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CPU的原始工作模式 在了解CPU工作原理之前,我们先简单谈谈CPU是如何生产出来的。CPU是在特别纯净的硅材料上制造的。一个CPU芯片包含上百万个精巧的晶体管。人们在一块指甲盖大小的硅片上,用化学的方法蚀刻或光刻出晶体管。因此,从这个意义上说,CPU正是由晶体管组合而成的。简单而言,晶体管就是微型电子开关,它们是构建CPU的基石,你可以把一个晶体管当作一个电灯开关,它们有个操作位,分别代表两种状态:ON(开)和OFF(关)。这一开一关就相当于晶体管的连通与断开,而这两种状态正好与二进制中的基础状态“0”和“1”对应!这样,计算机就具备了处理信息的能力。 但你不要以为,只有简单的“0”和“1”两种状态的晶体管的原理很简单,其实它们的发展是经过科学家们多年的辛苦研究得来的。在晶体管之前,计算机依靠速度缓慢、低效率的真空电子管和机械开关来处理信息。后来,科研人员把两个晶体管放置到一个硅晶体中,这样便创作出第一个集成电路,再后来才有了微处理器。 看到这里,你一定想知道,晶体管是如何利用“0”和“1”这两种电子信号来执行指令和处理数据的呢?其实,所有电子设备都有自己的电路和开关,电子在电路中流动或断开,完全由开关来控制,如果你将开关设置为OFF,电子将停止流动,如果你再将其设置为ON,电子又会继续流动。晶体管的这种ON与OFF的切换只由电子信号控制,我们可以将晶体管称之为二进制设备。这样,晶体管的ON状态用“1”来表示,而OFF状态则用“0”来表示,就可以组成最简单的二进制数。众多晶体管产生的多个“1”与“0”的特殊次序和模式能代表不同的情况,将其定义为字母、数字、颜色和图形。举个例子,十进位中的1在二进位模式时也是“1”,2在二进位模式时是“10”,3是“11”,4是“100”,5是“101”,6是“110”等等,依此类推,这就组成了计算机工作采用的二进制语言和数据。成组的晶体管联合起来可以存储数值,也可以进行逻辑运算和数字运算。加上石英时钟的控制,晶体管组就像一部复杂的机器那样同步地执行它们的功能。 CPU的内部结构 现在我们已经大概知道CPU是负责些什么事情,但是具体由哪些部件负责处理数据和执行程序呢? 1.算术逻辑单元ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit) ALU是运算器的核心。它是以全加器为基础,辅之以移位寄存器及相应控制逻辑组合而成的电路,在控制信号的作用下可完成加、减、乘、除四则运算和各种逻辑运算。就像刚才提到的,这里就相当于工厂中的生产线,负责运算数据。 2.寄存器组 RS(Register Set或Registers) RS实质上是CPU中暂时存放数据的地方,里面保存着那些等待处理的数据,或已经处理过的数据,CPU访问寄存器所用的时间要比访问内存的时间短。采用寄存器,可以减少CPU访问内存的次数,从而提高了CPU的工作速度。但因为受到芯片面积和集成度所限,寄存器组的容量不可能很大。寄存器组可分为专用寄存器和通用寄存器。专用寄存器的作用是固定的,分别寄存相应的数据。而通用寄存器用途广泛并可由程序员规定其用途。通用寄存器的数目因微处理器而异。(图) 3.控制单元(Control Unit) 正如工厂的物流分配部门,控制单元是整个CPU的指挥控制中心,由指令寄存器IR(Instruction Register)、指令译码器ID(Instruction Decoder)和操作控制器0C(Operation Controller)三个部件组成,对协调整个电脑有序工作极为重要。它根据用户预先编好的程序,依次从存储器中取出各条指令,放在指令寄存器IR中,通过指令译码(分析)确定应该进行什么操作,然后通过操作控制器OC,按确定的时序,向相应的部件发出微操作控制信号。操作控制器OC中主要包括节拍脉冲发生器、控制矩阵、时钟脉冲发生器、复位电路和启停电路等控制逻辑。 4.总线(Bus) 就像工厂中各部位之间的联系渠道,总线实际上是一组导线,是各种公共信号线的集合,用于作为电脑中所有各组成部分传输信息共同使用的“公路”。直接和CPU相连的总线可称为局部总线。其中包括: 数据总线DB(Data Bus)、地址总线AB(Address Bus) 、控制总线CB(Control Bus)。其中,数据总线用来传输数据信息;地址总线用于传送CPU发出的地址信息;控制总线用来传送控制信号、时序信号和状态信息等。 CPU的工作流程 由晶体管组成的CPU是作为处理数据和执行程序的核心,其英文全称是:Central Processing Unit,即中央处理器。首先,CPU的内部结构可以分为控制单元,逻辑运算单元和存储单元(包括内部总线及缓冲器)三大部分。CPU的工作原理就像一个工厂对产品的加工过程:进入工厂的原料(程序指令),经过物资分配部门(控制单元)的调度分配,被送往生产线(逻辑运算单元),生产出成品(处理后的数据)后,再存储在仓库(存储单元)中,最后等着拿到市场上去卖(交由应用程序使用)。在这个过程中,我们注意到从控制单元开始,CPU就开始了正式的工作,中间的过程是通过逻辑运算单元来进行运算处理,交到存储单元代表工作的结束。 数据与指令在CPU中的运行 刚才已经为大家介绍了CPU的部件及基本原理情况,现在,我们来看看数据是怎样在CPU中运行的。我们知道,数据从输入设备流经内存,等待CPU的处理,这些将要处理的信息是按字节存储的,也就是以8位二进制数或8比特为1个单元存储,这些信息可以是数据或指令。数据可以是二进制表示的字符、数字或颜色等等。而指令告诉CPU对数据执行哪些操作,比如完成加法、减法或移位运算。 我们假设在内存中的数据是最简单的原始数据。首先,指令指针(Instruction Pointer)会通知CPU,将要执行的指令放置在内存中的存储位置。因为内存中的每个存储单元都有编号(称为地址),可以根据这些地址把数据取出,通过地址总线送到控制单元中,指令译码器从指令寄存器IR中拿来指令,翻译成CPU可以执行的形式,然后决定完成该指令需要哪些必要的操作,它将告诉算术逻辑单元(ALU)什么时候计算,告诉指令读取器什么时候获取数值,告诉指令译码器什么时候翻译指令等等。 假如数据被送往算术逻辑单元,数据将会执行指令中规定的算术运算和其他各种运算。当数据处理完毕后,将回到寄存器中,通过不同的指令将数据继续运行或者通过DB总线送到数据缓存器中。 基本上,CPU就是这样去执行读出数据、处理数据和往内存写数据3项基本工作。但在通常情况下,一条指令可以包含按明确顺序执行的许多操作,CPU的工作就是执行这些指令,完成一条指令后,CPU的控制单元又将告诉指令读取器从内存中读取下一条指令来执行。这个过程不断快速地重复,快速地执行一条又一条指令,产生你在显示器上所看到的结果。我们很容易想到,在处理这么多指令和数据的同时,由于数据转移时差和CPU处理时差,肯定会出现混乱处理的情况。为了保证每个操作准时发生,CPU需要一个时钟,时钟控制着CPU所执行的每一个动作。时钟就像一个节拍器,它不停地发出脉冲,决定CPU的步调和处理时间,这就是我们所熟悉的CPU的标称速度,也称为主频。主频数值越高,表明CPU的工作速度越快。 如何提高CPU工作效率 既然CPU的主要工作是执行指令和处理数据,那么工作效率将成为CPU的最主要内容,因此,各CPU厂商也尽力使CPU处理数据的速度更快。 根据CPU的内部运算结构,一些制造厂商在CPU内增加了另一个算术逻辑单元(ALU),或者是另外再设置一个处理非常大和非常小的数据浮点运算单元(Floating Point Unit,FPU),这样就大大加快了数据运算的速度。 而在执行效率方面,一些厂商通过流水线方式或以几乎并行工作的方式执行指令的方法来提高指令的执行速度。刚才我们提到,指令的执行需要许多独立的操作,诸如取指令和译码等。最初CPU在执行下一条指令之前必须全部执行完上一条指令,而现在则由分布式的电路各自执行操作。也就是说,当这部分的电路完成了一件工作后,第二件工作立即占据了该电路,这样就大大增加了执行方面的效率。 另外,为了让指令与指令之间的连接更加准确,现在的CPU通常会采用多种预测方式来控制指令更高效率地执行。
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号AgendaLesson 1 Lesson 2UNIT GOALS1. Politely ask someone not to do something2. Complain about public conduct 3. Discuss social responsibility 4. Identify
and discuss urban problems 5. Write about public healthExtended ExercisesCheckpoint Lesson 13Lead-in Listening3SpeakingReading3Writing Lead-inOn-the-Street Interviews: I enjoy living in the city because …3Exercise A Exercise B Exercise ACircle the letter of the best choice to complete each statement.1. Chris says people in cities can on first impression seem _____ than people in the suburbs.a. more intelligentb. ruder c. more stressed out2. Emma likes living in the city because _____.a. of cultural events b. of her short commutec. of the convenience Exercise A3. According to Jessica, one advantage of living in the suburbs is that ______. a. it’s quieterb. people are friendlierc. it’s less expensive 4. One of the reasons Natalie likes living in the city is the ______.a. cultureb. social life c. employment opportunities5. Jessica thinks that ______.a. life in the city is better b. life in the suburbs is better c. life in both the city and suburbs is good Exercise BAnswer the questions, using information from the video.1. On an average day, who probably sees the most children in her neighborhood? ________ Emma Natalie 2. Who commutes by public transportation? ________3. Who would probably be happy living in either the city or the suburbs? Jessica ________4. Who would probably choose to vacation somewhere other than a city? Natalie ________ Emma 5. Who appreciates the convenience of shopping in the city? ________ 6. Who thinks that life in the city is more stressful than life in the suburbs? Chris ________ Listening3Part 1 Part 23New WordsPhrases and Expressions Part 1Talk About City Life3A. Sound Bites B. Pair Work A. Sound BitesRead and listen to a conversation about city life.Don: Kyle: Don: Hey, Kyle! So how’s the big city treating you? Funny you should ask. Not great. What do you mean?Kyle: Well, on my way here, I’m crossing the street and this guy in an SUV turns the corner and almost runs me over. Don: Are you serious? Kyle: Yeah. The driver was in such a big hurry he didn’t even notice. I just can’t keep up with the pace here.Don: Well, you do have to learn to stay on your toes in the city.Kyle: It really gets to me sometimes. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. I guess I’m just a country boy at heart. B. Pair WorkRead the conversation again. With a partner, explain the meaning of each of the following statements or questions.1. DSo how’s the big city treating you?‖How do you like living in the city? _________________________________2. DI just can’t keep up with the pace here.‖Things move too fast for me here. _________________________________3. DYou do have to learn to stay on your toes.‖You have to pay attention and be alert all the time. _________________________________4. DIt really gets to me sometimes.‖It bothers me sometimes. _________________________________5. DI’m just a country boy at heart.‖I prefer living in the country. _________________________________ B. Pair WorkSTARTING POINTWhat are some advantages and disadvantages of living in each type of place? Write them in the chart. Advantages the countryclean air, low crime, friendly people, less stress, slower pace convenient less convenient, friendly people,Disadvantagesboring, no jobs, too far from good health care noises, crowded far from good health carethe citythe suburbsDiscussion. Where would you prefer for live―in the country, the city, orthe suburbs? Why? Part 2Discuss Social Responsibility3A. Vocabulary B. Pair Work3C. Listening Comprehension D. Discussion A. VocabularyWays to perform community service. B. Pair WorkWould you ever consider doing any of the community service activities in the vocabulary? With a partner, explain why you would or would not.“I would never consider donating my organs because it’s against my beliefs.” C. Listening ComprehensionRead the questions and listen to part 1 of the story about Nicholas Green and his family. Take notes on your notepad. Then summarize the first part of the story with your partner.Where were the Greens from? They were from California in the United States. What were they doing in Italy? They were on vacation. What happened to Nicholas? He was shot and died. What decision did his parents make? They decided to donate his organs to people who were sick. How did the Italian people react? They were very moved. D. DiscussionRead the questions and listen to Part 2. Discuss your answers with a partner.1. What changes occurred in Italy after the Greens made their decision? What is DThe Nicholas Effect‖?People started to think differently about organ donation.The number of people who were willing to become organ donors increased by three to four hundred percent.2. How many people received one of Nicholas’s organs? What effect did his gift have on their lives?Seven. One woman was able to see and the rest had their lives saved.3. As a result of this incident, what are the Greens doing today?They work to support organ donation. New Words★ donatev. give something to a person or an organization in order tohelp them 捐赠, 赠予 Phrases and Expressionsin a big hurry keep up with the pace stay on one’s toe非常匆忙 跟上节奏、步伐 落脚 SpeakingPolitely Ask Someone Not to Do Something3A. Conversation Snapshot B. Grammar3C. Rewrite Sentences Conversation SnapshotA: Do you mind my smoking here? B: Actually, smoking kind of bothers me. I hope that’s not a problem. A: Not at all. I can step outside. B: That’s very considerate of you. Thanks for asking.Ways to soften an objection I hope that’s not a problem. I hope you don’t mind. I hope it’s OK / all right. I don’t mean to inconvenience you.Rhythm and intonation practice Conversation SnapshotStrategies for Speaking? Use Do you mind to express concern that an intended action may offend ? Use actually to object politely? Use expressions such as I hope that’s not a problem to soften an objection? Say Not at all to indicate a willingness to comply B. GrammarPossessives with gerunds. C. Rewrite SentencesCombine the two statements, using a possessive with a gerund.Example: They allow smoking. I’m not in favor of it.I’m not in favor of their allowing smoking.1. He plays his MP3 player in the library. I don’t appreciate that.I don’t appreciate his playing his MP3 player in the library. __________________________________________________2. They smoke cigars in the car. My mother objects to it. My mother objects to their smoking cigars in the car. __________________________________________________3. She’s talking on her cell phone. We don’t mind it.We don’t mind her talking on her cell phone. __________________________________________________ 4. My brother litters. I’m really annoyed by it. I’m really annoyed by my brother’s littering. __________________________________________________ Reading3Text A Text B3Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary Activity Text A3Warm-upText3Exercises Warm-up1. Do you like to live in a big city? Why or why not? 2. What is the ideal big city like in your mind? Please describe it. Text ACanberra: A Planned CityAre planned cities too sterile? Not according to most people who live in or visit Canberra, Australia. With a population of just over 323 000, it is not a megacity ― but it is Australia’s largest inland city and its capital. Opinions of the entirely planned city cite plenty of pros and not a lot of cons. According to the travel guide Lonely Planet, it is Da picturesque spot with beautiful galleries and museums, as well as excellent restaurants, bars, and cafes.