
机动车禁区通行证审批程序性规定::星辰在线 通晓长沙::长沙新闻门户
&|&您所在的位置: > &&&&&&&&&
&&& 《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》 (日国务院发布)
&&& 长沙市人民政府(1999)56号令《关于加强道路交通管理的若干规定》
&&& 对象:法人和其他组织
&&& 时限:1-5个工作日(申办材料不齐全、不规范需补齐、补正的,其审批时限从申办材料补齐、补正后重新申办时开始计算)
&&& 一、受理:   (一)条件:   申办人需提交如下申办材料:   1、向长沙市公安局交通警察支队机动车辆禁区通行证办公室提交办理禁区通行证的申请报告;   2、系统主管部门填写的指标分配通知单;   3、系统主管部门审定意见表;   4、办理通行证的车辆行驶证复印件;   5、原已办有禁区通行证的还应带原核发的旧证;   6、指标外的因特殊情况需要办理机动车禁区通行证的应提交本条件的1、3、4项材料。 (搬家公司还需提供工商营业执照复印件且证照相符)   (二)标准:   申办人提交的申办材料齐全、规范、有效。   (三)时间:   每季末20日至30日为申报、核发办证时间,逾期不予办理。   (四)本岗位责任人:   长沙市公安局交通警察支队机动车辆禁区通行证办公室受理人员。   (五)岗位职责及权限:   1、按照受理标准查验申办材料;   2、对符合受理标准且是指标内的予以即时办理,由申办人填写《长沙市机动车辆禁区通行证呈报审批表》与申办材料一并交予受理人员;   3、对不符合受理标准的,不予受理。因申办手续不齐的,应立即将需要补齐材料的内容、要求及申办人的相关权利、投诉渠道一次告知申办人。   4、需报请上级公安机关批准的,应向当事人告知审批期限。   (六)时限:   即时。
&&& 二、审核:   (一)条件:   申请办理货运机动车禁区通行证的车辆必须具备以下条件:   1、所办理通行证的货运机动车确属单位、企业保生产、生活必需机动车辆;   2、申办车辆必须手续齐全,符合交通安全行驶规定。   (二)审核标准:   根据国家、省、市有关法律、法规、规章制度制定的相关标准、规范及要求。   (三)工作标准:   1、制发的文书完整、正确、有效;   2、留存归档的审批文书材料齐全、规范。   (四)本岗位责任人:   长沙市公安局交通警察支队交通秩序科主管负责人和机动车辆禁区通行证办公室审核人员。   (五)岗位职责及权限:   1、全面审核申办材料,凡不符合审核标准和要求的,由市公安局交警支队机动车辆禁区通行证办公室退还给申办人;   2、对符合审核标准和条件的,由市交警支队交通秩序科主管领导在《长沙市机动车辆禁区通行证呈报审批表》上填写办理意见。   3、办理临时通行证30天以内,由秩序科科长批办。超过30天以上的,由通行证办公室呈报报表,逐级上报,按主管支队领导批示办理。   (六)时限:   1―5个工作日。
&&& 三、审定:   (一)标准:   同审核标准。   (二)岗位责任人:   市交警支队主管领导。   (三)岗位职责及权限:   1、市交警支队主管领导按照审核标准申办材料进行最终审定;   2、同意审核意见的,在《长沙市机动车辆禁区通行证呈报审批表》上签署审定意见,转交机动车禁区通行证办公室;   3、不同意审核意见的,在《长沙市机动车辆禁区通行证呈报审批表》上签署审定意见,转交机动车禁区通行证办公室。   (四)时限:   3个工作日。
&&& 四、告知:   (一)标准:   1、制发机动车辆禁区通行证,证件应填写完整、正确、有效;   2、留存归档的行政审批文书材料齐全、规范;   3、未通过审批准的申请材料,申报者需退还时应及时、完   整退还申办人。   (二)岗任责任人:   市交警支队机动车禁区通行证办公室受理人员。   (三)岗位职责及权限:   1、对通过审批的,通知申办人领取机动车辆禁区通行证,并将申办材料的证件原件留存;   2、对未通审批的,将末通过的申办材料退还,并告知申办人不予审批的理由。   (四)时限:   1个工作日。
&&& 五、监督:   (一)责任追究:   1、对符合法定条件,应予受理而不受理的;   2、擅自改变和变相改行政审批条件、对象或者范围的;   3、不一次性按规定告知申办人补齐全部内容的;   4、不按时将审核材料送市交警支队主管领导审定的;   5、不按时完成审定工作的。   6、未及时、准确制发机动车辆禁区通行证的;   7、未及时、准确告知申办人申请结果的;   8、不予批准的审批项目材料未及时、完整退还申办人的。   对有上述行为之一的,给予责任人批评、调离岗位的处理;情节严重的,给予行政处分。   (二)监督责任人:   市公安局交警支队纪检监察办公室。   (三)监督电话:8878711
Manager of Project
Time of preparation
Contractual Obligations
Legal Obligations
HSE Organizational Structure
Safety System and Safety Program
Checking and Signing
Control for Access to and from the Construction
Construction Area Restriction and Its Constraints
Safe Signs
Safety Office/Safety Meeting/HSE Personnel and Its
Safety Education and Training
Permit To Work
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Fire Protection
Safety Inspection
Temporary Electric Management
Operation Requirements for Construction
Municipal Underground Pipeline Protection
Environmental Protection
Health Prevention
Restricted Area
Emergency Response
Incidents and Investigation
Violation and Penalty
Supervision of HSE Implementation
contents defined in this document are the lowest requirements on
Health, Safety and Environment Protection (HSE) from the Owner and
PMC to the Contractor of this project. The Contractor is the
Primary Responsible Party for all HSE related aspects. Its full
compliance to the requirements of this document does not alleviate
its liabilities for any safety accident or incident happens on the
Procedure defines related requirements for Health, Safety and
Environment (HSE) matters during construction activities of this
