萝球社第二季中shining gifl中文什么意思

shining中文是什么意思? 5
1. 光亮的 
2. 华丽的 
3. 优秀的 
4. 醒目的
其他回答 (3)

1. 光亮的 
2. 华丽的 
3. 优秀的 
4. 醒目的
the shining,中文“闪灵”是根据英文shining的谐音翻译过来的,所以我觉得两者的联系不是很大。其实shining这个单词的意思是,“华丽的”“ 醒目的”引起人们关注的意思。 

恋爱领域专家There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back ,controllingal是什么意思中文?_百度作业帮
There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back ,controllingal是什么意思中文?
There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.我背上有很多闪闪发光的银线,控制着我的动作.
There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back, controlling all my action.有许多细螺线在我身后,操控着我的所作所为。当前位置: &
shining eyes是什么意思
中文翻译闪耀的眼睛:&&&&adj. 1.发光的;反光的;闪光的;光亮的;照耀的。 ...:&&&&n. (pl. eyes 〔古语〕 eyen ) 1.眼 ...
例句与用法1.His great, shining eyes seemed to try to bore into her soul .他炯炯发光的大眼睛似乎要看透她的灵魂。2.You shining eyes would shame the stars above?闪亮的眼神使天上的群星黯然失色。 3.She stood before him , with shining eyes她眼里闪着光芒,站在他面前。 4.Same shining eyes as in my dreams闪烁的眼睛还是和我梦里的一样5.The stars grow pale when compared with your shining eyes与你神采奕奕的双眼相比星星是那样的暗淡无光6.Said the boy , flushing crimson and looking up at pierre with rapturous , shining eyes孩子的脸红了,他用敬慕的明亮的眼睛从上到下打量着皮埃尔。 7.Yes , yes , said pierre , looking with shining eyes at prince andrey . i entirely agree with you“是的,是的, ”皮埃尔说着,用闪亮的眼睛望着安德烈公爵。 8.And that sphinx had the white face and shining eyes of that very natasha he had been dreaming of just now而这个斯芬克斯的头上,有一张苍白的面孔和他正思念着的娜塔莎那样的一双眼睛。 9.Natasha , not stirring and hardly breathing , looked with shining eyes from her hiding - place . whats coming now ? she thought娜塔莎屏住气息,一动不动地从她躲匿的地方用那闪闪发亮的眼睛向外张望。 10.Dolohov walked slowly , not lifting his pistol , and looking intently with his clear , shining eyes into the face of his antagonist多洛霍夫并没有举起手枪,走得很慢,他用那闪闪发亮的蓝眼睛盯着敌手的面孔。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇shining list 的中文意思是什么?_百度作业帮
shining list 的中文意思是什么?
句子不完全.Let us fly to the sky and shining(应该为 shine) into(应该为 in) the night sky tonight.大概的意思是:让我们一起飞到天上去,并在今晚黑夜的天空中闪闪发亮.


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