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【客服QQ】原创翻译:龙 腾 网Pool/Getty ImagesChinese President Xi Jinping raises his glass for a toast during his talk before lunch at SkyCity Grand Hotel on November 21, 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand.译文来源:龙 腾 网 Xi主席在讲话中举杯祝酒。日,新西兰China launched a secret 100-year modernization program that deceived successive U.S. administrations into unknowingly promoting Beijing’s strategy of replacing the U.S.-led world order with a Chinese communist-dominated economic and political system, according to a new book by a longtime Pentagon China specialist.***** 五角大楼的一名长期中国问题专家在一本新书中称,中国秘密实施了一项现代化的百年大计,中国给美国政府下了套,让美国在不自知的情况下,成了中国以自己的共产主义经济政治体系取代美国的国际领导地位的推手。For more than four decades, Chinese leaders lulled presidents, cabinet secretaries, and other government analysts and policymakers into falsely assessing China as a benign power deserving of U.S. support, says Michael Pillsbury, the Mandarin-speaking analyst who has worked on China policy and intelligence issues for every U.S. administration since Richard Nixon.Michael Pillsbury是一名中国专家,他说一口普通话,自尼克松那一届总统以来一直就中国政策和情报方面为美国政府提供服务。他称,40多年来,中国领导人韬光养晦,使得美国总统、内阁、政府分析人士和政策制定者错误估计了中国,误以为中国是一股温和的势力,值得美国支持。The secret strategy, based on ancient Chinese statecraft, produced a large-scale transfer of cash, technology, and expertise that bolstered military and Communist Party “superhawks” in China who are now taking steps to catch up to and ultimately surpass the United States, Pillsbury concludes in a book published this week.译文来源:***** Pillsbury在一本新书中说,这一秘密策略基于中国古代治国思想,动用了大量金钱、技术和人才来支持军事和中共鹰派,这些鹰派人士正采取措施追赶直至最后将超越美国。The Chinese strategic deception program was launched by Mao Zedong in 1955 and put forth the widespread misbelief that China is a poor, backward, inward-looking country. “And therefore the United States has to help them, and give away things to them, to make sure they stay friendly,” Pillsbury said in an interview. “This is totally wrong.”1955年开始实施中国的这一暗渡陈仓的计划,广泛宣传中国是一个贫穷、落后、封闭的国家。“因此美国就必须帮助他们,捐东西给他们,好让中国保持友好,”Pillsbury在采访中说。“大错特错了。”The Chinese strategy also is aimed at gaining global economic dominance, he says, noting that China’s military buildup is but one part. The combined economic, political, and military power is seeking to produce China as a new global “hegemon” that will export its anti-democratic political system and predatory economic practices around the world.中国的同时也着眼于占领全球经济高地,Pillsbury称中国的军备扩张只是策略的一部分。经济、政治、三管齐下,旨在把中国打造成一个新的国际“霸权”,从而向全世界输出其反民主的政治体系以及掠夺式的经济发展方式。In the interview, Pillsbury, currently director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Chinese Strategy, said new details contained in the book were cleared for publication by the FBI, CIA, and Defense Department, including details of formerly classified presidential directives, testimony from previously unknown Chinese defectors, and alarming details of writings from powerful Chinese military and political hawks.Pillsbury现为哈德逊研究所中国战略中心主管,他在采访中说,书中所列的新的细节经过FBI、CIA和的确认,包括以前属于机密的总统指令、中国叛逃者的证词、以及中国军方和政坛鹰派的文书。The book also discloses for the first time that the opening to China in 1969 and 1970, considered one of the United States’ most significant strategic gambits, was not initiated by then-President Nixon’s topnational security aide Henry Kissinger. Instead, Pillsbury shows that it was Chinese generals who played the United States card against the Soviet Union, amid fears of a takeover of the country by Moscow.这本书还首次披露了年美国对中国的开放,这一举动被视作美国最重要的战略先机,然而这并不是由尼克松总统的国家安全顾问基辛格促成的。Pillsbury称,这是中国领导人害怕苏联会掌控中国,所以拿美国牌来对抗苏联。putin xi jinpingSasha Mordovets/Getty ImagesPresident of Russia Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping toast with vodka during a signing ceremony on May 21, 2014 in Shanghai, China.日上海,中苏领导人在一个签字仪式上用伏特加祝酒Some sensitive details were removed from the manuscript by the government. However, the totality of the book represents an authorized disclosure of China’s secret strategy that is among the most significant releases of internal U.S. government information in over a decade, Pillsbury said.政府从书的原稿中删除了一些敏感资料。