in skyheaven on earthh不可以吗?

30 Creepiest Clouds On Earth外星人Tony地球历险记1-6节_如鱼饮水,冷暖自知_天涯博客
Welcome to my blog.I am Joan.
  外星人Tony地球历险记  第1节  One:The beginning  I had reaped huge fruits tonight that I did a sea of exercise of English and felt English is full of interesting. But the happiest time is on the way to go back to the lodging house. It is a long way that cosed me 30 minutes on foot.   The stars in the sky are bright and the hill cincture the campus is cyan.   Suddenly, A strange idea came out in my mind. Supposing there was a ET was along to the earth, besides sat down in the FengHuang hill(The hill cincture the campus) exactly , How about he to exist?   From my own perspectiv, He would fall in love of the earth,or too impatient to wait to go back to the celestial body he lived formerly?   Admittedly,be seasoned with the environment of the earth is more essential to other affairs if he could not leave the earth temporarily.   Which food he liked to eat? If I fall across him ,I would told him that the most delicious food on the earth is KFC! In succession I would ask him whether The CET -4 is also an importantin test in their celestial body. Suppose that his English is good,I would request him to sit the examination (CET-4 ) instead of me! As soon as he help me passed the cet-4,I would take him to the KFC and enjoy the delicious food with him together,I believe he will indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty .
The imagine of ET&CTE-4 is as forrows:  第2节  当我看到他的时候,他已经奄奄一息了。  我问他可不可以帮我考四级,他说:“对不起,我就是因为过不了四级才被流放到地球上来的。”  我说:“我同情你,你们星球上有几次机会过四级。” 他说:“四次。”我就跟他说:“不用担心,我估计也是过不了四级了,要不我申请自己流放自己到你们星球上吧,如果申请成功的话,到时候我就带上你。” 他说:“你过不了还去,会被我们星球的人驱逐的,我说没关系,那我就当做带你回家然后再回到地球啊,我也舍不得离开地球。因为地球上有KFC。”  他长得很奇怪,像一支铅笔,脑袋是尖的,顶上有一个东西闪闪发光。他说像他这种脑袋在他们星球是标准的脑袋,因为是2B的。我刚想说标准还考不过四级,是标准的笨脑袋吧,后来一想我也没有过,就不敢说他了。  我想带他去吃KFC让他开心一下,可是他问:“吃是什么?”我也不知道怎么回答他。我问他头顶那个发光的是干什么用的,他说,可以接收宇宙中的能力。每一个考过四级的人(生物),都会散发出一种特别的能量,他们就是靠吸收这种力量来生存的,所以,为了保证有足够的能量供他们活下去,他们星球规定,在他们的星球人,不止大学生,每一个人都要考四级,而且要求过,如果不过,就开除星球籍,流放到遥远的星球上。  我一听就不担心他了,我说:“不用怕,地球上有很多人过四级的,你流放到这里算是待遇不错了,活下去是没有问题。”那个外星人说:“我好不容易从凤凰山上下来,第一个遇到的人就是你,可是你身上就没有那种能量啊,我觉得很绝望……”  我很不好意思地不知道怎么回答,只能说:“那好吧,明天考四级的时候我带上你。”他看了我一眼,很鄙视地说:“四级的考场上都是那些还没有过四级的,我能吸收什么能量啊。”我只能回答:“那好吧,明天下午考的是六级,考六级的都是四级已经过了的,你自己到考场附近转转吸收能量啊。我现在要回去复习四级了,这是我的手机号码,有空来找我玩。”我把电话号码给他想走,他摆了摆手,我们星球不使用手机的,因为会影响四级听力的信号。我就无语了,这个外星人还真难缠,我说那我住在14栋A604,你无聊的时候就来找我聊天吧。他说好,你最好快点过四级,我也能多点能量,而且,我妈妈经常告诉我,不要和考不过四级的人交朋友,那样容易学坏。我立刻崩溃了:“我倒,我要是坏就不会想着带你回你们星球了。”  那个外星人解释说:“不是的,你的想法是好的,可是实现起来是很困难的。你刚才是说你想申请自己流放自己到我们星球上,可是我们学宇宙星球史的时候,就知道地球是一个申请批得很慢的国家,尤其是中国,等你的申请批下来的时候,我已经老了。”  我又一次为他担心起来,我问:“那你怎么办啊?”外星人摸摸自己的脑袋说:“没关系,我刚刚接到信号,我妈妈说,听说地球在考四级之前,都有标准答案可以私下出售,她现在正在准备钱,准备让我买一套。”我告诉他:“这个很贵的,而且有真的也有假的,还是好好学习比较重要,而且我们地球的答案也不知道和你们星球的一样不一样。你还是不要铤而走险比较好,我们地球要是查出是买答案的,成绩要取消的。”     他想了想,说:“那我和我妈妈再说说看吧。”他头顶上又闪了几次光,然后告诉我:“我妈妈说,既然这样的话,让我报名参加地球的四级考试,如果考过了,就带着地球的四级证回我们星球上,我们星球认可宇宙中所有星球的四级证。”   “那好吧,你来得太晚了,今年四级的报考时间已经过了,你准备参加下一次的四级考试吧。我先回去复习了。”     我告别外星人回到了宿舍,临走的时候,他告诉我他的名字叫作Tony,我说:“Tony,为了让你有更多的能量吸收在地球上活下去,我一定会好好考四级的。”