
's The Sound of
Music is a 1965 American
directed by
and starring
and . The film is based on the
, with songs written by
and , and with the musical
book written by the writing team of
wrote the screenplay.
The musical originated with the book
by . It contains many popular
songs, including "", "", "", "", "", and "", as well as the .
The movie version was filmed on location in , Austria and
in , and also at the
Studios in California. It was
photographed in 70mm
by Ted D. McCord. It won a total of
in 1965 and is one of the most popular
musicals ever produced. The cast album was nominated for a .
Adjusted for inflation, it made $1.046 billion domestically (at
2010 prices), putting it third on the list of all-time
inflation-adjusted box office hits, behind
In 2001, The United States
selected the film for
preservation in the
as it was deemed
"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
as , a free-spirited young
Austrian woman, studying to become a nun. Due to her often singing
and seeming somewhat out of place in the abbey, Mother Abbess sends
her to the nearby city of Salzburg to be governess to the seven
children of Captain von Trapp. Although initially hostile toward
her, the children come to love Maria through her introducing the
joys of music and singing, and she develops a special relationship
with Liesl, the eldest. Throughout the film, the Captain grows
closer to both his children and Maria through the reintroduction of
music, and Maria falls in love with him. Fearful of how returning
the Captain's affections might seem in God's eyes (as she is the
children's governess), Maria returns to the abbey, but is convinced
to return and see what her love might bring. Eventually, the
Captain admits his feelings for her, and they marry. However, the
Third Reich is taking power via the Anschluss, prompting
Maria and her new family to leave Austria. Julie Andrews was
nominated for Best Actress at the Academy Awards for her
as , a veteran Austrian
navy captain whose wife died, leaving behind their seven children.
He extends his military background into raising his children, at
first represented as a strict disciplinarian. However, the
Captain's attitude toward both the children and Maria softens
considerably after she reintroduces music into the family. The
Captain is courting Baroness Elsa Schraeder throughout the film,
and becomes engaged to her, but they call it off, and he proclaims
his love to Maria, marrying her instead. The Captain firmly
believes in Austrian independence, proudly displaying the Austrian
flag and tearing down the Nazi one, as well as refusing to join the
Nazis. He, Maria and the children leave Austria at the end of the
film by crossing the Alps to Switzerland. Plummer's singing voice
was dubbed by .
as Max Detweiler, a good friend
of both the Baroness and the Captain, he is one of the few to call
him Georg. Max seeks out talented musicians and singers, and
reveals them to the public eye. In searching Salzburg for talented
singers, he finds what he wants in the von Trapp family, and
constantly tries to convince the Captain to let him enter the
children in the . He is also somewhat
neutral when it comes to the Third Reich, seeking only to make a
good and honest living regardless of who was in power. Although he
doesn't like or approve of the Anschluss, Max is more willing than
the Captain to let it quietly take place. Nevertheless, due to
their close friendship, he helps the von Trapps escape during the
festival - at his own expense.
as Baroness Elsa Schraeder, the
Captain's lady friend from , and later, for a short period,
fiancee. The Baroness becomes jealous of Maria's talent, and
convinces her to leave during a grand party at the house by
exploiting Maria's inner conflict about becoming a nun and her
discomfort at the Captain's obvious affection towards her. The
Captain announces their engagement to the children, but she doesn't
go over well with them. After Maria's return, the Captain confesses
to the Baroness that he is being unfair to her. Seeing the marriage
wouldn't work, she gives her blessings to both Maria and the
Captain, parts on very friendly terms, and peacefully returns to
as Liesl von Trapp, the eldest
of the von Trapp children, sixteen ("going on seventeen"). She at
first believes she doesn't need a governess, but soon comes to
trust Maria. Liesl is in love with a messenger named Rolf, who
delivers their telegrams. However, Rolf changes after joining the
Nazis, no longer caring for Liesl. She seeks advice from Maria
about this, who tells her to "wait a year or two" to find love. She
is shocked to see Rolf is one of the search party, and begs him to
stop and to let them escape.
as Friedrich von Trapp, the
second oldest of the children, fourteen. H he is
also something of a gentleman, despite his involvement in the
tricks against the previous governesses, which the children confess
were merely to get the Captain's attention.
as Louisa von Trapp, the third
of the children, thirteen. She and Brigitta are often together, and
Louisa is a bit of a daydreamer.
as Kurt von Trapp, the second boy
and the middle of the children, eleven. Kurt often tries to act
manly and is outspoken against the previous governesses and often
questions Maria about things, once trying to learn an Austrian
waltz. He is notable for being somewhat loud and boisterous at
as Brigitta von Trapp, the
fifth child, ten. Brigitta is very sharp-witted, honest, and
somewhat nonconformist, not afraid to speak her mind about things
(e.g., Maria's dress being ugly). She is sometimes shown to have
her head in a book.
as Marta von Trapp, the sixth
child, seven. Marta gets along well with Maria, sharing her love of
pink and being the first to like her. She once mentions a pink
parasol as her birthday gift.
as Gretl von Trapp, the seventh and
youngest of the children, five. She speaks very little, and is
often shy. As the other children tell Maria to adopt questionable
behaviors and practices, Gretl tells Maria & as her first phrase in
the film & "Don't you believe a word they're saying, Fraulein
Maria, because I like you." In real life, Kym could not swim. When
the boat turned over in the water, she had to be lifted up from a
couple of people, unseen, that were under the water. During one
rehearsal, Kym threw up, after swallowing water.
as Mother Abbess, the head of
Maria's abbey, who convinces her to leave the abbey and explore
life as a governess for a while. When Maria returns, she has her
explain why she left and realizes Maria is in love, and convinces
her to return and face her problems, to see what might come of this
love. This proves to be good advice, as Maria later marries the
Captain. Mother Abbess also shelters Maria and her family while
they are hiding from the Nazis and helps them escape to
Switzerland. Peggy Wood was nominated for Best Supporting Actress
at the Oscars for her performance. Singing voice dubbed by Margery
as Sister Margaretta, a nun who looks
fondly on Maria. She, as well as Sister Berthe, helps her to escape
by sabotaging Gauleiter's car.
as Sister Berthe, a nun who
doesn't believe Maria
she nevertheless helps
her escape by sabotaging Gauleiter's car.
as Sister Sophia. Nixon appeared
on screen first telling her opinion to the nuns about Maria and
then singing for herself as Sister Sophia. Nixon was cast in the
role by director . In the DVD commentary to the
film, he comments that audiences were finally able to see the woman
whose voice they knew so well.
as Rolf, a messenger who is in
love with Liesl. The two become estranged after he joins the
, as he realizes that her father has
no regard for him and does not support 's . Rolf subtly warns the von Trapps
about the danger they face for not obeying the summons of the
as Hans Zeller, , an enforcer of the Third Reich, and
the main antagonist of the film. He is oppositional against the
Captain as early on as the party held for the Baroness. He later
returns to inform Max that the Captain is to be escorted to his new
position in the German Navy, personally meeting the Captain
himself. Through the intervention of the abbey and the festival,
the von Trapps ultimately elude his grasp.
The famous marionette puppet sequence for the song "" was produced and
performed by the leading puppeteers of the day,
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