Can't Take My Eyes Off You (feat是什么意思. Selah Sue) Walk Off The Earth谁有MP3连接

YOUKU搜中文字幕的MV啊!都有啊 0....看中文字幕MV比看歌词好多了吧?
一下是Thriller的歌词~Thriller 恐怖之夜/颤栗
(译:Keen)[1st Verse]It's Close To Midnight 午夜时分And Something Evil's Lurking In The Dark 魔鬼在暗处隐藏Under The Moonlight&&月光之下You See A Sight That Almost Stops Your Heart 景象吓停你的心脏You Try To Scream 想要尖叫But Terror Takes The Sound Before You Make It 恐怖让你声带失效You Start To Freeze 浑身冰凉As Horror Looks You Right Between The Eyes 惊骇眼中闪光You're Paralyzed 你完全瘫痪[Chorus]'Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night 因为这是惊悚之夜And No One's Gonna Save You 没人能救你于From The Beast About Strike 猛兽之口You Know It's Thriller, Thriller Night 你看,这就是惊悚之夜You're Fighting For Your Life 要活命,就要拼搏Inside A Killer, Thriller Tonight 在这个杀气森森的惊悚之夜[2nd Verse]You Hear The Door Slam 门猛地关上And Realize There's Nowhere Left To Run 你意识到无处可逃You Feel The Cold Hand 手脚冰凉And Wonder If You'll Ever See The Sun 不知能否得见明日朝阳You Close Your Eyes 闭上眼睛And Hope That This Is Just Imagination 希望一切只是幻想But All The While 时时刻刻You Hear The Creature Creepin' Up Behind 你都听见鬼怪在偷偷来到身旁You're Out Of Time 你来不及逃窜[Chorus]'Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night 因为这是惊悚之夜There Ain't No Second Chance 与百眼妖魔的战斗Against The Thing With Forty Eyes 不是你死就是我亡You Know It's Thriller, Thriller Night 你看,这就是惊悚之夜You're Fighting For Your Life 要活命,就要拼搏Inside Of Killer, Thriller Tonight 在这个杀气森森的惊悚之夜[Bridge]Night Creatures Call 夜灵开始啼鸣And The Dead Start To Walk In Their Masquerade 僵尸开起了舞会There's No Escapin' The Jaws Of The Alien This Time 这次再没办法逃开异形的獠牙(They're Open Wide) (他们无所不在)This Is The End Of Your Life 你的生命正走向灭亡[3rd Verse]They're Out To Get You, 它们出来抓你There's Demons Closing In On Every Side 恶灵四面逼近They Will Possess You 它们将迷住你Unless You Change The Number On Your Dial 除非你赶快换掉频段Now Is The Time For You 现在是时候And I To Cuddle Close Together 让我们紧拥一起All Thru The Night 整个夜晚I'll Save You From The Terror On The Screen, 我会把你从荧屏上那些妖魔的手中救出I'll Make You See 我要让你看见[Chorus]That This Is Thriller, Thriller Night 这是惊悚之夜'Cause I Can Thrill You More 没有一个鬼怪能比我Than Any Ghost Would Dare To Try 更让你不知所措Girl, This Is Thriller, Thriller Night 女孩啊,这就是惊悚之夜So Let Me Hold You Tight 让我紧紧将你拥抱And Share A Killer, Diller, Chiller共享这个迷人、静谧、惊悚的Thriller Here Tonight 颤栗之夜[Vincent Price说唱]Darkness Falls Across The Land 黑暗笼罩大地The Midnite Hour Is Close At Hand 午夜近在眼前Creatures Crawl In Search Of Blood 嗜血的死灵To Terrorize Y'awl's Neighbourhood 遍布在你的周圆And Whosoever Shall Be Found 哪怕你看见的是Without The Soul For Getting Down 没有魂灵的鬼魅Must Stand And Face The Hounds Of Hell 也得坚强面对这些来自地狱的猎犬 And Rot Inside A Corpse's Shell 尸壳下的腐肉The Foulest Stench Is In The Air 散发着阵阵恶臭The Funk Of Forty Thousand Years 四千年的怖妖And Grizzy Ghouls From Every Tomb 坟堆里的尸鬼Are Closing In To Seal Your Doom 就将来完结你的性命And Though You Fight To Stay Alive 你拼死决斗Your Body Starts To Shiver 却全身发抖For No Mere Mortal Can Resist凡人不能抵挡The Evil Of The Thriller 惊悚之王[恐怖大笑……回声]
其他回答 (3)
已经迟了····heal the world There’s a place in your heart 在你心中有个地方, And I know that it is love 我知道那里充满了爱。 And this place could be 这个地方会比明天更灿烂。 Much brighter than tomorrow And if you really try 如果你真的努力过, You’ll find there’s no need to cry 你会发觉不必哭泣。 In this place you’ll feel 在这个地方, There’s no hurt or sorrow 你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。 There are ways to get there 到那个地方的方法很多, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, Make a little space 营造一些空间。 Make a better place... 创造一个更美好的地方... Heal the world 拯救这世界, Make it a better place 让它变得更好, For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。 There are people dying 不断有人死去, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。 If you want to know why 如果你想知道缘由, There’s a love that cannot lie 因为爱不会说谎。 Love is strong 爱是坚强的, It only cares of joyful giving 爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。 