但是,这本书代表了对中国秘密战略的权威公开,这是过去10年里美国政府内部信息的重要披露之一。Pillsbury说。“That highlights the importance of the book,” Pillsbury said in an interview. “And it sends a message to China: We’re not as clueless as you think.”“这强调出这本书的重要性,”Pillsbury 在采访中说。“同时也告诉中国:我们不想你们想的那么傻。”Pillsbury also reveals how a Chinese government defector exposed Beijing’s effective lobbying campaign from 1995 to 2000 that led Congress to approve Most-Favored National trade status for China—several years after China was sanctioned for the bloody massacre by the military of unarmed protesters in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.Pillsbury 还透露,一名中国政府叛逃者说中国在年成功的通过游说,致使美国国会批准中国贸易最惠国待遇——中国那时正因TAM事件遭制裁。The covert influence operation was carried out at a time when American concerns about Chinese human rights violations were high. Yet China was able to successfully induce U.S. leaders into making key strategic trade concessions.当时美国担忧中国的人权侵害情况严重,中国因此实施了这一秘密影响活动,成功的诱使美国领导人作出重大贸易让步。That covert influence program was revealed by one of the six Chinese defectors Pillsbury questioned over the years, including one who turned out to be a false defector—FBI informant Katrina Leung, who was arrested in 2003.Pillsbury 询问了6个中国叛逃者多年,他们透露了这一秘密影响活动,6人中有一人还是假叛逃——FBI的线人Katrina Leung,她在2003年被逮捕。“I tried to put a defector interview into the opening of each chapter,” Pillsbury said, noting that the defectors remain in witness protection programs and “fear for their lives” due to the possibility of Chinese retaliation.“我试图在每一章的开头放一个叛逃者的采访,”Pillsbury说这些人仍在证人保护期间,他“担忧他们的生命安全”,因担心中国有报复的可能。The defectors disclosed details of “what China is trying to do to America in what they call the 100-year marathon,” he said.这些叛逃者交代了“中国相对美国做的事”的细节,他们把这称为“百年马拉松”。Pillsbury说。On the Chinese hawks, Pillsbury said internal writings of these powerful political and military leaders revealed “how they draw lessons from China’s ancient past … and how can they surpass America without the Americans reacting.”关于中国鹰派,Pillsbury说这些政坛和军事强人在内部文件中透露出“他们如何从中国的历史中吸取教训的。。如何能在不引起美国反弹的情况下超越美国。”Pillsbury, whose most senior government post was assistant undersecretary of defense for policy planning in the administration of President Ronald Reagan, also worked for several senators and has been a consultant on China policy for decades.Pillsbury最高政府职位做到里根总统任内的国防部政策计划司副司长助理,也为几个议员工作过,几十年来一直是中国政策方面的顾问。In the book, Pillsbury acknowledged that initially he was among the staunchest advocates of the U.S. policy of “constructive engagement” toward China launched initially in 1969 as a way to prevent a Soviet takeover in Beijing.在他的书中,Pillsbury说一开始他是美国与中国“建设性交往”政策的坚定拥护者,这一政策在1969年开始实施,意图阻止苏联掌握中国。Obama Xi JinpingREUTERS/Greg Baker/PoolU.S. President Barack Obama (L) and Chinese President Xi Jinping toast at a lunch banquet in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.北京人民大会堂,中美首脑在一次午餐会上祝酒Asked when he abandoned his pro-China, “panda hugger” views, he said: “Over time … mainly after Tiananmen”—a reference to the brutal 1989 military crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing’s main square.当被问到他何时放弃了亲中的态度,Pillsbury说:“我的观点随时间发生了改变。。主要是TAM之后”。“We believed that American aid to a fragile China whose leaders thought like us would help China become a democratic and peaceful power without ambitions of regional or even global dominance,” Pillsbury wrote.“我们相信,帮助一个和美国有相同想法的营弱的中国,会帮中国成为一个民主和平的力量,中国不会产生主导某一地区甚至全球的野心。”“Every one of the assumptions behind that belief was wrong—dangerously so,” he stated, noting that the power of China’s now dominant faction of anti-American ultranationalists was underestimated.“每个有这一想法的人都错的离谱。”Pillsbury 说人们低估了目前占中国主导地位的反美极端民族主义者的力量。Pillsbury’s book, The Hundred Year Marathon, reveals new details of secret CIA cooperation with China in covert action programs in Afghanistan and Angola, as well as nearly $1 billion worth of weapons transfers during the 1980s.Pillsbury的书《百年马拉松》披露了CIA与中国在阿富汗和安哥拉的秘密合作事宜,以及1980年代价值10亿美元的武器交易。The covert support for China, along with a continuing flow of U.S. technology and intelligence for the past 45 years, were once among the U.S. government’s most closely guarded secrets.