求后续建议,个人观点(求多一点) : 写英语中国梦演讲稿稿“A piece of news”

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1.Good afternoon .First I am very happy to here to give you a speech.And today, my topic is :”Green school ,wonderful future”2.
So far. we’ve studied in Yanggao for almost 3 months. During the past 3 months,I found the surroundings in our school are very beautiful.. and That is what I wanna focus on my my speech.As we all know ,Yangpu Senior high school has a very large area of greenery.Eveyday,,when I come into school,the soft wind,the beautiful flowers,the tall trees really gives a perfect mood.I feel so comfortable in such a harmony atmosphere.And in my estimate,most of you has the same feeling as me.We do love our beautiful school,and just like our 校长say:”it is the best school in Shanghai,and even China.”But at the same time ,we also have found a few students always do damage to our environment.I don’t wanna to say something like what they should do .I believe they all know that.They just don’t have the awareness of protecting the environment of
the our school.They even don’t understand why they should keep the environment. 3.Nowadays,with the quickly development of the world,environment protection also have become the hottest topic in the world.My father went to马尔代夫
for business yesterday.and also yesterday,I foud a news reported that half of 马尔代夫 might be 淹没in 50 years.and it really shocked me .I know because of the 南极北极冰川的溶化,the sea level is rising.and some of the cities or countries will be 淹没.but I never thought the day is just ahead of me .It is so terrible.We now all live in Shanghai.and we also know Shanghai has a very low sea level.Can you imagine the day when Shanghai is 淹没?Can you imagine the day you lost your hometown, your familiar school? Can you imagine the day there is no city named Shanghai in the future?and ,so as other cities or countries.you might think it is ridiculous,but if we don’t take action,all these things will come true .It is so terrible~~!So ,as a student,what action should we take to save our home ?The answer is:just take action..you can begin it
from our school.It is no matter whether it is huge or faint,just do something.Do forget we Chines have a very proud thing,that is we have a very large population.”人多力量大”And I hope though our 共同的努力,the atmosphere of our school will be better and better,and our final aim ----to save our world,will realize.That is all.Thank you for your time.有些东西我没时间查了,也请大家帮忙翻译一下...(好得话我的分都给你!!!!!!)
谢谢一楼!!!能再问个问题吗?把topic换成green school,green world 可以吗?
ER……base on 我以前大学做演讲的经验,提几个建议:1. 写稿的时候可能经常会写长句,但是真正讲的时候,无论是演讲人还是听众,还是短句比较合适。2. 虽然可能不是很正式场合的演讲,但是还是要尽量避免wanna, gonna 这类口语化的词语。3. 这点是我老师告诉我的,尽量少用I think, in my opinion这类词组,你发表的演讲……肯定是表达自己的想法。4. 多用we少用you。这样拉近和听众之间的距离。5. 不知道我有没有猜对,你写的时候想到什么就写什么,没有经过过滤……每一段究竟是在表达什么point,这点一定要考虑好。不然写上去的字数都是白费功夫(如,你爸爸去马尔代夫,跟你看到新闻以及环境保护有什么直接关系呢?)尤其到最后,感觉你思维很跳跃……注意:你在第二段写到自己focus的东西,究竟是什么呢?是前面写到的I found the surroundings in our school are very beautiful吗?第一段又写到主题是Green school, wonderful future。你后面却放大到全世界。这个topic是值得再重新斟酌的。1. Good afternoon .First I am very happy to here to present this speech. Today, my topic is:” Green school, wonderful future”2. So far, we’ve studied in Yanggao for almost 3 months. During the past 3 months, I found the surroundings in our school are very beautiful with large green area. Everyday, when I enter the school, the soft wind, the beautiful flowers and the tall trees really give me a perfect mood. I feel so comfortable in such a harmony atmosphere. And I believe most of you share the same feeling as I do. We do love our beautiful school, and just as our President says:” it is the best school in Shanghai, and even China.”However, we have found that a few students always make damage to our school environment. Here I don’t want to say something like what they should do, as I believe they all know what they should do. They just don’t have the awareness of protecting the environment. They even don’t understand why they should protect the environment.(以上是讲学校的情况,下面放大到世界情况,需要过渡句。)3. Unfortunately, many more people lack the conscious of environment protection. Nowadays, with the quick development of the world, environment protection also has become one of the hottest topics in the world.Yesterday I found a piece of news reported that half of The Republic of Maldives might be submerged within 50 years. It really shocked me. I know because of the melt of the glacier in South Pole and North Pole, the sea level is rising and some of the cities will be submerged. But I never thought the day is just ahead of us.It is so terrible. We now all live in Shanghai. It is a city with a very low sea level. Can we imagine the day when Shanghai is submerged?Can we imagine the day we lost our hometown, our familiar school? Can we imagine the day there is no city named Shanghai in the future? It sounds ridiculous, but if we don’t take action, all these things may come true.4. So, as a student, what should we do to save our home? The answer is: take action in the daily life! We can start from protecting our school environment. We Chinese are proud of our large population because as the saying goes: The more people, the more power. Through our co-effort, the environment of our school will be better and better, and our final goal ----to save our world, will realize.That is all. Thank you for your time.如果我有说得不得当的地方,请多多包涵,希望你的演讲成功!
