急求一篇英语演讲稿,大概正常语速三至五分钟,关于Should scientistsuniform experimentt on living creatures

Yesterday's Tomorrow is Today,Tomorrow's Yesterday is Today,Today ,as a bridge,is more important,so Do Cherish Today! Today is the first day of new week.Not a good begin I think ,I lose something and feel so sad, I know I am growing up.Never look back ,cherish what I have now and make my future brighter! I should learnt how to live how to deal with thing and learn to do everything as a infant. The world changes so quickly! People change so quickly, just find I am so puerility that didn't know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard. I think I am a simple boy but frankly I find I think too much and most of the thing I thought will never happen. Anyway! Don't worry Be happy! You have so many great friends! Life is so beautiful! The world is waiting for you ! Get it !望采纳急求一篇关于宝石的英语演讲稿5分钟左右要求有中文对照。内容不要太长。_百度作业帮
Gemstones have played an important role in the religious and secular life of India from very early times. They were used in sacred ceremonies as magical charms and for protection against all forms of evil besides being decorative or luxury items. They were also considered to have invaluable healing powers. Their worth was equally tied to their spiritual qualities, their aesthetic appeal, their monetary value and their supernatural attributes.The Legend According to a legend, a powerful demon Bala conquered the kingdom of Heaven and became a tyrannical ruler of the universe. The demi-gods, however, opposed his rule and sought to destroy him. Under the pretext of choosing a boon, they requested Bala to be the sacrificial animal in a ritual ceremony. Once the demon was tied to the stake, the demi-gods killed him. His body was dismembered and the severed parts of his body were transformed into precious gem seeds.Then followed a great tussle among the demi-gods and other celestial beings over the seeds. As a result, these got scattered. Some fell into rivers, some in oceans and others into forests and mountains. As they lay buried, they began to germinate into rubies, sapphires, cat's eyes, and an endless variety of other precious stones. On account of their intrinsic merit, some of them imbibed the power of quelling obstacles accruing from the influence of demons, poisons, serpents and sickness whereas others were devoid of any quality. Types Of Gems As Described In PuranasVarious types of gems figure in the Puranas (ancient Sanskrit texts) and each of them is associated with specific beliefs. Works on Indian chemistry proclaim nine varieties of gems: diamond, coral, pearl, emerald, cat's eye, cinnamon stone (gomedaka), ruby, sapphire and topaz. The Puranas also refer to lapis lazuli and crystal.Modern gemologists believe that, except for the emerald, all these precious stones were mined in India. The known emerald mines of this country are of modern times. No evidence of ancient emerald mines has been found in India. It is probably that emeralds used in ancient jewelry were stones that found their way into India from ancient Egypt. In Egypt, emerald mines and working tools and other equipment dating to about 1650 BC have been found.The science of gem preparation in ancient India was well developed in the early centuries of the Christian era (Puranic perioid). The diamond was found in different parts of the country and at least six colors of diamonds were known, each being associated with a particular deity: green with Vishnu (the Preserver), white with Varuna (god of Oceans), yellow with Indra (god of Heavens), brown with Agni (Fire god), blue with Yama (god of Death) and copper colored with the Maruts (Storm god). A Diamond For Each CasteThe king could wear diamonds of any color, as he was the lord of all castes. Each caste, however, was recommended a specific color and improper use of colors in diamonds by the different castes was believed to be the most harmful. Thus, for a Brahmin (the priestly class) a diamond of pure white luster was recommended. For a Kshatriya (warrior class), a diamond of a reddish hue was considered auspicious, for a Vaisya (trading class) one with a greenish tint was appropriate and for the Sudra (working class) one, which had the luster of a well-polished sword, was believed to be suitable.A spotless diamond was considered to be the abode of deities. A perfect diamond was considered to be the one that could float in water and had six elevated tips, eight equal sides and twelve sharp edges. World's Greatest DiamondsSome of the world's greatest diamonds have originated in India such as the Kohinoor, the Great Mogul and Orlov. The Kohinoor, which after changing hands many times, was purchased by Britain in 1849 and now adorns the crown of the Queen of England. Originally, it weighed 191 carats but when it was recut in 1852 at Garrards of London its weight was reduce to 108 carats. The Great Mogul found in 1650 weighed 280 carats. It was the largest diamond ever cut in India and its whereabouts are unknown. The Orlov, which had its origin in the mid-18th century Karnataka war, was stolen from an Indian temple where it formed one of the eyes of an idol. It weighed nearly 200 carats and was sold to an English naval captain. It was eventually bought by Russian Court and now adorns the Kremlin treasures.Testing The StonesThere are references in ancient Indian texts about the preparation of imitation diamonds by the use of iron, topaz, gomedaka, lapis lazuli, crystal and different kinds of glasses. And that is perhaps why diamonds were tested by means of alkaline solutions and the emery wheel.According to the Garuda Purana, to test whether a pearl is real or not, it should be placed in heated water mixed with some oil and salt, for one night. After removing it from the water, it should be rubbed with barley grains and then covered with a dry cloth. If it does not lose its luster then it is a real pearl. Methods for giving luster to a pearl are also described. The pearl should be placed in cavity of a fish, which is then smeared with