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第一个测试版本吉林大学牡丹园站 -- Postgraduate精华区文章阅读
发信人: benkiki (hellokitty), 信区: Postgraduate
题: 【合集】简单的博士论文LaTeX模版
发信站: 吉林大学牡丹园站 (日23:51:32 星期六), 站内信件
Mars (战神) 于 日19:33:26 星期五 提到:
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English Title of the Thesis} \vspace{4cm}\end{center} {\sihao\song{
专 业 名 称:\\
论\ 文\ 评\ 阅\ 人:\\
年   月
\end{center}} }
\section*{} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{关于论文使用授权的说明}
\clearpage 吉林大学博士学位论文原创性声明}}\hspace{\fill}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{原创性声明} \vspace{0mm}
日期:\= \ \ \ \ \ \ 年\ \
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\listoffigures% 插图索引
\listoftables% 表格索引
% 参考文献
\bibitem{1}E. Arimondo and G. Orriols,
Nuovo Cimento Lett. {\bf17}, 333
\bibitem{115}E. A. Wilson, N. B. Manson, and C. Wei,
Phys. Rev. A {\bf72},
\item[(1)] 我们研究放置在恒定磁场中温度为325K时的铷原子气体的电磁感应光
\item[(2)] 我们在实验上首次观察到了相干烧孔现象,我们使用一束相干光和一
\item[(3)] 我们在Rb原子气体中观察到了消多普勒的增强吸收以及其劈裂。在传
\item[(1)] 通过引入磁场的方法得到电磁感应多透明窗口,透明窗口的数量和位
\item[(2)] 首次在实验上观测到相干烧孔现象,在不同的光场传播模式下得到了
\item[(3)] 实验上观测了双暗态吸收增强谱线在不同的扰动场强度下发生的劈裂
(摘\ \ \ 要)\\ \
\chapter[Abstract]{Coherent control of the inhomogeneous broadened
absorption spectrum in Rubidium vapour }
{\bf\sihao{\begin{center} (Abstract)\\ \ \\
XXX_XXX~XXXX\\ \ \\ ( XXXXs College of Jilin University,
In this thesis for doctorate that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.\par
\section*{Experiement under XXX} \addtocounter{bsec}{1}
Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1
Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1
Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1 Section_1
\section*{Experimental of the Coherent Hole Burning in hot Rubidium vapor}
"XXXX XXXX VVVV ", Phys. Rev. X 00, 05).
"XXXX XXXX VVVV ", Phys. Rev. X 00, 05).
"XXXX XXXX VVVV ", Phys. Rev. X 00, 05).
\item "XXXX XXXX VVVV ", Phys. Rev. X 00, 05).
\item 本论文是在博士生导师XXXX教授的悉心指导下才得以完成的。X老师敏锐的科
\item 感谢...研究员,在他的组织和参与下完成本课题的实验和测试工作。
\item 感谢同学们,特别是XXX同学、XXX同学,与我就相关问题进行了有益的讨论
\item 最后,我要感谢我的父母、和所有关心爱护我的亲友们,是他们的支持和鼓
\item 感谢...基金资助(资助编号为:abc-xyz)。
% 个人简历
%\vspace{-20mm} {\hspace{\fill}{\bf\sanhao\kai 简\ \ \ \ 历 }
%\hspace{\fill}} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{简历} \clearpage
alian (alian) 于 日19:41:07 星期五 提到:
对搂主来讲是尊重 是慰藉
您费老大劲写个文章 没人回是不是很无奈
skyteller (四改维真) 于 日19:42:31 星期五 提到:
Arther (木筏上的沙-小夹克) 于 Fri Oct 27 19:42:47 2006)
alian (alian) 于 日19:47:45 星期五 提到:
strike (重击) 于 日19:50:16 星期五 提到:
What are TeX, LaTeX, and friends?
