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2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社美国中央情报局解密文件&-&60年代中国经济报道
1960年是16%。这在发达国家也是很少见到的成绩。让那些以美国为准绳的 美粉、美孙们,闭上你们的臭嘴吧!!&如果哪位质疑该文的真实性,请来函告知。
Number 13-61
第 13-61 号
Submitted by the
The following intelligence organizations
participated in the preparation of this estimate: The Central
Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the
Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, The Joint
Staff, and the National Security Agency.
Concurred in by the
On 4 April 1961. Concurring were the Director
of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, the
Assistant&Chief of Staff for Intelligence,
Department of the A the Assistant Chief of Naval Operations
(Intelligence), Department of the Navy, the Assistant Chief of
Staff, Intelligence, USAF; the Director of Intelligence, Joint
S the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Special
O and the Director of the National Security Agency. The
Atomic Energy Commission Representative to the USIB, and the
Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the
subject being outside of their jurisdiction.
1.& This estimate was disseminated by the Central
Intelligence Agency. This copy is for the information and use of
the recipient and persons under his jurisdiction on a need to know
basis.& Additional essential dissemination may be
authorized by the following officials within their respective
&a.& Director of Intelligence and
Research, for the Department of State
& b.& Assistant
Chief&of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the
c.& Assistant Chief of Naval Operations
(Intelligence), for the Department of Navy
d.& Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the
Department of the Air Force
e.& Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for
the Joint Staff
&f.&& Director
of Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic Energy
&g.& Assistant Director, FBI, for
the Federal Bureau of Investigation
h.& Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Special
Operations, for the Department of Defense
I.& Director of NSA for the National Security
j.&& Assistant Director for
Central Reference, CIA, for any other Department or
2.& This copy may be retained, or destroyed by
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it in accordance with IAC-D-69/2, 22 June 1953.
4.& The title of this estimate when used
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National Security
Department of
Department of
Atomic Energy
Federal Bureau of
The Economic
&Situation in Communist
To assess current Chinese Communist economic
difficulties, with special
reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and
political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the
event 1961 should prove a poor crop year.
Widespread famine
does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people
are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies
immediately ahead in the period before the June
The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of
Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization
These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth
during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments
Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at
its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have
been some instances of open dissidence.
Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has
been Peiping's action in scheduling the importation of nearly three
million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200
million of Communist China's limited foreign currency
3. 如果1961年的天气正常,就会显著提高农业产量,期望超过1959年和1960年的收成,才能克服这一灾难,以便能够恢复最低的生活水准,所以有必要重建国内储备,继续粮食净出口。如果大量苏联技师不回中国,工业产值可能会年增加约12%左右,与此相比,1959年的工业增产33%,1960年是16%。
1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects
for Communist China are likely to be grave.& There probably would
be no increase in gross national product (GNP)& in 1961, and growth
prospects for later years would also be affected.& Unless there were
substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become
widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would
Public disaffection probably would become& a major problem for
the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of
threats and terror.& It is unlikely even
in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could
threaten continued control of China by its present leadership
4. &如果1961年还是一个歉收年,那么对于共党中国的经济和政治的影响极有可能是严重的。国民生产总值(GNP)在1961年可能不会增加,未来几年的增长也会受到影响。除非大量进口食品,否则营养不良和疾病肆虐将会很普遍,饿殍遍野可能会发生。公众的不满可能会成为当局的主要问题,也许会迫使其采取大规模的镇压和恐怖活动。即使在这种情况下,纵然公众怨声载道,也不可能威胁到当局对中国的领导地位。
not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even
under conditions of widespread famine.
not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause
Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties
probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which
would exacerbate its relations with Moscow.
6. &纵然饿殍遍野,我们认为北平,就其自身(能力)而言,也不会军事冒险。这种困境可能会促使北平避免采取这种加剧与莫斯科的双边关系的行动。
Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic
difficulties it has encountered since .
The most acute of the problems is the food shortage:& the output of grain
in 1960 has dropped to about the 1957 level, when there were an
estimated 50 million fewer popular discontent and apathy and
weakened party morale.
7.& The Chinese Communist
regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has
encountered since . As a result of two successive years of poor
harvests, the withdrawal of Soviet technicians, and the
dislocations created by the "Leap Forward" , the Chinese leaders
have been forced sharply to slow down the pace of the country's
economic development program.& The most acute of the
problems is the food shortage:& the output of grain
in 1960 has dropped to about the 1957 level, when there were an
estimated 50 million fewer popular discontent and apathy and
weakened party morale.
