peter brock 极速赛车手电影

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Peter Brock () was an English-born Canadian historian who specialized in the history of
Peter Brock was born in 1920 on , . Although he came from a military family, he rejected this tradition. While studying at , he came under the influence of pacifist ideas, particularly those of .
During the , he declared as a
and was briefly imprisoned. He spent the rest of the war on alternative service, including working in a hospital.
After the war, Brock worked with a
relief mission to Germany and Poland, sparking his interest in Eastern Europe. After the mission ended, Brock took graduate study at , receiving a doctorate in history in 1950.
But, unlike many of us, Peter was not content to specialize in the history of just one country. He received a second doctoral degree in history from Oxford University in 1954 with a study that resulted in the publication of The Political and Social Doctrines of the Unity of Czech Brethren in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries (1957), which married his interest in pacifism to his interest in east central Europe, something he would continue with studies of examples of pacifism in the region. From Czech history he went on to studies in the history of , , , , and , some of which were collected in Folk Cultures and Little Peoples: Aspects of National Awakening in East Central Europe (1992) and The Slovak National Awakening: An Essay in the Intellectual History of East Central Europe (1976). As a dedicated historian, Peter did not let the necessity of learning another language deter him from using primary sources on a topic that interested him. When I once expressed admiration for his ability to learn Hungarian, he replied with characteristic self-deprecation but without a touch of irony that he could only read Hungarian, not speak it.
Brock later emigrated to Canada and settled there, working at the
from 1966.
Brock's work on the study of peoples in Eastern Europe included detailed studies of the history and culture of the culture of the , , and . Brock often learned the languages of the culture he was studying in order to read source material in these languages.
Brock's studies on pacifism included a trilogy of books, Pacifism in the United States: From the Colonial Era to the First World War (1968),Pioneers of the Peaceable Kingdom (1970), and Twentieth-Century Pacifism (1970). The last book, appearing as the
had revived public interest in pacifism, was "a critical and popular success". By 1973, historian Robert Scharf said that "Professor Brock has become a recognised authority on pacifism in our Western civilization", while political scientist Martin Ceadel stated "[n]o ideology owes more to one academic than pacifism owes to Peter Brock. That the scope and richness of this historical tradition can now be recognized is largely the result of Brock's sympathetic and dedicated scholarship, which was begun when pacifism was an unfashionable subject."
A revised edition of the third book, Pacifism in the Twentieth Century was published in 1999 with Nigel Young.
For a complete bibliography, see "Bibliography of Scholarly Writings by Peter de Beauvoir Brock". Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes 31 (2): 211–220. 1989.  .
The Political and Social Doctrines of the Unity of Czech Brethren in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries (1957).
Vasya Pozdnyakov's Dukhobor narrative (1965).
Pacifism in the United States. From the colonial era to the First World War. (1968).
Radical Pacifists in antebellum America (1968).
The Czech renascence of the nineteenth century: Essays presented to
in honour of his seventieth birthday(edited by Brock and H. Gordon Skilling) (1970).
Pioneers of the Peaceable Kingdom (1970).
Twentieth-century pacifism (1970).
Pacifism in Europe to 1914 (1972).
Nationalism and populism in partitioned Poland: Selected essays (1973).
The Slovak National Awakening (1976).
Polish Revolutionary Populism (1977).
Fighting Joe Martin : founder of the Liberal Party in the West : a blow-by-blow account (1981).
The roots of war resistance : pacifism from the early church to Tolstoy (1981).
The Mahatma and mother India : essays on Gandhi?s non-violence and nationalism (1983).
The military question in the early church : a selected bibliography of a century’s scholarship
The Quaker peace testimony 1660 to 1914 (1990).
Freedom from war : nonsectarian pacifism,
Studies in Peace History (1991).
Folk Cultures and Little Peoples : Aspects of National Awakening in East Central Europe (1992).
Freedom from violence : sectarian nonresistance from the Middle Ages to the Great War (1992).