clay and baked. The pearl should then be boiled in milk, then in water and finally in limewater. The pearl thus treated assumes an excellent luster. Effect On Human BodyAccording to the traditional Indian belief, the human body is composed of the seven colors of the rainbow, associated with seven kinds of rays. Diseases enter the body when there is a deficiency or excess of any ray in our body. Each color is associated with a particular gem, which in turn is associated with a particular planet. According to astrologers, a gem is beneficial when worn in the phase of a particular planet as these stones also affect our health and destinies.Besides, there are other important characteristics of gemstones in their medicinal use. The ruby associated with the Sun is extremely hot and releases hot waves in the form of red cosmic rays. It should be worn only during the winter months. It cures ulcers, bone disorders, arthritis, blood diseases, anemia and general weakness.The pearl is associated with the Moon, which in turn is associated with fertility and regeneration. Being cold, it releases cold waves capable of curing diseases arising out of hot rays - heat stroke, high blood pressure, boils and abscesses. It is particularly useful for uterine disorders.The red coral is associated with Mars and is a very useful gem for every person. It rules over the excretory glands, kidney, urinary systems, sex organs and sweat glands. By assuring the proper clearing out of waste products from the blood and body, it keeps the body fit.The emerald is associated with Mercury, the planet of nerves, intellect, memory, creative ability and mind. This gem has the power to cure all sorts of eye and ear troubles, forgetfulness, epilepsy, stammering, insanity and nervous disorders. Real emeralds can be determined by holding them for some times before the eyes. A fake stone will impart a hot or irritable sensation to the eyes. But a real emerald will soon make the eyes cool.The blue sapphire is associated with Saturn and is believed to have miraculous and magical powers in healing all sorts of diseases of the brain and stomach. The very light blue sapphire is usually preferred for healing purposes. It cures diarrhea, dysentery, gastric ulcers, nervous disorders, heart troubles, paralysis, Parkinson's diseases, arthritis and insanity. But it is too cold and should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand along with a copper ring on the first finger of the left hand. The copper ring will protect the wearer from the bad effects of the blue sapphire. This stone strengthens concentration, precision and perfection in any activity. During the winter months the sapphire should be worn with a red coral otherwise, there is a possibility that one will have to suffer from severe cold, cough, bronchitis and fever.The cat's eye associated with Ketu is an extremely hot gem and heals cancer, paralysis, acne and other skin diseases.The yellow sapphire (topaz) is associated with Jupiter and is believed to have the miraculous power to bring prosperity and fortune. It cures rheumatism, arthritis, gout, sciatica, lumbago, spondylitis, impotency, frigidity and sterility. It is preferably used with one red coral.The diamond is neither hot nor cold. It is associated with Venus and is believed to have no real power in healing any disease.Today, gems have increasingly acquired a commercial character. And given the rich tradition our society is steeped in, gems will continue to be an important part of our religious and secular culture. Healing PropertiesEach gem in the mala was given certain attributes of healing properties, according to ancient lore, and the practice is still in vogue today. The ruby protects against poisonous substances and banishes any evil spirits that hover around. It also gives energy to the wearer and changes color if the wearer is in bad health.The emerald is an antidote for all stomach complaints, it is soothing to eyes when mixed with saffron, and a protection against poisonous insects or reptiles. It was used in ancient times by mariners to prevent storms. Emeralds are said to pale if the wearer is faced with deception. As it is the stone of the Goddess of Love, it helps lovers in their problems. The coral is extremely popular as it is a stone that is said to cure diseases, help the memory and act as a powerful protection against the evil. That is perhaps why it is often used in rosaries and made into chains for little children.Pearls give strength to the heart and are often used in Ayurvedic medicine. In India, pearls have always been a favorite ornament in royal courts.Blue has always been the color of enlightenment and in Buddhism, the wearing of sapphire was said to increase devotion. In the West, bishops and cardinals also wore sapphires in ancient times. In spite of being held in sacred esteem, sapphires can also bring bad luck if worn by a person who does not have it as a birthstone.The garnet is found in many colors though the best known is deep red, almost resembling a ruby. Garnets are often used to imitate precious stones, but have not been recorded as having any special properties of protection. On the other hand, the topaz is used for occult practices. It is used in the Middle East, for averting the evil, and is said to bring wealth and long life to the wearer. The topaz can be golden yellow in color and sometimes colorless. The cat's eye is usually brownish yellow. There is often a light line, which shines through, giving the idea of an eye from which it derives its name.Many of these jewels are worn set in rings, mounted so that they touch the skin. The stone and its weight are decided according to the individual's astrological chart.The nine jewels of the necklace are a combination of the different gems and perhaps were originally threaded together to ensure general well being. There is no doubt that the variety of color looks beautiful and it would be interesting if more research were done in the meaningfulness of the Navaratna, the nine jewels.