7. 中共当局如今面临的自从年以来最为严重的经济困难。
II. Communist
China's Economic Difficulties&
Agricultural Crisis&
8.& Peiping's orthodox
Communist program for economic development has been based on the
belief that China could be industrialized rapidly , despite its
technological backwardness and the unfavorable ratio of population
to arable land.& Consumption was to
held in check and industrial assistance plant was to be built up
with technical assistance and large-scale imports of machinery from
the USSR. Agricultural, which had the threefold task of : (a)
feeding a fast- (b) supplying increasing
quantities of raw m and (c) providing goods
for export, was to rely primarily on labor-intensive projects and
programs. The modernization of agriculture was to wait until
industry developed enough to provide simultaneously the resources
for further industrial growth and for increased investment in
agriculture. This program involved a deliberated gamble that the
thin margin between the production of food and the minimum needs of
the population could be maintained.& There are growing
indications that Chinese leaders now realize that this gamble has
not succeeded.
Agricultural production, which had barely kept ahead of population
growth until the past two years, has now dropped
The situation has become especially acute as regards foodgrains,
which make up 85-90 percent of the Chinese diet.& Although foodgrain
production increased by an estimated 10 percent - from 168 to 185
million metric tons -& during China's First
Five-Year Plan (). T made
possible a small improvement in the people's diet.&& The
situation was temporarily eased by a bumper crop in 1958, when
foodgrain production reached an estimated 212 million
During late 1958, however, the regime allowed food to be consumed
through free supply in the commune mess-halls at a rate that it
could not sustain.&& By
early 1959 food reserves were already low and local shortages had
appeared in many areas of the country.
10.& since 1958 the
problem has been greatly intensified by two consecutive poor crop
Foodgrain production in 1959 declined to an estimated 190 million
tons, and the 1960 harvest is estimated to have been only 180-190
million tons.&&
Moreover, the quality of the Chinese diet has declined:& consumption of foods
rich in nutrients, such as meat, vegetable oils, and soybean
products, has fallen.& Thus, a very low per
capita caloric intake has been sustained for nearly two years
despite the heavy labor demands on the Chinese
10. 自1958年底以来,粮食短缺问题由于连续两年的歉收而更加严重。1959年的粮食产量下降到约一亿九千万吨,预计
11. Widespread famine does not appear to be at
hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare
subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead
in the period before June, when the first 1961 crops will be
Serious diseases of malnutrition, such as beri-beri and nutritional
edema, are widespread in the worst hit areas of the
In addition, the lack of food has increased the incidence of other
types of diseases, such as tuberculosis and liver
Many workers apparently are so weakened by lack of food that normal
workloads cannot be performed.
11. 饥荒似乎不眼前,但在一些省份,很多人都在生存边沿挣扎,痛苦地等待着1961年6月份的收获季节。营养不良引起的疾病,如脚气、营养性水肿等,广泛分布在受灾最严重的地区。此外,食物的短缺增加了其他类型疾病的发生,如肺结核、肝病。许多工人显然是由缺乏食物而不能正常工作。
The important cotton
crop is estimated to have been less than in 1959, temporarily
hilting growth in the textile industry and bringing on an even
stricter rationing of cotton cloth.& Production of
oil-seeds and soybeans in 1960 probably was no higher than in 1959
and may have been somewhat
12. 虽然缺乏准确资讯,1960年非食物类农作物也歉收。重要的棉花生产预计低于1959年的产量,暂时停止的纺织工业增长带来一个更严厉的棉布配给问题。1960年的种子油和大豆生产可能不会超过1959年,很可能会低于1959年的产量。
13. The recent failures of Chinese agriculture
have been due principally to adverse weather
It is clear that 1959 and 1960 were years of severe natural
disasters in growing areas in North China were affected by severe
and extended drought.& In rice growing area
of the Yangtze Valley and South China weather was average in 1960,
and rice production was about the same as in 1959. However, some
areas in the south were subjected to typhoons and floods which
caused severe local rice shortages.