project. The aim of this Procedure is to ensure that adequate
precautions will be taken to avoid personal accidents, occupational
disease, and harmful effects on the environment during
construction. All successful bidders shall conduct their works
strictly in accordance with the provisions in this Procedure
corresponding to their scope of work that have been specified in
their contract, as well as in other applied national codes on
health, safety and environment. Those that have been defined in
this Procedure as well as newly issued control rules and
regulations by airport authority after the works start shall be
strictly observed as well. Anything that is not covered by this
Procedure will refer to the requirements from the airport
Zero casualty and zero
accident” is the safety objective of this project. In order to
achieve this goal, the health and safety of all personnel as well
as environmental protection shall always be treated as top
priority, i.e. whenever there are any conflicts between schedule
and safety, safety shall always overrule. The main target of this
project is to root out serious accidents such as fire, equipment
and cable damage, food poisoning as well as accidents that may
endange no strong complaints from the airport
authority or other social orga and meeting the
requirements on dust, sewage and noise discharge.
shall ensure that all appliance, equipment, machinery and apparatus
used on the project is safe, with no risk to health, safety, or the
environment, and with sound and regular maintenance records, All
necessary test and examination certificates must be available at
site for inspection by Owner at all times.
the Supervisor may stop any operation activity or erection and use
of construction equipment if they deem the above activities pose a
threat to the safety or health of site personnel (or others) or to
the airport facilities, aircrafts, or to the environment or ecology
of the neighborhood.
General Contractor and all the Sub-Contractors shall obey all
reasonable written or verbal instructions given by JKPM, the
Supervisor, or in the case of emergency, abide by the directions
from the Owner’s representative in respect of health, safety and
environmental controls. The appointed Supervisor will supervise
strictly the observation of the Contractor to the HSE requirement
according to the relevant government regulations, codes and the
contract requirements.
Legal Obligations
and its employees shall conform in all respects to legal
requirements issued under People’s Republic of
China Law and regulations. The rules and regulations contained in
this Procedure do not relieve Contractor from legal or contractual
obligations. In the event of conflict between the laws and the
requirements of this procedure, the more stringent shall
5& HSE Organizational
Safety System and Safety
The Contractor shall compile a complete set of construction safety
guarantee system, assign the responsible organization for safety
and define the safety responsibility of all departments to ensure
the proper implementation of safety construction system, realize
the commitment defined in the management objectives and the bidding
document, and eventually protect the safety of workers, airport and
the environment.
The construction safety system defined by the contractor must pass
the qualification inspection of licensed agency.
