我在ubuntu上装了vmware下安装ubuntu workstation 9.0.4 build-1945795 求注册码

在VMware Workstation的Ubuntu下安装和配置Hadoop与Ganglia_Linux教程_Linux公社-Linux系统门户网站
在VMware Workstation的Ubuntu下安装和配置Hadoop与Ganglia
一.安装VMWare Workstation和Ubuntu
  从网上下载VMWare Workstation和Ubuntu,在这里我用的是VMWare Workstation 8.0.4和Ubuntu 12.04.2(Ubuntu 10貌似很多更新源都停止服务了,所以这里采用Ubuntu 12,注意Ubuntu 12要求vmware版本在8.0以上),相关安装教程可以参考这篇 VMware9安装Ubuntu 12.10图文详细教程:
(建议最好 把那个立即分配所有磁盘空间 选项取消掉,否则在创建虚拟机的时候要等很长时间)
  ubuntu 下载:或者
  安装好Ubuntu后,由于ubuntu 12采用的是gnome 3的界面,反映比较慢,建议用回以前的经典界面gnome 2.方法:
  sudo apt-get intall gnome-session-fallback,安装完之后,点击右上角的&设置&图标,选择&Log out&,然后就出现登录初始界面了,点击 小扳手 图标,选择 gnome classic之后重新输入密码登录,以后默认就采用经典界面了。
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参与本评论即表明您已经阅读并接受上述条款VMware Workstation 8.0.3 Release Notes
VMware Workstation 8.0.3 | 05 03 2012 | Build 703057
These release notes cover the following topics:
What's New
This release of VMware Workstation supports Ubuntu 12.04 as a guest operating system.
VMware Workstation 8.0.3 is a free update for all VMware Workstation 8 users.
Prior Releases of Workstation
Known problems from prior releases of VMware Workstation are described in the release notes for each release. To view release notes for the prior releases of VMware Workstation, see the following links.
Resolved Issues
The following issues are resolved in this release of VMware Workstation.
VMware floppy device out-of-bounds memory write
Due to a flaw in the virtual floppy configuration it was possible to perform an out-of-bounds memory write. This vulnerability allowed a guest user to crash the VMX process or to potentially execute code on the host.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project () has assigned the name CVE- to this issue.
VMware SCSI device unchecked memory write
Due to a flaw in the SCSI device registration it was possible to perform an unchecked write into memory. This vulnerability allowed a guest user to crash the VMX process or to potentially execute code on the host.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project () has assigned the name CVE- to this issue.
documents workarounds and mitigation for these two resolved issues.
Known Issues
The known issues are grouped as follows:
Remote Connection and Remote Virtual Machine Issues
When Workstation is installed on a Linux host, VMware Workstation Server writes the core file to /usr/bin instead of to /var/core or /var/log/vmware.
You cannot use Workstation to create a remote virtual machine on an ESX or ESXi 4.1 host if the virtual machine name contains non-ASCII characters.
When you upload a virtual machine to a remote server (VM & Manage & Upload), Workstation modifies the MAC address and PCI slot number of the virtual Ethernet device in the newly created remote virtual machine. Network errors can occur in the remote virtual machine if the network settings in the guest operating system require the original network hardware configuration.
Workaround: Change the network settings in the guest operating system in the remote virtual machine to match the new network hardware configuration.
VMware Workstation Server occasionally crashes on a 32-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x host.
Role and Permission Issues
On a Windows host, if you edit a permission, assign the Administrator role, and then immediately click Remove to delete the permission, the original permission still exists when you reopen the Permissions dialog box.
Shared Virtual Machine Issues
On Windows hosts, if a shared virtual machine has a floppy drive that is configured to connect at power on, and a remote user powers on the virtual machine, a dialog box appears on the host system asking whether to connect the device every time the virtual machine powers on. If you click Yes to close the dialog box on the host system after the virtual machine is completely up and running on the host system, Workstation crashes on the host system.
On a 32 or 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 2008 R2, or 32-bit Windows XP Professional SP3 host, if you uninstall Workstation, preserve the configuration, and then reinstall Workstation to a different path, the Shared VMs item is unavailable in the virtual machine library.
On a Windows host, if you create a virtual machine with a name that contains non-ASCII characters in the New Virtual Machine wizard, you cannot share the virtual machine with the Move the virtual machine option if the destination path is other than the system operating system location. The sharing process stops with the error message Failed to move VM to destination path.
Workaround: If you want to share the virtual machine, you must use only ASCII characters in the virtual machine name when you create the virtual machine in the New Virtual Machine wizard.
Display and Input Issues
On an Ubuntu 11.04 host, the virtual machine icon does not appear on the system tray when you set the Show tray icon setting (Edit & Preferences & Workspace) to Always or When a virtual machine is powered on.
Workaround: Whitelist vmware-tray as an application that can show system tray icons in Ubuntu 11.04. Alternatively, enable Notification Area (Systray) for all applications, for example:
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist &['all']&
After you run the command, log out and log back in. The command can take several minutes to take effect.
On a Fedora 15 host, powering on a virtual machine that has DirectX 9 accelerated graphics enabled might fail with the error &Unable to change virtual machine power state: Cannot find a valid peer process to connect to.&
Workaround: Deselect the Accelerate 3D graphics setting (VM & Settings & Hardware & Display) to disable DirectX 9 accelerated graphics in the virtual machine.
When you enter Unity mode in an Ubuntu 11.04 guest, application menus do not appear for applications that were opened before entering Unity mode. Application menus do appear for applications that are opened from the Unity launch menu after entering Unity mode.
