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【游戏介绍】  原罪前传:浮现讲述的是一个发生在未来城市的故事,在那里警察们异常腐败被黑暗势力操纵着,政府发现这种现象推出了一项政策,创造了一直保安组织来打击这种现象,让城市恢复平静,这支部队被称作----铁石军团,铁石军团特勤部队的创始人兼指挥官科洛内尔?约翰R.布拉德上校正在追踪一种致命毒品“U4”,虽然这个看似平常可见且非常易于上瘾的毒品,并无任何独特之处,但在吸食者身上却发生了一系列的离奇事件,布拉德决心找出幕后黑手,最终线索落到了一个神秘、但却才华横溢的女生物化学家艾丽克丝?辛克莱尔的身上,她是一个性格坚韧,不达目的决不罢休的女人,她正在从事一项遗传学的研究工作,游戏也便从这里开始了。  游戏背景设置的佛里波城有着很多特点,它融合了约、旧金山和东京等现代大都市的特点,在喧嚣繁华的背后充斥着盗窃、凶杀、毒品泛滥等阴暗面。在人物方面会有前作中玩家非常熟悉的角色登场外,还将由全新的画面,加入新的人物、场景环境以及丰富的武器装备,在互动选项上也会更加的多元化,玩家只有进行游戏才能体会出其中的不同。  虽然游戏采用了Source引擎开发画面效果相比雷神之锤2要进步许多,但是相比较半条命2却还还略逊一筹,只能单纯看画面算是勉勉强强,除了着点其他都表现都相当不错。&【游戏配置】  系统:Windows2000/XP/Me/98  处理器:1.2 GHz  内存:256 M  显示卡:兼容 DirectX 7&【游戏视频】
原罪前传:浮现 (Sin Episode:Emergence)硬盘版
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8 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 23.4M
9 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.72G
10 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 3.82G
1 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 837.8M
2 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.72G
3 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 23.4M
4 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 58.40G
5 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 69.6M
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8 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 189.4M
9 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 122.9M
10 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 810.3M
1 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 2.53G
2 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.03G
3 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 189.4M
4 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 837.8M
5 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.56G
6 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.72G
7 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 33.9M
8 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 69.6M
9 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 英文大小: 151.2M
10 10.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 英文大小: 9.32G
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◎ 提供原罪前传:浮现 (Sin Episode:Emergence)硬盘版,保证安全无毒,可能部分杀毒软件存在误报,请大家放心下载,如果怕有危害电脑的,请误下载。
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星球大战前传一:魅影危机Star Wars:Episode 1:The Phantom Menace(1999)
乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas
乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas& ....(written by)
动作 奇幻 科幻 冒险
&伊万&麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor&
....Obi-Wan Kenobi
&娜塔莉&波特曼 Natalie Portman&
....Queen Padm& Naberrie Amidala
&杰克&洛伊德 Jake Lloyd& ....Anakin
&连姆&尼森 Liam Neeson& ....Qui-Gon
&塞缪尔&杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson&
....Mace Windu
&佩尼拉&奥盖斯特 Pernilla August&
....Shmi Skywalker
&弗兰克&奥兹 Frank Oz& ....Yoda
&雷&帕克 Ray Park& ....Darth
&阿梅德&贝斯特 Ahmed Best& ....Jar Jar
Binks (voice)
&特伦斯&斯坦普 Terence Stamp&
....Supreme Chancellor Valorum
&拉尔夫&布朗 Ralph Brown& ....Ric
&多米尼克&威斯特 Dominic West&
....Palace guard
&索菲亚&科波拉 Sofia Coppola&
&凯拉&奈特莉 Keira Knightley& ....Sab&
(queen's decoy)
&琳赛&邓肯 Lindsay Duncan& ....TC-14
&艾米&爱伦 Amy Allen& ....Twi'Lek
Senatorial Aide (DVD deleted scenes) (uncredited)
&本&贝尔特 Ben Burtt& ....Naboo
Courier (uncredited)
&沃维克&戴维斯 Warwick Davis&
....Wald/Pod race spectator/Mos Espa Citizen (uncredited)
&伊恩&麦克迪阿梅德 Ian McDiarmid&
....Senator Palpatine
&奥利弗&福德&戴维斯 Oliver Ford Davies&
....Gov. Sio Bibble
&Hugh Quarshie& ....Capt.