‖ One of the world’s greenest cities, Canberra is surrounded by nature reserves, and a great deal of city land was set aside for parks and gardens. Canberra is proof that ― with proper planning ― the environment can be preserved in densely populated cities and towns. Text ACanberra also has excellent infrastructure. With wide roads that use roundabouts, rather than traffic lights, to regulate the flow of traffic, the city offers the shortest average commute times in Australia. Most city roads also have bike lanes, making cycling an important form of transportation in Canberra. As a result of careful planning, Canberra offers the benefits of city living without the urban problems such as pollution and traffic. Not only does Canberra have clean air and water and good roads, but it also has affordable housing (cheaper than Sydney or Melbourne) and an abundance of health-care facilities. As the seat of Australia’s government, Canberra has low unemployment and high education and income levels. It is a relatively safe city, with no murders reported in the
financial year. Canberra shows that planned cities can be great places to live and work. Exercises3Exercise A Exercise B Exercise ACheck whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).1. Canberra suffers from a lack of culture and entertainment. F 2. Transportation is a problem in Canberra. 3. Canberra has high levels of pollution. F 4. Housing is not a problem for most people in Canberra. T 5. A high percentage of people in Canberra cannot find work. FF6. Crime is low in Canberra. T Exercise Blist one aspect of life in Canberra that appeals to you. Explain your answer. Text B3Warm-up Text3Comprehension Exercises Warm-upWhat problems do you think cities of 10 million or more peoplemight share? Discuss and share your opinion with your partner. Text BThe Advent of the MegacityFollowing is an interview with Dr. Janice Perlman, founder and president of Mega-Cities Project, Inc. Her organization attempts to make cities worldwide more livable places by taking good ideas from one place and trying to make them work in another.Mexico City over 18 million (2005)Q. How do you define Dmegacity‖? A. We define megacities in our work as cities that have reached populations of 10million or more. The majority of these are in developing countries. Migration to the city is the route for many people to greater choice, opportunity, and well-being. By coming to settle in the city, they have in effect Dvoted with their feet.‖Q. Why are these places going to be very important in the next hundred years? A. The 21st century won’t be a century of rural areas and small towns but of giantcities that will set the standard of how we live, how our environment is preserved (or not preserved), how our economies work, and what kind of civil society we develop.Q. Do megacities in the developed and developing world differ, or are they linkedby certain similarities? Text BA. These large cities have a lot more in commonwith each other than they do with the small towns and villages in their own countries. For example, every megacity struggles with a widening gap between rich and poor. Every Dfirst-world‖ city, such as Los Angeles, New York, London, or Tokyo, has within it a Dthirdworld‖ city of poverty and deprivation. And every thirdworld city, such as Calcutta, Cairo, or Mexico City, has within it a first-world city of high culture, technology, fashion, and finance.Tokyo over 28 million (2005)In addition, all megacities share the problems of providing jobs and economic opportunities, and making housing, education, and health care available. They deal with crime and violence, as well as basic infrastructure such as water, sanitation, and public transportation. This is no easy task. The leaders of these cities recognize that they have similar problems, and they would like to learn more from other cities, particularly about successful solutions. If we are going to create livable cities for the next century, we will need to be clever enough to do it through collaboration and cooperation. That is why the Mega-Cities Project works to share experiences that work across boundaries of culture and geography. Text BQ. Is the solution to urban problems strict central planning? A. Absolutely not. We need decentralized planning that includes local citizens. In myview, attempts to create planned cities or communities ― like Brasí or lia Chandigarh ― are too sterile and miss the spontaneity of cities that grew organically, like Rio de Janeiro, Bombay, or even New York City. The best example of urban planning I’ve seen recently is in Curitiba, Brazil, which set up a brilliant public transportation system in anticipation of population growth. The historic areas of cities like Siena, Paris, or Barcelona all have elements of planning that led to buildings of similar heights and architecture, but they were not centrally planned. There is a lot of diversity within the design, and people love to go to those cities. Megacities are really very exciting places. The truth is, I’ve never met a megacity that I didn’t like!Source: U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division Comprehension Exercises3Exercise A Exercise B Exercise ACheck whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).1. According to Dr. Janice Perlman, most megacities are livable places for people. ( F )2. Settling in the city means greater choice, opportunity and well-being to people. ( T )3. Large cities have nothing in common with each other. ( F )4. All megacities share the problem in getting employment, housing, education and health care. ( T ) 5. According to the interviewee, most megacities are in developed country. ( F ) 6. From the passage, it can be inferred that nearly all megacities were not decentralized. ( T ) 7. Leaders of megacities have realized the similar problems and began to learn more from each other. ( T ) 8. According to Dr. Janice Perlman, she hates megacities. ( F ) Exercise BDiscussion1. Why does Dr. Perlman say she prefers cities that are not planned over planned cities?Answers will vary. ___________________________________________________________2. Why do you think Dr. Perlman thinks megacities are exciting? Do you agree? Answers will vary. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Do you live in a megacity, or have you ever visited one? What are the pros and cons of living in a megacity? Answers will vary. ___________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think life in megacities will improve in the future or get worse? Why? Answers will vary. ___________________________________________________________ Vocabulary ExerciseFill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words chosen from the box. Change the forms where necessary.link advent preserve absolutely spontaneitywell-beinggapcollaborationanticipationelementlink 1. There is a strong _____________ between population growth and the increase in what are called greenhouse gases. 2. The _____________ of the Web as a research tool has greatly expanded the advent availability of information while reducing the amount of time needed on each task. 3. Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations win and _____________ the heart. preserve absolutely 4. It is _____________ essential for all the applicants to be interviewed one by one. spontaneity 5. Winfrey’s talent for public performance and _____________ in answering questions helped her win fame. Vocabulary Exerciselink well-being advent gap preserve collaboration absolutely anticipation spontaneity element6. Post-retirement employment appears to be beneficial for the psychological well-being _____________ of those who have retired. gap 7. The government will have to raise taxes to plug the _____________ between revenue and spending. collaboration 8. Scientists hope the work done in _____________ with other researchers may be duplicated elsewhere. 9. The architect and the decorator try to sustain and increase this excitement anticipation and _____________ as the spectator moves through the theater. element 10. The single most important _____________ that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting. Vocabulary ActivityMatch the name of the city with the country, which it belongs to.A. TokyoB. Brasilia C. Bombaya. Britainb. France c. BrazilD. Mexico CityE. Los Angeles F. Barcelonad. Indiae. Egypt f. MexicoG. CairoH. Paris I. Londong. United Statesh. Spain i. Japan WritingFormal Letters3Step 1 Prewriting Step 2 Writing3Step 3 Self-Check Step 4 Peer Response Complain About a ProblemFormal letters Step 1 Prewriting. Listing ideas.Think of a problem in your community that you would like to complain about. List reasons why it is a problem.Problem: trash on side of buildingReasons: ― unpleasant to look at― health hazard Problem: Reasons: Step 2 WritingOn a separate sheet of paper, use your notes to write a letter of complaint. State what you intend to do or what you would like to see done. Remember to use the appropriate level of formality. Step 3 Self-Check□ Did you use the proper salutation and closing? □ Are the tone and language in the letter appropriate for the audience? □ Did you use regular spelling and punctuation and avoid abbreviations? Step 4 Peer ResponseExchange letters with a partner. Write an appropriate response to your partner’s letter, as if you were the person to whom it was addressed. Lesson 23ListeningSpeaking3Reading Writing ListeningTalk About Living in the City Listen to the conversation twice and then do the following exercises.3Exercise A Exercise B3Phrases and Expressions Exercise ACheck whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).1. Matt thinks people’s behavior in the city is unacceptable at times. ( T )2. It really bugs Sandra when people bump into her on the street. ( F )3. Matt thinks city people are impolite and discourteous. ( T ) 4. Matt thinks it is inconsiderate when people litter. ( T ) 5. Matt does not mind when people talk loudly on their cell phones. ( F ) Exercise BListen to the conversation and circle the letter of the correct answer.1. Matt is up to _____. a. plan a trip to visit his grandparents in the country b. go abroad c. get away from city 2. Matt is a _____ at heart. a. city boy b. country boy c. cowboy 3. Matt is sad because _____. a. people bump into him b. people walk away c. people ignore her Phrases and Expressionsbe up to bump into 决定 撞击;邂逅tick off责备,怒斥某人 SpeakingPolitely Ask Someone Not to Do Something Listen to the Conversation Snapshot again and then do the following exercises.3A. Word Skills B. Pair Work3C. Listing Inappropriate BehaviorConversation Starter A. Word SkillsUsing negative prefixes to form antonyms.1. acceptable → unacceptable 2. considerate → inconsiderate 3. polite → impolite 4. proper → improper 5. respectful → disrespectful 6. responsible → irresponsible B. Pair WorkUse a dictionary to find antonyms for the following words. What other adjectives can you find with negative prefixes?inappropriate 1. appropriate →__________ 2. courteous → discourteous __________ 3. excusable → inexcusable __________ 5. honest →__________ dishonest6. pleasant →__________ unpleasant 7. rational →__________ irrational4. imaginable → unimaginable __________8. matureimmature →__________ C. Listing Inappropriate BehaviorWrite your own examples of inappropriate behavior.Example: it’s inconsiderate to play loud music on a bus.It’s disrespectable to talk back to