The Contractor is the Primary Responsible Party for construction
safey on the site. The construction safety guarantee system
compiled by the Contractor must clearly state that the Contractor’s
project manager is the primary responsible person for the overall
safety construction of the *** hangar project.
JKPM and the Supervisor will inspect the implementation of the
safety guarantee system by the Contractor on the site.
The safety guarantee system and the construction scheme must be
internally approved by the Contractor before it is to be submitted
to JKPM and supervisor.
Safety assurance plan and construction scheme submitted by the
Contractor shall be subject to the approval of JKPM and supervision
The Supervisor must set up safety supervision procedure and be
responsible for the safety supervision work on site. The chief
supervision engineer shall have the prime responsibility for safety
After accessing to the construction site, the Supervisor shall
follow “the Safety Supervision Instructions on Construction
projects”, compile safety supervision plan, set up safety
supervision team and assign safety responsibilities to the site
supervision personnel.
The safety supervision plan shall be subject to the approval of
The supervision organization shall carefully execute the several
comments related to implementing safety construction supervision
responsibility on construction project issued by the Ministry of
Construction to ensure the safety supervision work being well
7& Checking and
Review safety system/construction program (scheme) prepared by the
Contractor and its sub-contractors, including the safety
regulations, safety operation policies, safety responsibility
assignment, safety checking procedure, safety training procedure,
inspection to the safety mechanism and devices, reward and
punishment system.
JKPM and the authorized supervision company has the right to check
the qualification of contractors related to the safety construction
and request them to show their original safety construction
license, work license and safety examination certificate of their
project personnel.
Check whether the General Contractor and its sub-contractors have
possessed safety construction certificate and whether HSE personnel
possess related certificates. The Contractor shall provide copies
of its Safety Construction License, safety certificates for its
full-time HSE personnel and the project manager, and the name list
of all personnel that are involved in special trade of disciplines
to JKPM for review.
Check for the record of detection (radioactive source) and the
certificate of operators.
Check for the availability of emergency procedure in case the
equipment used for detection (radioactive source) is
Check whether the Contractor’s driver has driving license and
vehicle registration paper.
Check if all the vehicles of the Contractors have possessed the
pass to access the airport.
Check if the technical personnel of the contractors are qualified
to carry out the project.
accessing the construction site, the subcontractors must sign the
safety construction liability agreement with the general
Access control to the
Construction Site
Requirement of Security
As the pile foundation contractor is proposed to be mobilized
earlier than the General Contractor, the pile foundation contractor
must be responsible for the safety and security on site and shall
has the duty to ensure the security of its own workers, tools,
materials and equipments on the construction site. (Security
prevention personnel shall be assigned at the entrance.)
Only the articles (materials, tools and equipments etc.) owned by
the contractor and will be used for the purpose of assigned job are
allowed to be brought in and out of the construction
Contractor shall ensure that all the materials, tools and
equipments owned by contractor are well marked with Corporate Logo
or identification of the Contractor’ s company.
The personal belongings carried by the workers shall be stored at
the designated place. Such personal belongings cannot be taken out
of the construction site unless the person carrying it shows the
custody certificate. Safeguard shall make records of all this type
of belongings.
The material/equipment/machine/tool (including personal used tools)
shall be subject to the inspection at the site gate. The leaving
permit for the material/equipment/ machine/tools must be signed by
the contractor or JKPM.
The contractor shall guard site entrance gate to control the access
to the site by its workers. Receiving and unloading area of goods
and materials shall be defined as well.
Access Control
Each employee shall at all times wear an identification card which
clearly states name, employee number, working area and period of
The identification card shall have the bearer’s picture, his card
number and his working unit name. The ID card shall be made by the
contractor. Only the qualified employees who have received safety
education can be issued with this identification card.
The contractor shall prepare daily personnel registration form to
indicate attendance situation of field personnel. Every employee
from contractor is required to fill out the registration form when
going into and out of the construction site.
The Contractor has the duty to effectively control the access to
and from the construction site to prevent injury or death occurred
to any personnel and vehicle within this area and to check the
identification of the strangers and vehicles coming to the
All vehicles and equipment accessing the construction site shall be
in safe condition and must be accompanied by conformity
certificate, insurance policy and permit to use. Prior to being
allowed to access the construction site, such vehicles and
equipment shall be checked first by the Contractor, PMC personnel
and supervision engineer. Mobile equipment or vehicles include
truck, lift-truck, crane, excavator, cementing truck, bulldozer,
all kinds of piling and drilling machines and hoisting
To ensure the vehicles and equipment used for construction move
safely, a site commander must be assigned especially to supervise
such movement.
