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bbs重度控给列表:来源: @ 米饭com事实上,作为纪录片爱好者,我觉得bbc的某些纪录片非常值得购买原盘珍藏比如bbc 地球、生命、海洋系列。。如果有家庭影院那简直就啧啧。。数字部: BBC.50.Years.Of.Bbc.News.BBC风云五十年(2集,AVI,字幕) A字部: BBC.Alien.Empire.昆虫帝国(6集,AVI,双语) BBC.Ancient.Apocalypse.古代启示录(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC Ancient Rome The Rise and Fall of an Empire. 古罗马-一个帝国的兴起和衰亡(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Animal Camera.动物摄影机,又名窥探生物(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.Animal.Battlefield.动物杀戮战场(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Animal.Games.动物奥运会(1集,AVI) BBC.Ape-Man.人类起源,又名从猿到人(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.A.History.of.Britain.大不列颠史/英国史(15集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Amazon.Abyss.亚马逊深渊(5集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Around The World In 80 Treasures.世界八十宝藏(10集,RMVB) BBC.Attenborough.in.Paradise.爱登堡在天堂(7集,AVI,字幕) BBC.A Walking with Dinosaurs Special - Sea Monsters.与恐龙同行特辑 - 海底霸王(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC Art Collection 艺术精选系列(仅有莫奈,罗丹) B字部: BBC.Battlefields.杀戮战场(4集,AVI,双语) BBC.Battle of The Sexes In The Animal World.雌雄爭霸戰又名性别的战争 (6集,AVI,双语) BBC.Bible.Mysteries.圣经解码(9集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Brain.story.脑海漫游(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC Blackbeard The Real Pirate of the Caribbean/BBC Blackbeard Terror at Sea加勒比海魔盗黑胡子/鬼盗船真面目(1集+2集,AVI,字幕) BBC Burma The Forgotten War 缅甸:被遗忘的战争(1集,AVI,字幕) C字部: BBC.Colosseum.羅馬競技場(1集,AVI,字幕) D字部: BBC.D-Day 6.6.1944.诺曼底登陆日(2集,AVI,字幕) BBC.D-Day to Berlin.从诺曼底到柏林(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Deep Blue.深蓝(2集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Dolphins Deep.Thinkers.2003 聪明的海豚(1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Dragons.Alive.2004.现代恐龙(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.Dunkirk.敦克尔克大撤退(3集,AVI,字幕) E字部: BBC.Earth Story.地球形成的故事(8集,RMVB,字幕) BBC.Earth.Ride.地球水之旅(1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Egypt.古埃及秘史(埃及特写)(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC Elephant Diaries. 孤儿象日记簿(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Europe.A.Natural.History.欧洲自然史(4集,AVI,双语) G字部: BBC.Great.Wildlife.Moments.野生生物绝妙瞬间(1集,AVI,字幕) H字部: BBC.Himalaya.喜马拉雅之旅(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Hiroshima.广岛(1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Horror in the East..战栗东方(2集,AVI,字幕) BBC.How.to.Build.A.Human.复制新人类(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Human Instinct.人类本能(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Human.Senses.人类感官(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC Horizon:Einstein's Equation of Life and Death爱因斯坦的生死方程式(1集,TVRIP,字幕)BBC Horizon:Einstein's Unfinished Symphony. 爱因斯坦的未竟交响曲(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:Equinox Einsteins Biggest Blunder. 爱因斯坦的最大失误(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon The Lost Pyramids Of Caral.被遗忘的秘鲁卡拉尔金字塔(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:The Missing Link. 进化缺环(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:The Mystery Of The Jurassic. 侏罗纪之谜(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:Extreme Dinosaurs. 地平线:巨龙的奥秘(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:T.Rex, Warrior Or Wimp. 地平线:霸王龙,勇士或懦夫(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon.-.Supermassive.Black.Holes. 视野系列之超大质量黑洞(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:The Day The Earth Nearly Died地平线:地球劫难日(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:The Lost Pyramids Of Caral地平线:被遗忘的秘鲁卡拉尔金字塔(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:Atlantis Reborn. 地平线:亚特兰蒂斯重生(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:Cloning The First Human. 地平线:克隆人的诞生(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:Killer Algae. 地平线:杀手海藻(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Horizon:The Secret Life Of Caves. 地平线:洞穴隐秘生物(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC Blood and Flowers-In Search of the Aztecs. 血与花:寻找阿兹特克(1集,TVRIP,字幕) BBC-Horizon:Saturn-Lord Of The Rings.视野:土星 (1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.How Art Made The World 艺术创造世界(5集,AVI,字幕) I字部: BBC.In.Search.Of.The.Trojan.War.寻找特洛伊战争(7集,AVI,字幕) BBC In Search Of Myths And Heroes 寻找神化和英雄(4集,AVI,RMVB,字幕) BBC In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great 2005 跟随亚历山大大帝(4集,AVI,双语) J字部: BBC.Journeys.to.the.Bottom.of.the.Sea.海底之旅(6集,AVI,双语) BBC.Jungle.丛林探险(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.Journey.of.Life.生命之旅(5集,RMVB,字幕) K字部: BBC.Kenneth.Clark's.Civilisation文明(13集,RMVB,字幕) BBC.Killing For A Living为生存而杀戮(13集,RMVB,字幕) L字部: BBC.Land.of.the.Tiger.虎的王国(6集,AVI,双语) BBC.LAuschwitz.The.Nazis.and.the.Final.Solution.2005.奥斯威辛.纳粹党与最终方案(奥斯威兹集中营)(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The Legend Of The Holy Grail. 圣杯传说(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Light.Fantastic.光之舞(4集,AVI,双语) BBC.Life in the Freezer.