your parents. _______________________________________________________ It’s impolite to be late to class. _______________________________________________________ It’s dishonest to cheat on a test. _______________________________________________________ It’s inconsiderate to use a cell phone in a restaurant. _______________________________________________________ It’s unacceptable to litter on the street. _______________________________________________________ Conversation StarterNow politely ask someone not to do something. Reading3Topic Preview Text C3Inferential Questions Topic PreviewThink about a city you have lived in or visited. Then complete the chart with your opinions.City Things you like about the city Things you dislike about the city Trends (general changes taking place) in the city Things that could be done to improve life in the city Text C3Warm-up Text3 Understanding the Structure of the TextVocabulary Exercise3 Phrasal VerbsStructure and Usage Warm-up1. What cities in the world can be called Dmegacity‖ in your mind? Why?2. What are the common features of megacities in the world? Text CManagement of Calcutta Megacity by Samiul Hasanand M. Adil KhanPara 1 In 1995 an estimated 2.4 billion or 45% of the world population lived in urban centers. Almost 20% of this urban population lived in 26 megacities with more than eight million people each. Three of these megacities are in India ― Calcutta, Delhi and Mumbai. Calcutta is inhabited by more than 12 million people.Para 2 Calcutta has grown to a megacity from a small trading post of the English East India Company established in 1690. Since India’s independence in 1947 the fast growth in population coupled with a lack of good income opportunities and abilities to access services equitably have been contributing to the increase in slum settlements, illegal construction and undesirable land-use changes, as well as deterioration in air and water quality and poor health and hygiene in Calcutta. These conditions have adversely affected the human environment and threatened social order. Text CPara 3 Since the independence of India, subsequent city governments in Calcutta, like many others in large cities, have been finding it difficult to improve the living conditions of its residents, and, due to refugee and other migration problems caused by the independence, engaged themselves in the crisis management type of shortterm planning. The long-term planning of Calcutta did not start until about the late 1970s. The main objective of this article is to highlight these long-term proactive efforts and demonstrate how a long-term vision and a more holistic plan is the key to successful management of urban areas, especially the megacities. Para 4 To understand its management implications one must understand various concepts and definitions associated with Calcutta ― the capital of West Bengal (a province of India). The followings describe the different definitions, jurisdictions and authorities of DCalcutta‖. The so-called Calcutta Dcore‖ city is 100 km2 in area with a population of 3.3 but the Calcutta Municipal Corporation (CMC) has an administrative boundary of 140 km2 with a population of a little more than four million, whereas Calcutta Metropolitan Area (CMA) has a population of 11.86 million living in an area of 1380 km2 . In this work, unless otherwise mentioned, DCalcutta‖ refers to Calcutta Metropolitan Area (CMA). Text CPara 5 The CMA comprises three municipal corporations (MCs), 35municipalities, three notified area authorities and 20 panchayet samities (elected mid-tier rural local body). The three municipalcorporations of CMA, Calcutta, Howrah and Chandonnagar, are thehomes of around 44% of the CMA population. About 36% of the CMA population lives in smaller urban settlements and around 13% in non-municipal urban areas. Rural areas constitute over one-third of theCMA’s land area and house 7% of its population. Text CPara 6 The Oxford English Dictionary defines Dmanagement‖ as Dto control the course of affairs by one’s own action‖. DManagement‖, in the sense of resource management, may mean interventions which are compatible to exploration, use and conservation of resources in a manner that, on the one hand, maximizes its use and, on the other, minimizes the waste. The key element in a megacity management is to view the city and its people both as a source of production (resource) and as a participant in consumption (waste) and to help create a balanced link between the two, whereby consumption demands do not offset the production capacities. Thus exploration and understanding and appropriate use of the Dresource‖ on the one hand and its protection and conservation and prevention of waste on the other will be the most essential aspects in megacity management. Most importantly, however, in the management of a megacity, as is the case in the management of a nation, the planners must view its residents as the movers of the economic activities, and thus make provisions for healthy living and economic participation. Text CPara 7 Again management has two aspects to it ― curative or reactive management and preventive or proactive management. In most Asian mega, metro or large cities urban management refers mainly to curative, reactive or ad hoc management ― attending to the demands of the new arrivals in the city on a more localized basis. The preventive or proactive management or undertaking of some indirect measures to affect the course of action in the future is yet to become an established practice in most cities. As a matter of fact, during the early 1980s, due to the sudden and unforeseen political and economic