
中国功夫应该是什么样子?中国武术本来的面目应该是什么样子呢?看了这么多讨论贴,总是拿散打与拳击、空手道、泰拳去比。还有拿李连杰、李小龙等来分析什么是中国功夫,我不练武,但小时候看过很多武术书籍,很奇怪为何没有人说得和我想象的差不多。我的看法:武术是什么?是冷兵器年代克敌制胜的技术,同时还有强身健体的作用(否则就是小说中的邪派了)。在克敌制胜的技术里面,排第一位的应该是弓箭,然后是各种冷兵器。无论看历史还是看解放前的武侠小说,基本没有说某某人凭一身拳脚功夫打遍天下的,都是靠兵器。这更符合事实,也无需辩论。冷兵器是中国武术的根本,是最多的技术,但现在就除去冷兵器,就看拳脚吧。当今似乎散打就是中国武术,中国武术就是散打,天下第一厉害的就是练散打的,柳海龙、宝力高什么的。以前看各门各派武术,怎么练?从小就开始,7岁练时就有些晚了,练什么?站桩是基本功。形意拳传人尚济(不知此人现在是否还在世,估计已逝)所著的书中,关于站桩记得是这样的:先练三体桩,站40分钟。此姿势如果严格要求,举重运动员保持不了二分钟。比马步站桩要困难多了。此后再练什么什么桩(名字记不住了),大约姿势是:前腿弯,后腿弯成小于90度,后腿大腿水平,膝盖顶在前腿膝窝处,全身重量基本都在后腿。此姿势保持40分钟。我试了一下,我能坚持不到10秒钟。这只是最最基本的,意思是有资格可以继续练下去了。形意大师尚云祥,做他的门生,要入门先练三年桩,合格后才可以练拳!最后三体式站多久?2小时!这一切练下来,仅仅是合格而已,还没开始练拳呢。想想吧,这样练下去,任何一个有资格练拳的人会是什么样子?武术(仅指拳术)按理来说,身法是基础,应该是身形快如闪电,但这只能在一些回忆录里听到了,再看看散打吧,没有身法可言,双脚蹦蹦跳跳(当然这是要求),但是有人能站40分钟的桩吗?能达到够资格练武的条件吗?实际上现在的人,什么打败拳击打败泰拳什么的,其实如果放在以前,大概连作大师门生的资格都没有。仅站桩这一关就过不去。身形笨如猪,还想练武术?三国里的姜维能在奔跑的马上接住后面郭槐射过来的箭再反射回去(历史上就是这样写的),孙碌堂能让三十多人在狭小的空间里摸不着他的衣服,杨班侯能飞身越城,凭什么?神乎其技,燕子李三的高来高去是绝对的事实(否则就没有那些故事了,如果谁不服,就窜个房顶试试),大刀王五最可惜,指头厚几十斤重的大刀快如闪电无人能躲过,结果楞是在大练钢铁的年代给拿去练铁了,否则就可以让后人有个对比,认识到和前人的差距了。当说到散打时,不要再提中国武术了吧。散打就是一种比赛,和中国武术不是一回事。What should be look like Chinese Kung Fu?Chinese martial arts have been the face of what should be look like? Having read so many discussion board, always take Sanda and boxing, karate, Muay Thai to the ratio. Also get Jet Li, Bruce Lee to analyze what is a Chinese martial arts, I do not martial arts, but the child saw a lot of martial arts books, it very strange that no one is right and I imagine a similar trend. My view: Martial arts What is this? Age of cold weapons technology to defeat the enemy, along with the role of physical fitness (or else is fiction Xiepai a). In the technology to defeat the enemy inside, ranked No. 1 should be the bow and arrow, and then all kinds of cool weapons. Look at history to see whether or liberation of the martial arts novels, the basic virtue of a certain person did not say punched and kicked a hole-y pilgrimage martial arts world, and are relying on weapons. This is more in line with the facts, and without debate. Cold Chinese martial arts weapon is the fundamental, is the largest technology, but now remove the cold arms, punched and kicked on the view bar. Today it seems Sanda is a Chinese martial arts, Chinese martial arts is Sanda, Sanda training is the best in the world worse, and Liu Hailong, Bao Li Gao something. Used to look different schools of martial arts, how to train? From an early age began when the 7-year-old practicing a bit late, and practice what? Zhan Zhuang is the basics. Xing Yi Quan Chi Shang transmission (I do not know whether this person is still alive, it is estimated passed away) written by the book on Zhan Zhuang remember this: First practice three-body pile, stand 40 minutes. This posture, if the strict requirements of weightlifters can not maintain two minutes. Than Bu Zhan Zhuang be more difficult. What then to practice what the pile (remember the name), about posture is: pre-Leg, hind legs bent less than 90 degrees, the level of hind legs, his knee in the former Tuixi back of knee, body weight is basically all hind leg. This posture to maintain for 40 minutes. I tried it, I can insist on less than 10 seconds. This is only the most basic means are eligible to continue the Lianxia Qu. Master Shang Yunxiang-shaped Italy, as his disciples, we