13. 中国农业近期的失败主要是由于不利的天气原因所致。很明显,1959年和1960年是中国自然灾害最严重的两年。1960年小麦主要产地华北地区由于严重持续的干旱,极大地影响了产量。在长江流域以及华南地区,1960年气候平常,水稻产量大约和1959年持平。然而,由于南方一些地区遭受台风影响加上洪水泛滥,造成局部地区严重的大米短缺。
14.& Bad as the weather
was in 1959 and 1960, the regime appears to have been deliberately
exaggerating& the scope of weather
difficulties in order to shift blame from itself.& Some of the
agricultural difficulties of the past two years have resulted from
excesses and mismanagement& attending the "Leap
Forward" efforts of commune reorganizations, vacillating policies
with respect to private plots and private livestock holdings, the
drive to grow more on less land, and agricultural innovations that
ignored practical experience and could not be quickly assimilated
under varying local conditions.
14. 1959年和1960年天气是不好,但政府似乎是夸大了气候原因而没有检讨自己的问题。过去两年的农业问题是因为管理不善和“大跃进”的影响;公社的重组尝试,摇摆不定的自留地、自留牲畜政策,在有限的土地搞密植、什么农业创新,这些都忽视了实际经验,不能很快在不同地区收到成效。
15.& Peasant fatigue and
apathy have also played a part.& The people have been
overworked for three years, their lives regimented , and they have
been forced to do much work which they have felt was
Finally, there have been no material rewards to compensate for the
extra demands placed on them by the regime.
Sino-Soviet Economic Relations
Economic Relations& 中苏经济关系
16.& The deterioration of
political relations between Communist China and the USSR during
1960 further compounded Peiping's economic
In July-August the USSR abruptly withdraw all or nearly all of the
2,000 to 3,000 Soviet industrial technicians in Communist
China.&& The
removal of these technicians has retarded the schedules for the
installation of equipments and the opening of new plants, and
probably has caused the temporary cancellation of other
withdrawal of technicians has been the major economic sanction
applied by Moscow during the period of China's open challenge to
Soviet authority in the Bloc.& China's short-term
indebtedness to the USSR during 1960 increased by nearly $250
million, one of several indications that the USSR did not extend
its economic pressure to the point of curtailing the general flow
of commodities to China.& Nevertheless, the
withdrawal of the technicians and the cooling of political
relations probably caused disruption in Sino-Soviet
18.& The explanation for
the shortages of petroleum products in late 1960 is
These shortage have affected aircraft and military activities,
truck distribution of food, and passenger transport in major
cities.& In
previous years the USSR acted quickly to make supplementary
deliveries of petroleum products when the shipments provided for in
the annual trade agreement were not sufficient to last through the
year.&& No
supplementary supplies were forthcoming in 1960, although current
deliveries are apparently normal.& The shortage in late
1960 may have been due to Chinese reluctance to request
supplementary supplies at a time of political tension and trade
additional supplies but were turned down by the
18. 1960年底石油产品短缺的原因不详。石油的短缺影响了飞机和军事运作、食物的批量分配、以及各大城市的客运交通。在过去几年里,苏联很快便会交付石油产品,补充本年度贸易协定的差额。而1960年的补充供应却没有提供,尽管目前的交付还是正常的。1960年末的石油产品短缺可能是由于中国因为政治关系紧张、和贸易困境,而不愿意接受苏联补充供应,也有可能是中方要求供应,但被苏联拒绝了。
Demise of the "Leap
19.& During 1960 it became
increasingly apparent that the "Leap Froward" was in fact ending
and that Peiping recognized it could not continue the breakneck
industrialization tempo of .& Since 1958 men and
machines had been driven at an exhausting pace with only secondary
concern for cost, quality, and variety of output, maintenance of
equipment, or morals of workers and party cares.& Trying to go too fast
with too little, the regime had been unable to maintain balance in
the economy.&&
Machines were built without spare parts and factories were
constructed without adequate transportation facilities.& The size and scope of
many construction projects were extended at local initiative
without coordination with national plans.& By mid 1960 abnormal
numbers of machines were breaking down, many irrigation projects
were ineffective, inventories of products of little economic use
were mounting, and the people were becoming unable to maintain the
frantic pace of the previous two years.