在过去45年中美国对中国的秘密支持,以及一系列美国的技术和情报对中国的输出,曾是美国政府的最高机密。The book also declassifies details of several presidential memoranda behind the covert U.S. policy of supporting China that Pillsbury states produced one of the United States’ most significant strategic blunders.本书还解密了几份关于美国支持中国的机密政策的总统备忘录,Pillsbury称这些政策是美国犯下的最严重的策略错误。Chinese President Xi JinpingNg Han Guan/APChinese President Xi Jinping walks near a guard of honor at a welcome ceremony for Myanmar President Thein Sein in Beijing, China.北京,Xi在欢迎缅甸总统的仪式上Communist super hawks in the military and senior Party leadership managed to defeat and ultimately arrest senior Party officials who supported the pro-democracy reform.中国军方和党的高层之中的鹰派设法击败并最终逮捕了支持民主改革的党内高级官员。The book also provides the following new disclosures on China’s strategy toward the United States:关于中国对付美国的策略,本书还提供了新信息:•Chinese hardliners promoted the book of Col. Liu Mingfu, “The China Dream” that is the inspiration behind current Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s increasingly Maoist policies. Other writings by hawks reveal a future China-dominated world will that values “order over freedom, ethics over law and elite governance over democracy and human rights.”•中国的强硬派所推崇的刘明福大校的书《中国梦》,是Xi的毛主义政策的启发之作。其他鹰派的著作描述了一个中国为首的世界,在这个世界里,“秩序高于自由、道德高于法律、精英统治高于民主与人权。”•U.S. intelligence agencies for decades underestimated the influence of Chinese hawks and continue to dismiss their power and influence as “fringe” elements.•美国情报机构数十年来低估了中国鹰派的影响,现在仍然认识不到他们的能量和影响,还把他们当作“边缘”力量。•China’s “assassin’s mace” weapons—missiles and other exotic arms—are being built to defeat satellites and knock out aircraft carriers, using high-tech arms, including electromagnetic pulse weapons.•中国的“杀手锏”——导弹和其他武装——用来击落卫星和打击航母,使用了高端武器,包括电磁脉冲武器。•As part of covert U.S. offers of assistance to China in the 1970s, the CIA cut off aid to the exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama and canceled U.S. Navy patrols through the Taiwan Strait. Instead, the CIA began providing intelligence on the Soviet Union to China.&#年代,作为美国支持中国的一部分,CIA停止援助流亡的达赖喇嘛,取消了美国海军在台湾海峡的巡航。反而是开始给中国提供苏联的情报。•Reagan agreed to sell six major weapons systems to China but required that continued aid be conditioned on China remaining unaligned with Moscow and liberalizing its communist system. The arms transfers were halted after Tiananmen.•里根同意对中国出售6种主要武器系统,但要求中国不与苏联结盟并自由化其体制。xxxxx之后售武终止。•World Bank assistance to China imposed no conditions on China moving toward free market reforms. As a result, China’s government today continues to control most industries.•世界银行对于中国提供的是无条件支持,不要求中国向自由市场经济改革。结果,中国政府至今仍控制着大部分工业。•China will undermine the United Nations and World Trade Organization to “delegitimize” the U.S.-led world order in order to promote its global system.•中国将削弱联合国和世贸组织的作用,以达到“破坏”美国领导的世界秩序,加强其国际地位的目的。•An internal secret briefing for Chinese officials discussed China’s most important foreign policy priority as “how to manage the decline of the United States,” revealing that China is working against U.S. interests in supporting rogue states and selling arms to America’s enemies.•一份供中国官员内部参考的机密简报中提出中国最重要的外交政策的首要目标,是“如何对应美国的衰落”,透露了中国现在正在支持流氓国家,并且出售武器给美国的敌对国,损害了美国的利益。To counter what Pillsbury describes as China’s “warring states era” strategy for world dominance, an approach that outlines how a lesser power can defeat a stronger foe, the United States needs to recognize the threat and take urgent steps to prevent China from dominating the world.为了对抗Pillsbury所说的中国“战国时代”的策略,即一种以弱胜强的方略,美国需要认识到中国的威胁,迅速采取措施组织中国主导世界。Pillsbury said that as part of efforts to counter the Chinese military buildup, the Pentagon’s next budget will include funding for up to 100 new long-range bombers, funds for hardening U.S. satellites against Chinese attacks, and money for a Navy program to protect U.S. aircraft carriers from China’s carrier-killing DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile.Pillsbury说作为对抗中国军备发展的方法之一,五角大楼的下一个预算应包括100架新的远程轰炸机、加强美国的卫星系统、以及海军预算,以保护美国航母不受中国东风-21丁型反舰弹道导弹威胁。
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