Workaround: Disable the APPMENU (Global menu) in the Ubuntu 11.04 guest. See the Ubuntu documentation for more information.
After you upload a Windows XP virtual machine from the local host to a remote server, you cannot autofit the guest in full screen mode. This problem occurs because VRAM is reduced to 4 MB when the virtual machine is uploaded to the remote server.
Dragging and dropping a file between two virtual machines in Unity mode causes Workstation to hang.
Workaround: Copy and paste the file between the two virtual machines in Unity mode instead of dragging and dropping.
Some older OpenGL games, such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, might crash in a Workstation 8.0 virtual machine. The game is not able to handle the number of OpenGL extensions available since the game was released. This behavior is also seen on host systems.
Workaround: Add a new environment variable named MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR and set the value to 2003. This is a global setting, so it will need to be removed if you run any newer OpenGL applications.
Folder and Team Conversion Issues
When you select a newly created folder in the Workstation library, the toolbar power option button is dimmed and you cannot perform batch power operations on the virtual machines in the folder.
Workaround: If you select a virtual machine in the folder, move the selection off the virtual machine (for example, click anywhere on the folder tab), and then select the folder in the library again, the toolbar power option button becomes available.
On some file systems, such as ext4, mounting them from an unclean state, such as a suspended VM, will not work properly.
Workaround: Power off the virtual machine before mounting the file system from it.
Device Issues
On Windows hosts, Player crashes if you click Connect or Disconnect in the Removable Devices menu before the console appears.
An Ubuntu 11.04 host might crash when you try to connect a USB device to a running virtual machine from the status bar icon's context menu. This problem typically occurs after Workstation is freshly installed, the host is rebooted, and the first time the device is connected to the virtual machine.
VMware Workstation Server occasionally crashes on a 32-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x host.
Workaround:Disable the fingerprint module in the host.
Physical Machine Virtualization Issues
When simple file sharing or UAC is enabled on the physical machine, the Virtualize a Physical Machine wizard returns an &incorrect user credentials& error instead of an error message that indicates simple file sharing or UAC must be disabled before virtualizing the physical machine. See the online help or Using VMware Workstation for information on preparing a physical machine for virtualization.
You cannot use the Virtualize a Physical Machine wizard if the Workstation installation path contains non-ASCII characters.
Guest Operating System Installation Issues
Fedora 15 will not install on systems with less than 768 MB of RAM. If you attempt to install Fedora 15 in a virtual machine with less than 768 MB of RAM, the guest system may hang indefinitely.
Workaround: Set the RAM for the virtual machine to 768 MB or higher and try again. See
for more information.求VMware Workstation V6.0.0 build-45731序列号_百度知道
求VMware Workstation V6.0.0 build-45731序列号
0 build-45731版本的,就是出现下面的界面提示注册,估计是注册表里没有原来的注册信息了、name和company name)或者用其他的办法使我的VMware能用(拒绝重装),不胜感谢。我试了网上给出的很多序列号但都提示失败[No licenses were found for the entered serial number.]求侠女好汉给一个真正能用的序列号(包括serial number.0,软件仍能正常打开,注册好了并能正常使用,否者就进入不了我的Ubuntu,说要输入序列号,点了[Get Serial Number]又总是打开不了网页,被我装在F盘,名字和公司,开始好好的;但我重装电脑后。能解决再加分我的VMware是VMware Workstation V6
jpg" esrc="/zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=82fb71ad87da3ec1ed21b0ef41bd5ada81cb38db3de4.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=02f2f81e1f30e924cff0/7c1ed21b0ef41bd5ada81cb38db3de4://f.hiphotos.baidu.hiphotos://f<a href="http://f.com/zhidao/pic/item/7c1ed21b0ef41bd5ada81cb38db3de4.hiphotos.baidu
610Y5-TFLFF-W05DU-4YRN3 6RJ0R-RPY0Y-281FA-4PXX6 DC4MX-M6W8F-W80FV-4W8QL 试试这个
一种是安装成一Windows下的文件,这种也比较方便 运行速度快,需要一张光盘可以依据引导程序,最新版是6,即使用虚拟机安装.5的 ,序列号如下,再在虚拟机上运行Linux,这种安装需要先下载VMWare ,缺点是Linux运行速度比较慢另外一种是直接在硬盘上安装,这种软件在网上可以下载到,直接安装:FK4W8-8UD0L-C8OFG-4MXZ6A6HC5-DDRJW-0VY0F-22G8K 这种安装要先运行虚拟机,优点是可以在Windows 和Linux之间切换,缺点是如果装双系统的话Linux 的安装有两种常用的办法
- -!用迅雷搜,vmware注册机,你要几K的注册码都有。只不过注意点,填了注册码,点了OK以后,就点关闭,不要点注册就行了。
出门在外也不愁在VMware workstation的虚拟机上装ubuntu 11.10的Linux系统怎么设置。让Linux系统能够联网?_百度知道
在VMware workstation的虚拟机上装ubuntu 11.10的Linux系统怎么设置。让Linux系统能够联网?
虚拟机网卡模式设置为nat模式,虚拟机 linux上自动获取ip
千万不要打开主机的ics服务,如果不能自动获取ip,应该检查物理主机上的vmware dhcp和vmware nat服务,或者,vmware的菜单栏——编辑——虚拟网络设置——左下角——恢复默认。如果能自动获取到192.168.x.128的ip,可能就成功了,如果只能获取169.254.x.x,还是需要检查服务。如果还是不行的,你可以hi我
VMware Workstation 是可以用NAT(我记得好像是这样叫的)方式来联网的,这个好像是能自动设置好的呢。


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