All crawler machines without any protection measures at the
construction site are forbidden to run on municipal road to avoid
damaging of such road.
9.& Construction Area
Restriction and Constraints
Construction Area
JKPM shall specify the boundary of access road, parking area,
storage area and construction area separately. Contractor and its
employees are not allowed to access the area that are not defined
to be worked at or used by the Contractor. In case that a certain
task has to be done in the said area, a separate work permit shall
be issued by JKPM after its receiving the prior approval from the
related authority. All employees, machinery and materials owned by
the Contractor accessing the construction site shall not exert any
influence on and do any harm to airport security and shall stay
away from airplane and airport isolation area. All employees and
vehicles shall pass in and out of the construction site along the
designated roadway by the airport authority.
.construction vehicles such as material transport vehicle must pass
through the special construction access when going into or out of
the construction site.
Prior to accessing the official road, the construction vehicle must
be provided with environment cleaning measures and no any material
inside the vehicle is allowed to come out of the
All vehicles accessed the construction site must be equipped with
the valid fire extinguishing apparatus.
In order to control the noise, long-time horn-blowing is forbidden
for any construction vehicles.
As this project is located adjacent to the aviation area, its
construction personnel shall be selected stricter than other
projects. All Contractor employees accessing the working area shall
make their true and legal identification cards available, none of
whom shall have bad records or listed in the ‘wanted’ list by
The Contractor shall provide sufficient and necessary temporary
lighting for all areas where construction is proceeding at night
and shall meet with the requirements of airport authority on light
No light sources that may exert impact to airplanes and no
coverless lights are allowed at night on construction site. The
lights shall only be directed to the construction area but not the
aviation zones.
At night, the light of construction machine and vehicle in the
construction site is not allowed turned on at the direction which
The light height shall be limited as the pilot’s operation can not
be impacted. Temporally such height is not specified in detail. If
it needs to be regulated during future construction, the contractor
shall make regulation unconditionally according to the related
The height of all objects shall be lower than the defined height by
the airport authority. Top of tower crane shall be clearly marked (
flag with orange and white in between each other for daytime and
red alerting light at night. Brightness might be about 200 watt.
But can not be too bright.) All Contractors accessing the
construction area have the obligation to coordinate with police
office at airport to take security precautions.
Contractor shall conduct construction in its defined area and shall
keep the working areas well maintained. All the temporary roads to
be constructed by the Contractor shall be able to withstand the
load of vehicle and mechanical equipment running and serve for the
purpose of protecting sub-surface pipelines. All temporary roads
shall be removed prior to completion of project unless there are
some special instructions from JKPM to retain these temporary
Contractor shall provide corresponding drainage and sewage
facilities including necessary discharge pipelines for construction
area, storage, parking lot and manufacturing areas. All mortar or
sludge is not allowed to be discharged to the drainage system till
it is properly treated per the code requirements. Temporary
discharge facilities shall be removed prior to completion of
project unless there are some special instructions from JKPM to
retain these temporary discharge facilities. Contractor has the
duties to ensure the proper operation of discharge system in
working area.
The Contractor shall set up adequate and proper warning and safety
signs to alert the personnel of the hazardous condition and
When the piling machine and crane is operated near the aircraft, it
must be provided with safety prevention measures and must be
commanded and supervised by a person especially
Construction operation shall be done at the place keeping away from
the aircraft, at least 10 meters away from the aircraft. The
proposed safety prevention measures shall include the checking of
piling machine and crane dumpage range to ensure that the
unexpected dumping will not damage the aircraft.
After the contractor is mobilized, they shall sign the security
prevention liability agreement and shall submit such signed
agreement to the airport police office for registration.