A brief history of pacifism from Jesus to Tolstoy (1992).
Records of conscience : three autobiographical narratives by conscientious objectors
Pacifism to ;: an overview (1994).
Bart de Ligt () : overdenkingen bij het herlezen van "La paix créatrice” na 51 jaar = Reflections on rereading "La paix créatrice” after fifty-one years. (1994).
Mahatma Gandhi as a linguistic nationalist (1995).
Testimonies of conscience sent from the Soviet Union to the ,
(editor) (1997).
Varieties of pacifism : a survey from antiquity to the outset of the twentieth century (1998).
Challenge to Mars : essays on pacifism from 1918 to 1945 (with Thomas P. Socknat (1999).
Pacifism in the Twentieth century (with Nigel Young) (1999).
The riddle of St. Maximilian of Tebessa (2000).
Pacifism since ;: an annotated reading list (2000).
Life in a penal battalion of the Imperial Russian Army : the Tolstoyan N.T. Iziumchenko’s story (edited by Peter Brock and John L.H. K translated by Keep) (2001).
From Wandsworth to Wormwood Scrubs : one man's view of prison. (2000). Published in Britain as
The Black Flower : One Man’s memory of prison sixty years after (2001).
Life in an Austro-Hungarian military prison : the Slovak Tolstoyan Dr. Albert ?karvan’s story translated from the Slovak and edited by Brock (2002).
Liberty and conscience : a documentary history of the experiences of conscientious objectors in America through the Civil War (2002).
"These strange criminals" : an anthology of prison memoirs by conscientious objectors from the Great War to the Cold War (2004).
Against the draft : essays on conscientious objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War (2006).
Nation and history : Polish historians from the Enlightenment to the Second World War. edited by Brock, John D. Stanley and Piotr J. Wróbel (2006).
Keep, John (2007). "Professor Peter Brock ()".
85 (2): 322–324.
Harvey Dyck and Andrew Rossos. "Peter Brock ()", Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes, Vol. 49, No. 1/2 (March–June 2007), pp. 1-4
Kulczycki, John J. (2006). .
65 (4): 894–895.
John D. Stanley, "Peter Brock: An Appreciation," Canadian Slavonic Papers 31 (June 1989): 105-106.
R.S. White, Pacifism and English Literature: Minstrels of Peace. Palgrave Macmillan,
Robert Scharf, "Pacifism in Europe to 1914 by Peter Brock (Book Review)", , Vol. 407, (May, 1973), p. 210.
Martin Ceadel, "Ten Distinctions for Peace Historians," in The Pacifist Impulse in Historical Perspective, ed. by Harvey L. Dyck. , 1996,
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1957款法拉利250 Testa Rossa
  这款车是继1961款法拉利250 GT California之后的拍卖价新高,之前那款车的拍卖价格达到950万美元,正好也是在这个拍卖节上不过是前年。作为仅产22部的Testa Rossas,这款由Sergio Scaglietti所设计的法拉利底盘的代号是0714TR,是第四款,同时也是第二款定制款,其第一任主人是赛车手Piero Drogo,他在阿根廷,古巴,波多黎各等地打比赛,因为尝试自行进行车身构造与设计而最终闻名,那是由Drogo制造的另一款经典法拉利,250 GT SWB Drogo,也称之为“Breadvan”。
  第二名,1965款Shelby Daytona Cobra跑车,价格725万美元Mecum拍卖行-Pebble Beach拍卖会,加拿大,日
1965款Shelby Daytona Cobra跑车
  美国车的最高拍卖价格也于2009年刷新,就是这款1965款的Shelby Daytona,底盘代号是CSX2601。拍卖得主不仅得到的是这款车,还有由Bob Bondurant专门指导的一门,学习如何驾驶,还有由其原任设计师Peter Brock的技术设备讲解课。这款Shelby在1965年的全球汽车厂商挑战赛上获胜,于意大利手工制造,仅生产了6部,又被称为“冠军之车”。5月份曾流拍,现在又顶上另一个皇冠了。
  第三名,19<FONT color=#款法拉利250 GT SWB California Spider,价格511.5万美元Gooding公司,Pebble Beach拍卖会,加拿大,日
1962款法拉利250 GT SWB California Spider
  这款银黑由宾夕法尼亚负责车身制造的法拉利在1999年的Concours d’Elegance上获得同级最佳。十年之后,这款车拍卖时身价达到510万美元。这款车使用V12的发动机,由于保养得较好看起来只像是用了几年的半新车而已,尤其是配备的那种很古老式的硬式车顶被认为是“硬但是不会出问题”。采用FCM认可的白金,而即使如此它的售价也仅是第一名的一半不到,让我们猜想那第一名的车子该是什么造的,仙女的肌肤和天使的毛发?