可是第二天,当我在考场的时候,我觉得要对不起Tony了,那些题目真的比我想象中的难很多,唯一简单的就是作文。而且做听力的时候,音效很不好,看来,地球要像Tony他们星球一样禁止使用手机才行——虽然我的听力效果不好是因为耳机问题不是因为手机问题。    考完四级之后我很郁闷,我在宿舍上QQ的时候,Tony突然来找我了。他问我考得怎么样,我说很不好,可能要再考一次。Tony叹了一口气说,不要想太多了,等成绩出来再说吧,我说,好。    Tony问我,在地球上要怎么样才可以报考四级,我说:“只有中国可以考,好像没有说允许外星人参加的,不过也没有说禁止外星人参加。”  Tony问我报考的地点在哪里,要去报考,我说,报考时间还没有到呢,要过一段时间,而且劝他最好不要去,他要是暴露他的外星人球籍的话,很可能会被那些科学家关起来研究,这样他就不能参加四级了。  Tony只能又摸摸脑袋和他妈妈联系,过了一会,他高兴地告诉我:“经过他妈妈的求情,他们星球作出了一个决定,鉴于外星人在地球上报考四级的难度还有他报考的决心,他们特别同意他,他在地球上遇到的第一个人什么时候四级,他就什么时候能够回到他们的星球。”  Tony高兴地摇着我说,好了,就这么决定了,我要帮助你过四级,我很快就可以回到我们的星球上了。我说:“你就对我这么有信心啊……  Tony高兴地摇着我说,好了,就这么决定了,我要帮助你过四级,这样我很快就可以回到我们的星球上了。  我小声说:“你们星球怎么那么毒啊,不能想想其他办法吗?”   他说:“不行,已经决定了,不能再改了。”   我说:“好吧,我尽量吧,你准备怎么帮我过四级呢?”   Tony看了看表,说六级要开始考了,他要去吸收能量了。等有空再找我聊四级还有他们星球上的故事。我说好,他就匆匆离开了。  (欲知后事如何,请听明日分解。)  故事预告:Tony在六级考场上吸收了足够的能量,据他说是足够他使用一个星期的,因为能量充沛,心情愉快,他开始给我讲他们星球上的故事……  第3节   “Tony,why we have to pass the CET-4?”I ask.  “No reason, I was told to have to pass the CET-4 when I was born,otherwise will exile to the star far from the star I live.”  After drinking in enough energy from the examination room of CET-6,Tony is verdure.He ask me to the grassplot on the foot of the hill to have a talk.The talk beginning with CET-4,as soon as Tony told me the answer,I save my breath.  “Are you in a bad mood?”Tony asks me surprisely.  “A little.Tony,can you tell me something about the celestial body you come from.”   “Well,It is a planet as the earth,but it is square, looks like a paper,have no day and no night,the most important affair of us is to go to shool to study, we need not to work but study only from the cradle to the grave,the high mark the person get ,the more energy he will get.”  “Which subjects you heve to study?”  “It is out to you , expect CET-4,you can choose any subject to learn,different subjects has different energy.”  “Oh?and what you have learn before?”  “A great many.”Tony looks pride exceedingly.“I have learn the history of universe, fly technology, exam skill,CET-4 research, anthropology, literature…”  “ wait,literature?why should you learn literature.”  “You are so many WHY.”Tony have a little weary.“literature can help us to
comprehend the world,it is my view,are you satisfact?”  I smile,“I agree with you,I study literatre too .Tony,do you kown there are many storys about the star far from the earth,as an example,those star brove us is the constellation nemed Orion.”     Have a break. introduce Tony at first.  Tony  Sex:Niethet a female nor a male  Eag:20  Stature:170m分类: |Welcome to
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Sat, 28 Jan
& unknownElchin KhalilovMr. Khalilov, what is the nature of the unusual very low-pitched sounds reported by a great number of people in different parts of the planet since the summer of 2011? Many call them "The Sound of the Apocalypse". Information about that comes from all over the world: US, UK, Costa Rica, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia, etc.
