
“Torres was easily the best player I’ve ever played with in my career. I loved him.”托雷斯是所有和我一起踢过球的人中最优秀的。我爱过他。他在利物浦的时候我爱他。我曾经爱他。我一度爱他。我曾经深爱过他。“At times, I felt invincible with him in the team alongside me”有的时候,我觉得他在队里陪着我,我们是无敌的!“He was a nightmare for defenders, but an absolute dream for me.”他是后卫的噩梦,确实我的梦想中人“I used to sit next to him in the dressing room because the pegs for our squad numbers - 8 and 9”我们分别是8号和9号,所以在更衣室我们坐在一起 “It became obvious that he wasn’t happy at Liverpool, but his departure in 2011 still hit me hard. Very hard.”我知道他在利物浦的最后时光不开心,但他的离去仍然深深打击了我。深深地。
1楼 19:50&|来自
“When Fernando approached me and said he wanted out, it was like a knife to the heart”当费尔南多靠近我,告诉我他要走,那一刻,我觉得一把剪刀在捅着我的心
2楼 19:55&|来自
“In the days before the transfer, Torres came to see me as captain. He said he wanted to leave, but added that the club was being difficult. ‘Listen,’ I said. ‘You have to understand that you are a top player and they don’t want to let you go.’ It didn’t matter. He asked if I could speak to Kenny Dalglish, our manager, on his behalf. That put me in a difficult situation because I didn’t want to help Fernando. I didn’t want to tell the manager that the star player wanted to go because, at that point, I wanted the deal to fall through. I wanted Chelsea’s interest to go away and for his enthusiasm to be rekindled. When Fernando approached me and said he wanted out, it was like a knife to the heart.”
3楼 19:59&|来自
他的长传球总能准确地找到欧文,他犀利的远射也总能力挽狂澜于既倒,他总能合理的利用自己的身体进行拼抢和拦截,只是在始终无法打开局面的情况下,虽然时常要和兰帕德竞争一个主力位置,不可能所有的战术都围绕他来进行,杰拉德的“红军核心”位置牢不可破,杰拉德依然兢兢业业,他不是英格兰的核心。 然而在国家队。尤其是在利物浦队,因而他的活动范围就小得多,杰拉德就是所有队友的主心骨,使后者一蹴而就破门得分。一直以来,你常常可以看到他飞奔在球场上的每个角落。进攻中,杰拉德同样十分积极主动,他们共同组成的双后腰也能达到很好的效果,他的精确中后场长传是前锋们得分的重要来源,杰拉德却处在一个尴尬的位置,他都是英格兰国家队中默默无闻却又不可或缺的重要一员。在防守中,更多的时候他都要协助后卫防守。即使有如此大的落差,是后防线前方最稳固的铜墙铁壁,看他发动一次次富有创造性的进攻,在率队获得欧洲冠军杯后虽然名为后腰,实际上。曾经在俱乐部与欧文多年的配合也被他带到了国家队,杰拉德的位置并不刻板,他才会去客串一下进攻球员,中后场的队员总是习惯把球交到他脚下。近几年利物浦的强劲反弹与杰拉德的逐渐成熟有着很大的关系,良好的预判能力总能让他抢先一步得到皮球
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you can often see him run on the court every corner, they form the dual lumbar can achieve very good results. In recent years, it is not possible that all of Tactics revolved around him, Gerrard&#39, but not always in a situation of open Circumstances, he can always reasonable to use their own bodies and are pushing for interception, in fact, he is unknown in the England national team but an indispensable and important, he&#39, is the front line of defense after the firm The core of the Red Army&quot. All along. As always a long pass found Owen accurately, and thus the scope of his activities on a much smaller, he is not the core of Es &quot, so that the latter overnight score, in the national team, in the field after the team used to always put the ball at the foot of his hands, he can always turn the tide back in it. However, Fitzgerald also very pro-active. Especially in the L impregnable position. Even if there is such a big differenceAlthough known as the lower back, the more he must assist defender defense, all team-mate Steven Gerrard is the backbone, a good ability to predict the total he can be the first step in the ball, he is accurate in Houchangchangzhuan striker who scored an important source of long-range sharp, Gerrard&#39, he would like to guest offensive player. Owen has been at the club for many years and has been with him to the national team, Gs Steven Gerrard has a great maturity of the relationship between the team in the European Champions League, he launched a second attack on the creative. In defense, but Steven Gerrard in an awkward position, though from time to time to Frank Lampard and force a s position is not rigid, rebounded strongly with Liverpool&#39
Although be named small of the back, the hero pulls virtuous position not inflexible, you usually can see each corner that he dash away on the ground.In defend, he total bility reasonable of make use of an own body to carry on putting together to rob and intercept, goodly preparing the ability of judge can always let him jump the gun to get ball.Take the offensive medium, the hero pull virtuous same very actively active, his precision medium empress field long spread is the important source that the forwards get a goal, his sharply and far shooting also can always make vigorous efforts to turn the tide in since pour.Particularly in the Liverpudlian brigade, is the hero pull virtuous be all teammates of main heart bone, in after the member of team of field always habitually hand over the ball to his foot and see him launching an aggression that time is rich with a creation.The sturdy rebound of the last few years Liverpool pulls with hero virtuous gradual mature have a very great relation, after the rate brigade acquire an European champion cup, the hero pulls virtuous&Red Army core& position impregnable. However in the national brigade, the hero pull virtuous but be placed in an embarrassed position, he isn't England of core, impossibly all military tacticses surround him to carry on, as a result his movable scope's ising small have to be many, just under the sistuation that always can't make a break-through, he would appear as guests to once take the offensive a player, more of time he wants to help rearguard to defend.If ever thus and greatly fall bad, the hero pull virtuous still cautious and conscientious, although often want virtuous with orchid Pa compete a main position, actually, they together constitute of double the small of the back can also attain good effect, is empress the most firm impregnable fortress in the defense line front.Once was also taken a national brigade by him in the club and the match of text in Europe several years, his long spread ball can always accurately find out text in Europe, make the latter accomplish in one move to break a door to get a goal.Always, his ising a not known to public but again is necessary in the England national brigade of the importance be one member.
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