must train for three years before entry piles, with a pass before they can practice their moves! The last three-body stop how long? 2 hours! All training down, just pass only, it has not yet begun training in taijiquan. Think about it, so Lianxia Qu, any eligible person who practice their moves look like? Martial arts (refers only to boxing) reasonably speaking, shenfa is the foundation, should be the stature Lightning fast, but this can only be heard in a number of memoirs, and then look at Sanda, that no shenfa to speak of, feet Beng Bengtiao dancing (of course this is a requirement), but some can stand 40 minutes piles do? Qualified martial arts to achieve the conditions? In fact now people, what beat boxing beat boxing what, in fact, if placed before, probably not even qualified to be master of his disciples are not. Zhan Zhuang only hurdle to pick on. Stupid stature, such as pigs, and would like to practice martial arts? Three years of Jiang Wei horse running catch in the back Guohuai shot the arrow and then come back reflector (the history is written like this), Sun Lu-tang allows 30 people in a small space or touched his clothes, Yang Ban Hou The more the city can be zoomed off, then what? Swallow three high to high to go is the absolute truth (otherwise there would be no stories, and anyone who refused to accept a roof to try to flee), Big Sword Wang five of the most unfortunate, finger-thick weighing tens of pounds, such as lightning fast sword No one can escape, resulting in large Leng practicing the age of iron and steel to iron Naqu practice, and otherwise could leave future generations have a comparison, recognition, and the discrepancy between their predecessors. When it comes to Sanda, do not mention the Chinese martial arts of the bar. Sanda is a game, and the Chinese martial arts not the same thing.
Confucius Institute Worldwide
精彩推荐Popular Picks2014年6月英语四级翻译新题型:中国功夫
来源:  8:44:02 【】 
  Chinese Kung Fu
  Chinese kung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a traditional Chinese sport which applies the art of attack and defence in combat and the motions engaged with a series of skill and tricks. The core idea of Chinese king fu is derived from the Confucian theory of both “the mean and harmony” and “cultivating qi” (otherwise known as nourishing one’s spirit). Meanwhile, it also includes thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism. Chinese kung fu has a long history, with multi-various sects and many different boxing styles, and emphasizes coupling hardness with softness and internal and external training. It contains the ancient great thinkers’ pondering of life and the universe. The skills in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons named by the later generations mainly involve the skills of bare-handed boxing, such as shadow boxing (Taijiquan), form and will boxing (Xingyiquan), eight trigram palm (Baguazhang), and the skills of kung fu weaponry, such as the skill of using swords, spears, two-edged swords and halberds, axes, tomahawks, kooks, prongs and so on.
  中国功夫即中国武术,是将技击寓于搏斗和套路运动之中的中国传统体育项目,承载着丰富的中国民族传统文化。其核心思想是儒家的中和养气之说,同时兼容了道家、释家的思想。中国武术源远流长、流派林立、拳种繁多,讲究刚柔并济、内外兼修,蕴含着先哲们对生命和宇宙的参悟。后世所称十八般武艺,主要指:徒手拳艺,如太极拳、形意拳、八卦掌等;器械功夫,如刀枪剑戟、斧钺钩叉等。  相关推荐:
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