The contractor shall establish security prevention archives. The
police office shall provide a softcopy to the winning bidder
showing the format of that file. Then the winning bidder fills it
out and sends back to the police office in the format of electronic
Management of temporary residence permit of construction personnel
from cities other than Shanghai: 1) for any construction personnel
from other places who doesn’t have the temporary residence permit,
the contractor needs to submit to the police office the name list
of applicants, the valid ID card and two recently-taken, bareheaded
and two- 2) for the construction personnel from other
places who have had such permit but need to go through the related
change formalities, the contractor needs to submit the police
office the name list of applicants and the valid ID card etc. and
such submittals shall be separated from that for item1); 3) for the
construction personnel who come to Shanghai only for a short
period, their family members are not required to obtain such
4) all personnel from other places are required to apply
for the temporary residence permit or go through the permit change
formalities three days after the 5) for the
local construction personnel, the contractor needs to provide their
name list to the Phase II police office.
Display of firework, firecracker and balloon is not allowed within
the airport area. Any celebration activity must be subject to the
prior application and the corresponding formalities.
When the contractor is required to assist in some important
safekeeping tasks, the police office will notify the contractor of
such tasks. In such case, the contractor shall unconditionally
coordinate with the police office with all their
9.2Constraints at the Construction Site
Living or cooking on site is prohibited except for living area
specified by JKPM;
Smoking is only allowed in desi
No dining is allowed in the working area or place other than
No alcoholic drinks of any kinds are allowed on working site during
working time.& Any worker or
employee who fails to obey the rules shall be expelled from the
construction site at once and his or her site ID card shall be
revoked. Meanwhile Contractor shall be imposed of a certain
No drug consumption is allowed on site. Any person being found to
take drug shall be transferred to the relative authority
No fighting is allowed on site. Any person who fails to obey shall
be expelled from the construction site at once and his or her site
ID card shall be revoked. Meanwhile Contractor shall be imposed of
a certain fine.
If Contractor wants to work overtime at night, they shall give
notice to JKPM in advance to specify the location/number of
people/name list/administrative personnel/safety personnel, and
confirm whether the coordination work has been done beforehand with
other Contractors that may be affected, and whether Supervisor has
been notified to check whether safety measures are taken and
whether the circumstance allows the overtime to be taken. After
overtime work is conducted, the construction site shall be cleaned,
hidden safety problems shall be cleared, the number of workers
shall be counted and led to leave the construction site after
receiving the inspection from the guards.
No one is allowed to relay or collect any relative project
information without the prior permission of JKPM.
No illegal activity of any kinds is allowed on site regardless of
its nature
Vehicle parking on site will not be permitted without prior
permission of Contractor’s security guard. The bicycle, motor car,
motorcycle and other vehicles shall be parked at the designated
parking lot.
All drivers shall be in possession of the valid People’s Republic
of China license for his class of vehicle.
All drivers must abide by related laws and regulations from the
airport authority, together with JKPM’s safety requirement to
construction site.
All drivers are forbidden to drink alcohol, take illegal medicines
or drive under the extreme-fatigue state at the construction
No driver is allowed to pass the barriers or into the area marked
with “no entry”
When approaching the working area where workers are working, or
close to the aircraft parking area, the drivers must be
particularly careful.
When there is nobody on the vehicle, vehicle engine must be
When there is nobody on the vehicle, key is not allowed to be kept
on the vehicle.
The vehicle speed limit on site is 15km/h.
Safety Signs
Contractor has an obligation to display safety signs at the
entrance of construction site and main passage to remind and
caution all construction staff to abide by safety construction
Contractor has an obligation to display enough and proper safety
signs on all construction machines (piling machines) to remind and
caution all construction staff of the possible dangers.
The style, quantity and location of the safety signs shall be
confirmed by JKPM and shall be in accordance with relative
The provisions written on the safety & warning signs and
barricades as well as other plates on site shall be followed at any
The contractor must set up acceptance procedure and regular
inspection and maintenance procedure for the construction machinery
and tooling.
Before put into use, construction machinery and tooling must be
inspected and accepted by the technical responsible person and
safety personnel from the contractor. The machines and tooling
without acceptance certificate are not permitted to be
Administration archives shall be established for the acceptance of
construction machinery and tooling.
Construction machines and tooling shall be inspected periodically
as per related regulations. If any machines and tooling are found
broken, they shall be repaired and accepted again. The contractor
shall keep records for the maintenance and repair. Inspection and
re-acceptance shall be carried out jointly by the project technical
responsible person and safety personnel.