If we try 若我们用心去尝试, We shall see 我们就会明白, In this bliss 只要心里有爱, We cannot feel fear or dread 我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。 We stop existing 我们不再只是活着, And start living 而是真正开始生活。 Then it feels that always 那爱的感觉将持续下去。 Love’s enough for us growing 爱让我们不断成长, So make a better world 去创造一个更美好的世界, Make a better world... 去创造一个更美好的世界... Heal the world 拯救这世界, Make it a better place 让它变得更好, For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。 There are people dying 不断有人死去, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。 And the dream we were conceived in 我们心中的梦想, Will reveal a joyful face 让我们露出笑脸。 And the world we once believed in 我们曾经信赖的世界, Will shine again in grace 会再次闪烁祥和的光芒。 Then why do we keep strangling life 那么我们为何仍在扼杀生命, Wound this earth 伤害地球, Crucify its soul 扼杀它的灵魂? Though it’s plain to see 虽然这很容易明白, This world is heavenly be God’s glow 这世界天生就是上帝的荣光。 We could fly so high 我们可以在高空飞翔 Let our spirits never die 让我们的精神不灭 In my heart I feel you are all my brothers 在我心中,你我都是兄弟 Create a world with no fear 共同创造一个没有恐惧的世界 Together we’ll cry happy tears 我们一起流下喜悦的泪水 See the nations turn their swords into plowshares 看到许多国家把刀剑变成了犁耙。 Heal the world 拯救这世界, Make it a better place 让它变得更好, For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。 There are people dying 不断有人死去, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。 ... ... You and for me 为你为我 You and for me 为你为我 You and for me 为你为我 we are the world There comes a time when we hear a certain call& 当我们听到了恳切的呼唤& When the world must come together as one 全世界应该团结一致& There are people dying& 有些地方的人们正逐渐死亡& Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life& 是该伸出援手的时候了& The greatest gift of all 对生命而言,这是最好的礼物& &&&&& We can't go on pretending day by day& 我们不能日复一日的伪装下去了& That someone, somewhere will soon make a change&& 在某些地方总有人要改变自己& We're all a part of God's great big family& 我们都是上帝的大家族中的一员& And the truth - you know love is all we need&& 事实上,我们需要的就是爱& &&&&& We are the world, we are the children& 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民& We are the ones who make a brighter day& 创造美好的未来要靠我们& So let's start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己& There's a choice we're making& 我们正在做的抉择& We're saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命& It's true we'll make a better day& 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天& Just you and me 就靠你和我& &&&&&& Well, send'em your heart& 将你的心传递给他们& So they know that someone cares 让他们明了有人关心他们& And their lives will be stronger and free& 他们的生活才能更坚强、更自由& As God has shown us 如同上帝开释我们的& By turning stone to bread 借着把石头变成面包这件事& And so we all must lend a helping hand 我们都应该伸出援手才对& &&&&&& We are the world, we are the children& 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民& We are the ones who make a brighter day& 创造美好的未来要靠我们& So let's start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己& There's a choice we're making& 我们正在做的抉择& We're saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命& It's true we'll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天& Just you and me 就靠你和我& &&&&& When you're down and out& 当你意志消沉、不被接纳& There seems no hope at all 一切似乎全无希望& But if you just believe& 但只要你相信& There's no way we can fall 我们不可能倒下& Well, well, well, let's realize& 让我好好想清楚& That one change can only come 只能做一个改变& When we stand together as one& 当我们像一家人站在一起& &&&&&& We are the world, we are the children& 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民& We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们& So let's start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己& There's a choice we're making 我们正在做的抉择& We're saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命& It's true we'll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天& Just you and me(*) 就靠你和我.