We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds. They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic- they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular. There can be quite a lot of causes why those waves are generated: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc. However, the scale of the observed humming sound in terms of both the area covered and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned phenomena.
& unknownIn that case, what could be causing this humming in the sky?
In our opinion, the source of such powerful and immense manifestation of acoustic-gravity waves must be very large-scale energy processes. These processes include powerful solar flares and huge energy flows generated by them, rushing towards Earth's surface and destabilizing the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Thus, the effects of powerful solar flares: the impact of shock waves in the solar wind, streams of corpuscles and bursts of electromagnetic radiation are the main causes of generation of acoustic-gravitation waves following increased solar activity.
Given the surge in solar activity as manifested itself in the higher number and energy of solar flares since mid-2011, we can assume that there is a high probability of impact of the substantial increase in solar activity on the generation of the unusual humming coming from the sky. It should be pointed out that solar activity began to rise sharply since early 2011, with its amplitude significantly higher than all forecasts given by a number of influential scientific institutions in 2010 and 2011. Meanwhile, the observed increase in solar activity is fully consistent with the forecast of the International Committee GEOCHANGE published in the Committee's Report in June 2010. If this growth rate of solar activity continues, its amplitude by the end of 2012 will be higher than the amplitude of 23rd solar cycle, and in
the solar activity will reach its peak the amplitude of which was predicted by us to be 1.5 - 1.7 times higher than the amplitude of the 23rd cycle.
& unknownBut you said that the cause of the "sky hum" can lie within Earth's core as well, what does it mean?
There is one more possible cause of these sounds and it may lie at the Earth's core. The fact is that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth's north magnetic pole which increased more than fivefold between 1998 and 2003 and is at the same level today points to intensification of energy processes in the Earth's core, since it is processes in the inner and outer core that form the Earth's geomagnetic field. Meanwhile, as we have already reported, on November 15, 2011 all ATROPATENA geophysical stations which record three-dimensional variations of the Earth's gravitational field almost simultaneously registered a powerful gravitational impulse. The stations are deployed in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, with the first and last one being separated by a distance of about 10,000 km. Such a phenomenon is only possible if the source of this emanation is at the Earth's core level. That huge energy release from the Earth's core at the end of the last year was some kind of a start signal indicating the transition of the Earth's internal energy into a new active phase.
& unknownIntensification of the energy processes in the Earth's core can modulate the geomagnetic field which, through a chain of physical processes at the ionosphere - atmosphere boundary level, generates acoustic-gravity waves the audible range of which has been heard by people in the form of a frightening low-frequency sound in different parts of our planet.
In both cases, even though the causes of acoustic-gravity waves are of a quite understandable geophysical nature, they are indicative of the expected significant increase in solar activity and the geodynamic activity of our planet. There is no doubt that processes in the core rule the internal energy of our planet, therefore, we should expect by the end of 2012 a sharp rise in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather events with peak levels in 2013 - 2014.
A lot of these are like ring modulator sounds. I suspect at least some of them are fake, or have been sweetened with stereo reverb etc, although I'm not particularly tempted to jump to conclusions either way.
Here there are some youtube videos backed up with scientific research, not the other way 'round, so... having read about the noises that cometary fragments are able to produce up in the atmosphere, I just wonder if all this EM business isn't telling us something about some major Earth changes, or changes in our Sol System reverberating on our planet.
Strangely it is such a good quality picture that one might suspect a sofisticated promotion...
Karyn, you forgot to mention the super-turbo-spiritual-practice of circumcision. It doesn't get...
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