property prices by buying new luxurious apartments in Lisbon’s best districts. The Portuguese government is trying to attract this investment as well by offering Portuguese citizenship to any Chinese willing to invest a minimum of US$800,000 in the country. The “Golden Passport” plan is attracting an increasing amount of Chinese companies and private citizens to buy real estate and set up offices in the country. Chinese businesses have also expressed interest in acquiring several struggling vineyards and olive farms in southern Portugal too. This makes sense since China is quickly emerging as one of the world's major destinations for European wine exports.
Meanwhile, over the past two years, Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have been acquiring major shares in strategic sectors of the Portuguese economy, such as the water, electricity, and communications industries. One example of such a purchase occurred in late 2011, when China’s Three Gorges Corporation acquired a 22 percent stake in Portugal’s national energy company, Energias de Portugal (EDP), for US$3.5 billion (nearly twice EDP’s actual market value). This was also followed by a loan of US$1 billion by the Bank of China to EDP.
Another example of Chinese business acquisitions in Portugal includes China State Grid’s 2012 purchase of 25% of Redes Energeticas Nacionais’ (REN) shares for a total of US$524 million. China State Grid paid the Portuguese power company 2.9 euros for each share, which was 40 percent over the value of the stock at the time of the agreement.
Also, in March of this year, Beijing Enterprise Water Group acquired Veolia Water Portugal from its French parent company for US$123 million. Veolia provides water to four districts in Lisbon, supplying approximately 670,000 people. That same month, China Mobile announced that it was considering acquiring an unspecified stake in Portugal Telecom too.
These acquisitions not only allow China to establish a strong foothold in P they also facilitate Beijing’s expansion into Portuguese-speaking countries in South America, Africa and Asia, since many Portuguese companies already have a strong presence in these regions. For instance, last March, the Three Gorges Corporation and EDP both announced they were planning major investments in hydropower and solar parks in Brazil, Angola and Mozambique. In April 2012, China’s Sinopec bought 30 percent of the operations of Portugal’s state-owned oil company, Galp Energia SGPS, in Brazil for US$4.8 billion. Also, China Mobile’s interest in Portugal Telecom is highly motivated by the strong presence the company has in Angola, Mozambique and Timor-Leste. In Angola, for instance, Portugal Telecom has 25 percent of the cell phone market and provides 40 percent of internet communications, while in Timor-Leste, it virtually controls the whole market.
In the past decade, China’s presence has grown rather quickly in the former Portuguese colonies, especially given that China is now Brazil’s largest trading partner. and Angola became China’s largest trading partner in Africa in 2012. China’s rapid penetration of the Portuguese market should further its presence in the Portuguese-speaking world. It will also likely improve China’s access to Western technology and to European and U.S. markets. For example, EDP has landed at the forefront of renewable energies, and is among the most competitive companies in the U.S. market.
Opinions in Portugal and around the world are divided over the surge of Chinese business acquisitions, and some fear that Portugal is sacrificing important assets with serious consequences for the future. However, some proponents of Chinese investment counter that the Portuguese state still has a majority stake in all companies and that China has clearly made the best offers, so there is little reason to worry.
Even though there are some risks for Portugal by allowing Chinese capital into its strategic sectors, there can still be many mutually beneficial opportunities. For instance, Portugal can contribute industry expertise and provide market access to China in exchange for increased Chinese investment and funding in important sectors.
Still, many worry about how much Portugal will benefit from opening its market to China, especially considering that many Portuguese and Brazilian companies have struggled to profit in the current Chinese market. For instance, Brazil’s EMBRAER and China Harbin Aviation developed a commercial passenger jet that was hailed as a symbol of south-south cooperation. In exchange for Brazilian technology, China agreed to give Brazil access to its growing aviation market and it had promised to purchase 1,000 planes in their deal. However, in 2011 EMBRAER was considering closing its factory located in China and had reportedly complained that the Chinese had taken their technology to build their own planes instead. (The company has apparently had a more positive outlook in recent months.)