Dirty Diana 肮脏的戴安娜 You'll Never Make Me Stay 你从来都不让我停留 So Take Your Weight Off Of Me 所以你影响不了我 I Know Your Every Move 我知道你的一举一动 So Won't You Just Let Me Be 所以你不要为难我 I've Been Here Times Before 我曾来过这里许多次 But I Was Too Blind To See 但我却没有看见你引诱男人 That You Seduce Every Man This Time You Won't Seduce Me 所以我想这次你也不会引诱我 She's Saying That's Ok 她说没问题 Hey Baby Do What You Please 你可以随心所欲 I Have The Stuff That You Want 我拥有你想要的东西 I Am The Thing That You Need 我正是你所需要的 She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes 她深情地望着我 She's Touchin' Me So To Start 她开始抚摸我 She Says There's No Turnin' Back 她说已经无路可退了 She Trapped Me In Her Heart 她已经把我困在心底 Dirty Diana, Nah 卖弄风情的戴安娜 Dirty Diana, Nah 风情万种的戴安娜 Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana Let Me Be! Oh No . . 不要这样 Oh No . . . Oh No . . . She Likes The Boys In The Band 她喜欢乐队里的男孩 She Knows When They Come To Town 她知道当他们来到镇上 Every Musician's Fan After 每一个他们的歌迷都会在幕后 The Curtain Comes Down She Waits At Backstage Doors 她在后台的门口等着 For Those Who Have Prestige 那些有威望的 Who Promise 能使她拥有财富和荣誉 Fortune And Fame, A Life That's So Carefree 生活得无忧无虑的人 She's Saying That's Ok 然后她说没问题 Hey Baby Do What You Want 做你想做的事吧 I'll Be Your Night Lovin' Thing 我将成为你今晚的爱人 I'll Be The Freak You Can Taunt 我可以任你辱骂 And I Don't Care What You Say 我也不在乎你说什么 I Want To Go Too Far 我只想走得很远 I'll Be Your Everything 我能成为你任何东西 If You Make Me A Star 只要你能使我成名 Dirty Diana, Nah 风骚的戴安娜。。。 Dirty Diana, Nah 肮脏的戴安娜。。。。 Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana . . . Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana . . . Diana! 戴安娜 Diana! 戴安娜 Dirty Diana 赤裸的戴安娜 It's Dia . . .Aa . . .Aa . . .Come On!? 戴...安...娜.... 快..! She Said I Have To Go Home 她说:我必须要回家 'Cause I'm Real Tired You See 因为我疲倦难堪 But I Hate Sleepin' Alone 但我会孤枕难眠 Why Don't You Come With Me 难道你不想陪我 I Said My Baby's At Home 我说:我的宝贝在家 She's Probably Worried Tonight 她也许在担心我 I Didn't Call On The Phone To 我没有打电话去 Say That I'm Alright 说我今夜平安无恙 Diana Walked Up To Me, 戴安娜走上前来 She Said I'm All Yours Tonight 说今夜我属于你 At That I Ran To The Phone 我跑去拿起电话 Sayin' Baby I'm Alright 给宝贝报个平安 I Said But Unlock The Door, 并叫她不要锁门 Because I Forgot The Key 因为我落了钥匙 She Said He's Not Coming Back 戴安娜急忙插道:他不会回了 Because He's Sleeping With Me 因为他枕边有我 Dirty Diana, Nah 无耻的戴安娜!别…… Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana . . . Come On! Come On! Come On!
