求手机版matlab key的license number或Activation key。非常感谢

Where can i find Mathworks.Matlab.R2010b activation key?thx
Where can i find Mathworks.Matlab.R2010b activation key?thx 5
Mathworks.Matlab.R2010b activation key
This is Matlab.R2009a activation key.
You can try it.
we offer you two ways to license matlab r2009a:
standalone1) choose "install manually without using the internet"&&2) enter the "file installation key"&& -3) use "license_standalone.dat" when asked for license file
network1) choose "install manually without using the internet"&&2) enter the "file installation key"&& -3) if neccessary install "license manager"4) use "license_server.dat" when asked for license file
ERROR:You have entered an invalid File Installation Key!
好像09的激活码也不好找啊 有现成的压缩包么?这么麻烦你 真是不好意思~
好的 非常感谢你~
其他回答 (1)
这个你只好上网搜了 装软件就是这样的
数学领域专家安装matlab2010b时的Activation Key是什么啊,为什么我在cr文件夹里找到的输进去不对呢?提示是error379_百度知道
安装matlab2010b时的Activation Key是什么啊,为什么我在cr文件夹里找到的输进去不对呢?提示是error379
安装matlab2010b时的Activation Key是什么啊,为什么我在cr文件夹里找到的输进去不对呢?提示是error379
出门在外也不愁MATLAB R2013b 官方安装教程EN_百度文库
MATLAB R2013b 官方安装教程EN
M​A​T​L​A​B​ ​R03​b​ ​官​方​安​装​教​程​-​英​文​版
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From the :
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. Using MATLAB, you can analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications. The language, tools, and built-in math functions enable you to explore multiple approaches and reach a solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages, such as C/C++ or Java.
MATLAB is proprietary software produced by The MathWorks and requires a license to obtain, install, and activate. New versions of MATLAB are released twice a year (generally in March and September) with release names of R20XXa and R20XXb. The MathWorks also provide a discounted
which is released once a year. Since R2012b MATLAB has only been available for 64-bit Linux. While MATLAB is officially supported on a number of , Arch is not officially supported. Despite the lack of official support, installing and using MATLAB on Arch is straight forward.
A complete copy of the MATLAB software must be obtained before it can in installed. The MATLAB software is available to licenses holders on both a DVD and through the . In addition to the software a file installation key is required for installation. It is possible to install MATLAB either with the
package from the
or from the MATLAB installation software directly. The advantage of the
package is that it manages dependencies and some of the nuances of the installation process while installing directly from the MATLAB installation software can be done by regular users to their home directories and works for any release of MATLAB (the
package only works for releases including and after R2010b).
The MATLAB installation software is self contained and does not require any additional packages to install in silent mode. To install with the GUI a working
graphical display is necessary. The installation is handled by the install script. You can run the script as root to install MATLAB system-wide or your user to install it only for you.
To install from an iso file:
# modprobe loop
# mount -o loop matlab.iso /mnt/
# /mnt/install
During the installation, you are asked if you want symlinks to be created. If you did not choose to do so, you can now manually create a symlink in /usr/local/bin to make it easier to launch in terminal:
# ln -s /{MATLAB}/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin
To create a menu item, we need to get a icon first:
-o /usr/share/icons/matlab.png
Then create a new .desktop file in /usr/share/applications with following lines:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Start MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing
Exec=matlab -desktop -nosplash
The Exec command line is composed as follows:
-desktop is a flag needed to run Matlab without a terminal.
-nosplash is a flag preventing the splash screen from showing and taking up a temporary space in your task bar.
You can also put this .desktop file in the ~/Desktop directory to create a shortcut on your desktop. See also .
The EULA for the proprietary MATLAB software is restrictive. The
package from the
is designed to allow MATLAB to be integrated into and managed by Arch. The package should be built on the system on which it is going to be installed and the package should be deleted from the installation location and the
cache following installation. Distributing the package is a clear violation of the EULA.
package from the
defaults to building a package for the most recent 64-bit release of MATLAB, although the PKGBUILD supports MATLAB releases from R2010b and even the installation of multiple releases simultaneous. The PKGBUILD defaults to installing all toolboxes that the file identification key allows, however, the PKGBUILD can be edited to include only a subset of the toolboxes. The selection of the toolboxes must be finalized at the time of package creation due to DRM policies put in place by The MathWorks. The
package from the
requires that both the MATLAB installation software and the file installation key are available in the source directory. The file installation key must be in a file called matlab-$RELEASE.fik where $RELEASE is the release to be installed with a lowercase r (e.g., r2014a). The installation software must be in an iso file called matlab-$RELEASE.iso. Once the iso file and file installation key are created, the MATLAB package can be created and install as usual.