冰雪的童话(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Lost.Worlds.Vanished.Lives.消逝的生物(6集,AVI,双语) BBC Leonardo da vinci.达芬奇(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC Life on earth.生命的进化(15集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Life in the Undergrowth 2005.灌丛下的生命(5集,AVI,双语) BBC.Living.Britain.活力英伦(6集,AVI,无字) M字部: BBC.Massive.Nature.群体大自然(6集,AVI,双语) BBC.Michael Palin.Full Circle With Michael Palin.环球旅行(10集+2集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Michael Palin.Hemingway Adventure.海明威历险记 BBC.Michael.Palin.Around.The.World.In.80.Days.八十天环游地球(7集+1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Monsters.We.Met.遭遇怪物(3集,RMVB,字幕) N字部: BBC.Nile.2004.尼罗河(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.Noah and the Great Flood.诺亚方舟(1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Natural.World.Secrets.of.the.Maya.Underworld.玛雅之谜(1集,AVI,字幕) P字部: BBC.Phobias.恐惧大家谈(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Planet Earth.地球(5集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Pole.to.Pole极地之旅(8集,RMVB,字幕) BBC.Pompeii-The.Last.Day.庞贝古城-最后的一天(1集,AVI,双语) BBC.Power.of.Art.艺术的力量(8集+1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Pyramid.金字塔(1集,RMVB,字幕) BBC.Power of Nightmares.The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear.恶梦的力量.惊恐政治的冒起(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Predators.掠夺者(6集,AVI,无字幕) BBC.Prehistoric.America.史前美洲(6集,AVI,字幕) S字部: BBC.Sahara.撒哈拉大漠之旅(4集,AVI,双语) BBC.Saint.Paul.门徒保罗(1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Seven.Wonders.of.the.Industrial.World.七大工业奇迹(7集,RMVB,双语) BBC.Secrets Of The Ancients古代的秘密(5集,AVI,无字幕) BBC.Son of God.上帝之子耶稣基督(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.Space.Odyssey.星际漫游(2集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Space.宇宙无限(6集,AVI,双语) BBC.Space.Race 太空竞赛(4集,RMVB,字幕) BBC.State.of.the.Planet.大地的声音(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Stephen Hawking's Universe.霍金的宇宙(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Super.Human.超级人类(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Supernatural.超自然力量(6集,RMVB,字幕) BBC.Supersense.动物超感官(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Supervolcano.超级火山:真正末日(2集,AVI,字幕) T字部: BBC.The Battle of The Atlantic.大西洋之战(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The Human Mind.人类心智(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The Life Of Birds.飞禽传(10集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The Road to War.战争之路(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Abyss.海底深渊(1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Blue.Planet.蓝色星球(10集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Divine.Michelangelo米开朗基罗(2集,AVI,双语) BBC The Miracles of Jesus. 神迹透视(3集,AVI,字幕) BBC The Human Animal.人与动物(6集,仅一集) BBC.The.Human.Body.人体漫游(8集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Human.Face.五官奧妙(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Life.Of.Buddha.成佛之路(1集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Life.Of.Mammals.哺乳类全传(11集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Living.Planet.活力星球(13集,RMVB,字幕) BBC.The.Nazis.A.Warning.From.History.纳粹警示录(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Planets日月星宿(8集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Private.Life.of.Plants.植物私生活(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Time.Machine.时间机器(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.Trials.of.Live.生命之源(12集,AVI,字幕) BBC.The.Day.the.Universe.Changed.变化的每一天 BBC Timewatch Forgotten Heroes.时代了望-无名英雄(1集,AVI,字幕) W字部: BBC.Walking with Dinosaurs.与恐龙同行(7集,AVI,双语) BBC A Walking with Dinosaurs Special- Land of Giants- The Giant Claw.巨龙国度(1集,MPG,字幕) BBC.Walking.with.Beasts.与猛兽同行(6集,AVI,双语) BBC.Walking with Cavemen.与远古人同行(4集,AVI,双语) BBC.War of the Century.世纪大战-二战欧洲东线纪实(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Weird.Nature.灵趣自然(6集,AVI,双语) BBC.Wild New World.野性新世界(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Wild.Afica.野性非洲(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Wild.Australasia.野性澳洲(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Wild.Indonesia.野性印尼(3集,AVI,双语) BBC.Wild.South.America.野性南美洲(6集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Wild.Weather天有风云(4集,AVI,字幕) BBC.Wildlife Specials野生动物特辑(13集,AVI,字幕)
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精简版VERYCDActor, Writer