we are the worldThere comes a time when we hear a certain call 当我们听到了恳切的呼唤 When the world must come together as one 全世界应该团结一致 There are people dying 有些地方的人们正逐渐死亡 Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life 是该伸出援手的时候了 The greatest gift of all 对生命而言,这是最好的礼物 We can't go on pretending day by day 我们不能日复一日的伪装下去了 That someone, somewhere will soon make a change 在某些地方总有人要改变自己 We're all a part of God's great big family 我们都是上帝的大家族中的一员 And the truth - you know love is all we need 事实上,我们需要的就是爱 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let's start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There's a choice we're making 我们正在做的抉择 We're saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It's true we'll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 Well, send'em your heart 将你的心传递给他们 So they know that someone cares 让他们明了有人关心他们 And their lives will be stronger and free 他们的生活才能更坚强、更自由 As God has shown us 如同上帝开释我们的 By turning stone to bread 借着把石头变成面包这件事 And so we all must lend a helping hand 我们都应该伸出援手才对 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let's start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There's a choice we're making 我们正在做的抉择 We're saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It's true we'll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 When you're down and out 当你意志消沉、不被接纳 There seems no hope at all 一切似乎全无希望 But if you just believe 但只要你相信 There's no way we can fall 我们不可能倒下 Well, well, well, let's realize 让我好好想清楚 That one change can only come 只能做一个改变 When we stand together as one 当我们像一家人站在一起 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let's start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There's a choice we're making 我们正在做的抉择 We're saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It's true we'll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me(*) 就靠你和我
Ben Ben, the two of us need look no more We both found what we were looking for With a friend to call my own I'll never be alone And you my friend will see You've got a friend in me Ben, you're always running here and there You feel you're not wanted anywhere If you ever look behind And don't like what you find There's something you should know You've got a place to go I used to say I and me Now it's us Now it's we I used to say I and me Now it's us Now it's we Ben, most people would turn you away I don't listen to a word they say They don't see you as I do I wish they would try to I'm sure they'd think again If they had a friend like Ben Like Ben Like Ben&& 本, 我俩不需要再寻觅 我俩都已找到想要的 属于自已的朋友 我不再孤独 而你,我的朋友,你会明白 你找到了知己 本,你总是东奔西跑 你觉得再也没有人需要你 如果你曾回头望 不喜欢自己的所见 而你必须明白一件事 你已经找到了归宿. 我过去常说“I”和“me” 现在改成了“us”和“we” 我过去常说“I”和“me” 现在改成了“us”和“we” 本,大部分人都拒你于门外 我不想听他们的说辞 他们不像我一样了解你 我希望他们能试试看 我相信他们会重新思考 只要他们有个像本一样的朋友 像本一样 像本一样
在最深的红尘里重逢 /m?tn=baidump3
流行韓歌曲 rain-sadtango 李孝利 TOC TOC TOC
李孝利 要 所 冰淇淋 MC梦 情 劲舞歌曲 30左右
question ha,yoo sun i believe 劲舞歌曲 坚持us never say goodbye u superjunior 听我说 papaya 能遗忘 tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿 我 sg wannabe 试着说 WaWa 2零2月 fod /两/ 蔡妍 花 松隆 Come on/飞机 乌龟 relove 徐智英 非主流音乐: mr.lonely peerless darin QUESTION not gonna get us time to rock la isla bonita Ding Dong Song My Oh AQUA AQUA B what u wanna b
floorfiller peerless darin
My Oh AQUA AQUA Ding Dong Song 英文歌: I'm Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain &定要听首哦&
Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 近始听首歌,太听
Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain
My name is --Emimem阿姆经典作
Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua \歌泼
Barbie Girl--Aqua
When You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细品味,我喜欢首歌
Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信听吧
Back to you--Bryan Adams
The Power Of Love--Celine Dion
I COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音甜
Without Me--Eminem 首阿姆经典作
Don't Turn Off the Light--Enrique Iglesias
Any one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典
American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我喜欢
Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green Day
Moonlight Shadow --Groove Coverage
Yesterday Yes A Day--Jane Birkin
Because You Live--Jesse McCartney 帅歌
When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 介绍首经典
Nothing gonna chang my love for you
We Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚经典
better man--Robbie Williams
Welcome To My Life--Simple Plan
All the Things She Said--Tatu
my love--westlife 听首歌
Wake Me Up When September Ends--Green Day
Live For Love United--自45位超级球星共同演绎 &看看阵势知道&
Do I Have to Cry for You--Nick Carter
there you'll be 珍珠港主题曲
格莱美_甜甜布兰妮_girl in the mirror
席琳.迪翁-my heart will go on-我永恒(电影泰坦尼克主题曲)
席琳.迪翁-there you`ll be(珍珠港主题曲)
英文歌 - 席琳迪翁-昨重现_yesterday once more
proud of you(挥着翅膀孩英文原装版)
stop! stop! stop!(恋百百英文版)
欧美金曲 - 流行 - 英文 - 英文经典歌曲 - endless love 尽
英文06 - 世界听歌 - heal the world_michael jackson - 欧美经典流行歌曲精
选 英文版 刘德华 起走(love is only just a dream)
等待-right here waitting
fools garden_柠檬树—lemon tree
groove coverage - only love
街男孩-show me the meaning of being lonely.mp3
玛利亚凯莉 惠特尼休斯顿_when you belive
西城男孩westlife-fool again
bon jovi_it's my life(crush)反恐精英主题曲
首听令想哭悲伤情歌 steelheart-she’s gone
proud of you(挥着翅膀孩英文原装版)
take me to your heart
blue foundation - as i moved on
(英文版)the day you went away(第)
仙妮亚唐恩shania twain-01-i`m gonna getcha good-red
so in love(超听哈佛主题曲
英文歌曲 - 英语经典 - 《狮王》今夜限
英文经典情歌-the one you love
johnny hates jazz - turn back the clock
backstreet boys --crawling back to you
bon jovi_02 - say it isn't so
britney spears_甜甜布兰妮 - sometimes_sometimes( one more time)
current 93 - soft black stars qusetion baby one more time we will rock you never say goodbye women in the love just so you know summer dream When You're Gone-艾薇Avril Lavigne
Hey OhTragédie -悲剧演唱组
As Long As You Love Me-街男孩(Backstreet Boys)
god is a girl(帝孩 )-Groove Coverage舞精灵乐团
别碰我 Don't push me-sweetbox(糖盒)
Becau s e Of Y ou凯丽
克莱森 -Kelly Clarkson
I Wan t It Tha t Way- 街男孩(Backstreet Boys)
my love- 西 城男 孩. 采纳哦
1.快语 2.午夜深情 3.孤独牧羊 4.说说我 5.失落 6.昨重现 7.荷东士高 8.鬼情未 我能提供.
Love Story — Rain
今天比昨天更 — 金钟国
Prisoner of Love — 宇多田光
U 至少还有你 -SJM
Girls On Top
Love Letter
Eat You Up
梦的点滴 花样-松隆子
啦啦啦 这该死的爱-李秀英
唠叨 不要爱他 TOC TOC TOC 冰
Anyclub 10Minutes-李孝利
LOVIN YOU 东方的斗魂 正反合 咒文 为什么会喜欢你 拥抱 像现在一样 -东方神起
MY LOVE 只有你 爱人 一个人 两个人 危险的爱 -蔡妍
因为是女子 -KISS
狂 罪与罚 Timeless - SG Wanna Be
对不起 我爱你
面具 — 安七炫
不要说再见 — Baby V.O.X
爱情是什么样子的 涩琪SAY — 裴涩琪
蔡健雅:《Beautiful Love》
如果你也听说 张惠妹
月牙湾 f.i.r ↑
玩酷 潘玮柏 ↑
G大调的悲伤 张靓颖 ↓
酷爱 张敬轩 ↓ 新专辑《酷爱》
出神入化 飞轮海 ↑
穷开心 花儿乐队 ↓
特务J 蔡依林 ↑ 蔡依林一贯的风格,熟悉的那段前奏 1 百度网友点评
爱的期限 薛之谦
Kiss The Rain
dream catcher
李孝利 不要爱上他
冰淇淋 MC梦
爱情过后 劲舞歌曲
question ha,yoo sun
i believe 劲舞歌曲
坚持 us
