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Windows Phone 8.1
Windows Phone 8
手机 ID
Web 浏览器组件
HD720P (720x1280)
WVGA (480x800)
WXGA (768x1280)
português (Brasil)

觉得这没那么容易?那就让Runtastic展示给你吧!使用这款Runtastic PushUps PRO俯卧撑软件专业版你可以在训练有素的专业人员的带领下来实现你的健身目标。你将受到鼓励更努力地去健身锻炼,加强你的肌肉力量,并且在这个过程中你将会得到乐趣!你将不仅提高了你的俯卧撑能力,也可以让你在整体健身概况中看到你的结果和你的整体力量训练能力(比如:杠铃卧推)。


俯卧撑运动次数的独特识别功能: 俯卧撑运动次数的识别是通过你的鼻子接触屏幕来自动实现的。



Runtastic的健身教练,Lunden在我们全新的YouTube Runtastic Fitness健身频道和中国优酷Runtastic健身频道提供给你更多的力量训练方面的信息和健身训练小贴士哦!来这里看看:/runtasticfitness 和 /runtastic。

今天就来下载这款Runtastic Push-Ups PRO俯卧撑软件专业版来健身,保持健康并感觉很棒哦!#pumpit
作者为 z
作者为 大雄
作者为 亮
作者为 wei
作者为 Aaron
作者为 chao
作者为 ci
作者为 恒
作者为 帆
从安卓到ios到wp一直用的这个 话说ios购买了 wp还要买 如果能够一次购买跨平台使用就好了
作者为 用户
很棒的。鼻子要注意不能重重的压在屏幕上。不然不记录。More from runtastic
Download size
Works with
Windows Phone 8.1
Windows Phone 8
Windows Phone 7.5
App requires
phone identity
owner identity
video and still capture
location services
photo, music, and video libraries
data services
phone dialer
web browser component
WVGA (480x800)
music library
photos library
media playback
HD720P (720x1280)
WXGA (768x1280)
Supported languages (12)
português (Brasil)
Runtastic PRO is your ideal fitness tracking app for all outdoor (running, walking, hiking, biking, etc.) and indoor (treadmill, cardio, yoga, weight lifting & more) health & fitness activities! Track your sports and fitness activities, boost motivation, burn more calories, achieve greater results and exceed your goals with Runtastic.
Do you run to keep fit and stay healthy? Are you active to burn fat or lose weight? Are you training for a marathon (or maybe your first 5K)? With Runtastic PRO, you get more out of your fitness activities and have loads of FUN. What could be better?

Let Runtastic PRO be your reliable, easy-to-use fitness companion and start tracking your activities today!

App Features:
- Track activities & view your routes utilizing GPS: Records duration, distance, calories burned, speed, elevation change and more stats
- Manual entry of workouts: Add treadmill, strength training & other indoor workouts
- Runtastic Routes: Flag one of thousands of routes
and sync it automatically with your smartphone
- Share routes via NFC from phone to phone
- LIVE Tracking: Show family & friends your position in real time when out for a run or ride
- LIVE Cheering: Get cheered on by friends for additional motivation during your LIVE activities & up the fun factor
- Music integration & Voice Coach (DE, EN, FR, ES, IT, JP) for top motivation and encouragement
- Heart Rate Inte. gration: Track your HR with the Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor (supports Bluetooth(R) Smart)
- Heart Rate Zones: Work out in your ideal heart rate zone (e.g. fat burning zone)
- Interval training: Get faster with effective, customizable interval training
- Additional info: Record mood, temperature, surface details & personal notes post-activity
- Training history: View activity details within your Runtastic running app or 
- Split table: Distance information (elevation change, time, pace per kilometer)
- Live Tile: Monthly statistics & transparent Live Tile on your start screen
- Display your routes (Nokia Maps)
- Hydration feature: Find out how much liquid you lost during an activity 
- Bird View: Check out maps from bird’s eye perspective
- Upload activities : Get detailed analysis and statistics, as well as a complete overview of your performance and progress
- Social network sharing: Post your activities on Facebook, Twitter or 

Join our global fitness community and get inspired! We’re confident you’ll find the personalized coaching, health & fitness tips, training plans (incl. 10K race, half marathon, weight loss and bikini body slim down) and fun music playlists you need to reach your goals. With 85+ million downloads and an ever-expanding health & fitness ecosystem, we’re excited to welcome you to the incredible, motivating Runtastic community!

The award-winning, flagship Runtastic app is fully Windows Phone 8 compatible.
New Features:
* Heart Rate Integration: Track your heart rate with the Runtastic Heart Rate Combo Monitor (PRO only)
* Heart Rate Zones: Train in the ideal heart rate zone, i.e. fat burning, to reach your goals (PRO only)
* LIVE Tracking & Cheering: Share location & receive messages for motivation to keep pushing
* Transparent Live Tile on your start screen
* Hydration feature: See how much you should drink to recovery from dehydration post-activity (PRO only)
* BirdView in map
* Japanese Voice Coach (PRO)
* New app languages: Russian, Turkish and Polish
* Improved layout
Perfect 👌
Great program, but the heart combo does not work well with windows phones?
by Tihomir
Works ok for running. Looses heart rate monitor if you switch to another app. Pretty much useless for anything other than running/cycling. The website pushes paid subscription and social features, but the basics are lacking. I guess they want us to buy their other apps, too. Fix the app bugs and improve usefulness for other sports and this could be a 5 star app and a service. Until then, it is barely 3 stars. Would I buy it again knowing what I know now? Probably no.
Love this app!! Had to reinstall to fix issue with recent update but now back to being great.
by Lauro César
Este vers?o para WP é bem inferior a vers?o Android que eu usava, eu até aceito alguns recursos a menos, mas sem a pausa automática o uso dele fica muito ruim.
Useful features, always good for my runs.
by Digvijay
Does what I want! 👌
Great app. Use for cycling as well as walking.
by Shubhram
Great app... Keep improving it!!手机扫描二维码,把小组装进口袋


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