TeX, and associated programs such as LaTeX, form a system for computer
typesetting, for placing text on a page. (Pronounce the name "tech".) It is
well known for its abilities with the most difficult typesetting jobs:
mathematical and scientific text, long and intricate documents, and
multilingual works.
TeX systems produce output -- either printed or electronic -- of the
highest typographic quality. This quality is especially important for
technical texts, where the ability of readers to understand dense material
depends on the clarity with which it is presented. TeX is Free software,
and because it has been ported to almost every platform available today,
its benefits can be enjoyed by everyone who has access to a computer. In
addition, TeX systems have m see below.
As a result of its advantages, TeX systems have become the standard
communication tool in the sciences. It has been adopted by the American
Mathematical Society and many other professional societies as the preferred
format. It is also widely used in other academic areas, in the humanities,
and the social sciences.
For an expanded introduction, see What is TeX?, by Doug Waud.
The TeX project was started in 1978 by D Knuth, while revising the second
volume of his Art of Computer Programming. When he got the galleys back, he
saw that the publisher had switched to a new digital typesetting system and
was shocked at the poor quality.
He reasoned that because digital typesetting meant arranging 1 s and 0 s
(ink and no ink) in the proper pattern, as a computer scientist he should
be able to do the job better. He originally estimated that this would take
six months but ultimately it took nearly ten years. He had to handle not
only the challenges of routine typesetting such as right-justification and
page formatting flexible enough to allow for different output styles, but
also the additional demands of academic publishing -- footnotes, floating
figures and tables, etc. And, beyond that, he had tell the computer how to
typset formulas and other technical materials.
A year after he began, Knuth was invited to present one of the principal
lectures at the AMS s annual meeting. He spoke on his TeX work, and also on
Metafont (his system for developing fonts). He presented not only the roots
of the typographical concepts, but also the mathematical notions on which
these two programs are based. TeX s popularity took off from there.
An important boost to that popularity came in 1985 with the introduction by
L Lamport of LaTeX, a set of commands that allows interaction with the
system at a higher level than Knuth s original set (which is called Plain
TeX systems remain popular today. Every day, research preprints, drafts of
textbooks, and conference proceedings are produced with TeX. And, active
development of the system continues. Members of the community contribute a
steady stream of new and updated enhancement packages, there have been
great improvements in LaTeX s font-handling, and also improvements in TeX s
ability with multilingual texts, there is now a version of TeX that outputs
directly to the web-friendly PDF format, and much more.
This section describes some of the major advantages that TeX systems enjoy.
Compared to word processors
Most people have used a word processor, so a comparison may be helpful.
Word processors place text while you type it. The marketing term for this
is WYSIWYG, "what you see is what you get". In contrast, TeX is a
formatter: it separates the steps of entering the material and placing it
on the page.
To see the difference, consider how a typical user of each system might
start a new section. In a word processor a typical user might start that
section by hitting &Enter& twice to get two lines of vertical space, typing
in "Section 1.2: New results", clicking to highlight that text, then
clicking to select a larger type size and a new type style for that
highlighted area, and entering two more lines of vertical space. A typical
user TeX user will type into a file the line "\section{New results}". The
word processing user is formatting as they enter the text, while the TeX
user describes the structural meaning of the text and will later run the
file through TeX to have the program format it.
To a beginner, the word processing approach seems appealing. But as that
user starts to try bigger and tougher jobs, laying it out by hand becomes
hard. In a twenty page article, keeping the vertical space between sections
uniform is error-prone work, and so is making sure that all of the
bibliographic entries follow the required format. In addition, very few
authors have the knowledge and aesthetic eye to correctly lay out and size
the symbols in an equation. So, as a user becomes more experienced and
knowledgable, the TeX philosophy -- to have the typesetting done by the
program, as far as possible -- becomes the better choice. (Some word
processors offer as advanced features TeX-like facilities for organizing
input text, although few users take advantage of them.)
Another problem with the approach of having users click in their material
appears when the text is automatically generated, say as a report drawn
from a database. Getting a word processor into that work flow is a
challenge. But TeX expects input from a plain text file, so the database
output is easy to format.
