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&&&&  “才不想回那地方呢!”楚婉玉的话让美女肛门灌肠影片丁文惊讶,她接着说,“那地方的人太欺负人,不如这里的人好。”&&&&  “七号。”&&&&
“这自是不会的。”程一向沈易给出了自己的保证。“还请沈东家告知我关于这各地冶铁行业的相关信息。”程一重新提出了自己的请求。&&&&  “你们不投的话,我来投体内射精过程视频哈。”丁文轻松道,笑呵呵地看着桑春。&&&&
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I'm new to github. Today I met some issue when I was trying to push my code to github.
Pushing to :519ebayproject/519ebayproject.git
To :519ebayproject/519ebayproject.git
! [rejected]
master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ':519ebayproject/519ebayproject.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull')
hint: before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
I have not pushed anything in the repository yet, why do I need to pull something?
If you do not wish to merge the remote branch into your local branch (see differences with ), and want to do a force push, use the
git push -f origin &branch&
where origin is the name of your
Usually, the command refuses to update a remote ref that is not an ancestor of the local ref used to overwrite it. This flag disables the check. This can cause the remote reposi use it with care.
As the message tells you
Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull')
Use git pull to pull the latest changes from the remote repository to your local repository. In this case, pulling changes will require a merge because you have made changes to your local repository.
I'll provide an example and a picture to explain. Lets assume your last pull from origin/branch was at Commit B. You have completed and committed some work (Commit C). At the same time, someone else has completed their work and pushed it to origin/branch (Commit D). There will need to be a merge between these two branches.
local branch:
--- Commit C
origin/branch: Commit A ------ Commit B ---- Commit D
Because you are the one that wants to push, git forces you to perform the merge. To do so, you must first pull the changes from origin/branch.
local branch:
--- Commit C -- Commit E
origin/branch: Commit A ------ Commit B ---- Commit D
After completing the merge, you will now be allowed to fast-forward origin/branch to Commit E by pushing your changes.
Git requires that you handle merges yourself because a merge may lead to conflicts.
Have you updated your code before pushing ?
use git pull origin master before you push anything.
I assume that you are using origin as a name for your remote.
EDIT : You need to pull before push, to make your local repository up-to-date before you push something(just in case someone else has already updated code on <). This helps in resolving conflicts locally.
Hope I am clear enough
This normally happens when you git commit and try to git push changes before git pulling on that branch x.
Normal flow would as below,
git stash your local changes on that branch
git pull origin branchname -v to pull and merge to locally commited changes on that branch, give the merge some message, fix conflicts if any
git stash pop stash changes
git push origin branchname -v merged changes
Replace branchname with with master for master branch.
Some of you may be getting this error because git doesn't know which branch you're trying to push.
If your error message also includes
error: failed to push some refs to ':jkubicek/my_proj.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote
hint: counterpart. If you did not intend to push that branch, you may want to
hint: specify branches to push or set the 'push.default' configuration
hint: variable to 'current' or 'upstream' to push only the current branch.
then you may want to follow these handy tips from Jim Kubicek
to set the default branch to current
git config --global push.default current
I mentioned this in my tutorial!:
When you create a new repository on GitHub, GitHub may ask you to create a readme file. If you create a readme file directly on GitHub, then you will need to first make a ‘pull’ request before the ‘push’ request will be successful.
These commands will ‘pull’ the remote repository, merge it with your current files, and then ‘push’ all the files back to GitHub:
Sometimes we forgot the pulling and do lots of works in the local environment.
If someone want to push without pull,
git push --force
is working. this is not recommended when working with other people but when your work is simple thing or personal toy project, it will be a quick solution.
I was getting similar error while pushing the latest changes to a bare git repo which I use for gitweb. In my case I don't make any changes in bare repo so I simply deleted my bare repo and cloned again
git clone --bare &source repo path& &target bare repo path&
Just had the same issue but in my case I had typed the wrong branch on the remote.
So, it seems that is another source of this issue... double check you're pushing to the correct branch.
Is your branch name same as remote branch name?
If no, you should checkout a new branch with same name as remote branch and try push it again.
Assume the remote branch you want to push is [testing] and your local branch is named as
If you`re not in test branch, switch to it firstly.
$ git checkout test
, then open a new branch and named it testing
(test)$ git checkout -b testing
Now, it`s time to push it
(testing)$ git push [remote repo] testing
I experienced the very same problem and it turned out I was on a different (local) branch than I thought I was AND the correct local branch was behind in commits from remote.
My solution: checkout the correct branch, cherry-pick the commit from the other local branch, git pull and git push
In my case, I had "mybranch" checked out, and had done git pull, so I couldn't figure out why the push wasn't working. Eventually, I realized that I was pushing the wrong branch. I was typing git push origin master instead of git push origin mybranch.
So if you've already done git pull and still getting this message, make sure you're pushing the correct branch.
I was also getting the same error, and am not 100% sure if this works for all, but, for me,
git pull [.]
worked. The [.] did make some difference in my case.
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出门在外也不愁akiho48 吉g明ied2k,好玩的女生游戏养成,青河带她过去。  
程一依旧没有星辰变官回头,不过她已经眼泪满眶了。程一有些哽咽的说道:“你们走吧。招财进宝在看着,别吓到孩子了。拿着那笔钱找个地方好好过日子吧。”程一说着就往工棚走去。围观的冶铁作坊工人也渐渐散去,那些人也离开了。&&&&  桑木兰嗔着喝得微醉的俩人,只知道买来海鲜,不知带些佐菜,比如芹菜、笋丝之类的。拿着根牙签,抓来一把花螺放电影票在面前,边听俩人聊着岛外的见闻,边挑出螺肉,偶尔插进一两句。&&&&


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