The contractor must set up acceptance procedure and regular
inspection and maintenance procedure for the safety
Before put into use, the safety mechanism must be inspected and
accepted by the technical responsible person and safety personnel
from the contractor and be re-inspected by the supervision
engineer. The safety mechanism without acceptance certificate is
not permitted to be used.
Specialty safety facility with higher-risk must be subject to the
approval of supervision engineer after being accepted by the
The safety signs displayed on site shall be properly protected and
meet the following requirements:
Must be cl&&&&&&&&&
Must be fixed firmly, n ;
Must clearly indicates who made the sign and when it is
Hazards generated when equipment is starting should be marked on
the sign, such as “Danger, Don’t operate it”; warning sign with
content of “Beware of falling” should be arranged at high and edge
Safety signs arranged by the Contractor shall contain following
contents (at least):
Safety administration personnel from Contractor (HSE) personnel
shall be liable for the arrangement, erection and maintenance of
site signs.
Contractor has the duty to receive JKPM/Supervision engineer and
governmental safety supervision authority’s supervision and
instruction for the aforesaid contents.
Housekeeping and Hygiene
Construction that meets safety and hygiene requirement is vital for
ensuring the smooth proceeding of the project. Cleaning only at
completion of a certain task or during the transition from one
construction operation to another is not enough to ensure the
above. It has to be carried out in a consistent way.
The contractor shall keep their working area clean and in proper
order to the satisfaction of safety and hygiene construction. The
rejected or remained material is not allowed to be exposed on the
construction site without covering.
garbage generated from kitchen and other oily garbage, combustible
waste and toxic waste should be segregated and put in different
dustbins with covers.
The Contractor shall have personnel especially assigned to clean
the roads within construction site, offices, living areas,
dormitories, kitchen and toilets etc. Construction and domestic
waste shall be collected to a designated place and then be
regularly transported out and disposed by the local cleaning
Contractor shall provide sufficient garbage cans at living areas
and office areas.
Contractor has the duty to dispose any garbage generated from
production and living in a timely manner according to local
environmental regulations and airport control requirements.
Floating matter such as plastic products, foam fast food boxes and
packing materials that may affect aviation safety shall be
Contractor shall remove immediately their equipments\materials from
the construction site upon the completion of project to make
construction site and its surroundings clean, safe and available
for use at any time.&
If the Contractor fails to make their working area meeting
aforesaid requirements and to the satisfaction of JKPM, or fail to
take immediate cleaning activities upon receiving written notice,
JKPM may ask independent contractor to do the cleaning and all
related expenses shall be born by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall arrange vehicle washing area to wash the
trucks before leaving the site to ensure no mud or garbage will be
scattered along the roads nearby. The roads shall always be kept
clean and meet the requirements of airport, environmental
protection authority, JKPM and the Supervising company.
Safety Office/Safety
Meeting/HSE Personnel and Its Responsibility
12.1Safety Management Office on Site
shall set up a safety management office on construction site during
the execution of the contract. The safety management office shall
be the designated receiving point for all relative safety
instructions and other correspondence regarding safety. All
relative safety documents delivered to the HSE representatives or
sent to the safety management office on construction site shall be
deemed to have been received by the Contractor.
Safety Meeting
Regular HSE meeting shall be hold at 9:00-10:30 of every Tuesday
morning. The project manager and safety personnel of Contractors
for pile foundation, chief supervision engineers/safety supervision
engineer and JKPM representative shall attend the
As a part of the construction contractor, the pile foundation
Contractor shall also hold a weekly safety meeting to establish
safety consciousness and communicate with all workers about safety
concerns on site.
The safety supervision engineer shall attend and inspect the site
safety meeting at random.
Safety Personnel and Its
The contractor shall arrange their full-time safety personnel
according to the No. 213 order issued by the Ministry of
Construction in 2004.
Responsibility of safety personnel
contractor shall prepare one set of effective safety plan and
designate one full-time qualified safety personnel. Such personnel
shall be responsible for enabling the safety regulations and the
various provisions related to the safety management being followed
and implemented, and for assisting the project manager in
management affairs of site safety, environment protection and
personnel health
The person who is responsible for safety on site from Contractor
shall fulfill the following mission.&&&&&
To initiate and implement Contractor’s safety plan to meet the
related safety codes on the site. To conduct safety inspection for
works undergoing To hold weekly safety meeting with all
subcontractors’ safety personnel and submit the weekly safety
report to JKPM. &&&
To carry out routine inspection to its site works to ensure the
factors that may lead to injuries or incidents are under control.