While opinions remain divided over the benefits of China’s growing presence in Portugal, Chinese interest in Portugal and southern Europe is likely to continue growing. So far, China has bought US$1.3 billion of the country’s national debt and opened a US$1 billion fund to support investment projects between China and eight Portuguese-speaking countries. For a country in urgent need of cash, Portugal and its neighbors have very few places to turn to as the rest of the continent struggles, so Chinese investment will likely play an important role in their economic future.
木哈哈!《工业霸主》要变现实版本了?!!林振华同志呢 ???
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最具影响力中文军事论坛 - Most Influential Chinese Military Forum我爸妈没有问过我的意见就让我加入葡萄牙国籍,还说那是我的福气,说能走全世界,中国人有什么好的!_百度知道
都在国内让我外公给我办资料了,还让我去加拿大移民。,线板葡萄牙国籍!靠。。。说我刚18岁,申请容易,做加拿大人我说不想做葡萄牙人。怎么有这种人 不要脸,说将来加拿大不要我了!还说我真有福气 一下赶上了!。,我还有葡萄牙身份。再晚一年就不行了。,他说你想做哪国人,问都不问我 擅自主张。,加入加拿大国籍
为什么。。。换了 你就不是中国人了。。。你没有归属感。。
出门在外也不愁Sun, 28/06/2015
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投资移民法实施一年 248名国人在葡萄牙购房 日10:11 北京晚报 我有话说 “黄金居留”投资移民[微博]法实施一年 248名中国人在葡萄牙购房   葡萄牙推出购房换身份的“黄金居留”新投资移民法已经实施一年,作为欧洲大陆第一个正式推出购房移民政策的申根国家,政策推出后效果如何?这样投资移民是否值当?新华社驻里斯本记者章亚东探访当地华人律师和地产商了解详情。   葡萄牙 黄金居留证计划   “在葡萄牙投资50万欧元购置房产,就能全家获得葡萄牙永久居留权。”具体细则为:购房后五年内先给予申根签证,这能保证你自由往返于欧洲27个申根国,第一年在葡萄牙累计居住至少7天,接下来的每两年里累计居住至少14天,5年后全家即可获得永久居留权。持有居住证满6年可申请加入葡萄牙国籍。持葡萄牙护照享受全球180个国家免签或落地签,仅次于丹麦,居世界第二,适合那些有全球飞行需求的移民意向者。   中国人 投资移民比例高   葡萄牙驻华使馆今年1月召开新闻发布会,宣布中国公民在葡萄牙投资50万欧元购置房产即可移民。此后,一批中国投资移民前往葡萄牙购房置业,换取在葡长期居留许可。据葡方统计,截至今年11月上旬,有248名中国人依据这一政策获发签证,占签证总签发人数近八成。   专业提醒 ...
“黄金居留”投资移民[微博]法实施一年 248名中国人在葡萄牙购房 葡萄牙推出购房换身份的“黄金居留”新投资移民法已经实施一年,作为欧洲大陆第一个正式推出购房移民政策的申根国家,政策推出后效果如何?这样投资移民是否值当?新华社驻里斯本记者章亚东探访当地华人律师和地产商了解详情。
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風中的承諾&&br /&作詞:呂國樑 作曲:馬凱諾(Koji Makaino)&br /&&br /&昨夜的雨 驚醒我沈睡中的夢&br /&迷惑的心 纏滿著昨日的傷痛&br /&冷冷的風 不再有往日的溫柔&br /&逝去的愛 是否還能夠再擁有&br /&&br /&漫漫長路 誰能告訴我&br /&究竟會有多少錯 何處是我最終的居留&br /&&br /&曾經在雨中對我說 今生今世相守&br /&曾經在風中對我說 永遠不離開我&br /&多少纏綿編織成的夢 多少愛恨刻畫的鏡頭&br /&為何一切到了終究 還是空&br /&
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