&安东尼&丹尼尔斯 Anthony Daniels&
&肯尼&贝克 Kenny Baker&
&布耐恩&布莱塞得 Brian Blessed& ....Boss
Nass (voice)
&Andrew Secombe& ....Watto
&Lewis Macleod& ....Sebulba
&Steven Spiers& ....Capt.
&Silas Carson& ....Viceroy Nute
Gunray/Ki-Adi-Mundi/Lott Dodd/Radiant VII Pilot
&西莉亚&伊姆瑞 Celia Imrie& ....Fighter
Pilot Bravo 5
&Benedict Taylor& ....Fighter
Pilot Bravo 2
&Karol Cristina da Silva&
&Clarence Smith& ....Fighter
Pilot Bravo 3
&Liz Wilson& ....Eirta& (as
Friday 'Liz' Wilson)
&Candice Orwell& ....Yan&
&Bronagh Gallagher& ....Radiant
VII captain
&John Fensom& ....TC-14
&Greg Proops& ....Beed
&Scott Capurro& ....Fode
&Margaret Towner& ....Jira
&Dhruv Chanchani&
&Oliver Walpole& ....Seek
&Jenna Green& ....Amee (as Jenna
&Megan Udall& ....Melee
&Hassani Shapi& ....Eeth
&Gin Clarke& ....Adi Gallia (as
&Khan Bonfils& ....Saesee
&Michelle Taylor& ....Yarael
&Michaela Cottrell& ....Even
&Dipika O'Neill Joti& ....Depa
&Phil Eason& ....Yaddle
&Mark Coulier& ....Aks Moe
&彼得&塞拉菲诺威茨 Peter Serafinowicz&
....Darth Maul (voice)
&James Taylor& ....Rune Haako
&Chris Sanders& ....Daultay
Dofine (voice)
&Toby Longworth& ....Sen. Lott
Dodd/Gragra (voice)
&Marc Silk& ....Aks Moe
&Tyger& ....Tey How/Diva Funquita
(voice) (as Tyger)
&Don Bies& ....Pod race mechanic
&Trisha Biggar& ....Orn Free
Taa's aide (uncredited)
&Jerome Blake& ....Rune Haako/Mas
Amedda/Oppo Rancisis/Orn Free Taa (uncredited)
&Michonne Bourriague& ....Aurra
Sing (uncredited)
&Doug Chiang& ....Flag bearer
&Rob Coleman& ....Pod race
spectator (uncredited)
&罗曼&科波拉 Roman Coppola& ....Senate
guard (uncredited)
&Russell Darling& ....Naboo Royal
Security Guard (uncredited)
&C. Michael Easton& ....Pod race
spectator (uncredited)
&Joss Gower& ....Naboo fighter
pilot (uncredited)
&Raymond Griffiths& ....GONK
Droid (uncredited)
&Nathan Hamill& ....Pod race
spectator/Naboo palace guard (uncredited)
&Tim Harrington& ....Extra (Naboo
Security Gaurd) (uncredited)
&Nifa Hindes& ....Ann Gella
&Nishan Hindes& ....Tann Gella
&约翰&诺尔 John Knoll& ....Lt. Rya
Kirsch (Bravo 4)/Flag bearer (uncredited)
&Dan Madsen& ....Kaadu handler
&Iain McCaig& ....Orn Free Taa's
aide (uncredited)
&里克&麦考伦 Rick McCallum& ....Naboo
courier (uncredited)
&Lorne Peterson& ....Mos Espa
citizen (uncredited)
&Alan Ruscoe& ....Plo Koon/Bib
Foruna/Daultay Dofine (uncredited)
&Steve Sansweet& ....Naboo
courier (uncredited)
&Michael Savva& ....Naboo Royal
Guard (uncredited)
&Christian Simpson& ....Bravo 6
&Paul Martin Smith& ....Naboo
courier (uncredited)
&Scott Squires& ....Naboo speeder
driver (uncredited)
&Tom Sylla& ....Battle Droid
(voice) (uncredited)
&Danny Wagner& ....Mawhonic
&Matthew Wood& ....Bib
Fortuna/Voice of Ody Mandrell (uncredited)
&Jack Haye& ....Pod race
spectator in Jabba's Private Box (uncredited)
&Kamay Lau& ....Sei Taria -
Senators Aide (uncredited)
&Taylor Murphy& ....Battle Droid
&Jeff Olson& ....Pod race
spectator in Jabba's Private Box (uncredited)
&Bill Tlusty& ....Chokk, Jabba's
Bodyguard (uncredited)
Star Wars:Episode 1:The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode I
Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning
The Phantom Menace