never say goodbye
u superjunior
听我说 papaya
tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿
我的人 sg wannabe
试着说 WaWa
2年零2月 fod
一个人/两个人/只有你 蔡妍
花样 松隆子
Come on/飞机 乌龟
relove 徐智英
peerless darin
not gonna get us
time to rock
la isla bonita
Ding Dong Song
B what u wanna b
peerless darin
Ding Dong Song
I'm Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain &一定要听这首哦&
Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了
Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个
My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作
Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他\她们的歌很活泼
Barbie Girl--Aqua
When You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的
Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧
Back to you--Bryan Adams
The Power Of Love--Celine Dion
I COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜
Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作
Don't Turn Off the Light--Enrique Iglesias
Any one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典
American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢
Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green Day
Moonlight Shadow --Groove Coverage
Yesterday Yes A Day--Jane Birkin
Because You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好
When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的
Nothing gonna chang my love for you
We Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典
better man--Robbie Williams
Welcome To My Life--Simple Plan
All the Things She Said--Tatu
my love--westlife 不得不听的一首歌
Wake Me Up When September Ends--Green Day
Live For Love United--来自45位超级球星的共同演绎 &看看阵势就知道了&
Do I Have to Cry for You--Nick Carter
there you'll be 珍珠港主题曲
格莱美_小甜甜布兰妮_girl in the mirror
席琳.迪翁-my heart will go on-我心永恒(电影泰坦尼克主题曲)
席琳.迪翁-there you`ll be(珍珠港主题曲)
英文歌 - 席琳·迪翁-昨日重现_yesterday once more
proud of you(挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版)
stop! stop! stop!(恋爱百分百的英文版)
欧美金曲 - 流行 - 英文 - 英文经典歌曲 - endless love 无尽的爱
英文06 - 世界上最动听的歌 - heal the world_michael jackson - 欧美经典流行歌曲精
英文版 刘德华 一起走过的日子(love is only just a dream)
在此等待-right here waitting
fools garden_柠檬树—lemon tree
groove coverage - only love
后街男孩-show me the meaning of being lonely.mp3
玛利亚凯莉 惠特尼休斯顿_when you belive
西城男孩westlife-fool again
bon jovi_it's my life(crush)反恐精英主题曲
一首听了令你想哭的悲伤情歌 steelheart-she’s gone
proud of you(挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版)
take me to your heart
blue foundation - as i moved on
(英文版)the day you went away(第一次爱的人)
仙妮亚唐恩shania twain-01-i`m gonna getcha good-red
so in love(超好听,爱在哈佛主题曲
英文歌曲 - 英语经典 - 《狮子王》今夜爱无限
英文经典情歌-the one you love
johnny hates jazz - turn back the clock
backstreet boys --crawling back to you
bon jovi_02 - say it isn't so
britney spears_小甜甜布兰妮 - sometimes_sometimes( one more time)
current 93 - soft black stars
baby one more time
we will rock you
never say goodbye
women in the love
just so you know
summer dream
When You're Gone-艾薇儿Avril Lavigne
Hey OhTragédie -悲剧演唱组
As Long As You Love Me-后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)
god is a girl(上帝是个女孩 )-Groove Coverage舞动精灵乐团
别碰我 Don't push me-sweetbox(糖果盒子)
Because Of You凯丽· 克莱森 -Kelly Clarkson
I Want It That Way- 后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)
my love- 西城男孩
Let Me Show You (The Way)——Natasha Thomas
remember——the melody