Having graduated from Oxford University in 1965 with ambitions to be a writer and performer of comedy, Michael Palin (born Michael Edward Palin in Sheffield on 5 May 1943) made his first television appearance as the rather unlikely sounding host of a regionally-produced pop show for children, Now (Television Wales and West, 1965-66).Meanwhile, Palin began writing sketch material with Terry Jones (whom he had befriended at university) for various television shows, in addition to working in cabaret with him as a double-act. Their major breakthrough arrived when they were recruited to the writing team of The Frost Report (BBC, 1966-67). Not only was the series itself a huge success, it brought the pair into contact with fellow writers John Cleese (who was also a performer on the show), Graham Chapman and Eric Idle (who they had briefly met at the Edinburgh Festival in 1965).Although he had begun to appear in sketches on the shows to which he contributed material, Palin's major break as a performer was with the series Do Not Adjust Your Set (ITV, 1967-69). Ostensibly a comedy sketch show for children, but one that quickly gathered an avid adult audience, it featured Palin alongside Jones and Idle (with all three co-writing the series), David Jason and Denise Coffey, with short animation inserts provided by yet another future Python, Terry Gilliam. Palin and Jones followed this with their own series, The Complete and Utter History of Britain (ITV, 1969), a sketch series with, as the title implies, a history-based theme, although it failed to repeat the success of Do Not Adjust Your Set. Their next project, however, succeeded on a scale they could not have imagined. Monty Python's Flying Circus (BBC, 1969-74) finally saw Palin and Jones united with Cleese, Chapman, Idle and Gilliam to create what was to become one of British television's most influential series, comedy or otherwise. Launched without any fanfare, the show quickly drew a cult audience for the sheer originality of its humour, turning the writers/performers into arguably the most important and internationally influential comedy team ever to work in television.Palin followed Monty Python's Flying Circus with his own superbly realised series, Ripping Yarns (BBC, 1976-79). Palin starred in each episode of this anthology series parodying early twentieth century Boys' Own adventure stories, and co-wrote all the stories with Terry Jones. However, despite the success he enjoyed with Ripping Yarns (it won a BAFTA award in 1980 for best light entertainment series) it was the only post-Python comedy television series in which Palin appeared.He concentrated instead on feature films, co-writing and co-starring in all four Python feature films between 1971 and 1983, and gaining his first solo lead role in Terry Gilliam's Jabberwocky (1977), an uneven fantasy-comedy with a medieval setting, loosely inspired by Lewis Carroll's poem.Lead roles followed in The Missionary (d. Richard Loncraine, 1981), a period-set story of a refuge for prostitutes in the East End of London which he also wrote and co- A Private Function (d. Malcolm Mowbray, 1984), an Alan Bennett-scripted comedy set in a small rural town in a post-war Britain ruled by aus and American Friends (d. Tristram Powell, 1991), a gentle romantic comedy set within the environs of Oxford University in the 1860s, co-written by Palin and based on the story of his great-grandfather, an Oxford don. He also won a BAFTA award as best supporting actor for his performance in the comedy A Fish Called Wanda (d. Charles Crichton, 1988).Although he co-starred in the Alan Bleasdale-scripted drama series G.B.H. (C4, 1991), playing a teacher in this story of political corruption, acting, whether in comedy or straight drama, increasingly took a back seat from the late 1980s, as he began to steer his career into new territory. Since the phenomenal success of the documentary series Around the World in Eighty Days (BBC, 1989), in which he followed the route taken by the fictional Phileas Fogg in Jules Verne's novel, Palin has enjoyed renewed success with a spate of travel documentaries. All self-penned as well as presented, they include Pole to Pole with Michael Palin (BBC, 1992), Full Circle with Michael Palin (BBC, 1997), Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure (BBC, 1999), Sahara with Michael Palin (BBC, 2002), Himalaya with Michael Palin (BBC, 2004), Michael Palin's New Europe (BBC, 2007) and Around the World in 20 Years (BBC, tx. 30/12/2008).He has also enjoyed a degree of success with the publication of his diaries, covering the years 1969 to 1987, in two volumes published in 2006 and 2009.John Oliver
More information
From the BFI's filmographic database
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Selected credits
Terry Gilliam's pessimistic but dazzling vision of a future BritainGentle Michael Palin comedy about a missionary amongst 'fallen women'Controversial but hilarious comedy about a reluctant messiahAlan Bennett-scripted Yorkshire comedy about pigs and social climbing
Eccentric history from a (just) pre-Python Jones and PalinMadcap children's sketch show starring several future PythonsAlan Bleasdale's ambitious satire about corrupt Northern politicsMarty Feldman's unjustly forgotten pre-Python sketch seriesLegendary sketch show that revolutionised TV comedyBlissfully funny parodies of Boy's Own adventure stories
Related collections
Before the Circus flew: the hidden origins of the Python wit
Related people and organisations
Actor, WriterActor, Writer, DirectorDirector, Writer, Animator, ActorActor, WriterActor, Director, Writer, Presenter


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