19. 在1960年,越来越明显“大跃进”实际上已是行将末路,北平认识到
Economic and Political Efforts of These
sharply to reduce Communist China's rate of economic growth.
national product (GNP) , which increased by about 18 percent in
1958 and 12 percent in 1959, is estimated to have increased by
about 8 percent in 1960 - approximately the average rate of
increase during the First Five-Year Plan.& Output of crude
steel, coal, and electric power apparently reached planned levels.
industrial production increased by an estimated 16 percent against
a planned increase of about 25 percent, and light industry
registered little if any advance.& Industries requiring
a high level of technical skill, such as military industries,
aircraft, shipbuilding, and atomic energy, probably encountered
difficulties as a result of the withdrawal of Soviet
technicians.& Total investment is
estimated to have increased at about the 1959 level, but investment
in the industrial sector may have
20. 连续两年的歉收,苏联技术人员的撤离,加上“大跃进”的失败,这些联合作用,极大地降低了
21.& During& the past three years
Communist China has also encountered growing balance of payments
These problems - which arose out of the increased imports needed to
support the attempted "Leap Forward" industrialization program and
out of the necessity to cut back food exports - had their heaviest
impact in 1960.& The agricultural
shortages probably caused total exports in the last half of 1960 to
decline substantially.& By the end of 1960,
communist China had accumulated a short-term indebtedness to other
Bloc countries amounting to about $600 million, over half of which
had been incurred in 1960.& In addition, reserves
of gold and convertible currencies were reduced by nearly $200
million in .
22.& Less tangible but
equally important have been the political repercussions of China's
economic difficulties.& Despite three years
of tremendous effort, the Chinese people face greater personal
hardships today than when the "Leap Forward" with its grandiose
stoicism, and many older people, recalling mass starvation in the
past, may credit the regime with preventing the situation from as
yet deteriorating that far.& However, under the
commune system the Chinese state , rather than the family , has
assumed the responsibility for providing food, and most Chinese
probably place on the state the onus of responsibility for their
present plight.
Moreover, the present
food difficulties come atop vast social changes, exhausting labor
pressures, policy vacillations, and unfulfilled
Present evidence suggests that large sections of the populace are
disillusioned and apathetic and that confidence in the regime's
policies has been badly shaken.& Public morale,
particularly in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest
point since the Communist assumed power.
wall posters, attacks
on cadres, food riots, and various forms of sabotage of
production.& Nevertheless, we do
not believe that widespread or organized efforts at rebellion or
open rejection of the regime's authority are likely in the near
24.& There is no
indication that China's difficulties have caused the development of
either severe factionalism within the leadership group or a
challenge to Mao, although there almost certainly have been serious
policy disagreements within the party.&&
credible evidence that morale within the party has been
The cadres have had to cope with the conflicting pressures of party
orders, popular attitudes, and the often practical impossibilities
of the given situation.&&
their task has been complicated by the problem of interpreting and
implementing shifting policies without incurring subsequent
condemnation for "rightist" or "leftist" errors.& The cadres probably
are particularly resentful of the leadership's attempt to blame its
failures on them.& While the party
almost certainly continues to be generally effective in maintaining
order and discipline, we believe that its responses to the
leadership are more sluggish and ill-coordinated.
25.& Little is known about
the attitudes of the regular military and public security
They have probably experienced some hardship along with the
populace, even though they still receive preferential
treatment.& There have been reports of active discontent here
and there among the security forces, but we have no basis for
interpreting these reports as typical of the attitude of the
security forces in general, much less that of the regular military
The Regime Remedial Efforts& 当局的补救措施
26.& The concern of
Chinese Communist leaders over the food situation has been
reflected in the emergency measures they have taken.&&
Their major effort has been the adoption of a more rigorous
program both to equalize consumption throughout the country and to
make sure that the limited food available is not consumed before
the 1961 harvest.&&&
A cut in foodgrain rations averaging about 10 percent has been
decreased to stretch available food supplies until the June
Leaves have been ordered stripped from trees to be fed to animals
so that food normally eaten by animals can be consumed by
The peasants have been permitted to have private plots once again,
free markets have been allowed in at least some areas, and further
modifications of the commune system have taken place.& Regulations
restricting food parcels from Hong Kong have been
In addition to its
efforts to stretch available supplies, the regime has taken steps
to reduce the effects of the shortages.
