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How amazing it was _________ the 2012 Shanghai F1 Race! watch
How amazing it was _________ the 2012 Shanghai F1 Race! watch
How amazing it was _________ the 2012 Shanghai F1 Race! watch
D.watchingFerrari's New Concept Is a Political Statement About the Problems With F1 | WIRED
Ferrari North America
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Ferrari North America
Concept cars typically fall into one of two camps: a thinly veiled hint at a future model, or a blue-sky exercise to show off original thinking. The Ferrari Design Formula 1 Concept is neither.
It’s a backhanded way of telling the sport’s organizers to go suck eggs.
Ferrari, F1’s most-loved team and the most recognizable automotive brand on Earth, rarely does concepts for its street cars. It certainly doesn’t do them for F1, where the secrecy surrounding new designs is so thick, it’d be stupid to broadcast your intentions. Yet earlier this week, Maranello released detailed renderings of the #ferrarif1concept on a , complete with a call for comments.
Here’s the key line: “Would it be possible to come up with an F1 car which not only is technologically advanced, but also captivating to the eye and aggressive-looking? And could this be made without having to overturn the current technical rules?” Ferrari says. “Minimal changes give the car a look that is way different from what have been familiar with so far. Our challenge was to create something that was—to put it short—better looking. We value your comments on that.”
Ferrari is essential to F1, which allows it to do things like build a website and publish renderings of a very realistic, very cool future car as a subtle but clear protest against the status quo.
Ferrari doesn’t actually want slack-jawed denizens of the Internet telling it how to build race cars. The comments section is megaphone for fans who want to see something new. It’s intended to tweak the nose of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), F1’s autocratic, often impenetrable sanctioning body.
Formula 1 is profitable and popular, but it’s in crisis. The cars are dowdy, rule-dictated evolutions of generation-old ideas. The recent shift to quiet turbocharged engines robbed the series of some spectacle and produced no small amount of outrage among fans. There are recurring, typically pointless debates about rule-specific horsepower levels, aerodynamic restrictions, and tire life. Leading teams spend
to remain competitive, even as they complain about the outrageous expense. Teams at the back of the grid scramble to keep up and regularly drop out simply because they lack the funds to compete. Historic, evocative tracks are bumped off the calendar in favor of cookie-cutter circuits more suited for television. Crucially, the racing is occasionally amazing but usually flat-out boring.
Time will likely show the F1 Design Concept to be little more than a warning. But it gives you hope.
Ferrari North America
Meanwhile, the FIA busies itself with the nuances of the sport, not its purpose or grand direction. The people controlling F1—which includes , the sports capo di tutti capo and
in a pastime —are vastly out of touch with what spectators want, let alone with what once made F1 great. (Short answer: Visible push-the-envelope tech and balls-out competition from the greatest drivers on earth.) They nitpick matters of aerodynamic nuance which are utterly invisible from the stands (or the couch), create rules that dictate phallic bodywork appendages, and even
You can’t help but wonder if they have better things to do. Like, say, return F1 to motorsports’ constantly evolving, breathtaking pinnacle. I say this with love in my heart: I’m one of the people who actually likes the sport. You should hear the haters.
Ferrari has been among the loudest voices protesting the sport’s direction. It’s made maybe-hollow-maybe-not threats about . Before his departure from the company, Luca di Montezemolo, who had led its competition division,
about everything wrong with the series.
Ferrari can get away with telling the emperor he’s standing there naked because it carries enormous clout. It has been in F1 from the very beginning, and has a far longer tenure than anyone else. Its departure would, quite simply, gut the series. It isn’t quite true that Ferrari is F1, but Ferrari is essential to F1. This allows the company to do things like build a website and publish renderings of a very realistic, very cool future F1 car as a subtle but clear protest against the status quo.
Time likely will show the F1 Design Concept to be little more than Ferrari showing its unhappiness with the current state of things. But it provides hope. Because it looks amazing. Because it reeks of the future and independent thinking. Because, for one reason or another, it prompts a knee-weakening feeling in your gut, and if you’ve been watching F1 for any length of time, that is all too rare. The concept says nothing specific, yet is quite clear: F1 can and should be ridiculous, outlandish, and above all, emotional as hell.
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品评校花校草,体验校园广场Flags in F1 games
文章来源:未知 文章作者:meng 发布时间: 01:31
When you are watching the wonderful F1, have you noticed the flags of different colors? And do you know the exact meaning of it? If not, look further for some information.
RED FLAG : Usually the red flag appears only at the beginning and the end of the match. When there is an accident that may be a threat to other players' safety, it will also appear signing the end of the match.
WHITE FLAG : A waving flag means you may be delayed by a slow-speed one or one that has received a heavy accident. And a still one means that there is a slow-speed motor-cycle is in the way.
BLACK FLAG : The black flag appears with a white
board. It means the motor-cycle with the code on the board should have to return to the repair station before he finishes the next circle. Usually the driver receives the black flag as a punishment. He will have to stay in the repair station for ten more seconds, which is rather long for a F1 player.
BLACK FLAG AND WHITE FLAG : Warning to the player who has (拥堵) but not very too seriously.
BLACK FLAG WITH A RED CIRCLE : It is used to warn a driver that there is something wrong with his motor. With the flag there is also a code-board, which is to identify the player.
BLUE FLAG : In the practice, a waving flag means &the motor behind is going to pass, give way(让路,撤退) .& and a still one means &the motor behind you is faster than you, give way.&
In formal match, a waving flag means &give way, or you will be awarded a black flag.& and a still one means &give way for the behind one is lapping.&
: The surface of the road is very wet, be careful.
YELLOW FLAG : Still: slow down and be careful for there is an accident forward .
Waving: slow down and be ready to change your
Double waving: it has the same meaning as mentioned above, besides it also means &get ready to stop for there may be a Safe Car or a red flag in you forward line.
BLACK AND WHITE FLAG : It is also called Check flag. It means the end of the match after the driver passes it, no matter you have raced enough circles.
What's the code for Tianjin?天津的代号是多少?
Remember to use postal code.勿忘使用邮政编码。
v.使污秽( foul的过去式和过去分词 );弄脏;击球出界;(通常用废物)弄脏
Blue suit and reddish-brown socks!He had fouled up again. 蓝衣服和红褐色短袜!他又搞错了。
The whole river has been fouled up with filthy waste from factories. 整条河都被工厂的污秽废物污染了。
n.(与底色不同的)条纹( stripe的名词复数 );(军装或警服上表示等级的)臂章;纹理
The plant's stem is marked with thin green longitudinal stripes. 这种植物的茎上长有绿色细长条纹。
a zebra's black and white stripes 斑马的黑白条纹
I was watching the racing on television last night.昨晚我在电视上看赛马。
The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead.两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。


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