changes at the global level, and the new economic and political role bestowed upon the cities by these changes, the city planners’ ability to sit back and take a long-term view also has become somewhat stifled and constrained. Text CPara 8 The case of Calcutta is particularly relevant in this regard. Both national and international events vastly changed the pattern of Calcutta over time, and the speed with which these changes occurred rarely allowed its planners to take a more holistic and long-term view in planning its affairs. In recent years, however, some elements of stability seem to have returned to the city, which, among other things, is allowing its planners to take a preventive and proactive type of planning approach rather than a Dfire-fighting‖ type of planning. In fact, the initiatives taken by the present government of West Bengal to view Calcutta more as an important part of the state/national economy, rather than a stand-alone city, has helped its planners to treat the city and its problems in a more holistic and dynamic manner. This trend seems to correspond well with Drakakis-Smith who suggests that urban policies in the developing world need to shift from Dcontaining urban growth to guiding it‖. This Dguiding‖ could be done in two ways: within the city in a localized form or outside the city (or a combination) in a broader form. Understanding the Structure of the TextRead the text again and discuss with your partner the structure of the text, try to fill in these blanks.I. Introduction to the purpose of writing this article (Paras 1C 3)Three of twenty-six megacities with more than 8 million people each are in India. the fast growth in population The human environment has been affected by 1________________________. highlight these long-term proactive efforts The main objective of this article is to 2________________________________ demonstrate how a long-term vision and a more holistic plan is the key and 3___________________________________________________________ to successful management of urban areas, especially the megacities _______________________________________________________________. II. Calcutta: different names and dimensions (Para 4 C 5) Calcutta Metropolitan Area (CMA) refers to an area of 1380 km2 with a population of 11.86 million 4_____________________________________________. three municipal corporations 35 municipalities CMA comprises 5_________________________, 6_____________________, three notified area authorities and 20 panchayet samities. Understanding the Structure of the TextIII. Megacity management (Paras 6 C 8)The key element in a megacity management is to view the city andits population both as 7____________________ and as a source of production 8_______________________. a participant in consumption reactive management Management has two aspects ― 9__________________ and preventive management 10____________________. Calcutta has attempted to achieve the goal of both aspects. Inferential Questions1. What is the primary purpose of this passage? a. To show the poor human environment and bad social orders in Calcutta. b. To highlight the best practices to help manage problems in megacities. c. To tell readers that Calcutta is not an ideal place to visit. d. To describe the hardship that people must endured in megacities. 2. According to the passage, how many people inhabited in the 26 megacities in 1995? a. 208 millionb. 480 millionc. 800 million d. 2.4 billion Inferential Questions3. Which of the following statements about the city governments of Calcutta after 1947 is supported by the passage?a. They improved the living conditions of the residents in Calcutta.b. They were governing a population of 11.86 million in CMA area.c. They had no holistic plan for more than two decades. d. They had made a detailed plan for the development of Calcutta. Vocabulary ExerciseFill in the blank in each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given.1. Five thousand years ago, these remote islands were _______________ (inhabit) only by birds and animals. inhabited deterioration 2. There has been a continuing _______________ (deteriorate) in the relations between the two countries. interventions 3. Repeated _______________ (intervene) on the current markets have failed to prevent the value of the currency failing. municipality 4. The _______________ (municipal) provides services such as electricity, water and rubbish collection. provision 5. The _______________ (provide) of good public transport will be essential for developing the area. Vocabulary Exercise6. Her Mother found her letter at the bottom of a pile of business _________________ (correspond). correspondence implication 7. The minister’s _________________ (implicate) of his co-workers in the fraud was crucial to the government’s case. assist 8. Mr. Smith will be expected to _________________ (assist) the editor with the selection of illustrations for the dictionary. jurisdiction 9. In fact, issues of citizenship are beyond the _________________ (jury) of local government. 