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Depending on where you live, university graduation season is approaching & or already in full swing. Those who have already nabbed job offers will greet graduation day with joy. But many others, who have not nailed down a job yet, face it with dread.大学毕业季是即将降临,还是已经如火如荼,取决于你所在的地方。那些已经找到工作的人会开心地庆祝毕业日。但是对于那些还没有找到工作的人而言,他们会很害怕这一天的到来。
In 2013, there were 74.5m unemployed young people aged 15 to 24 worldwide, according to the International Labour Organisation, and that number is expected to grow this year.根据国际劳工组织的数据,2013年世界上有7450万年龄在15到24岁的年轻人没找到工作,这个数字预计今年还会增长。
The good news? It is never too late in the game to land that dream position & or at least an interim one that can help get you there.好消息呢?追求梦想永远都不会太晚&&至少是可以完成一个目标,通过它来实现梦想。
Become an expert成为专家
&Identify companies or organisations that [you] would like to work for and use all
channels to target them and find out as much as possible about them,& wrote Sally Walker, a UK-based career coach with SW Career Coaching, in an email. The easiest way to do this is through LinkedIn, she suggested. &Follow the company, join relevant interest groups that they might monitor, follow them on Twitter, try to engage with the organisation in a professional way. [This] shows the organisation that you are truly interested, shows
and differentiates you from others.&&找出你想去工作的公司或组织,利用适合的渠道去找到这家公司或组织尽可能多的信息,&Sally Walker在一封电子邮件中写道,她在英国成立了SW Career Coaching公司。最简单的方法是通过LinkedIn来找消息,她建议道。&关注你想去的公司,关注他们可能密切关注的相关利益团体,在推特上关注他们,尝试用专业的方式和组织交流。这体现了你真正对组织感兴趣,这体现了你的主动性,从而把你和其他人区分开。&
If there aren&t any paid positions, see if you can volunteer with the organisation in order to gain some work experience, Walker suggested. An alternative: find volunteer work at a different company in the same field. That could help you build relevant skills, extend your network and &show that you are doing something
rather than just sitting at home reacting to job adverts,& she wrote.如果没找到带薪职位,看看能不能在组织中做志愿者,获得一些工作经验,Walker建议道。另外的选择:去不同的公司同一领域做志愿者。这会帮助你发展相关的技能,扩展你的人际关系网络,并&展现出你在做一些有益的事情,而不只是待在家里看工作的招聘启事,& 她写道。
Don&t give up不要放弃
&Keep talking and keep interviewing,& wrote Ben Carpenter, author of The Bigs: The Secrets Nobody Tells Students and Young Professionals About How to Find a Great Job, Do a Great Job, Start a Business, and Live a Happy Life, in an email. &As the school year winds down, you need to attempt to exhaust all your possible
contacts.&&继续谈话,继续面试,&Ben Carpenter 在一封电子邮件中写道 。他是《如何找到好的工作、把工作做好、创业、过幸福的生活》一书的作者。&随着校园生活接近尾声,你得尽可能和校园里认识的人联系。&
Think beyond the school&s career services department. Talk to coaches and professors and ask them if they can put you in touch with alumni who have gone into the industry (or industries) in which you are interested. &Contacts generated this way are incredibly valuable since you don't only share a college in common, you share a mentor,& wrote Carpenter.想想学校的职业服务部门。和指导员、教授聊聊,问问他们能不能帮你联系一下你感兴趣领域里的校友。&通过这种方式产生的联系是非常宝贵的,因为你找的不是同事,而是一个导师,&Carpenter写道。
Don&t stop at mentors. &[Talk] to all of your senior classmates who have gotten jobs in your chosen industry,& wrote Carpenter. Finding these classmates shouldn&t be too hard: ask the school&s career services department, or just ask around, he suggested. Once you find them, &arrange to have a cup of coffee with them and pick their brains on how they accomplished what you want to do. Since the
is off these students, they will likely have plenty of time to talk and would be happy to tell you to what they thought they did right, and what they did wrong, during their job search.&不要只找导师。&和在你选中领域内工作的高年级同学聊聊,&Carpenter写道。找到这些同学不会太难:询问一下学校的职业服务部门,或打听一下。一旦你找到了他们,&和他们一起喝杯咖啡,让他们想想他们是如何完成了你想做的事情。由于这些学生已经没有压力了,他们很有可能有大量的时间和你交谈,很可能会开心地告诉你,他们认为在他们找工作的时候做过的哪些事情是对的,哪些事情是错的。&