We ll give you ten good reasons ..
These are the reasons most often cited for using TeX, grouped into four
areas: Output Quality, Superior Engineering, Freedom, and Popularity.
Output Quality You write documents to be read and understood. Your first
concern should be: how good is the output? Is it as readable and as useful
as possible? Is attractive?
1) TeX has the best output. What you end with, the symbols on the page, is
as useable, and beautiful, as a non-professional can produce.
This is especially noticable for complex documents, such as ones with
see this sample (from Rogers s Recursive Functions). It also
holds for documents that are complex in other ways: with many tables, or
many cross references or hyper-links, or just with many pages.
Even on simple documents TeX does a better job than a word processor.
Compare these samples of plain text (from Herigel s Zen in the Art of
Archery) done in Word and TeX. These are short and the typographic
differences are subtle but even a non-expert may see that the TeX page
looks "more right." The word processor s page has some lines with wide gaps
between words and some lines with too many words stuffed in (contrast the
second paragraph s second line with its third). TeX s output is more
2) TeX knows typesetting. As the plain text samples in the prior item
illustrate, TeX s more even line spacings are a consequence of its more
sophisticated algorithms for making paragraphs and for hyphenating.
Another way that this expertise gives better output comes in setting
technical material. TeX moves the task, as much as possible, into the
software. For instance, it automatically classifies each mathematical
symbol as a variable, or a relation, etc., and sets them with appropriate
amounts of surrounding space. It also sizes superscripts, and many other
things. The result is that, because your document follows the conventions
of professional typesetting, your readers will know exactly what you mean.
You almost never have to fret with the formulas. They just come out right.
The quality of output is the best reason to use TeX.
Superior Engineering Everyone has been frustrated with software that is
slow, fat, buggy, or that undergoes frequent incompatible version changes.
TeX will not giv from a Computer Science standpoint,
TeX is very impressive.
3) TeX is fast. TeX ran quickly when it was developed in 1978 and so on
today s machines it is very fast. It is easy on your computer s memory and
disk space, too.
4) TeX is stable. It is in wide use, with a long history. It has been
tested by millions of users on demanding input. It will never eat your
document. Never.
But there is more here than just that the program is reliable. TeX s
designer has frozen the central engine, the actual tex program. Documents
that run today will still run in ten years, or fifty. So "stable" means
more than th it means that it will continue to work,
5) TeX is stable, but not rigid. A system locked into 1978 s technology
would today have gaps. That s why TeX is extendable, so that innovations
can be added on, layered over the underlying engine.
An example is the LaTeX macro package, which is the most popular way to use
TeX today. It is a front end to the engine, affecting the way authors input
their work. It adds conveniences such as automatic cross references,
indexing, a table of contents, automatic numbering of chapters, sections,
theorems, etc., in a variety of styles, and a straightforward but powerful
way to make tables.
LaTeX also adds a philosophy of encouraging authors to structure their
document by meaning rather than by appearance. For instance, a LaTeX author
might produce emphasized text by typing "it is \emph{hot} here" rather than
directly specifying italic type. This approach has two advantages. First,
since it is a computer language command, it makes the type style, size, and
spacing uniform throughout your document. Second, once the information is
in the computer then you can do more with it. You can, for instance,
distinguish between text that is italic because it is emphasized, and text
that is italic because it is the name of a ship, perhaps by adding a
command \ship{..} that saves the names of all ships for a separate index.
And, LaTeX itself is extendable. There are thousands of "style files,"
which do everything from adapting the basics to the needs of the American
Math Society, to making cross-references into hyper-references, all the way
to allowing you to add epigraphs, the short quotations that sometimes
decorate the start or end of a chapter.
Just because LaTeX is the most popular macro package doesn t mean that it
is the best one for you. Many
see the the TeX Users
Group s interest page.