To ensure vehicles and piling machines being used, inspected and
maintained strictly in accordance with the related HSE
The supervision engineer shall enhance the supervision and
inspection to the full-time safety personnel during routine safety
patrol inspection and make evaluation for them
13.Safety Education and Training
The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing a complete safety
education and training program to ensure that all supervisors,
employees and all workers have been trained with the relevant
content of the HSE procedure prior to the commencement of
construction and will obey the HSE regulations and
All the contractor’s employees shall receive proper safety and
health training before starting related works.
Purpose of education and training
purpose of education and training is to let all employees clearly
know the significance of implementing HSE procedure on construction
site, the existing or potential danger or significant environmental
impacts resulting from their daily operations, as well as the
consequences of any disobedience of HSE procedure.
Receivers of the educations and trainings&&&
All new workers, workers involved in ordinary operations as well as
in special operations that requ
general management personnel, technical personnel and managers at
all levels
Qualification training for special trade operator and safety
personnel shall be trained by qualified independent training
organization and they must be granted with the necessary operation
licenses before they
The training for new workers, general workers, general
administrative personnel and technical personnel shall be the
responsibility of the contractor’s project team, or safety
responsible person of higher administrative company and the site
safety persoonel.
Every member of the emergency response group from the contractor
also needs to receive training on emergency response. The chief
supervision engineer and the safety representative from the JKPM
will urge and inspect the contractor to provide sufficient and
proper training courses related to the emergency response measures
based on the actual site condition.
All machine and tooling operators (such as operators for hoisting
machines/piling machine or load moving machine) shall receive the
safety training corresponding to their operation.
Related training shall be conducted to all employees who are
involved in the high-risk works (such as working at height,
hoisting and handling or other works defined as high-risk
Those who have violated the regulations shall go through special
training and be validated before going on duty again.
Content of Safety Training
All training contents shall cover not only the requirement and
rules specified in the current regulations, but also the
requirements on site construction and risk analysis. Parts of the
contents are described as below.
Operating sequence, operating method, risk analysis and the
corresponding safety precautions for various types of
Preventive measures for the substance that is harmful to the
Emergency response drills to give the trainees all necessary
training for quick reaction and escape in case of
Training for Site Safety Instruction
contractor shall carry out the three-level safety education
(company level, site level and shift/team level) to all new
construction workers before they start working on site. The
training contents include but not limited to:
course is a compulsory course. All new workers accessing the
construction site must attend such course within the specified
period, otherwise they will be forbidden to conduct construction at
the construction site.
Pre-construction Hazard Identification and Preventive
All contractors must explain to each employee the potential hazard
and its prevention measures based on the different operation
features. The training content covers the key points of safety
construction plan and risk analysis document. The training content
shall be submitted to the safety supervision engineer for review in
Special Safety Training
The supervision or operation personnel working on hazardous works
shall receive special safety training based on the project
construction condition or the results of risk analysis to the works
to be done. (such as piling machine moving or operating surround
the aircraft.)
Prior to the commencement of high-risk construction, the related
employees must receive& special safety
training and the special trade operators must possess the national
certified work license.
Other mechanical operators (such as flaw detection) must be trained
by the concerned authority and is not allowed to conduct
construction without work license.
Arrangement of Training Course
JKPM safety superintendent and the Supervisor’s safety engineer
shall review the internal safety training schedule provided by the
contractor and monitor the implementation of the training courses
done as scheduled.
The safety personnel of the contractor shall notify the trainee
workers of the training subject, time and place before training is
carried out.&
Whenever there are new safety rules and regulations that need to be
trained to the workers, the safety personnel of the contractor
shall arrange the training as early as possible.
Contractor shall organize HSE training at least once a week for no
less than half hour, during which the safety situation for the last
week will be summarized and works to be commenced next week will be
arranged and some related HSE provisions will be
All documents and records related to safety education and training
to all the workers of the Contractor shall be subject to
supervision and inspection from JKPM and safety supervision


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