There&s nothing wrong with inquiring about contacts they used to get their foot in the door and, in a tactful manner, whether they&d be willing to introduce you to those same contacts. Finally, ask them if they would be willing to meet with you again after they&ve started in their new jobs, Carpenter suggested.机灵地问问他们如何迈出第一步这没什么大不了,他们愿不愿意把你介绍给他们的联系人都没有关系。最后,问问他们如果他们开始了新的工作,愿不愿意和你见面。Carpenter建议道。
Staring you in the face直面自我
Many soon-to-be graduates don&t take full advantage of their school&s career services office despite the fact that it&s expressly designed to help them. One of the best resources it offers is the alumni directory, according to Carpenter. First, search for alumni who work in your industry and who have a shared interest with you, whether it&s the same major, sport or other activity. Second, look for alumni who either work in your industry, or work at companies that appeal to you. Request informational interviews.很多快毕业的学生并没有充分利用学校的职业服务办公室的帮助,尽管该办公室就是专门为他们设计的。据Carpenter,该办公室提供的最好资源是校友录。首先,从校友录里找一下谁在你想从事的行业里工作,谁和你有着相同的兴趣,比如相同的专业、运动或其他活动。其次,找一下在你想从事行业里工作的校友或在你感兴趣公司里工作的校友。 还可以在办公室里询问面试相关的信息。
A creative approach创造性的方法
At Sonoma State University in Northern California, some 44% of graduating seniors won&t have a career job when they graduate, according to Ken Heinzel, a marketing and management lecturer at the school and a former executive headhunter.在北加州索诺玛州立大学,44%的毕业生没有找到工作。据Ken Heinzel所言。他是学校里市场营销和管理的讲师,以前是猎头公司的高管。
While statistics like this may make you feel better to know that you are not alone, it also means that there are a lot of people competing for the same jobs.也许像这样的统计数字会让你觉得心里好受些,知道自己并不孤单。但它也意味着很多人都在竞争着同一份工作。
&I tell students that it's their value to a prospective firm that will get them hired,& said Heinzel. &However, before they can explain their value, they must get the firm's or hiring manager's attention.& In a tough job market, like today&s, that can be difficult.&我告诉学生,公司看到他们的价值才会雇佣他们,&Heinzel说。&然而,在他们能解释自己的价值前,他们必须能得到公司或招聘经理的注意。&在像今天这样严峻的就业形势里,这样做很难。
Heinzel recommends students take a creative approach and make an information packet that they can send to the hiring manager or manager in the department where the target job opening is. The packet should contain a short cover letter, a resume and a creative item designed to get the manager's attention. For example, one candidate who was applying to a position at a firearms company included his highest scoring paper target from a target-practice range, according to Heinzel. He got the interview.Heinzel推荐学生们采取有创意的方法,并准备好相应的信息,这样当有空缺职位时他们可以把信息发送给职业经理或部门经理。Heinzel举了个例子,有个学生申请在武器公司的一个职位,他把自己写的一篇和打靶训练相关的得分最高的论文发给了公司。毫无疑问,他得到了面试机会。
Standing out脱颖而出
&Attention is the scarcest commodity in the new economy,& wrote Ritvik Lukose, CEO of Vahura, India's leading legal and governance search firm with headquarters in Mumbai. Therefore, it&s imperative that you make yourself stand out.&在新经济时代,注意力是最稀缺的产品了,&Ritvik Lukose写道。他是Vahura的CEO。Vahura是印度领先的法律和管理猎头公司,总部设在孟买。因此,当务之急,就是让自己脱颖而出。
Lukose suggested getting the attention of your top-five target employers by giving them something useful to their line of work: a piece of research, a marketing pitch or a new product idea, for example. &This shows both a deep interest in that employer as well as your competence on the job,& he wrote.Lukose建议到,可以通过给五大目标雇主提供一些工作上的有用建议来得到他们的注意力:比如一些相关研究、一个营销策略或一个新产品的想法。&这既表明了你对雇主感兴趣,也体现了你工作上的能力,&他写道。
It&s up to you to grab their attention, he said, adding: &Remember, if they don't call you, it&s because you are not on their mind.&能不能吸引他们的注意力还是取决于你,他补充道:&记住,如果他们不给你打电话,那是因为你没给他们留下什么印象。&
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