For MATLAB releases between r2010b and r2011a the contents of the iso file must include: ./archives/, ./bin/, ./etc/, ./help/, ./java/, ./activate.ini, ./install, and ./installer_input.txt. If the MATLAB download agent is used to download the installation software, then the iso file can be trivially created by simply running mkisofs -r -o on the download directory.
For MATLAB releases including and after r2011b the contents of the iso file must include: ./archives/, ./bin/, ./etc/, ./help/, ./java/, ./activate.ini, ./install, and ./installer_input.txt. For version before r2014a, the MATLAB download agent could download all the required files and the iso file could be trivially created by simply running mkisofs -r -o on the download directory. For MATLAB releases including and after r2014a the MATLAB download agent only downloads the MATLAB installer. The MATLAB installer then needs to be run to downloaded the MATLAB software and toolboxes. Therefore, a two step process is required to generate this iso file with the MATLAB download agent. First, you download and run the MATLAB installer to install MATLAB in a temporary directory. This process downloads the MATLAB software and toolboxes by default to ~/Downloads/MathWorks (this can be changed by passing the flag -downloadFolder /path/to/directory). It is actually possible quit the MATLAB installer once the software and toolboxes are downloaded. Once the software and toolboxes are downloaded the required iso file can be created by merging the installer directory (containing above mentioned files) and the download directory (containing ./archives/), and then running mkisofs -r -o on the resulting directory.
In order to run MATLAB it requires a license file to be installed. The license file can be generated with $MATLABROOT/bin/activate_matlab.sh or downloaded from
Up to and including R2013b the license file was linked to the MAC address of eth0. This causes problems with the
used by Arch Linux. It is possible to disable predictable network interface names by adding net.ifnames=0 in your kernel command line or by creating a udev rule file
# ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules
It is also possible to , but changing the name to eth0 can result in race conditions between the kernel and udev during boot. Another solution is to create a dummy network interface named eth0 with the MAC address linked to the license file. First, get that MAC address using ip link. Next, create the following file:
Description=Dummy network interface for MATLAB
ExecStart=/sbin/ip link set dev dummy0 name eth0
ExecStart=/sbin/ip link set dev eth0 address 00:00:00:00:00:00
Replace 00:00:00:00:00:00 with the MAC address linked to the license file.
Then make the script run on boot:
# systemctl enable matlab.licensing
Finally, set the dummy module to load on boot by creating the following file:
The MATLAB software is bundled with a JVM and therefore it is not necessary to install . The JVM version bundled with MATLAB typically lags behind
and it is possible, although not required, to use the MATLAB_JAVA environment variable to specify the path of an alternative JRE. For example, to specify the
JRE and check the resulting version of Java, do:
$ MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/jre matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r &version -java, exit& | grep Java
MATLAB can take advantage of hardware based 2D and 3D OpenGL acceleration. Support for hardware acceleration needs to be configured outside of MATLAB. Appropriate
need to be installed along with the OpenGL utility library
package from the . If X11 forwarding is being used, the video drivers need to be installed on both the client and server. To check if MATLAB is making use of hardware based OpenGL acceleration run:
$ matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r & exit& | grep Software
If "software rendering" is not "false", then there is a problem with your hardware acceleration. If this is the case make sure OpenGL is configured correctly on the system. This can be done with the glxinfo program from the
package from the :
$ glxinfo | grep &direct rendering&
If "direct rendering" is not "yes", then there is likely a problem with your system configuration.
This section only applies to R2014a and earlier as starting with R2014b MATLAB uses True Type Fonts.
So as long as:
$ fc-match Helvetica
returns a font, figure fonts should work as expected.