10. It is said that the company offers a _________________ (contribute) contributory pension scheme as well as other benefits. Phrasal VerbsMatch the phrasal verbs to the definitions given below and fill in the blanks in the sentences with their proper forms.sit back sit around set back set aside set forth keep sometime, especially time or money for a special purpose delay the progress or development of something write or talk about an idea, argument, or a set of figures relax and make no effort to get involved in something spend a lot of time sitting and doing nothing very useful1. The bad weather will _________ our building plans by three weeks. set back 2. Tom and I used to just _________ for hours talking about the meaning of life. sit around 3. We should try to _________ at least one hour each day for learning new vocabulary. set aside 4. Do not just _________ and wait for new business to come to you. sit back 5. Rousseau(卢梭)_________ his theories on education in his book DEmile‖. set forth Structure and UsageCircle the correct answers to complete the sentences.1. _____ is known to all, smoking is harmful to people’s health.a. What b. As c. Which2. The lack of rain _____ with the high temperature caused the crops to fail. a. coupled b. coupling c. to couple3. The murder was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back. a. being tied b. having tied c. tied4. The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy _____ the required information. a. access in b. access with c. access to Structure and Usage5. As a result of destroying the forests, a large of _____ desert covered _____ the land.a. number … hasa. comprised … ofb. quantity … hasb. comprised … byc. quantity … havec. comprised … with6. The class is _____ mainly _____ Italian and French students.7. If only he _____ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so such now. a. lies b. lay c. had lain8. The new laws do not seem to be _____ the government whole policy on education.a. compatible to b. compatible with c. compatible on WritingAn E-mail letter to An International Website3Step 1 Prewriting Step 2 Writing3Step 3 Self-check Step 1 Prewriting. Listing ideas.Think about how visitors to your country generally behave, both positive and negative aspects. List reasons WRITING MODEL why their behavior is either positive or a problem. If it is a problem, list how you would like behavior to change.______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Step 2 WritingUse your notes to write an e-mail letter to an international tourism website. Remember to state how you feel about the behavior and, if appropriate, how you would like behavior to change. Step 3 Self-check□ Did you use the proper salutation and closing? □ Are the tone and language in the letter appropriate for the audience?□ Did you use regular spelling and punctuation and avoid abbreviations? Extended ExercisesCloze3Sequencing Sentences Translation3Error CorrectionIdioms and Proverbs ClozeIn this part, a passage is given with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices in the word bank. Read the passage carefully before making your choices. you may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. ClozeA. conveyF. estimate K. valuableB. imagineG. assistance L. achievementC. comprehend D. confidentH. react M. disorderly I. collect N. reactionsE. mentallyJ. delicate O. formA it casters to the basic creative instinct which is present in everyone. It can impart (告知, 透露) a great feeling of 1_______ especially to children who as yet L have not been able to gain much of a sense of success from their other efforts in life. E It also helps backward children to develop 2_______ and physically. Their D confidence grows as they experience success in art, and a 3_______ child learns more easily than a tense one. Physically handicapped (残废的) children benefit because their motor control improves as they attempt to make more 4_______ J movements with their hands and as they gradually impose more control upon themselves. K Art is particularly 5_______ to mentally handicapped children who find it difficult to communicate their ideas and emotions and who perhaps even finds it difficult to 6_______ them themselves. Subnormal (低于正常的) children with very limited C vocabularies may find that painting is easier than talking, and through paint they are able to express ideas, emotions, and 7_______ to situations and experiences. N ClozeA. convey F. estimate B. imagine G. assistance C. comprehend D. confident H. react I. collect E. mentally J. delicateK. valuableL. achievementM. disorderlyN. reactionsO. formChildren need to communicate in two ways. First, they have to 8_______ information to other people. Secondly, they have to A communicate with themselves. If children do not have words to use, their minds are, inevitably, a 9_______ mixture of responses to which they M can 10_______ only emotionally, often with frustrations. Through their H paintings such children are not consciously trying to tell other people that they have certain feelings. With the paint they are able to create a concrete, permanent statement of feeling and so the emotion becomes intense and under more control. Sequencing SentencesChoose six sentences from the following list to rearrange them into a coherent paragraph.1. One day, an ape named Kala was lagging behind as her family moved through the jungle. 2. Soon the family reached the shore of a nearby island. 3. Kala was very sad because she had lost her baby to the apes’ great enemy, Sabor the leopard. 4. One look around told her that the evil Sabor had visited this place, too.5. Just then Kala heard the cry of another baby and followed the sound to the tree house.6. Kala knew that the tiny creature she had found needed care. 7. Tarzen gently took Jane’s chin in his hand and said DJane.‖ 8. She gently scooped him up in her hard and strong arms. ( 1 )―( 3 )―( 5 )―( 4 )―( 6 )―( 8 ) TranslationTranslate the following Chinese into English.1. 除了伦敦的公寓,杰克还在意大利有一座别墅,在苏格兰有一座城堡。(in addition to) In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland. 2. 他试图和妻子开个玩笑,但得到的反应只是沉默。(attempt to, be received) He attempted to make a joke with his wife, but it was received in silence. 3. 史密斯先生总是每天拨出些时间给孩子们读故事。