关于现代科技的,Science and art are the obverse and reverse of Nature' the one expressing the eternal order of things,in terms of feeling,the other in terms of thought.Science has long had an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture.Think of Galileo’s 17th-century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic church or poet William Blake’s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton.The schism between science and the humanities has,if anything,deepened in this century.Until recently the scientific community was so powerful that it could afford to ignore its critics--but no longer.As funding for science has declined,scientists have attacked “anti-science” in several books,notably Higher Superstition,by Paul R.Gross,a biologist at the University of Virginia,and Norman Levitt,a mathematician at Rutgers U and The Demon-Haunted World,by Carl Sagan of Cornell University.Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such as “The Flight from Science and Reason,” held in New York City in 1995,and “Science in the Age of (Mis) information,” which assembled last June near Buffalo.Anti-science clearly means different things to different people.Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists,philosophers and other academics who have questioned science’s objectivity.Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts,creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview.
Hello,everyone:There is nothing difficult for us to do in the world.If we do it,the diffficult thing will be easy.If we don't,the easy thing will be difficult.There is nothing difficult for us to learn.Long long ago,there lived two monks(和尚)in Sichuan.One was poor and the other was rich.One day the poor monk said to the rich one,"I want to go to Nanhai.What do you think of that ""what do you need to go there?"asked the rich monk."A bottle and abowl are quite enough for me,"answered the poor one."Well,I have been tryed to go there for quite a few years,but couldn't.How could you go without money?"After a year,the poor monk returned from Nanhai and told his story to the rich one.The rich monk's face turned red.It's thousands of miles from Sichuan to Nanhai.The rich monk failed but the poor one succeed.This story told us that there is nothing difficult if we put your heart into it.Thank you for listening.同学们,老师们,大家好:在这个世界上没有什么事情对我们来说是难的.如果我们做它,困难就会变得容易.如果我们不做它,容易也变得困难.对我们来说没有什么事情是难学的.很久很久以前,四川有两个和尚.其中一个是穷的而另一个是富的.一天那个穷和尚对富和尚说:"我想去南海.你怎么看待这件事呢?"富和尚问他:"你到那需要什么呢?""一瓶一钵足矣",穷和尚说."我已经试着去那有几年了,但我还没办到.你难道不需要任何钱吗?"一年之后,穷和尚从南海回来,并且把他的故事告诉富和尚.富和尚的脸变红了.从四川到南海有上千米.富和尚失败了但穷和尚成功了.这个故事告诉我们世上无难事,只要有心人.
东-西方家庭教育的不同,There are many difference between China and West country such as in the field of geography ,culture,language ,politics ,economy and education with the development of science and technology .The word get even more smaller ,the communication between them is more frequent .Our country,China absorbs the essence and doesn't eliminate the bad thing .Because a proverb ever since said when the fresh air come in ,the flies will also accompany it .At times we may not determine our countries' geography and culture .But the system of politics economy ,especially family education can be decided by the individuals .As the main body of the education is parents' child .Though each parent tries their best and strives to teach their children very well,there are still some problems in it .In order to tackle them,I'll give some detailed analysis of the difference of family education between China and American.There is a growing tendency these days for more and more college students to take part-time jobs.Family education is one of most popular par-time jobs.Family education has some advantages.On one hand,Family education can let you earn some extra money and help you become more independent of your family.One the other hand,family education can offer you chances to contact with the society and the experience that you gain through family education can broaden your school life.However there are also some disadvantages in taking family education.For example,we may lose time needed for sleep,rest,study and recreation.Taking family education may interfere with our study and give us little or no useful experience.As a result,we may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of him.As far as I am concerned,I think college students can take family education.But we have to strike a balance between school and the job.As a student,acquiring more knowledge is our first important task.Although family education can enrich our world of good,we should not spend too much time on it.
"西方的学生轻松学习,中国的学生埋在书海里.中国的学生考西方的试题拿高分,可是来到西方后却很多不适应.美国的"No child left behind"教育法实施后,考试严格程度越来越象中国,而中国教育界却渴望把教育办得美国化...Anna Greenspan对西方和中国教育有详细的比较.希望对你的演讲稿有帮助.Strategies in the 21st Century


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