In addition, Peiping
has ordered the mobilization of all medical forces to fight an
increase in infectious diseases expected this spring.& The regime has also
introduced measures, such as the elimination of many political
meetings, the provision of extra rest days, and a suspension of
organized sports.& Extensive as these
measures are ,they appear to reflect grim determination rather than
desperation on the part of the
28.& The most dramatic
steep taken by the regime - and perhaps the best indicator of the
severity of the food shortage - is Peiping's decision to import
several million tons of foodgrains.&&
Under contracts already completed, imports of grain into China in
1961 will be nearly three million tons, most of which is scheduled
for shipment in the first half of the year.&& The
Chinese Communists are further negotiating for additional
quantities of Australian and Canadian wheat - possibly to be
supplied in the second half of 1961.& These imports are in
sharp contrast to Communist China's normal trade pattern of net
exports of over one million tons of grain.&&
29.& Agricultural exports
have been the regime's chief means of paying for the imports
necessary for its industrialization program. Imports of the amounts
contacted for to date - which are to be paid for in cash - will
cost Peiping about $200 million, and if negotiations now underway
for additional grain are successful , total foodgrain imports in
1961 will cost over $300 million.& Whether or not the
USSR has provided assistance to Peiping for these purchases is
In any event, Peiping has increased its sales of silver bullion and
has secured limited short-term credits from Hong Kong
banks.&& In
addition, it is seeking a six-month credit from Australia to cover
future purchases.& These measures will
provide only a small part of the foreign exchange needed, however,
and the major part will have to come from a cutback of industrial
imports and a reduction of foreign exchange reserves, which,
including gold, were estimated at only $225-350 million at the end
30.& Peiping is also
reorienting its domestic economic policies in an attempt to
overcome the dislocations caused by the demise of the "Leap
Forward" and the withdrawal of Soviet specialists.& Although no details
concerning a revised economic plan have been made public,
statements on industrial policy indicate that scheduled rates of
growth have been& sharply
reduced.&& The
main effort in industrial construction for the next two or three
years is apparently to been directed toward completing projects
already begun.& Quality and variety
of output in industry is to receive greater attention than in the
"Leap Forward " era.& The rate of
investment in heavy industry is to be reduced so that agriculture,
light industry, mining, and transportation can catch
this policy is carried out, industrial investment may decline in
30. 北平重新调整了其国内经济政策以便克服
China's progress in
overcoming its present economic difficulties will primarily
determined by the vagaries of weather and by development in
Sino-Soviet relations.&
we believe that the
bitterness of the Sino-Soviet has caused the Chinese leaders to
place increased importance on achieving
self-sufficiency.& Once having
experienced the disruption caused by a sudden withdrawal of soviet
technicians, Peiping is unlikely to allow itself to become so
dependent on them in the future.& &Recent overtures to
Italian and other Western European firms to send technical
specialists to Communist China suggest that the Chinese are
becoming more flexible in their willingness to use Western
32.& China and the USSR
are presently engaged in negotiations concerning future trade and
economic relationships.& We are not yet able
to judge the likely outcome of these talks, but we believe that
economic cooperation will not be as full as previously. Even if
Soviet technicians return to China, the scope of their activities
probably will be less than they were prior to mid-1960.& In the absence of
Soviet technicians the Chinese probably will concentrate on filling
technological gaps as best they can in fields already partly
developed - such as metallurgy, chemistry , and machine building -
at the expense of more advanced industries.
- 如冶金、化工、机械制造,以扩展工业现代化的进程。
33.& While normal crop
weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the
levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better
harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a
restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of
domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food
Over the longer term, the regime will be confronted with China's
basic limitations on agricultural production, and will find it
difficult to achieve increases in output commensurate with the rate
of population growth.& The regime appears to
recognize this fact and to be reshaping its investment program to
provide some additional resources for agricultural
development.& Although the regime
will probably be able to secure the minimum essential growth in
farm output, the margin over requirements will remain small owing
to the basic aim of maximizing industrial expansion.& In view of the
vagaries of weather and the likelihood that the regime's
predilection for "crash" programs will prevent a steady and orderly
agricultural development, agricultural crises probably will recur
from time to time.