(set aside) Mr. Smith always sets some time aside every day to read stories to his children.4. 这实际上是一种朋友之间的交流,而不是吵架。(kind of, rather than)It is really a kind of communication between friends, rather than a quarrel. 5. 由于提前接受了训练,因此他在最新的影片中的特技效果极为出色。(as a result of, special effect) As a result of being trained in advance, the special effects in his latest film are brilliant. Error CorrectionIn this part, there is a passage with altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word, or delete a word. Mark the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided.As behavioral sciences develop, researchers find that the importance of speech has been overestimated. Though speech is most obvious form of communication, it is not the only means by which we communicate. Speech is probably the most conscious way in which we communicate, but we do use other means in which we may be only partially aware or in some case, completely unaware. It is possible that we are unconsciously picking up by observers and used in forming opinions. These unconscious actions and reactions to them on the part of others may in part count for the Dlove at first sight‖ and Dsnap judgments‖.1__________ the most of 2__________ cases 3__________ picked 4__________ account 5__________ Error CorrectionWe communicate a great deal, the researchers have found, with our bodies ― the way we move, sit, stand and that we do with our hands and heads, for example. Imagine a few people sit in a waiting room: one is drumming his fingers on his briefcase, another keeps rubbing his hands together, another is biting his fingernails, still another grasps the arms of his chair tightly and final one keeps running his fingers over his hair. These people aren’t talking, but they are Dsaying‖ a lot of if you happen to know the Dlanguage‖ they are using. what 6____________ sitting 7____________a final 8____________ / 9____________Two of the most Dtelling‖ forms of behavior are driving a car and playing games so as card games or chess. It is 10___________ such interesting to notice people’s reaction to stress in these situations and to aggressive behavior of others. Idioms and ProverbsMatch the idioms and proverbs with their meanings, and then complete the following sentences with the idiomatic expressions. Change the word form where necessary.1. too many chiefs and not enough Indians a. examine a group of people and decide which are good and which are not so good b. a situation where there are too many people giving instructions and not enough people doing the work c. have the benefits and advantages of two different things.2. separate the sheep from the goats3. the best of both worlds 4. in the balanced. in a situation where there are two equally unacceptable alternativese. the situation is uncertain and it is not clear what is going to happen5. between the devil and the deep blue sea Idioms and Proverbs1. It is very important to let the manager of human resources department know that examining job applications is the first stage in _______________________________. separating the sheep from the goats2. My parents live in the center of town, but only 5 minutes from the beach. They have _______________________________. the best of both worlds3. The corporation between his company and P & G wasn’t successful too many chiefs and not enough Indians because there were D________________________________.‖ 4. When the new product didn’t take off, the Marketing Director was caught _________________________________! between the devil and the deep blue sea5. The future of the company is _______________________________ in the balance while the takeover bid is being examined. Checkpoint3A. Listening Comprehension B. Crossword Puzzles3C. Writing A. Listening ComprehensionListen carefully to the conversation about cities. Check the adjectives that are closest in meaning to what people say about each place. Listen again if necessary. B. Crossword Puzzles1 3PRES2E N VRVEP4SO P U7O5COMM6UNI R O NTYI A L9 8R F B A O N OD I V E RL AA E C I LTI O A N1210M E NIC U L T11S I T YITATI TONTUA T E R E U B U R BASSOCI E13S B. Crossword PuzzlesAcrosspreserve 1. In the summer time, you can _________ large crops of fruit by freezing or bottling.community 5. Everyone should invest some time in _________ service. 9. As everyone in the world can see that China is striding ahead in her economic _________ construction. sanitation 11. Poor _________ might be the cause of the spreading of the disease. associate 12. It is not right for you to _________ happiness with having money. suburb 13. Colorful leaves in Beijing’s _________ have attracted many local citizens. B. Crossword PuzzlesDown 2. The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its environment _________. population 3. We have a growing _________ and therefore we need more food. social 4. Many _________ services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city. 6. The quality of _________ living has been damaged by excessive noise urban levels. diversity 7. We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural _________ of the United States. facilities 8. The community center provides _________ for a whole range of leisure activities. culture 10. Beijing is a good city for anyone who is interested in _________. C. WritingIn this part, you are required to write a composition of about 120-150 words based on the following outline.Health Gains in Developing CountriesLife Expectancy Infant Mortality 250 deaths per 1 000 births C. WritingOutline: 1. Describe the graph. 2. Possible reasons for this situation. 3. Your conclusion.Reference Sample
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