Star wars: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma
Star Wars: Epis&dio I - A Amea&a Fantasma
Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung
Star wars - det m&rka hotet
Csillagok h&bor&ja I. - Balj&s &rnyak
Guerra nas Estrelas - A Amea&a Fantasma
Guerre stellari: Episodio I
Gwiezdne wojny: Czesc I - Mroczne widmo
Ratovi zvezda - Fantomska pretnja
Razboiul stelelor - Amenintarea fantomei
Star Wars: B&l&m I - Gizli tehlike
Star wars episodi I: Pime& uhka
Star wars: &Episode 1 - La menace fant&me
Star wars: &Episode I - La menace fant&me
Star wars: Episode I - Den skjulte trussel
Star wars: Episode I - Den usynlige fjende
Star wars: Episodi I - Pime& uhka
Star wars: Episodio I - La minaccia fantasma
Star wars: H aorath apeilh
Sut& w&zu: Fantomu menasu
T&htien sota: Episodi I - Pime& uhka
Звёздные войны. Эпизод 1: Скрытая угроза
La amenaza fantasma
La guerra de las galaxias: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma
Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda I - Fantomska prijetnja
Star Wars Episode 1: Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episod I - Det m&rka hotet
Star Wars: Skryt& hrozba
Star wars I. r&sz: Balj&s &rnyak
Star wars: Epeisodio I: I aorati apeili
Star wars: Osa I - N&htamatu oht
Sut& w&zu episoddo 1: Fantomu menasu
Zvaigzdziu karai: epizodas I. Pavojaus seselis 3D
스타워즈: 에피소드 1 - 보이지 않는 위험3D
D9: 音轨: 字幕: 其他配置:
D5: 音轨: 字幕: 其他配置:
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15 Jan, 2014 @ 10:55pm
2 Jun, 2014 @ 4:55pm
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View WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 in the store
WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 was just released today on to
with a 25% discount.
Here's an update on the game.
Getting all the legal paperwork out of the way! Once that's done we should be able to release on early access soon.
We're also working on getting another visual novel past greenlight, you can check it out here:
From the author of Spice and Wolf, Isuna Hasekura, comes WORLD END ECONOMiCA. The opening video features music by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets, known for the opening songs for High School of the Dead and Strike the Blood.
A three part visual novel set in the far future on the moon, 16 years after humans have begun to colonize it. A young boy named Haru has been chasing his wildest dream. His dream is to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so he needs capital, a ludicrous amount of capital. What better place to get that amount of capital by using the stock market? There are two key rules that govern the stock market.
The first rule: Never take a loss.
The second rule: Never forget the first.
Only those who follow these rules are able to obtain enormous wealth...
What if I bought the game from other companies?
We're working with the other companies and will provide Steam keys if they are willing to share customer data with us.
26 Mar, 2014 @ 3:08pm
Release details
25 Feb, 2014 @ 6:34pm
GOG Wishlist Support
Agent York
26 Feb, 2014 @ 11:35pm
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