I Know I Know I Know——sara
Summer Sunshine(the corrs(可儿家族))
Breathless(the corrs(可儿家族))
remember --the melody
u make me wanna——blue
always getting over you ——Angela Ammons
Fire Fly
valder fields——Tamas Wells
Life Is Cool ——糖果盒子
Killing Me DJ——糖果盒子
shining friends——2r
Yeke Yeke——K3
Traveling Light——hanson sara
Tell Me——Sandy
Our song ——Taylor Swift
Melt the snow——Shayne Ward
A song for mama——Boyz II Men
Let The Sun Shine In—— Frente
Stuck In My Heart——C21
cinderella -Tata Young
Always Come Back To Your Love——samantha mumba
truly, madly, deeply ——cascada
Chain Hang Low ——Jibbs
craigie hill——Cara Dillon
Down by the Salley Gardens——藤田惠美 & rita eriksen
seasons in the sun——西城
so sick ——ne-yo
Skin deep——娜塔莎Natasha Thomas
Bye Bye——Mariah Carey
crazy in love——beyonce
a thousand miles——vanessa carlton
Hey There Delilah——Plain White T's
bleed it out ——林肯
believe me——fort minor
Numb-Encore 林肯和jay-z唱的那版
Remember The Name ——fort minor
my oh my——aqua
hips don't lie——shakira
Love Is Color Blind
Cry on my Shoulder
Never Had A Dream Come True——S Club 7
Upside Down——ateens
uptown girl——westlife
You Are the Music in Me ——High School Musical
Start Of Something New——High School Musical
Bet On It ——High School Musical
Everyday——High School Musical
Work This Out --High School Musical
Gotta Go My Own Way ——High School Musical
When There Was Me And You——High School Musical
because of you ——kelly clarkson
So Yesterday——Hilary Duff
I'm All About You ——aaron carter
One Better——aaron carter
summer sunshine——the corrs
Hideaway——The Weepies
Anyone of us ——Gareth Gates
boulevard of broken dreams ——green day
the Magic Key
The Tide Is High ——Atomic Kitten
baby one more time ——britney spears
All the thing she said -T.A.T.U
she——Groove Coverage
Perfect Day——Hoku律政俏佳人电影原声专辑
far away from home——Groove Coverage
she ——Groove Coverage
wannabe ——Spice Girls
Some Hearts——Carrie Underwood
Fallen Form the Sky ——once插曲
Falling Slowly——once插曲
When Your Mind's Made Up——once插曲
Be What You Wanna Be ——Darin Zanyar
Gotta Have You?——The Weepies
Le Papillon 法语- &蝴蝶&
I could be the one
dying in the sun
We Will Rock You
sunny hill——韩语对唱
彗星和life is like a boat——死神主题曲
happy happy
be my 1004
hot mail
kissing you 宝儿
jewel song 宝儿
wonderful day 网球王子插曲
Canon groove——Audition
香烟爱上火柴,陪你一起老,最爱的人最先放手,没有你的日子我真的很孤单,庆幸有你爱我, 风雨里一个人走, 红豆 (江凯文), 上了你的船, 如果你是我眼中的一滴泪,满天雨水都是我的泪,女人如烟,随风缘,不会分离, 牵手续缘, 情同手足,我不配,最心疼的人只有你,幸福恋人,爱能穿越几千年,小太阳,放手去爱, 我为你唱首歌, 风雨同路, 最心疼的人只有你,当爱不在身边,我的另一半,青衣,我是真的爱你, 月弯弯,北京欢迎你,我和你。
这些都是我喜欢的歌, 推荐给你吧,你可能也会喜欢的。
1、Best friend
7、 猪猪非主流歌曲
I MISS YOU 给我一首歌的时间 发现 动听
稻香 (周杰伦) 2. 说好的幸福呢 (周杰伦) 3. 明天过后 (张杰)
4. 左边 5. 给我一首歌的时间 (周杰伦) 6. 小酒窝 (林俊杰)
7. 青花瓷 (周杰伦) 8. 舍不得 (弦子) 9. 带我走 (杨丞琳)
10. 天下 (张杰) 11. 你不是真正的快乐 (五月天) 12. 老人与海 (海鸣威)
13. 北京欢迎你 (群星) 14. 会呼吸的痛 (梁静茹) 15. 属于 (梁静茹)
16. 隐形的翅膀 (张韶涵) 17. 月亮之上 (凤凰传奇) 18. 没有人比我更爱你 (王筝/水木年华)
19. 甜蜜蜜 (邓丽君) 20. 曾经爱过你 (郑源) 21. 爱 (许巍)
22. 天亮了 (s.h.e) 23. 醉赤壁 (林俊杰) 24. 海阔天空 (信乐团)
25. 光辉岁月 (beyond) 26. 朋友 (周华健) 27. 我们的歌 (王力宏)
28. 小酒窝 (林俊杰/蔡卓妍) 29. 一剪梅 (张明敏) 30. 彩虹 (周杰伦)
31. 兰亭序 (周杰伦) 32. 有没有人告诉你 (陈楚生) 33. 爱的无可救药 (李小璐)
34. 没有你的日子我真的好孤单 (韩晶) 35. 爱 (小虎队) 36. 有一种爱叫做放手 (阿木)
37. 菊花台 (周杰伦) 38. 千千阙歌 (陈慧娴) 39. 约定 (王菲)
40. 爱我别走 (张震岳) 41. 暖暖 (梁静茹) 42. 画心 (张靓颖)
43. 女人花 (梅艳芳) 44. 爱的城堡 (卓文萱) 45. 爱转角 (罗志祥)
46. 等 (卫兰) 47. 我和你 (刘欢/莎拉布莱曼) 48. 明天会更好 (群星)
49. 精忠报国 (屠洪刚) 50. 在你怀里的微笑 (杨丞琳) 51. 青藏高原 (李娜)
爱上你这样的情人-雷龙.擦肩而过-宇桐非 .爱已不在-高进.