While MATLAB can be run in a text only mode, it also provides advanced graphics capabilities. To confirm that MATLAB is making use of the system fonts run:
$ matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r &xlabel('BIG FONT', 'FontSize', 42); ylabel('small font', 'FontSize', 12); exit& & /dev/null
This should produce a MATLAB figure with "BIG FONT" in a large font on the abscissa and "small font" in a small font on the ordinate. If "BIG FONT" and "small font" are both the same size, refer to
to confirm that the correct the bitmap font package (either
from the ) is installed on your system.
To confirm that MATLAB is able to use the default soundcard to present sounds run:
$ matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r & sound(y, Fs); pause(length(y)/Fs); exit& & /dev/null
This should play an except from Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus." If this fails make sure
is properly configured. This can be done with the speaker-test program from the
package from the :
$ speaker-test
If you do not hear anything, then there is likely a problem with your system configuration.
MATLAB can take advantage of
to speed up applications. In order to take advantage of a supported GPU install the , , , , and
packages from the . To check if MATLAB is able to utilize the GPU run:
$ matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r &x=rand(10, 'single'); g=gpuArray(x); Success=isequal(gather(g), x), exit&
| sed -ne '/Success =/,$p'
In order to access the full functionality of MATLAB (e.g., to use Simulink, Builder JA, and MEX-file compilation), supported versions of the gcc, g++, gfortran, and jdk compilers must be installed. Details about the supported compilers for the
are available online. Many of the supported gcc, g++, jdk compiler versions for past MATLAB releases are available from the
(e.g., , , , and ), while past versions of the gfortran compilers are not packaged.
To use previous versions of the the gcc, g++, and gfortran compilers with MEX files, edit ${MATLAB}/bin/mexopts.sh and replace all occurrences of CC='gcc' with CC='gcc-4.X', CXX='g++' with CXX='g++-4.X', and FC='gfortran' with FC='gfortran-4.X', where X is the compiler version appropriate for the particular MATLAB release.
The help browser uses valuable slots in the dynamic thread vector and causes competition with core functionality provided by libraries like the BLAS that also depend on the dynamic thread vector. The help browser can be configured to use fewer slots in the dynamic thread vector with
&& webutils.htmlrenderer('basic');
This is a persistent change and to reverse it use
&& webutils.htmlrenderer('default');
MATLAB has a number of libraries that have been compiled with static thread local storage (TLS) including the help broswer doc and the BLAS libraries. For example,
&& doc('help');
&& ones(10)*randn(10);
Error using
BLAS loading error:
dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS
is related to bugs
and . In some cases (e.g., bug ) patched libraries are available from , while in others (e.g., bug ) work arounds exist. A more general solution of recompiling glibc has also been .
To identify this error, start MATLAB with
LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose matlab
from the terminal and try to collect OpenGL information with opengl info from the MATLAB command prompt. If it crashes again and there is an output line like
libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/swrast_dri.so failed
version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/swrast_dri.so))
then the problem is that MATLAB uses its own GNU C++ library, which is an older version than the up-to-date version on your Archlinux system. Make MATLAB use the current C++ library for your system by
cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R(your release)/sys/os/glnxa64
sudo unlink libstdc++.so.6
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
wmname LG3D
As one installs Matlab, it might complain that it cannot find a package, for the most part just look at the package name and then install it with , or in the case of x86_64 there are some libraries only in .
Make sure that the symlink bin/glnx64/libstdc++.so.6 is pointing to the correct version of libstdc++.so.xx (which is also in the same directory and has numbers where 'xx' is). By default, it may be pointing to an older (and nonexistent) version (different value for 'xx').
Make sure the device you're installing from is not mounted as noexec
If you downloaded the files from Mathworks' website, make sure they are not on an NTFS or FAT partition, because that can mess up the symlinks. Ext4 or Ext3 should work.
Even if all needed libraries are installed, Matlab when starting can still report some missing libraries. This is resolved by symbolic linking of needed libraries to directories that Matlab checks at start-up. For example, if Matlab triggers error/warning about missing /lib64/libc.so.6 library, this can be resolved by:
# ln -s /lib/libc.so.6 /lib64
Matlab R2011b with an up-to-date Arch Linux (as of March 12, 2012) fails on startup with the familiar "Failure loading desktop class." A solution is to point Matlab to the system JVM (confirmed to work with the
export MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/jre
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LicenseNo: 271282
file installation key:


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