So TeX has been, and is being, developed and extended in many ways. (See
also the next two items.)
6) The input is plain text. TeX s source files are portable to any
computing platform. They are also easy to produce automatically, for
example as output from a program. T all of the files for my
450 page textbook and 125 page answer supplement fit easily on one floppy.
And, they integrate with other tools such as search utilities.
Use of this type of input file stems from an overall mindset. TeX arose in
the world of science and engineering where there is a tradition of
cooperating closely with fellow workers. A binary input format, especially
a proprietary one, is bad for cooperation: probably you have had to go
through the trouble of upgrading a word processor version because coworkers
upgraded and you could no longer read their files. With TeX systems that
rarely happens -- the last time that a LaTeX release lost some backward
compatibility was in 1995.
There are even ways to run TeX directly from XML input, which many people
think is the standard input format of the future. So, with the TeX
formatting engine in the middle, the input front end may be adjusted to
meet your needs, and changing times.
7) The output can be anything. As with inputting, TeX s outputting step is
separate from its typesetting. The TeX engine s results can be converted to
a printer language such as PostScript, or to a web language such as PDF or
HTML, or, probably, to whatever will appear in the future. And, the
typesetting -- line breaks, etc. -- will be the same no matter where your
output appears. (Did you know that word processing output depends on the
printer s fonts, so if you email your work to someone with a different
printer then the line and page breaks may come out differently?)
Many people find that TeX s input language fits with how they think about
their material. For instance, a scientist might describe a formula to a
colleague over a telephone using TeX constructs.
Freedom Most computer users have heard about Free and Open-Sourced software
and know that, as with the GNU programs, Linux, Apache, Perl, etc., this
style of development can yield software that is first class. TeX, along
with associated materials such as index makers or style files, falls into
this category.
8) TeX is free. The source of the main tex engine is open (the Free
Software Foundation uses it for their documents). All of the other main
components are open, also.
9) TeX runs anywhere. Whatever meets your platform -- Windows, Macintosh, a
variety of Unix, or almost anything else -- you can get TeX, either freely
distributed or in a commercial version.
So although the core of TeX was written some time ago, it fits well with
today s trends.
Popularity Using the same system as many other people has advantages. You
can get answers to your questions. Your problems might well have already
been solved. And, because of this large user base, your system is sure to
be around for years.
10) TeX is the standard. Most scientists, especially academic scientists,
know TeX. Research preprints, drafts of textbooks, and conference
proceedings, all are regularly produced with TeX. As a result, many
publishers of technical material are set up to work with it.
Because it is the standard, TeX s support by other technical software is
the best. For example, there are editing modes to make input convenient,
such as AUCTeX for Emacs. Another example is that most computer algebra
systems, such as Maple and Mathematica, will give output in TeX. And no
doubt technical software developed in the future will support TeX, also.
In addition, TeX is used by many people outside of the sciences, for all of
the reasons given in this document. For instance, there is a way to produce
beautiful critical edition texts.
You wouldn t want to use a bad system simply because it is popular. TeX has
earned its user base for sound reasons, some of them given above.
Nonetheless, the existence of such a base is itself one reason to adopt a
software package.
Here are documents that cover reasons to consider TeX.
Why TeX? by Jim Hefferon, the document on which much of this page is based,
draws distinctions with word processors.
TeX advertising brochure by Peter Flynn
Excerpts from a report on technical word processors, part of a series on
processing technical text printed in the Notices of the American
Mathematical Society in 1986, persuaded many mathematicians that TeX was
the way to go.
The TeX showcase is pure showmanship, and demonstrates that TeX is
basically without limits.
In summary ..
TeX is a typesetting system that produces publication-quality output, even
for difficult material such as mathematics. It is freely available. Its
design makes it shine in areas where the system familiar to most beginning
computer users, word processors, falls short. Briefly, that is, it was
designed well.
】 : : \documentclass[cjk,dvipdfm,openright,twoside]{ctexbook}


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