天使魔力般的声线,轻盈纯净的唱腔,青春的忧伤,恋爱的沓忑不安,或一种心境、或一份自 白... 歌曲不太好找,试听地址/Music/098A9E36A.html
“爱情卷起万重浪 我们女孩当自强”S.H.E第11张国语专辑《我的电台FM》励志主打歌。
8、光光 & c.k《飞向别人的床》
9、黑Girl 《叫姊姊》
黑涩会美眉全新团名黑GIRL Hey Girl 首张同名专辑主打,建议看看MV。8位美眉首度尝试流行舞曲
周迅翻唱窦唯经典曲目,电影《李米的猜想》 主题曲
1、Hayley Westenra《Across The Universe Of Time》
2、Pink《So What》
3、克里斯蒂娜《Keeps Gettin' Better》
百变小天后Christina Aguilera克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉同名专辑主打,LadyGAGA风格?
4、黑眼豆豆《Gone Going》
出自Black Eyed Peas 的《Monkey Business》中,其中JACK JOHNSON倾情献唱也是爱听的原因。
5、小甜甜布兰妮《Heaven On Earth》
永远小甜甜·永远布兰妮·永远NO.1 !
6、Daniel Powter《Free Loop》
视频连接上开头常能听到的旋律,就是这首Free Loop了
7、Karina《They Ain't Gotta Love You》
8、McFly/小飞侠《Falling In Love》
1、大塚爱 《金鱼花火》
2、李孝利 《Hey Mr. BiG》《U-Go-Girl》《天下无敌》
3、Sara 《夏伤》
落叶飘零的秋天 带不走的是夏伤
5、BoA 《Kissing you》
6、蔡妍 《热力开场》
《my love》中文版
7、Alan 《空呗》
8、夏川里美 《いのちの音》
9、Davichi 《爱情和战争》
Davichi是2008年出道的2人女子组合, 目前颇受歌迷欢迎..
10、青山黛玛 《留在我身边》《何度も》
和平与爱 情人 海阔天空 全是爱
抗战二十年 永远等待 灰色轨迹 昔日舞曲
Opening 海阔天空 高温派对 俾面派对
亚拉伯跳舞女郎 早班火车 无声的告别 无尽空虚
冷雨夜 情人 旧日的足迹 大地
长城 昔日舞曲 灰色轨迹 无悔这一生
午夜迷墙 独奏 - 叶世荣 我是愤怒 不再犹豫
全是爱 抗战二十年 岁月无声 光辉岁月+Talking
命运是你家 喜欢你+Talking Amani 永远等待+Talking
再见理想+Ending 温暖的家乡 Bye-Bye 厌倦寂寞
继续沉睡 快乐王国 农民 无语问苍天
早班火车 不可一世 长城 可否冲破
遥望 无尽空虚 长城(日文) 今天就做(国)
厌倦寂寞(国) 可否冲破(国) 问自己(国) 关心永远在(国)
年轻(国) 温暖的家乡(国) 长城(国) 爱过的罪(国)
农民(国) 最想念你 无无谓 爸爸妈妈
爱不容易说(国) 和平与爱 身不由己(国语) 情人
海阔天空 全是爱 命运是你家 和平与爱
爸爸妈妈 妄想 完全地爱吧 狂人山庄
全是爱 情人 走不开的快乐 海阔天空
我是愤怒 伤口 遥远的Paradise 爱的太错


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