  第四名,1960款法拉利250 GT SWB California Spider,售价495万美元Gooding拍卖公司,Scottsdale拍卖会,阿塞拜疆,日
1960款法拉利250 GT SWB California Spider
  Ron Vankregten是一个企业家兼地产投资商,喜欢收集汽车,摩托车与飞机,尤其是70年代的产品。他的私人藏品并不会超过30年,包括这款250 GT SWB。460万的1963款GT有专属数字与原厂的头灯,是那次拍卖会上整周中最高价码的商品,在整个亚里桑那历史上也能排到第二高,对于那种未修复的汽车中它是价格最高的。
  第五名,1937款布加迪Type 575 Atalante,售价440万美元Bonham公司,巴黎,日
1937款布加迪Type 575 Atalante
  这款底盘代号为5<FONT color=#2的车子最初是由英国世袭贵族英国赛车手俱乐部的总裁Earl Howe所买,他是一个纯正的车迷,这款车应Howe的要求加装了许多定制化装备,之后在1955年易手到Harold Carr博士手中,当时的价格是895英磅而后就几乎是沉寂了50年,现在Bonham公司又把它放出来,成功拍到440万美元。
  第六名,1933款阿尔法?罗密欧8C 2300,价格为418万美元Gooding公司,Pebble Beach拍卖会,加拿大,日
1933款阿尔法?罗密欧8C 2300
  意大利的另一位民间改装公司Castagna设计了这款8C,底盘代号是2311214,在<FONT color=#8年的Concours d’Elegance成为同级最佳。这款车的发动机经过了Christopher Leydon的改造,内部加入了皮革,毛毯等。
  第七名,1937款Talbot Lago T150C SS Teardrop跑车,价格352万美元Gooding公司,Scottsdale
1937款Talbot Lago T150C SS Teardrop跑车
  第八名,1935款Duesenberg SJ,价格330万美元Gooding,Pebble Beach,8月16日
1935款Duesenberg SJ
  这是今年的Amelia岛沙龙的获奖者,也是1935年以来Bohman&Schwartz的36部Duesenberg之一。车门采用风翼形,V形的格栅,它更特殊的地方在于由W. Everett Miller设计,底盘为2596是最先由Woolworth的女继承人Barbara Hutton最先购买。之后辗转至今。
  第九名,1956款法拉利250 GT Berlinetta,价格317万美元RM拍卖行――Maranelo意大利。5月17日
1956款法拉利250 GT Berlinetta
  这款250GT的内部代号是0563GT,是九部法拉利之一,以由Jacques Person用来参赛了参了两年。之后船运到美国,成为私家车。再之后被赠于西班牙贵族Marquis de Portago,曾亮相于冬季奥运会。
  第十名,1913款布加迪Type 18,价格313万美元Bonham’s巴黎,法国,27日
1913款布加迪Type 18
  这款布加迪内部代号是474,今年是首度出展,据称是最重要的TYPE 18。第一任主人是法国人Roland Garros,之后到了一个瑞士人手中,这人是一个钟表匠的儿子,名字是Edmond Audemars,再之后卖给了Sunbeam汽车公司的首席工程师,再卖给车手Ivy Cummings女士。


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