Total exports in 1960
declined about 10 to 15 percent below the high level of 1959 and
may decline still further in 1961.& China probably will
be forced to request Bloc countries - Chiefly the USSR - to defer
the payments obligations it has incurred during recent
Despite the strained relations between China and the USSR, we
believe that Moscow will at least partially accede to such a
Nevertheless , in view of China's reduced export capabilities and
the large foodgrain imports from the West scheduled for 1961,
imports of machinery and equipment - largely from the Bloc - may
decline by as much as 30 percent compared to 1959 and 1960, and
trade with the Free World may make up a significantly larger
proportion of China's total
35.& Under these
circumstances in industry, agriculture, and Sino-Soviet economic
relations, GNP probably will increase by about 8 percent annually
during the period 1961 - 1965 - about the rate of increase during
the First Five-Year Plan ().& On the assumption
that Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China,
industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent
annually , as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent
in 1960.&&
Only limited progress is likely in the more complex branches of
industry, which will have a retarding effect on China's ability to
produce a modern military establishment.
35. 面对工业、农业、和中苏经济关系情况下,在1961到1965年间,国民生产总值每年可能增加约8%,也就是第一个五年计划期间()的平均值。如果大量苏联技师不回中国,工业年产值可能会增加约12%左右,而1959年的增长是33%,
36. &The economic
difficulties confronting Communist China are unlikely to have a
marked effect on Peiping's foreign policy. We believe that domestic
difficulties will not, in themselves, either prompt Peiping to
undertake a foreign adventure in order to divert domestic
discontent or to refrain from such an adventure.& Nor will present
economic troubles significantly affect Communist China's aid
commitments to Free World countries, since these involve only a
minute part of Communist China's total output.
Peiping's recent failure, particularly its inability to solve the
food problem, will almost certainly have some limiting effect on
the impact and attraction of Communist
Events so far have
not been auspicious for this year's crops.& The 1960 fall sowing
was affected by drought, late harvest of summer crops, peasant
apathy , and inadequate planning.
Below normal
precipitation during the winter months in the North China plain -
the major wheat area - has not provided favorable growing
conditions for an area already short of soil moisture. However, if
rainfall is adequate during the critical months of April and May a
good wheat crop could still result.& To date,
precipitation and growing conditions in the rice producing areas of
China have been about average.
38. 目前让人不太乐观的还是今年的庄稼收成。1960年秋播受到了干旱的影响,夏季作物收获晚时,以及不合时宜的计划。结果很显然,冬季作物亩产量降低,播种延后。冬季的华北平原降水偏低,主要小麦产区的土壤没有得到有利的生长条件。然而,如果关键的4-5月份降雨量充分,小麦丰收仍可在望。到目前为止,降水量在中国的水稻产区达到平均水平。
39.& A poor crop year in
1961, the third consecutive such year, would probably prevent any
increase in GNP.&&
China would be forced to reduce future industrial imports even more
drastically than now appears necessary in order to continue or
expand food imports.& If industrial crops
such as cotton and other fibers failed to recover , industry,
chiefly light industry, would suffer in 1962, and the regime would
have an extremely difficult time maintaining even the reduced pace
of economic expansion it now appears to envisage.
Another poor crop would probably raise extremely grave problems for
the regime in China.& Unless& there were
substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become
widespread and a considerable amount of starvation would probably
Party cohesion, effectiveness , and morale would drop. Public
disaffection would probably become a major problem for the regime,
and active resistance probably would occur, at least on a local
level.& If
open resistance became widespread, the leadership would almost
certainly undertake a massive campaign of threats and
While the responsiveness and effectiveness of its control apparatus
would probably decline still further it is unlikely that public
disaffection would threaten the regime's control of
Hunger and wide-scale passive resistance, however, would constitute
acute economic and political problems for the Chinese Communist
Party and China's development programs.& We do not believe
that even these difficulties would, in themselves, cause Peiping to
engage in direct military
41.& These circumstances
probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid action which would
exacerbate its relations with Moscow.& While China would be
extremely reluctant to admit its inability to feed its people, the
regime probably would feel it could accept offers of food or other
aid from another Communist country without too great a loss of
Unless there is a further deterioration in Sino-Soviet relations,
we believe that the Soviet would provide some assistance in such a
time of crisis.
42.& The regime has
already made it clear that it will not accept food offers from the
US in the present situation, and we believe that it will continue
to take this position even if the 1961 crops are poor.&& The
Chinese leaders probably will continue to take the line that China
can overcome the present temporary difficulties by its own
resources, that there is no famine , and that Westerners have, for
ulterior motives , deliberately exaggerated the seriousness of the
Their principal consideration is, of course, a sense of national
pride: acceptance of a food offer would be an admission that their
own program had failed in an important respect, and, equally
important, an acknowledgement that the West is genuinely interested
in the welfare of the Chinese people.


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